PC 87-115~ ~ _ ~ t ~~"~j ;~ ~ ,~..,,y r;~l i~ f~ RESOLUZ'ION N0. PC87-115 ~ ~ ~ A RGSOLUTION UE THF ANAHPIM CITY PLANN;:~Vc; COMMISSIUN THAT PGTITION ! OR COI3DI'.CTONAL US~; PGRMTT N0. 2916 aF GRANTGD v~HER~AS, the Ar~aheim City .Planning C~mrnissi.on di.d raceive a verif.ied `: Pel-i~ioiz fc~r Conuitional Use Permit Lrom MIRAC,OMI~ AVEPiUE PAR`PNFRS, ~i13 S. ;~ Glassell Str~et, Oranye, CA 92666, owners, JGRRY P~,CK, 29i0 E. Miralc~~a ~~ A:~:~cue, Mi.ra.lomG Av~nue, Ariah^im, CA 9?.p06, of cer.tain reai prAper~y situated in tY~e Ci t~~ of Anaheim, C.ouni:y of qranye, State of C~~tlifornia, descr. ibed as: PARCEL A: PARCF:L 2, IN `PHE CI`PY OF' AN~'~HLIM, ~OUN'1'Y (;F ORAI~IU'E, STAT~: Ul~ CALIFORNIA ~ AS SIipWN ON A MF1F RECOFZUED IIV BOUK 218 PAGCa 16 AND 17 Or PARCEsL N,APS IN TEIE OFf~ICE OP 'PHE COUIvT'1 RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. RF.SERVING TEIEREFR~Jh1 AN EAS~ML[JT EC~R :CNGRESS AND EGRESS AS SET FURTH IN 'i'Fi~T C~:f2TA'N "AGRGEMhN'P FOR MUTUAL INGi~LSS ANP '3GRESS" RFCORD~D F~,9FtUARY 9, 19~i7 AS DOCUMFNT P10. 87-U73375 QF OE~EICIAL P.ECORDS AtdD AS SHOWN UN :iAID PARC;E;L MAP. PARCEL B: AN EASF,MENT POR YNGI2GSS AND EGRESS AS SET FOR'tH IN '.CHA'P CER~'AIN ".4GL2L:EMGNT SG'P MUTUAL iNGRGSS A~iD GGRESS" RECQRDrD t'GBRUARY 9, 19£37 AS DCCUMEN`P NU. 67-~773375 0~ OrrTCZAL F.ECOR~S RND A:; SEIOWN Otd SAID PARCEL MPA TN Pn~~EG A A~OVE. p~FiERL•'AS, the C~ ty pianning Commission c3id hold a public heariny at the Civic Cenl-~r in the City of An~.h~i m on May 27, 19II%, ac ~:30 p.m. notice ~f aai~3 public h:~aring h~ving b~en duly aivcn , us reguired by law and i: accordGnce w.ith the provisions oE the Anahein~ t t+lunici~al Code, Chzpter 18.03 to he~r ar~c~ cons.ider ,--~id~nce [or and again;~t , sai.d propose~ condiri~nal use permit anr] to .invest ' tr,erewi~:.h; and i igate ai~d rnake ti~d.ings and recoimT~~ndal.ions in connection WH~RLAS, said Commission, after. due inspect:ion, invesl:iqati.r,n and study made bx ~~sel# and in its behalf, and a~ter due consideratioa of all eviden~.e and reparts r.~tEered ak said t~earinr3r ~;oes finu :~nd de~ermine th~ fo~,lowing fact ~: ~i 1. That l:he pr~~,o~~;] sse is pro~erly cnc f~r which a con:]itiona.l use permit is ~uth~rized l,y Anaheim trunici.pal Cor?~ ~Arrion 18.61.050.'001 to wit: to perrnit aut~~rnohile re~,aiz w.it}:in a~ existing industrial building with waiver of khe iol.lowinc~: SF.CTIONS 18.06.050.QZ22 - Minimum niirnber of~arking spaces. 1d.Ob.050.Q31 (27 required; 10 proposed) ~+ AND .19.()6.U80 2. That tne proposec: use wi11 nor advers~ly aFfech. t.he zZdjoin?ng lar,d u;;es and th~: c~rowth and develo~ment of the area in ~,rhic;~ it is proposed to be l~cated. 113.1r PC87-115 ~s~ee 3• Tha~ the requesLed waiver is her~.b Y ~ran~eci on the basis ~hat the parking waiver wi11 not cause an increase in traffi,c cc»gestion in the immediatc vicinicX nor adverse.ly a.Egect any adjoining land uses and o.f thc parking wa~ver unc7er tl~e conditi.