PC 87-122. ~ ~ . ~. '.+~ - „i. ' ~ F2i:~~OT~UTIUN N0. PCl37-122 A RESOLU7'lON Oh '1'f1E A~IAHF'LM CT'PY pI~ANNIPIG CQDIMTSSION `!'FIAT PL'tI'1`:ON 'rOR CONDIfiI~JNAL US[; P~RMTT NC~. 29.14 f3E GRAN'I'EU WHERCAS, tt~e Anah~im C.iL•y i~Zanniny Con,mis~ion did reccive a v~arif:ie~l Petition for Candition~al Use Per~nit fr.am CHARLE;S E1. PHIC~LIf~S A[~l) LIIVDA PHTL~L:IPS, ~111. N. Lakeview Avenue, Anat~eim, Cali~ornia 92BC17, owner~ of certain rt~a1, pr.operty situated in th~ City ot Anah~im, County of Orange, Stake of C~.lif:ornia, clesr.ribed a~: PARCE[~ ?., AS SHOWN UA1 A P411P elI~EU JN E3UUK ; 16, ~'AGES 14 ANU 15 OE' PARC}:;L MAuS, I"' .liE U[~ [~'IC~' OP 'PIIk, C(~UtdTY ~LCCT:I)EFt UF ORANGG CUUN`PY, CALYEOFtNIA. WEILR~sAS, tne City P.lanning Commissi.on did hold a publi.c hearing at the Civic Cent~r in the City of Anaheim on June 8, 19E37, at 1;30 p.m., notice of said public hearinq having becn ~lu.ty given as rer,~,ired by law and in accordance witt~ i;h~ pCOViSiolls oP the lanahei.m Munic:i.Pal Code, Chapter 1d.03, to hear and consider evidencP For anc: agai.nst s~~id proPosed conditional us~ permit and lo investigat~~ and irake E'indinys .-~nd recommesidatlons in connection tht~rewit:h; anci WH~I2LA,, said Commission, aft~r due inspectior in~/esti.5ation and study rnade by itse.li and .in i;:s b~half., and af~er c~ue r.~~nsir]c~r.ation oE ~11 evidence an<l re~~ort:~ ofCer~c3 at s~.id hearing, does tind ~nd d~herrnine i:he °0.110W111g L"aCtS: 1. `I'hat th~ p~o~o:,~cJ us~~ is praperly r,ne For whzch a ronditiona~ use permi*. is aut}~~rized by Anaheim Municipa.l Code Seck:ion 1~,61.050.G15 tu wiC; to permit a chil~i d~y c~rf~ facility ip conjuncti.on wilh a proporsed indu~tr..ia.l rnedic;al. clinic. 2. ~I't:al the E~ro~l7J4U use is hereby aranted subje<;t :o th~ r~stric~ion that r_{~ere shall be no m~~re than ~ighty-eigh~ (85? cnildren on lhe ~remises at any on~> r_ime i'c~r the cnild care Eacility. 3. That :.he ~sr.o~~osed use ~.+il.l nat advers~~:ly aftecti tn.~ adjoini.ng l~nd use~ ,~nd lhe growth and dr~velo~men~_ c~f: l•he area in whi.ch lt i3 ~COposed tu be localr_d, 4. ~Phar_ tY~e si.ze and shap~~ oC t.Fe site prona~cd for L•he u::,e is adF~q;iat~ to ~llow the fu.l:~ dev~lo~menc oE the proposed ~;se in a manner no1: detrimental tu t.he ~arr.icul~~r area not Ca Lhc p«<re, hcalt~, safety and g~~neral welfart oF rhe Ci~izens of. Che ~ily oE Anal:eim. 5. ~:na~ thrr yranting of t}~e C~nditional U~e Per.m:t under lhe conditions imposr~d, i[ any, wi11 nok ~~e ~3t:1•riment~.l to rh~ ~~~ace, hea.llh, saf.pt~~ and gener~al weltare o[ the CitizF:n:; of ttze Ci.ty ~t An~7hr~im, G. Tl~~<<k ttie t:raEfic gr.nera~~~r) by the ~ropased c~s~~ wil.l not impase an ~,-:l~ie bur.den upon th~ :~tret~t, r~,td h~.ghways desEgned and i:n~rov~~d t~ _.., -__....-..-~_-. ._CCtCCy the traffic in thF area. , .r=: ~ ' ;~!