PC 87-116`~ _ - 1 ~~~ ,.~..,., ''~ 2 '. r I R~SOLUTION N0. PC87-11G ~1 R~SC~GU~rzor~ OF Ti3G PLANNiNG COMMIS~TON Or' THE CITX OI' AN~HEIM APPr.QVIfdG API EX`I'ENSION OF x~rtr ~~OR CONUTTIONAL~ USE PERMI:'P N0. 1$00 WHFREA,S, the P.lanning Gommissioa oE the City of Anahei-n heretctor e ac3opted Resolation No. PC7S-~60 on t4arch 2'7, 1978, approving Conditional Use ,. P~rmil Ne. 18UII to rekain an automci:it~e repair facility; and subject to revi~w , for a possible extensi~n of time ori March 27, 1980; and WHFREAS, the permittee has heretotare filed an application Foc ~ retro~acL;ve extension of said time .limitation pursuant to rhe provisions of Section .13.03.093 nL- thh Anaheim Municipal Code; and ' Wi-1EREAS, the Plan~iing Commissi.on held a duly noti.ced public heetring o~i said app].ication on M~y 27, 1987, at which hearing the Planning Commission da.d receive a~td co~isider evidence, bokh oral and documentar.y~ re.lating therPto; and ,,~a WHERFAS, the ~.Zanninq Commi~sion her.eby finds lhat said use is being ~; pxercised in a m~anner not detrim~rita.l L•o t'tc partirular Zr.e~ and surrounraing ;.and ~sPs, nor to the public peace, heal.th, ~afety and general t~relfare; exce~t, howevFr, that ~here was on inaperat,iae vehiclP stored in the p~rkiny lot and one acessocy st~~d which does riot have a building permit within the required 10-fo~t setaar~k are? adjacent to the easterly property line abut~ing a mult!-fam.ily re~identxa.l unit, ;; NOW, THEHEP'ORE, I3L IT ReSOLVED by the Planniny ~;ommission of Lhe ,_' City og Anah~im daes hereby find that the ex.t~nsion oE said ti.me limitation `'` be, and ~he ~ame is hereb 4 Y, ~pproved and that said use is l~ereby extended ~~ : Pxpire on SeptembPr 14, 1987, subject to the following conditions: ti.: 1. `~hat c:urbs, gui~ters, paving and driveways shall be removed and/or reconst:ucted ~~.i~d r~paired a.lon~ Ball Road as requiced by ~he City Fnga.n~er and in acr,or:dance with s!:andarci p1~ns and speci.ficiations on file in .lthe ~~'~ice of the City LnyineHr~ 2. '?'h~t the dr ivawa~~s sha17. be recnnstructed tt~ acco-nmodate ten ( 10 ) fo~t raciius curb returns as requized b~y the~ City mrafEic Engin~;er. 3. That f:urther exte-ssions oE time may be granteca aEter September 16, 198"I, if the abot~e conditi~~ns have been ~ati^fied. i 'tHE FOREGOING RESOLUTFON is siyned and lpproved by me this 27th day i oE May, 1987. ~ ~:-~ ,r i A1~ ANA7~/ `~`~ ~ . - ~ I C'I Y PL NING COMb1ISSION ; ,, ATTE;iT: ~ . ' ~ ~ r . r ~> ^ ~ r ~' ~l ' ~~ I/~ vT~ ~i Sf~CRE'.PARY, ANAHETM .:ITY PL~ANNTNC, COP1;77SS:[ON #1132r Pc87-l ir, ,';1 ri ,~; ; :,; :,~ `: i ''+ `'1: . : -~,,,. ~;,-~r i !r: '~±; , ;`i :r ST.A'Pl: c~~ CA[~TFGF2NIA ) COUN'PY UE Oi2ANGk' ) s:s . CT7`Y CE ANAIiE:TM ) I, ~diLh L. H~arrx~, Ser.retar}~ of, the Anaheim City i~lanning Commission, do hereby sertify that h.tie foreguing r.~~solutia-~ way pt~ssec3 and ad~pted at a m~?ting of the Anaheim Ci.t:y Planning Cummissi.on h~ld on May 27, .1987, by th~ Eollowinq vol•e cE th~ me;nbers thareof: AYL•'5: CUi~ft1ISS1G[d~E~S: E30UAS, CRY, HERI3ST, LA CLAIR~, LAWICKI, MC FtUI2NCY, NOES: COMMISSIOi+F125: f10NE A3Sl.yi': CqMMISSIUVCRS: DiGSSF. IN WI'PNL'SS WHERt:Ur', I have hereunto set my hanci l-his 2%th day oi May, 1987. ~ _ : b ~,~- ~ -~ ~/ ;~i;C}2F,'PARY ~ ANAliL:TM CI7'Y P:,ANNING CO[4~4ISaI0N -'- PCd7-116 ~ ^ ~._1 ~.-' . , y _". ._. ~ , ~.. Sl