PC 87-135~ ,{ r, ; _ _ . . + '~~„ a~~c~t~f~ ~~ ~,~4N xr~su~o~r~ :~oN ~row~c~~~~ A RGSrJLUTTptd OF' THL ANAHEIfd C:[TX PLANNING COP1MISSIUN :CfiA'P PE'~TTIQN b`OR COT:DIT:[0[1AL US~ PFRMI'.C N0. 29p7 13F: DENIEU WHk;RL1,S, the Anaheim City Pl~nn.iny Commission ciid receive a ver if i,~:d pnE it ion For Cond itional Use ~r r DOkTHLAL ~. STAi~LFY ? ~`~ mA~ ~~pm `j1;RAL D. STANLEY ~Nti , 36 South A,h Street, Anahe.im CA g? C _ cerF.~in real pro~~_ety ~itu~t:ed in the Cit~.y nF Anaheim ~ ~U', aW~1tC ot of- Calitc~rnya, d~scribed ~zs; , County o.f Orange, State LOT 8G OE TRACT DJO. 1565 AS P~tZ MAP 5[iUWN tiI BQOK 49 p 2U TO 24 I~ICLUSIV~ pE' M.iSC ~'LLANi,OUS MAPS ~ AGES THG RLCORllER GF SAID COUVT'~, r ~V T[•1G OE'P,CE OF the Civic Cenlterr~in~ ~f~t C~~ aL~~~naheim"onlsJU~,n ~id t~old a publ ic hear ing al: oF ~~ id pub:~ 1r, licax ~~~ ~ ~~ 1987 at 1: 30 p. m. , not ic:e 9.~avinc~ been ~~ul.y ~~iven as rcqu ~ ~:l b accordance with the provision~ oi the ~naheim [~un.icipal _ude, Ct~„~pter 18 03n L-u hear and con;~i.der eviden.:e Por and ~gainst said pro~~osed conditional ~.tse ~errni.t and L-o investigat.e an~ mal;a [indings and recommnnd~ations in connection tr~erewith; anc] inHBRGAS, sa.id Commi.ss:i~ii, ~F.te,- c]ue .ins• study made by it>E1~ and in i!:.^, AecL-ion~ invesriga~a.on and evi:]ence an~? repoz:l•s oL-fere~l at sail~~lhearing aEdoes(~ Eindo and edehE~mine tt P following EacL-s; i. .l. TtiaL- Lfic proposcd ~.~s~ is , corzr~~.t.ianal use p~rmit, is autnorized h ~:CO~~~r~'1 °ne For which a 18.41.05U..13U to wit~ t~ y A~~~~~~~.lrn Plunicipal Code Sectiori wli.ver oL- the tol.lowing undexm~~hhorilyYutUCod~ 5,,,,residenl:i~1 st:r~;ctur.e with a ~ion .1F3.06.080: SC~CTIONS ].8.06.05p,p_ 212 - Mi_'n~irnun number oE~~rk.ii~s ace~s AND .18~!~1.06~b.p,p (1.3 rc:cluired; 3 ~ ..- .~, NroP~- ed ) 2. 'I'hat ~he r.equest~~d waivex i, Eht~l: L•h~ parkicig waiver Lor the ,, h~reby c+~ni.pc7 on the basis ' ~roposE.,3 ~:c~mmerci~l use wil ~ v^d113@ an .incrPase I in ~raf.Eic con~es~.ior, .in th~.~ im;nediate vi~:iniL-y and adverscl ' ~idjoini.ny ~ingle-Earnily re>ic3enti:~1 land u~~s ~~nc3 Y a~Fec~ any ~ waicer will ;~e detrimental. to the peace, heal.th, saEe y~~ ~ n`' oC ~he parking fhc ~J.tizf~ns of the rl~y oF Ar~ah~~im. 9eneral welf.are of ~ r 3, Thai: L-he propos~d use ia he. c.by ~en .e;.3 or. ., ~•„ r. Re~lacs it• ication ~10. 87--£38_02 to rerone r~ j `hE bU.~z„ that ~ (Re:.ident.ia.l, Single-r~mily) to ~~ n ~ub~ec.t PropertY ~'Cprn RS--'T200 ~ denied. (Coi~rn:rctal, 0[Llce and ProL•a~^t ~ ,U~ona1) was y an 7 t}~~ Tf~at L•1,~ proposed use wi.l.l adver;;ely affeat ~}ln Lc3tld USf:r ' ! ~o b~~ L~r.~Ef~G. 9rowth and ~eveloPment aF. the ar~a in which i.t is aNrnPOSeg ; 1. f~ i , 1153t~ ~'` , nC87-135 s ~~C~ ~ ~ , ,f. .