~r'iE' 'w~ ~~ ' 17~36r p~7 4 4'. I.-.., PCG1 /'~1 L . '~'r;.{,,,-.-' , '' 2 ~ ~fj~ )~' ~ kf~t ~' ~ ~ ',; a : ..Y':.:~i,/.!.~.7.'~~~ , . :: ~~j ~,;+ , ~ ;~r~C^~~~ -~. . , . . . . ,... _ , ~ ,_,,.~ -,. , _ _ .. . ,.,_ _. . _,. , . ,,.. ..,., ,.~,.. ,., , ,~ , . _ , ,,„ .. ;. ..... ::~ ~ ' . ~' . .l. y~yr' .. i . . ~,yJ}1p.1 7. That non one indica~ed their ~res~nce at said public hc~ring in oppos:ition; and lhat no correspondence was received in opposikio:7 to hhe subject petition. ENVIRONMlsNTAI~ It4PACT E'IhDING; That the Anaheim City Plannirig Cammission has reviewed ttie propnsal to permit a child dr~y car~ ~acility in conjunction with a, pra~o3Nd industrial mn_dical clinic on a rectangularly- sha~~d parce.l oE land c~nsisting oE a~,proximzte:.y 319 Eeet ori the north side of La pal.na Avenu~, app.:ot;imaLeI.y 760 feet east: ar" thc ceriterline o£ Brasher Street, and fur~:her described aU 5475 Bast I,a Palma Avenue; and does hereby a~prove the Neya~ive Declacation upon findin9 that it h~s considered t.he Negative Declaratian i:ogether wil•h any cc~mments received durinq rhe ~,ubli.c review process and further findi.ng on L-he basi, oE the inicia.l study and any con;nents received thaL- there is n~ subs~ar~lial evi6cnce t:~at L-hc projer.l•. wi11 h~ue Z siyni.f:ic~nt eEfect un ~he ~nvirunment, ~ NUW, 'PiIEREFOIlE~ Bh IT RCSOLVF,U thac the Anah~im Ciky P].anning Commission does t~ereby granl subjec~ Petition for ~;undi.tior.a.l Use PermiE, upoci `' Ll~u ~:ol?owiny Condirions which ar~ hereby f.ound to be a necessar ~' t~7 the pro~ose~ u~e cF thc sitt, ect ~• Y prerequisite ; 7• pcopEtty in order to preserve the safety ;~ ~nd ~ener~l welfare of the Cir_izens of the Ci~y o~ Anahei.m: .1, That a median island sha11 bc insta.lled on La Pa1mu Avenae to t'.~e s<<tisPacr.ion oE khE City Trat'[ic Engineer; and that security in tha ~~r~~ oi a bon~l, car~ificate of depqsir., Jetter ot• credit, or cash shall be po~t~~d ~vith th~ Ci~y to guarantre the satisf~ctor,y compleLion of sai.d improvement:. 5aid ~ecurit,y shall be pcsted with the City within 60 days f.rorn the dal-e oF k}:is r~soluti.on to c~uaranLee the install.ation of the median island wiGhin one year Erom the date o£ sr~c~rity ~ostiny. 2• `Phar_ ~i prr~cise parkiny p.laa shall be r.eviewed and approved by the r:jty TL'dEfic Enylneer. 3. `rhar attendance ~,E subject ~ay c~ce Eacili~y shall not exceed a max:mum aE e.ighty-~ight (88) cr~ildr~~n a~ any one titite. ';. '~~1rzr ~:~~ approv~l of subject requFr~; shall only bec:ame efEective ~' pe-zd~.ng the e[Eective datt oP Urdinanc~~ vo. h827, a~o~ted M~iy 1'l, ~ 19f37, and addir.g child c]uy (;dCQ tacilitie~ a~ a conditiona~ ti a~.cessory use in lh~ ML Zon~~. i ;~ 5. That arior to final buildiny an~: zaning inspectiuns, th2 ~ appropri.ate majc~c thoroughfare and bridye Eee sha11 be paid ~o th~ { Ci.ty uF Anaheim in an n~~a :;. as speciLiec] ir~ the Ma jor ~ Thorough~are and E3ri.dge FEe proyr%~rn Lor ttie Foothill/rastecn 'Cransportation Corcidor, a, ~ip~rovcd by C.i~y Counci.l Re~olut+on N~. 85T2-4`l3. G. That ~~rior L-o iasuance of a bui.ir:iing permit, ~he appr~~riate tratfic signal as~essment f:et sha11 be paid to the City of ~,uaheim in an a:nount a~ ~e~ermin~s~ by the City Coun~`.1. -2- PC87-i22 :..;; .',i1~. ~Y ... .. . . ~ _ ~ . . , 1 '.iJ l '.~';ri~t.;. ,.i . . . . . . ... . .. } ~~ ~ ~ ~ 7. `Chat a11 dciveways shall be constr.-icted or. rer.~nstructad to s accommodah.e i:en (10) faoC ra~ius curb returns as requir?d by tn~ ' CiL•y ~Praffic Fngi-ieer. II. 't~hat drainac~e o[ subjec~ property shall. be c:tisposed oF in a rnanner satisCac:~ury lu the City E.ngineer. Yi 9. That. subject proper.ky s:~a.ll bc~ servec~ by un:3ergrQUnd utilit:.es. ].0. Thal-. l~rior t~ c:ommencement oL strucl•ural Pr.ami.ng, rire hydrants si~a.l.l be instZl.led and charged as reguired an~ determined ta .~e: i, ~ecessary by the Chiet oE t.he Fir~ De~arlmtnt. ,, % I1, That a.il lockable pedest:rian access gates :~hall be eyui~ped with a "kncx box" device Lo the sa~i.sfa:tioi~ of the Chief oE Police and L-he Cit,y Fire Marshal.l. :~ ,.; 12. Th:~t. L-ire ~prinklecs sha.1? be iristalled a:~ require~ by L-he Ct.~y . Fire M~r:hall. 13. '1'hat krash storage areas shall be provided ~nd maintained in zccordance with approved plarts on f.ile witt~ the Street Maintenance and Sanicati.on Divisicn. 1~. Thal• al1 air canditioning facilities and c~ther roof, and ground uiountsd ~quipment shal?. be pcoperly shieided froiii view. 15. That the pro~us~al si1a11 comgly wikh all signing requirEments of the M[, Zone, unless a variance allowing siqn waivers is ar~rov~:d bl thc Plannina Commission or City Counci:l. 7.6. '1'hat subject proper.ty shall be d~vel~pcd substankially in ac:cordancP wil:h p.lans and sNe~i~icaL•ions c~a file with the City of Ar-ahea.m marred ~xh lbit Nos. 1 Lhro~l~h 3. 17. Tha~ prior to the r,.ommencement ot• the ac:t~vity authorized under tllis res~lui:io-i, or pr. ior to i~suan~e of a bui7.ding permit, withi.n a period oP one yLar frol,i the dar_e ~f r_his r.esolution, whichever or_curs Lirsr, Conditi.on :Jos. 2, 4 and ti, above-mentioned, shall be com~lied wi.th. Fxter.sions £or tur•t}ic~r r.ime to c~mplet~ said c~iridi!:ions may be grante~9 ;n wccordance wi~h Section 18~03.090 oE the Anahei.m Munic.i~al Code. 18. '1't~~l: ~riur to f.inal building and zoning ins~ections, Cor7dition Nos, ~~ ~ 7~ 9~ 9~ 1! ~].2 ~ 13 ~ 14 t~nd 16 ~ dbo4'e-menr.iane3~ ~h~11 be complied with. 19. That a11 childrer sha.ll be accompanied insi.cle L•he fac:ility by an ~dult and signed in by hhe parent or guardiFn each day, and signed Ollr wh.n leaving the facilfty each day. -3•• PC8'1-122 '~ ~: ~