PC 87-128~, RF.SOLUTION N0. PCB7-:128 ~~, A RG50~,UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI'PY PI,ANNING COt~1MISSTON THA'P PL7.'TTION FOR ~2~CLASSIE Ic:A'1'TON N0. 86-87-35 }3G GRAN'PED, UNC~NDITlONALLY WHGREAS, the Anaheim Ci~,y P.lanni.ng Commission did rece.ive a veriEied peLition foC Recla~siEicati~n fr~m WILLIAM V. ALt~IANll ANll SHIRLEY ALMI~ND, 3335 W. Llncoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92a01, owners, of certain real pr.operty sitaated in ttie Ciky of Anaheim, Count:y of- Orange, ~tate of California, described as Fc,lluws: THE LA ;T l0U FEET OE` 'PHL' SOUTH 35U r I:;ET UF THr ;UU`PEI HALf' OI' THL SOU~i-iWL•'ST QU'e1RTCR QF THE; SOUTHWES'I' QUARTER OF SEC'rION 11 ~'I'OWNSH.~P 4 SOUTH ~ I2ANGF~ 1.1 W~ST ~ SAN BERNADINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IN `P1iF RANCHO i~OS C~JYOTES, IN Tf{E CI'1'Y OF' ANAHETPi, IN Tli~ UF'ETCE OF T'rIL•' COtJN'PY RECO.RDER OE SAIU COUI3`PY. ;~;;; a WHf,RGAS, the CiL-~~ Planni.nq Commisaion did huld a puUlic he~-ring at the Civic Center in l-he City oi Anah~im on .TUne 22, 19~7 at 1:30 p.m., notice 7f said public hear~ng t:aving been duly given as required by law and in accordUnce cvith khe pruvi.sions of. the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code. Chapter 18.Q3, to hear and cunsider evidence F'~ar and against. said proposed r.eclassificatior; an~ to investigate and make Eindiclgs and recommendation.~ in ~onnection therewith; and WHGRGAS, said Cammission, after dup inspect?on, in~estig~tion and stu3y made by ih.selP ar~d in ir.s beha].f:, and aE-ter due con~ideratian of all ~~viaence and ceports ~E£ered aC said he~ring, does find and dPtermine ttie Followiny Facts: 1. 'I'hat l•he peti~i.oner prcposes rec;lassi.fication of subject property f:rom tlie RS-A-~13,000 (Resi.dent:.al, Agricultural) zone t~~ the R~i-•3,OU~ (Residential, Multi~le-Camily) zone„ 2. That tb~ P.naheim Gen~:~r.~l ~r1an deyignatPs suL~ject proper.ky for General Co~nmercial Iand uses; h~wever, nearby prooerky located appr.oxirnately 200 feet east oF subject pxo~:,erty is Loned RM-300U, ;,~ 3. 'Tnat the pco~o:~ec9 reclassi.EicaCi•~n ~i subject r~ropecty is ~'! necessary 1nd/or desirable P~7r the orderly and proper develo~ment of the ~~ r.ommunity. 4. That tne ;~roposed reclassificarion of s~bjecr property ~oes ; properly relate to ~h~ zones and their permitted use:~ locally established in ' close proxicnity +~a subje:ct pro~erty and to the zones and theic permitted uses ;' geaPra.lly establ.i.~ned thr~ughout the r.om~nuni~y. y'`i 5. 'Ph~at .no on~~ indicated thaic [~L@5~'CIC@ :~t said ~ublic hear:~n~ in ~;;; opposition; an~i thar na corr~ ~pondence was received in oppaaitl~~n L•o sub;ject :..; peti~ti~n. 1145r PC87-128 ; ,<s' ~';: ';,.; :~~' ~~~ ,F~~ . . ~ ~ . . ~,t~`~ ~i.~ . . ~ `~l+ ± ~~ ~ 4' ~ . . ;~~~, , :.f ~ti _t , ENViRONMENT.AL ?MPACT FZNUTNG: 'Phat the Ar~aheim City Planning Commisyion has raviewed the prupasal to reclassify subject property Erom the RS-A-43,ODU (Reside-itial, Agricultural) Zone ~a the RM-3,000 (ttesidential, blulti~le~Family) Zone i;o construct a 7-unit cond~miniuin r.om~lex wi~h waivecs of maxirnum site coverage~ minimum structura.l setback and minimum recreational-leisure area o~i an rectangularly-shaped parcel oE land consisti«g of approxi.mately U.71 acre having a fronL•age of uppro;cimately lOC- Eeet on the nor~h side of Lincoln A~~nue, approxi.marely 1,235 feet east of tye centerline of Knotl• Streei, and Further d~scribed as 3335 West Linc~ln Avenue; and ~~es heteby a~prove the ~~eyative Declaration upon finding that it has considerec~ the [degative Declaration toyether with any comment~ received during the pubiic review process and ~urther finding on ~tie basis of the initial study and any comments receivad that ~.here is no subyl-.an~ia.l evide-ice that the proje~t wi11 have a significank e£Eect ~n tne environmEnt. Now, Lherefore, be it resolved that the Anaheim Planning Co-nmission does i~ereby grant subject ~etition for ReclassiPication, unconditionally, and, by so doing, that Ti.tlc 18-Zoning of the Anaheim hluni.cipal Code be amended to exc.lur3a the above-descrik~ed property Erom the 12SA-~3,Ut7U (Residential, Agricu.ltural) zone and to incoruorate said described property in the RM-~~J00 (Residential, P7u1liple--E'amily) zone. THt, FORf:GOING k2~SUGU~I~ION a.s signer: a;-d appr.oved by me this 22nd day af June, 1~87. ATTEST: { /"7 , ~ '~' ~ ~~' , ,~.', :/ ~ ~.-i ,._.~;~~~ ~ ~.~ /' .., ~.,... CH~IItMAN, ANAH 'N CI'PY PLAN ![VG COMMTaSION i l..- / ~/~.~a~ L'`M SF'CR~;T Y, ANAHF'IM CS`l'Y PLANNtNG COf4MISSION STATG UF CALIEORNIA ) COUN'PY OF QRANGE ) ss. CT.TY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Ldith I.. i~drCis, Secretazy o[ the Anaheim City P.lanning Comm:~ssion, do herebvi certify Lhat the foregoing resolutio~i was passed and ado~ted at a meetin~~ of the Anahe.im City Planning Commis~io!7 Yie.l.d cn June 2'l, 1987, by tYie Eollowing vot:e oF ~I~e members thereof : AYES: CUMMISSION~RS: BvUAS, E'RX, H5'HFST, LAWICKT, MC 13URNLY~ MESSE NQES: CUMMIaSIO(JERS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMlTSSIONul:S : NO[•d~ VACANT; COMMTSSIUNLRS: UNE IN wI`i'NL•'SS WkiGREUI', I Have hereunro s~t -ny hand rtiis 22nd day ot ,June, ].987. ~~I ~'` . ___._.~._=~s~:~° ~-~-~i SGCHFTARY, ANAHEII•1 Ci`i`Y PLANNTNG COMMIS~ION _2.. PC8 -128 r'' r. ~ y, ,,: