PC 87-133>n \ ,,,.~... ~, RE;"'---_OGU7'!ON N0. I~C$7-133 M A RCSOLU'I'ION pE 'pllC PLANNING i:OMMISSiON 0!•' 'i'HE C.I'CY OF ANAHh;IM APPl2JVTNG AN EXTrNSION OF 'PIMF; L~'p:l CONAT'PrONAf., ilSE P[;RMIT N0. 2160 W~'I~~FA~- I:he ~lanniny Comrnissiun oE the CiLy oE Anat~eim f~eretogore ado~~ta~ Kesolution ~~o. PC8.1-8 on ,Ianuary 11, l~IIl Permik No. 'l1nU L•o permiti a recyc.linc cei~ter .~t 187~p~,outhnAnahe~irn~Bou.levar.d (Sunwe~~ MeL•als) suhje~;t t~ conditior~s; and WHGREI~S, ?te:;ol.ut ion Plo. PC81•-8 provided ~`..(1r1f: sa id use shall expire i~ thtc~~ (3) years on .7anuary 12, 1984, a~l~ shal.l be subject to ,~view fur a P~~~ lble Hxtc~r,siun ~~f t im4 in co~inecGion wit•ti a public hearing; ~~nd WfiEREAS, l-he p~~rrnir.L•ee ha:; heretaFor.e Li.led an ~;pp7.ication for. an e:~tensi~n of: sa.id t:ime .limi~:ation puc~uant ~o the pr.~vision;; of Section 18.0?.093 oE tne Anar,eim Municipal C~ade; ~~nd ' ~~iil:RFAS, kh(? Fl~~nn.:ng COf1R~I.SS7.CJil flE'~i.~~ c1 CjUi~/ flQt].CE?~ [~l]t~.i.1C hear in~~ ~~n ,~ id appl icat z~n on June 22 Cummissi~n did recr ive ~n~l con:; ider , iy~7' ~~' ''~hich hearing the Planning :.e~.ating tt~r~r~~~o; .~~~~i videncN, b~tti oraJ. and documen~ary, wHi3!?~AS, the Plannin~~ r~mmi~:;ion hereby f'inds th,~t saicl u~c ic beiny execci,ed in a maniie: not cletrirnenhal .~~ L•he surrour~cling land use,, no; ~p the E~ub.l ic ~a~,~ ~ Part ir.ular area ~q~ welE~re. P- , health, sa[n~:y ~n~ ae-~~~ral NUP7, rP!!~'N~;E~Uitt,, AE I~l~ R3SOLVED by the Planning Commi:;sion of the City of. Anaheim ~hal a.~zd anplication Cor nxtension oE ;;aid time limita~ion be, and i:he same is here~~Y, apE~eoved and thar_ s,3i.d use is her.eby ~xh.PndE~d to Hxpir~ on ,I~ne 22, J.9y0: ,ubjecC to a.ll thc: Coridit.ions of. Appr~val. originally conta i.ned in 12esolut ion t~r~. pCp 1-8 . TFiL•' I~UP,LCOING RESOLU'C;UCI s i ne.ra and a ,; ~ r 198 7. day of Juna ' 7' PprovE.1 by ne t~iis 7_lr,:l ~, . ,.. .__G'~r~ l t` ~ ~~ , / ~ ~:HAIF<MAN, n~•r~ft •:rs CI2'Y p f~I~ING COMMiSSI0t7 .4'I"I'EJT: . ~ ~ `l ~~t`~i'l~Lt+:t.~ SL•'CE2ETARY, J~NAfif•.TM CITY E~l,APl~1tNG r~(~iMISSIQ~7 AI~JO!' YC87-133 .: ;a n ~:. ~'. ~ ^~ ~ ~ ~ :..',~(:~ ~;; STATG OE' CALIEUfiNIA ) `,.til COUNTY OF OF.ANGI:, } Us. CIZ'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith fa. t:ar.r. is, Secretary of the Anat-eim Gity P.lanning (:om~n.is~i on, do hereby cerL•ify L•hat the ~ux• ~go.ing resolution was par,sed and c~dopted zl: a meei:iny o t ~he Anat~ei.m City Plannin~ Commission he2d on June 22 14n7, by the Eollowii~g , vc~t:e of the members t•.h~reof: A'fES: COMMISSIOPIT;RS: 84UAS, r}2Y, E1FRI3ST, LAWICKI, MC BUFNEY, MCSSL NOES: COMMISS:[ONF.k2S: NONC l~DaEN'P: COMMISSIGhE~S: NONL•' VACAN`.P: COMMTSS'IO[VER~: ONE IN WITNF.