PC 87-126.~~~ ~ •~h. 1 ; 1?I.SOLU'i'ION [d0. PCt~7-126 A 1tESOLU'1'ION UE' THE P1,ANNIN(~ ~OMMSSSlUN ON T;~L•' CI'rY Oi ANAHGlM h1UDICYTNG C~)NllI'PIUNS UF APPRJVAL UL' R~SULU`1'ION NU. k~Cl3G-66 N~RTAJNIMG i'0 CONUT`i'IUNAL USE PERMI'C NU. Z'17U ;~Nl~l<F.~AS, the Planning Commi::~ion oE ~r,e CiL•y of Anaheim heretuEor.e adc~~t~~d R~~solution Nc. PCBG•-6G on March 17, ly8ti, approving Conditi~nal Ue.P Permit rlo. 277U to per.mzt ~1 privatt univer,ity in a~praxima~ely 1U,~72 square ', £eet ef the Eir.:;t £?oor of a 55,557-:aquare too:. uf[ice building located aL• 2G~U South Anaheim E3oulevard (t~ational Univ~r.sity -Anaheim I,earni,~y Cer.t~r); and WtiLitEAS, Resolution Mo. PC d6-b6 containcc! nine (9) cohdi~ions oE a~pruval, r~i~h Conditi~.;1 No~. 1, 8 and J readiny as follow.:: ;~ ' "1. ~i't:at sidewa.lks ~hai.i b? i.nstalled alor.g Anahei:n f3oulevard, ~~ 5tanfor.d C:ourt and Santa Cru: Street as reguired by the City ~ ~;n~~i.necr. atid in ~~ccordance witk~ standard plans and specifications on £ile in the Office of the ~i~y rnyineer. ~i. '1'hak in <zccorda~ict~ w;.th Anaheim Muni~~ipal Code Chdptc;r 17.3U, '~ th~ f~etil-ioner shall ~ay the appropriate Interim Devclo~ment ti E'ee for ~hn Anaheim Stadium Husin~~~:; Cenher. y. 'L'hat prior to tne canrnencen~ent ot the activity authori~aed un~ier L-ris resoiution, or fina.l b~ilding and zoniny inspections ~t~ic:hever oacur~ Ei.rst, Condition Nos, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and ~3, abr~ve-1nenki.one.i, ,:~ai1 be cum~-~lied with." ~ WHF'RE;A5 the ~ ~• ~ , permi~te~ ha.~ h~retoEore f.i.le:d an applica~ion t~ mudify CUn:iition i~os. 1~ind ti pertaini7g to :31~j~W~1'1F; 1riSta1lati~n and to dN.lete Condition tJo. ti E~ertaining to pafinenL• ~~t an i.nterim develo~ment ~ee f~r r l.he Anah~.im Stadium Area tu r~tain a privare uni~'ersi~y; anci ;; WHE:l2F'AS~ t.hc l~lanning Commis:;ion held a~.luly noticed public hearing on :~ai.d CE~]Ur?St or. .lune 'l2, l~t~'7, at which hearing the PJ.anning ;. Comtni:.,sion did rec~ive and consider evi.d~nc~, both oral ana cjocumentary, % relating theretu; a-~r3 N~)W, ~.~HEREE'Okti:, f3L .IT KE;SULV~D t:haL• th~ Nlanning Commission does herEby f.ind that instal.lacion of sidewa.lks L~ not necessary in tnis ~articulaK locar_ion at l-.his time 3nc1 that bonding P~~r th~ inst.a.llation ot khe sidewalks ~hould b~~ permil•ted with the timin, for sirlewalk inst~llarinn to be clec~rmined by the City Engincer, ancl r_hat r.ondition No. 1 shoul~, therefore, be modiEied to read as f.ol lows ; "1. That sidew~.~lks shall be insk~ll~~:: al~ng Anahefm f3ou.leva~cd, SranEord Cour~ anrl Santa (;ruz Street as requiced by tiie Cit:y Sngineer a~c3 in acr.ord~s:~~c with Shd[tdaCd plans sr.ci :specif irations on t i.e in t.l~e Oif,i.ce r~f L•hc~ Ci`y tir.gineer; znd thaL- :tecuriL-y in th~~ Evrrn o!: ~ bonJ, certiticate of ~9eposit, lerter of c;Cer~.it~ ~r cectific.3te oE deposit, .lettPr c-f ccediL, ~r cast~, f n an amount anci tacic satisfactory to the City of 1!naheiin. sha11 bc- ~osted with the c:ir,y to ~~uaranCee r.ne :~aCxsE~ctcry c~mpl~~~ion of :iai~1 im~roverr;cnt~. ~ 1151r PCS'1-126 ~ ~, ~ - ~ 4 .'s;~ ~ ~ , ~*, ~a}r +1 ;+~..:'.~r, ! . '. zmiPn tee, as spec.ified by the Anah~im Munici~~al Code, ChapEer 1.7.30, cannot be elimina~~;d~ and th,-:t~ Conditiun No. ~ shau.ld, ther.e~Erce, not be de.leted. 'PHE f~c?ttGrOZNG ~tESOLU~PIUN is sic3n~d arid approved k~y me this 2'lnd day o£ June, 1987. ~ r' , -~~_~`,~~1/; ,r~, ~ L~.L_.. ' CHA ~IiN1AN ~ NAHEIM CI Y• LANNING ~~~ COMMlSSION ~ r '~ . . V" pj5i',k,t . . , . ~S+itl~ ' , ' ., .,;N~ BE :[T ['URTH~R R~SOLVED tht~t the Nlanning Commi.ssior~ daes also find that the requir~menC for the payment at khe interim ~levelo t' ~ ATTES'": ~_ . ~ „~, ~ "~..~_'....~~~ SECR~TAFtX, ANAH~IM C.ITY PLANr1ING COF1MTSSI.ON STA`1'C UF CAL_TN'OI2N.[A ) ''( COUNTY Ui~ ORANGE ) ss, CI1'Y OF A1JA:IL'2M ) z, Ldith [,. Harris, Secretary of the Anatieim City Planning Canmi:~~iori, dr, her.eby c~:r~if:y thaL• th~~ toregoing resolution w~as passed and ~~op~~~ ~~ a~neeting oE the Anahcim City elan~7:~ri~ commission !~e.ld on Jun~ 22, 19a7, bY tne fol.Zo~~~ing vot~ uf the membcars L-hereof: ~='~S: COMMISS.TONL•'R5: BOUAS, F'RY., }{LRI3S'P~ LAWTCK:[, MC BUF2N~;Y, MESSE NUES: CUIdfdISS.iOt~~Ef2S: PIUNL•' AE3;~EC1i': COt~IMTSSI0NE12S: yON:, VACANT: COMMTSSI4IdF'.RS: ~~NL Ih WI~PNc5S wtir:REUF, I have hercunto set my hand this 23nd day oE June, 1y87. /liLr~ ! t --ty-=-,f+`.wa,- ~__._. SECRF'1'A1tY, ANAHF;TPI CITY PJ,ANNING COMMISSION ~~Z PC87-126 ' ~~ ~~ _ . .~.~