~ns i,mposed, if any, will not be detriment~l to tl~e neace, health, safety and 9ranting oF hhe Cif:y of Anaheim and that, as stipulated to byjthe ~ tit:onerhetherezare no more than 10 c~is~omer. s on ti~e premises at any c~n~ time. 4' T1i~~ t~~~' ~~ruposed use is t~ereb petitioner's sti~ulation that ti~e;.e shall bF; no ~n rF~ yranted subject ~o the premi.ses at any one t.i.me and that a17. work on and s~orage oE~Cehicles ~or vehicle parts r~il.l be insi~e tha faci.lity, ~. That ~he si.ze and 5hape oF ttie s~t,~ ~ adequate to a11ow the fu11 develapment of the ~'ropo~e~ t°L thE uye i: detr.i.ment,al to th~ particular area nor ~a ther~p~$E~~ use in a mannet nok gen~ral welf.a--e oE che Citizens oF th~ Ciry c~f Anahe m cP' health, safet,~ and 6. Tllat thc~ grant'rig of th~ Conditional Us~ P~~mit under the conc;itions imposed, if any, wi11 ;~ot be detrimental to s~feL-y and gen~ral wc~l[are of t:he C.it:izens of the Cit~ th~ p~~ce, health, } of Anahei~n. 7. Tlzzt t;he traf[ic generaced by t}~e pr~p~~~~~ us,~ ~,~ill not impose an unc~ue burd~n up~n th~: street, and highways design~~ and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 8. Th~t n~ one indicated their pre~ence at said opposii:ion; ani3 that no corres~~ondcsnc•= Was r~ public hearing in °u~j~~'h ~et:ition. ceived i~ ~ ~positi v1 to the ENVIRONMLNTAL I[~PAC~P FINDING: ~t~hak the ~ Commission has r.eviewed the Anaf~i~ City Planning existing indusL-rial building withQwaiver of~rmlinimam~ nu~rber Qf ~~~~r WJthin an on a rectangularly-sna~ed parcel af lac~d con~.isting ~F a ~'~'~rking spaces acre, haviclg a Ero~itagc o[ appto;cimatell 6~ feet ~n the ,,outhPP a irt~t ely 0.29 Avenue, and being located apprexim~~tely 325 Peet ~ n ~ Miraloma Blue r;~.irn Str.~~eE, 28.18 East Miraloma Fvenue ast ot the cAntErline p; Nagative Declaration u on % an~~ c9oes nereby approve ~h~ Ueclaration tog,~ther wiph arinding that it has considered the NegaEive proce,s arid further. Einding onythe rbasissof l•.h~viniti~l1stu~yhandla y commenAW received tk~at there is no ~ubstantial evidc,ncn that the r~'~ sigr-ific:ant eEfect on the environmenl, ts P• 3 c~ wi.l.l have a P70W, •PHERF,EORF, BE lT RESUI,VED tF»t the Commi~~sion do~s hereb Aliah~im City Plannir~r~ y grant subje~t; petiti~ri Far Conditi~na.l Use Permi`, upon the fo;.lowing coriditions wpiich are hereb l•o the pro~osed use ot the yUb.j~4t Y found ~;.o be a ~~eczssary prerequisite and gene,:al welfar~ oL the Citizens ofr~her~ltY ~~ 1;naheim.~resQrve the sate~y 1• That a trafFic siy~al assessment, fee eqi~aling the diPference between the indus~czal and ~ommercial assesstnenk fees sna.ll De ~aid ~o the C:ity o; Ar~.aheirn in an amowit as de~ermined b~ the ~it:y Council. -Z- PC67~-115 ~ ;. s .;. ~ ": ~ .. . . .. . . . . _ . _ . ' ~ ,. 1 ~," i?~' `,~ .M~ i~r~. ~~ ~' •~`1, i:: '; '~ 1; 2. Th~~t gat~s sha.ll nat be installed across the driveway in a manner ~ which may ac3ver~e~y aff.ect v~hicular t~af.fic in tr« adjac~nt nublic; street. Installation of ariy yates shal.l conForm to Engineering Stand~rd P1an No. 4Q2 and shall be subjecl to th~ rev~.ew and approval ~ of the Cii:y TraFfic k~nyineer. 