~'~ ~ a..,~ ' ~I va~ A~*~ ~. not ade~~uate lo 'Phat -~he sxze and allow the f l~ shap~ o.E r.he ~~ite ~;raposed for the use is detrim~ntal ro •u develonment o~ L-he proposed use the ~~ar~i cular in a ma-lrier not ycneral w~lEare . ar u£ khe Cltizens oE ea rior to the pe~~ce, hea1L-h, sa.Eer.y the Cit: oL• A t and y na i~~im. 6. detrinental to That the granting the aC th~ ccndirional uae per.mit will be _ . peace, hea'.th, aL rhe Cit_~ oi' Anahei.m. ~;r-; saEety and general weltare ot the Cikiz ens 7. Thal, the tr.a.EEic gen~rated by the propase~7 use wi11 impose an undue burden upon the streeEs and highways designc~d ~nd improved L•o carry ~he L-raEf-ic in the area, E. 'rhat 4 p~rsons indicated their presence at sa.id ~utlic hearing in o~:pcsition; and hhat• a petition conta.ining approximately 10 s.ignatures w~s recEived in opposition to subj~ct ~etition. ENVTRONh1ENTAL I,~1pACT EINllT~IG: `Ptiat the Anaheim C.ity Pla.nning Commi,~ion has review~d Ehc proposal i:o permit oEf ice usa of a residential structure with a wai~~er ;;L minimum number oE parkiny spac~s on an irregu.lar.l~l-shaped parcHl oE land consisting of. appcoximatel;~ 8,~1E1 sc~uarn [eet, located at t:he northeasL- corner, of Sraaaway and Ash Strec~ts, and L-urr.her ~escribe~: as 23G South i~sl~ Stree~; and does nereby ap~rove th~ P7egative ~eclaratian apon C-inding tha~ it has cnns:Ider.ed the NeyaL-ive UeclaraL-ion to~~atl~er wit-.h any comment~ recei.ved during the public review process anc~ further Eindiny on the bas.is oP th~ }.nitial study anci any commcnts received tk~a~ Lherz i~ no subsL-antial evi.dence tlzat the project w;ll have a sigr~if i.cant eEE~~ct on the envirnnment. NOW, THGI~GFORr, -]~, C~c RESOLVGU that tt~e tlnaheim Gicy Planning '"s, Commis::,i:~n does hereb cjem ; ~„ I~; Y t ~ub_ c.~t Pet i.ti.r~r. Ear Cond~ tional U~e Permit, on , the basis oc the afor2m~ntion~d L•inc~ings. 'r `TiiG POItt;GCING RESC~i,tI~~,OV is siyned ar~d ~p~ccved by me this 6Lh day oE ~t11.y, 19II7. ~ , ; -~_t..~ ~ ~ t~.e_ ~ CHAIRMT-tJ, ANAHE'I.M C TY PLANNING COMMISSION ' a,r.~r~,s2~: t ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ F S~.CR~TARY, ANAHEIPI CI~'Y P[~APJ[31'Nr~~p~t~Sr,CUtJ ? ~.R r~ -2~ PC87-135 STATC OF CAI,IFORNIA COUN.C'~ Or OR.?~N~E CI`~Y 0[' ANAHEIM I, Gdith I.~. ?iarr.is, SHCretary of tne Anaheim City Planning Commission, c~o her~by cer~if}~ thaL• the foregoing r.ey~lut~on was passed and ad~j:ted al-. a me~ti~,~ of. the Anaheim City Planning Commission he.ld on July 6, ~; 1987, hy the t'cllowing voEE of the members thereof: AYFS: C~Jt~1MtSSI0NCR5: BOUA~, HLRBS'.P, MC F3UI2NEY, M~SSL NOES: COMiKISSIOLdERS: iQONE ''° ASSENT: CO^1MI~SIO[~ERS: NON~ VACANT: COMMISSZONERS: TIiRFB IN WT`TNESS WfI~,RroF, :t have hereunto c,e~ my hand ~his 5th day c~t Ju1y, 1987, ~ir~dl~x=x-~---~--~~~tsi.~c-L~ SEC[2E7'ARY, ANAH~.IM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSrON ~,:'i i. ;:, I -3- FCf37--135 .,, . ,,. '.~r.;:~ ;f~~