~S PIEIERCC7l?, T ha.ve hereunto set my hand this 22nd day oE June, 19~7, `~ ` ~ .~.~ ~ -VI _L ~ S13CRF•;TARY, AhAFltsihi Cl~--- r c LAPJNIN, COMMIS,_ION u2~ NC87•133 ~ ~;.•~., r~ :.,,. ..r: ,,.~. • ..,. , . .. .,. : , , ' ~'~' -'r ;i Y lil a~ jf ~41, i.NVIRCNMF.N'PAL IMI~ACT ~INllING: That thc ~1nah~~im City Plannj.ng Commisuion ha:~ reviewed t;c propasal to rcclassity subjer.t pr.o~erty [rom the RS-7200 {kesidential~ Single-C~~mily) zone ~o thc C~~ (Commerc~al, OCL•'ice and ProCe,sion~il) zone to permit office use o~ a rssidential sLruckur.e with a rraiver of minimum number af parkijtq ~pac~s on can irregu.lArly-~hapeci pareel oE land consisting ~~E approxim~tely 8,431 square [eet, located at the n~xl•hFast corner oE t3ro~~dway and ,~3h S~reet, and furL•h~r d~sc~ ibeci as 23G South Ash Str.eet; and does herea1~ ap~rc~ve the N~gaL• ive Declaration upon f. inding tha;: it hc~s cc~n:idNred h.he N~yar.ive Declarat.ion togett~er with any comments r.eneived ~~uring Ll~~e public review process and ~izrtl~er LLnding ~n the basis of the initial study and any cvmments recei.vt~d rhat Lhere is no substantial evidence that th~ project wil.l have a sigr,ificant eEfecc on ~he envir~nmen~. NOW, THEKE[~~RF~ 3F IT RESOLVEU that ~he Anahe~.in Ciry Planning Commissian does hc~reby deny ~c~~it:ion for Fte~la~,sificati~n on the basi.s oF tl~e aEornmenr_ioned f.indings. TElE E~Ol2l;GOING RL•'SC)LUTION i~ sign~~d'~and apprc,~~ed by tnc this 6th day cf ~ul~, 19~7. / ;~) c~-~-~ l. _ ~ ~~ Cf1AIRMAN, ANAHPIM C TY PL7~DINTNG C~JNlMISSICN A'PTEST: ,~.,,.~4.. - ____~~ .;~~. . SFCRETARY, ANAHEIM Ci.TY PI~ANNING CUDiMiS;;tOh S`I'A`i'E OE' CAI,IFORNIA ~ COUNTY OE ORANG[; 1 sc. C!'1'Y OE Atdllf{LIM ) I, Gdith 'L. Harri.s, Secretary of th~ Anaheim City Planniny Commission, ~io hereby cert.it•y that the L~regolny reso.lur.ion was passed and adop~:fd at a mee~in~~ of' tr,e At~aheim City L~l~.nning Com~~.is,;ioa held on July 6, ].987, by tn~ f~l.lowing vo~:e o~ th~~ membecs thereof:: AYES: C~MMISSIONERS: F3~UAS, H£;RBS'!', MES5L•', M~ f.iURNLY NI;~S: ~UP1hiiSSI0NEf2S: A13SGN'P: COMMISSIONERS: JACANT: COMMT.SSIONEI2S: TNREr^, IN W~~PNL•;~~5 WHP.E2r:UF , I have hereunto set my hartc~ r;~ia GLI~ clay oE July, 19a7. Q~¢!~'~''~ ,~,~' ._~..~~:'L .. ._.. ~ 1/r-~ . SECEIf,'L'AitY, ANAHf~,lhi C7TY PLANNING C()MMISSION ; 1152r -2- a ?t31'>5 ~~; . . . . . . . . . . PC87-134