PC 87-127.~ . . , `('~'' . . '~ . . . ,/:, 71~ !:ui~t ~iF~so~,u~i'IUN vo. ~ca~-a.2~ A RF.SUi~UTIGN Ut? 'I'li~ ANAHF,'IM CITY YLANNING (:OMMISSI0:1 `PHAT PETITION I'l~R RECLA5STFICATTUN N0. 8ti-37-34 fiE DENTED LVFIFl2EAS, the Anaheirn City P:lanning Commissi.on did reaei.ve a veriEied ~etitio~i f~~r. Recla.ssification Lrom kAYMOND A. MASCIhL AND CUNNIG h1ASCJEL, P.O. Box 4241, Anah~im, CA 9'1f301, rwner and ~ARY D11~SCI~;I,, 4217 S. ~uc1i~ ,~*_'teet, Anah4im, CA 92802, ag<~nt Eor certain real prop~rty situal-ed in the City of Anaheim, County of. Orange, Stat~ oL- Ca.lifornia, describe~ as follows: L~OTS 7 AND 8 IN }3LUCK 2 GF SUMMEfZEIELD ANU OPP~N!iE;IMER'S SUBDiVISTON UL Sl'OERL TRACI', Tt~l '!'HL CI'C`l OE' ANAHBTM, AS SHUIa[J CN A MAP k2EC0I2DED "!N E3G~K ].9, PAGE (S) ~}4, OL' MISCELLANEOUS RLCOI2U5 UE LUS ANGELE:i CUUNTY, CALI@'ORNIA. WHhRL'AS, khe City Planr-.ing Commissi.on ~iid ha.ld a~uhlic r,earing at the Civir Center in tYie rit5~ of: An~a;~eim on June 2'L, ly8i at 1:3U p.tn., notice oL• said Puulic liearing havinr, b~en duly yiv~n ~~s recXuired by law anc3 ir~ accordance with the provisions r~~ the :~naheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and r~on,ider eviden~e foc and «ga.inst said ~roposPC7 reclass.if`ication and to investigate and ~liake f.indings and rneommendat.ions in connection thc~rewith; and WHhItk;AS, ,;aid Cominissiori, aF ter ciue inspr~ctior., investigation and study made by itse.lE and in .its behalf, an~: aEter due cunsidera~ion of al.l evidence ancl re~?orL•s o~tere~3 ar said h~aring, do~s ~ind and d~~t~rmine the f~llot~~ing t~ct:;: l. 'Phat the p~~titioner ~ro~~os~s reclassifiaation oE ~ubject ~ro~erty frorn r,he RM-29i)U (ResidenLial, Mutli:iple-FUmily) ?,one ~q the KM-12UU (Resident.ial, Muitiple-['ami~y) Zone Lo consL•cuce a~}-unit apartma~nt comp_:x. 'l. 'Phat tne Anaheim General i?1an designates subjc~cL prooerty for medium de~n~il•y resid~ntial 7and uses, 3. That the ~roUOSed reclassiticaL-ion ~~ i~ereby c3eniec7 on the basis th~t- surrounc3ing E~ra~~erties are zr~;ied }ZM-•24Uf1, (Kesidential, Multiple- ran~ily) and approval aE this eeq~a~:;t f'or RM 12UU (Eteaidential, Mu.ltiple-• tamily) woulri be ~:.~~t zoning. 4. Thu~ thc~ proposeci reclassiEication ot ~~abject property is not necessary and/ar d~~sirab.le for the or.derJ.y and proper development of the r.ommunity. 5, '1'har. ~~ine (9) persons indicaked 'ch~ir presence at ~aid ~ub.lic t~naring .in opaosttion; and thar, a petition co~ta.ining approximately 174 ~i~;natures, and one le~ter were tecFi,ved in opposition to subject pet.ition. 1144~ 1NC87-127 ~.. ;~j ~;J _ `;~~ ~ , rNVIRONMG`1TAL 'lMPACT FINDZNG; That the Anahe.im Cit,y P1ancling Commission tias reviewed the ~rapoa~,l to reclassif ~ s Ry-2400 (Residential, Mul~ip'le-rami.ly) 7one to l•he RM~1200 (RESidenti.alm ~"he Mu].ti~1e-Famil~) ZonH, or a lesU intense zone, to consL•ruct a 4-unit apartment comp.lex on a rectanc7ularly-shaped ~~accel of land cansisting of approxima~ely 0.15 acre havin-y a Fronl:age of approximately 50 Eeet on tl~e south side of Pear.1 Street, approximately 280 feet ~vest of th2 centerline oF Carleton Avenue, and fur~her des~ribed as 1222 We.L- ~earl Street; and does her~by apprave the NegativP Der,laration upon finding that .it has considered the I~Tegative Declaration toget:her witl~ any comments rer;eived du;.ing the public review process and fur;.her finding on the basis of the init.ial study and any cumments received that there is no substanti<~1 evidezice ~hat the Praject will have a_sign.ificant eEfect on tree environment. NOW, 7.'HGREFORE, RE TT FESOLVED FhaL the Anaheim City Planning Commission daes her.eby deny petition far ReclGssification on the basis oF the atocement~ianed tir?ings, ~a,y of June, ATTEST: /~ ~ ~ . ~~~y-.G? ~ =____~ SSCkGTA , A~IAHEIM CI`i'Y PLANN2NG COMh1IF~SIQN SZ'ATG OF CA1:IE'ORNIA ) COUHTY OF UFtANGE } ~S. CIT'1 OF' ANAHEIM ) I, Cdith L. Harris, 5ecretary c.~t the Ariaheim City Plannxn~ Commission, d~ hPreby cerh.i.Ey that the foregoing resolution was pas~ed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City planning Cor,~mis~i~n t~eld on .JUne 22, 1987r by the following vote r~~ thc~ members thcreof: AYLS; COMMISSTONFRS: BGUAS, F'RY, HERBST, LAW,IrKI~ NIC gURt~EY, MESSE NO.ES: COMMISSII,tV~RS: NU~IE ABS~;NT; COMMTSSIONERS: NONG VACAN7': COMMISSIONEI2S: OiVL 'IN WITNESS WHL•'R~,OF, I have her~unt~ s.;et m~~ hand thi~ 22n~ day of June, 199%. - ~?L~'~-~_ ~ • . SECRE'PARY, ANAHEIM CI'i'Y pLANNING 40MMISaIUN -2- 3 y' e 1' / _ THF I~pRGGOING RES~LUT:iON is signed and approv~d by me this ~2nc1 19F7. i /C. ~ `~/ ;', ~ -cr.l..~L.::! ~, . ; :. .. CtIAIRMA.I, ANA ,IM CI'P1' P N ING COMMISSION PC87-127