3. T.hat a11 lockable pedesl-.clan and vehicular acces3 ga~es shall be '~ equipE~ed with a"knox box" device to the satisfaction of the Chief of `' Police ancl the City C'ire Marshall. ~ ~, ,~ 4. :,,~ 4. '1~haL trash storage ar.cas sha11 be provided arid maintained in :r~ accordance vrith approved p1an~ on f'ile witn the Street Niazntenance and ;r Sanitation Division, ;~ a. That a11 ai.r c~nditioning fzcili.ties anc7 other ruo~ and ground mounted e~uiUment shall be properl~~ shie.lded fLU1Il view ~r.om adjar.ent p'roperties. 6. Tl~at the ~~roposal sha11 comply with a11 s:iyning reguirements af the ML Zone, unless a variance allowirig sign waivers is approved by the nlaitriin~~ Commission or Ci~y c~nn~_i , 7. T:~at a maxim~am oE ten ( 10 ) customer vPh.icles she,ll be ~ermitted on the premises at any one kime; and that no ~ut-doot st~rage of or wurk ori vehicles or vehicular parts sh~11 be ~ermi-:ted. ~3. That suUjecr pro~~er.ty shall he Ueveloped substantia~'.ly in accordanct~ wi.1:.h p.lan~~ and s~ecific~~.t.ions on file with th~ City c~f Anaheim inarked Lxhibi.L- Nos. 1 and 2. 9. Thal; pr.ior ;;o the car~mencement oE the actit~ity au~hQ.rized under tr:t~ res~lution, or pr:ior to tssuan~:e oE a building permit, or within a or~riorJ of one year. from Lh~ ~]atEz of i:his resolut-i.on; whichever occurs first, Condition f3o. 1, abovc-•mentionEd, shall be complied with. rxtensions for further cime to co;~plete said concliEion~ may be gran~ed in accordance with S,=~cEion 1~.03.Q~:~O of the F~naheim N,unic~ipal :.ode. l•0. That ~rior to ~.fl~ c-ommencement of the act:ivity authoriz~~d under th~,s CP_5QIl1t~J1'1~ ur .tinal buitdi~i~ a~ci z~~ning inspections wh3.r.hever occurs tirst, Condition P1os. .3, 4, 5 and 8, above-mentio:~e~~~, :;hali be complied with. E3E IT r~ri'PH~R R~~SOLVCD thar the Anaheim C.ty planning Comniission does hereby find and df~tFrmine that adoption nf this Resol.ution is er.pressly pr.e~~ica~ed upon a~plican!-~s cornpliance wi.th e,;h and al.l of the condit.fons hereinabove set forL-h, shoulci any such cvndi~i~ns, or any par.t thereof, be declared invalid or unenEorceable by tt~~ ExnaJ, judgmeht of any cou:~ of c~mpetent ~urisdir,tion, t;hen this Resoluhiun, and uny a~pcova.ls herein contained, shal.l be deemed null and voi.d, '1'HF FURGGOTNG t2ESOLU'~':CON is signe~i and ~~prc~ved by tne Lhis 27th day of tday, 1"f,7. "~~~ 'Cl f..'~" , ..~L~%<'• . ~ ;r~~f ~ , .~..r... C[~AiRMAN~ AiJAHL~IM CTTY PLAM . NG CC?MMI: STON / ~ '3' ~ca~-~i~ ~ ~ .., AT'1'E ST: t/ ^-~.~.L-~c.~ SGCRI,TAR~( ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSL0~1 STATE OE CALIE~RN~A ) CUUNTY OF URANG~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIDi ? I, E~ith L. ~'arris, Secret~ry of. the Anah~im City Planning Commission, do hereby cer.ti.Ey that the foregoing resoluti.on was ~assed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Ylanning Commission he.lu on M~y 27, 1987, by L-he following v~te oE tr,~~ .~embers t~~treoF: AYE:S: CUMf4'ISSIONL~'RS: r'..:IUAS~ ERY, HERBST~ TLA CLAIRE~ LA~IICKI, F1C BURNFY NOBS: COMMISSIUNFRS: NONE AIiSEN`.C: COMMISSIOPIEi~S: MFSSE LN ~?I`CNEaS WHERGOF~ T have hereunto set my tiand thi~ 27kh day of May, 1987, i" _b? ~~ ~C - '~-ts.~____. SECR~TAkY, ANAHLI~1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -4- Pc:87-115 , ~''1