PC 87-118F~I;SOLU'i'ION ~IO. PC-1;,8 A Rf;SOLUTI:ON 0[' TEiE: E~GANNING COMMISSION U[' THF CI'PY' Ol ANAHC:CM RECOMMLt~PTNG ADUPTION UE THG REDGVGLOPMEN'i' I~LAN FOR 'rllE APaAEIEIM KA~rcr r~A RLDLVF.LOP[~IEN'r PROJGCT ARGA WHEREl~S, th~ l~naheim Comm~tnity Redevelo~ment Cummis:~ion hus submitGed to the Planning Commisston ~z proposed 12edevelopm~nt. Plan Cor ti~e Anaheim Katel.la Rec~evelo~n~enS: Pr.cject Area; and WHEI?EAS, the Planning ~,;ommission of the Cit:y oi Anaheim has ~ormulatPd anc~ ridu~Le~1 a Preliminary ~?:~an tor the Project; and Wf-fI;REAS, Secci.on 33346 af L•he Communi ty Redcvelopm~nt Law (Health and 3aEety C~de, Sect.ion 330U0 et ~~q. ) providey tk~at.; the Planning Cornmissiort is t:o review ~he pcoposed itedeveioPment Plan and make its teport and r.ecommenda~ions th~rror~ to the C~mmunity Rede:~~~iopmer~t Commissiori ai'ld the City Counci.l, including a~e~ermination that the Redevelor~ment l~tan confnr.ms r_o the Ge~neral Plan of- th-,e City of Anaheirn, and WEI~,RPAS, Section 6,4U2 oL the Gov~rrmenr: Code provid~ ~ in part: "(U; T.F a ger~er~l ~lan or ~art theceoE na~ been aciopL•ed, i~o real proper.ty sh~~11 be acqairr,~,~ by dedicatioi~ ~c otherwise £or stceet, square, park or o~:her pi•r~lic purposes, and no real. pro~erty sh:~11 be dl.st~OSed of, na sl-.rPet si~all be vac~~_NC3 or aoandoned, and no public bui.ldinr~ or :itCUCtIIYB sh~ll bc construrted or. authorized, i.E the adopt2d general n.lan or ~art thereoP a~?plies thereto, unti.l the location, purpo~~ and exGenr. of such acquisition or disoosir.i~~r~, ~uch street vacal-ion or abandonment, or siach public ~ui].dinq or structure hav~ been suomitted t~~ anci reported upon by t:he plannin~ agency a~ to r,onformity w:ith said adoptPd gene'[al E~lan or par, t tl;er. eaf ..." ~(c) A laca.l agency shal.l not acqu;.re real. property for any of the ~:urnuses sp~~c.ified in parayraph (a) nc~r dispo:,P oF. an,y real property, nor c~nscruck or author.ize a public bui.lding or st-~uci:ure, in any co~.inty or city, if 3uch r.ounty or city h~-u adnpLe~ a~~eneral ~lan oc part th~~reof, until L-he locatton, purpose anc3 extent oC such acc;u:sition, disposilio7, or :ur.h public uuilding ~~r structure Fiave been submitted tq and xeported upun by tt~e ~~lanr.ing aqency ha~~ing jurisdickion, aa to confarmit,y with saic: arjopted gen~ral E~lan or ~ar.t Ziiereof.~."; anc] P1fiERF.nS, the above required ceE~or~s and ceeor!~me~ic?~tions, lneluding m.atters ref~rred t:o in S~ction 333-;F uf. rhe FJea1t1: and Safety CodE and Sect•ion 654U2 oE the Gc~v~rnment Code, ar~ to b~ n~ade r.o the Communit,y Redevelopmenh Commiasion a.nd the Cil-y CounciJ. for theic considerar_ion in Acting on the a~lo~tion oE ~hn ~edeveloE~ment Plan; and 4rHEREAS, thP Pianning Comiai~1s.ion has rNCeived a rn~,or~ Erorn che Katella ~r~je~r. Area C~mmitt~e t"PAC") recommending certain arnen~menCa tc the proposed Redeve.lopmene plan Eor the K~telln Redeveio~m~~nt pr~jec~ Ar.ea and £urther recomm?ndi.n~ that ~uch prcposed Ftedev?lo~ment ~~lan be approved as ao amend~d; clnra 1136r P~B7-118 ,~1 ,,~", WHEREAS, the P.lanning Commissior~ has consider•ecf ttie proposed R~devc.lopment Plan, includinc~ the Dratt Cnvironmental Impact Report, and the General Plan oE the Cit,y and other pcr.tinent repoet3 and docurn~n!:s. NOW 7:E1~RF,FURE~ 'i'HE PLANNiCIG CGMMIBSION OL' 'CEiE CITY OI P.NAH~]'~4~ CALIFORNIA, DOLS :Zk.SOC,VL AS EC~LLOWS: Sc'vtiOn 1. Fin~ings. ~Che Planni.ng ;:ommi.ssion hereby finds an~ cietermines that: (a) Pursuani, i:o ,e::tion 33346 of ~he Community h~development: Law, the ~~roposed Redevelo~^~ent P.lan Eor the KaL•ell~z Redevelo~m~nt Pr~j~ct Area (identifi:,~c] as Attachment Nu. 1) c~n.Eorms to r.he Gener~l L'lan oF the City of Anaheim. (k~) Pursuant to Section :33346 oP the Community Redeve.loprnent 1,aw, the pzc~posed Redevelopment P1an, a~ prop~sed by the PAC to be anended, conforr,is to the G~neza~ Plan of the City af Anaheim. (c) Pursuant to Sec+-.ion u54u? of tt~e Gove~rim?nt Cc:de~ wi*_h respect to public acL-ivities which may be undertahen wit:hi.n the Project Area pursuai~t to t:he Red~velopir,ent k~lan, ~:n~3 thah. arc~ refc~rred ~o in ,aid s~ct:on, such acti.vities anc] andertakings coi~£orm t~ the Cenera.l 1~lan of the City oi Anat~ei.m. Section ?.. itc~port and Rec~~n~n~endations. The Pl.anning Commission h~reby reports to the Anaheim itedevelopment Commi.ss.ion an@ t;~~ City C'ouncil of the r,;ity of Anuheim the Ein;lings CEPP.L'CQCI to in Sectlon ? hexeuf, and recommends the ~~pproval and ado~~tion ot said Redevelo~ment Plnn as submitted by the Anaheitn ~.ou~mun~ty Red~velo~mer~t Cummission and as prcposed to pe amende~ by the PAC. In the evenL• that ~e ior t~~ its ador~tion oL thc P.ed~velopmenh. P.lan, the C:h.y Counc:~..l desires i:o tt~~kn ~ny minor, techriical, or clarifying changes to the Redevelopment Plan, the Planning Commission hereby finds and delecmine~ that any suct~ minor, ~echnical, or clari.tying ~hana,es need nat be re~erred to it for Lurt.her r~port and r.ecomm~~nd.~tion, and hereby waive:; i.~s repart an~ r.ecomnendation under Section 33453 of tP~~ Community Redeve.~pment Law concc~rning uny :~u~}i cnange. Scction 3. ~':~ 1?=: Transmittal. 'Ph~ Planniny c;omnission's Secrel•.ary shall transmit a copy oE this Res~lution tc~ the Anaheim Communit,y Redevelopmenh Commission and th~ Ci~y Counc.t? of r,he City of A-~aheim Foc cnnyideration as part of Ghe Camrnission's R~port r_o the City ~ounci.l pursuant to Section 33352 of the Con~mu~tity Redevelopment Law, and this Res~lution sha11 be deemed the reporti and recommendation~ oE the P.l.ann.ing ::ommi.ssi~n concernir-g 1:he propo~.ed Red~velopment N.an and c.ontemplat~d public projec.ts and activiti.es thereunder, as requir~d by an~lirable provisions of 1aw. -2- PC87-•l.le :`1 ~ ~1 1~ ~ r'~, '~ '1 .1 ~'H~ FORCGUTNG P,I;SOf~U7'.Tt~N is signPd and approved by me this 27kh of MaX, 1987. ~ ~ `~~ ~L/~'~ day --~ ~ ..~ ~ ~ - CHAIP,MAN~~ APJAFIE.iM CITy .PLA~~}taING COMMISS;ON AT2'ES'1': ~ • / J ~ ~~ - ~~~~, SECRETAI~Y, ANAEiLIMI CT'PY I'LAN!VING COMN;I S p[~ ~'v~.h ~ ~ STA'I'F. OF CALTF'ORNIA ) , COUNTX OI' OR?1NGE ) ~S. ;' CITY nF ANAHElN ) t~ . ? ~.<.;` I, t:dirh L. Harri:! ~. Commissinn, da hereby r.erti.fy~ that~~ herfore~ninh~~ anaheim Cir a~opted at a meetin aF 9 ~ resolution w~SY Plarzning ' 1987 ~ 9 the ~tinaheim rit~ plannin Passed and I~ ~ ~ Y the falluwing vote of 5 Commissian he].d on hfaY z~ ~ the membecs ~hereuf: ti; AYES: COMM'LSS:IONFRS: ~ NOES: C()MMI,.riSIUNF,RS; g~UAJ, H~kp:rc~ Z+A47TCKI~ MCBURNGY ABSENT: NONF CUMM'I.SSIONrRS: FP,Y, LA CLATR~, MGSSE; ; 'IN W:i.CyES~ WHEREOF, I have her~~unLO sei. my hand th~.; 1987. 7.7th day ot MaY~ ` ~ ~~ I . ~~..~/,._. ; SECR~:'PAi2Y~ ANr1I•IE'2M CTT. p ^'~'~~'~ ~ LAs1I1ING COh~N,T- ~^Sip~j -3- s~ ~/.'-. ~Y).::' i.'. . . ~ i ;; '~I ~,~ ~3;'~ i'! PC87-],l.g '' }. I ?-;'`r ~_.•. r:?. ~ .1 ~.;~~ 1~ .. . . . . . ... .... . ( ~r}~