PC 87-138~_____ ,~ . _ . ~ . . ~ ~ .,~ ~'~":,.tx ll~*,i^•~ ~„a, . ';,' R~;SOLUTTON ~10. pCg7_~3~ •-------..__.._.- - . A RESOLUTIUN OF 'PHF; ANAFiBTt' ClTX PLANNI[VG COMMISSIOI.V T:~IA'.C PF.'.CI'PTC`N FOR CONDIZ'ION~!L USE C~C1~PizT N0. 2923 B~ GRAIVTED WFIERF.A^, the An~h~ym ,;ity ~).~inning Comm.ission did Ce~e~~e a veriFied pe~ition £or Conditional Use Permit L'rom EVANGELICAL Cf1RISTIAN CREDIT ;;;:., UNTON, 2528 ~~~ast La Palma Av~nue, Anaheim, CA 9zfl03-3068 ,',• ARCHITECTS ORANGE, 1~4~1 tVorth Orange ~treat ~ran e ~ owners, and certain real property situat~d in t„ ' 9, CA 9256G~ agent for h_ City oE Anah~im, Co~inty ~t Orange, S~atz oC Califoxr. ~a, descrit~eci ~~s: PARCGI, 38, AS k~CR MAP !'.II.GD IN F3ppK 135, P~GES 19, 20, 21 ~1ND 2? Ol~ PARCEL MI~PS, I,~ TI-!P QFFICE OL' Tf{~ COUNTY RECORpL;R UF SAZb COCNTY. WHLKEAS, the Ci.ly Pl~nniny Cornmi.,sion ~9id hold d hhe Civic Cetiter in the Cit,y ot ~1n~,~~im ~~l Ju1y 6, 1987, at 1,•3U ln.1n~ar ~otxC~ o!: sa:[d public h~arin h~,vinc be ~" `~ ] en duly given as requir.ed b~ ~r.cordancc with the pravisions o~' the Anah~im Municipal Code, Cha~te[ 1f3.03,~ to h~~ar. an~ con;;ider evi~~ence for and agai.nst said Permit ar,~] Lo inv~s~igaEe ar~~ inaF;e Pinclings and recomr~endati,ons~~nlconneckion tnerewir.h , ; WHLREAS, said Commiss:iono atter due insaectian, investigaL•ion and study made by iL-~~lE atid in iL-s beh~1P, and a~ter due consideration of a11 c~vidence and re~E~azt:s aFfered at said f:ear, in9, does C ind aizd delermine ~ ~ tol.lowing Eac~s: h~ , ;: 1> That L•he ~~rof~c,sed use is ~~ use perm.ir. is aulhorized b p~~Perly one L-or which a cvnditicnal ~'~ 18.61.050.:145 to Wi~; Y Anaheim Muni<.ip~~l Code Section 18.61.050.U75 and ~ oftic~~ uses. ~O P~r.mi.t a credit ~ni~n ar~d indtzsCri~-~l.l ~ y-re.lated ? 2. That L•he f~rop~sed u„e ~a.i.ll not adve ~ lan~ iases ar.c: tt.~ rse.ly ~F~qct the ad joining ' ' growth and develo_~ment oE t! ~ to be 1oca~ed. ~~ ~~rEa in whi.ch it ~s proposed ~ 3: That i:he ~ i~e and sha~e of tt~.~~ s it:e propos~~d f. or the uesc: i.s adequate co al:law th~ fu' 1 develupment oi' ;:~~~ prupospd u;~e in a rnannet not detr~.menl:al tu L•h~ garLicula~ area nor ~o the general welEare ~E the CitizGns af the i;jrY ~r Anah pm, er he~?,th, saEel,y and ~. '!'hat ti~~ yrar~ting of: tt~~ ;.ondition~~l use permi.h under the conditions i;nposed, if a7y, ;vi.il nul b~ detrimental Co khe pcar~, health, ~~f ~'~y arld general wel.Car? oC the C ir, ir.ens cE' tht Ci~y nr Anaheim. 5. That: the traf'L• i.c yener.ated by the pra~osP~ ~;;e will. not i.mpose an undu~ burden upon t:he ~trect;s and highway~ designed ai~~~ improved ~o catry the tr.a[L-ic in th~~ area, 6. Thai: nc~ oile i.ndi~atura theic prQ:~~r.ce aL ~~~.ir,3 ~ublic; hearinq i.n oppo,ition; and l:hat no correspondenc.e was rec~ived in opposition to the subjact netil:icn. 1156r ~ , PC87-138 ~"~ ~ -- .~- ':'.t { ~' ,~. '' Ghlt'I~!)t~~M~N~PAL INP:ICT FINll:[NG: That the Anaheim CiLy Ylanning Commission has ~ reviewed the ~~ropasal L•a per.mit a credit union ~nd indasLrially-related oEf~ces on a re~tangularly-s~~ap~d paxcel uE land ' r..ortsi~ting of ap[~I'OY.LIiIaL'@.l,Y 2.3 ar,res loca~~d at L•h~ souti~eas~ corner c~f , Woodland Driv~ ,~nd Magnclia Avenu~A and further desc:r.ibed as 1150 Nurth Magnoli.a Avenue; a.nci do~:; h~reby a~prove ttie Negative Deciaration upon £indinq L•hat i.t has considered the Negative De::laratfon royether wiL•h any ~:omments ; receivec~ dur ing the publ ic rev iPw pxocess anu [u.r. ther E ind i.nn c+n the bas ia of. s tl•ie initial study and any comments received that L•here i:; no substantia~ ' e~~Ldence thaL L•he projec~ wi11 have a signiE.icznt eEEect on the t~n•~itunment. NUW, TFIL•'R~FOP.E~ BG TT RI?SOLVED that tlie Anah~im City Planning Cornmission does hereby gr.•a.iL- subject Pcl:iki~n fc~r Condi.tional Use Pe~mit, upon the to]..low.tng condit.ic;ns whicti aee hereby ~ound ~~ be a neec~ssary pter~quisi.te ~ to tts~ pro~~osed ~' uye of L-he stibj~c;t pro~erty in order to ~r.azerv~ the sc~Eety and .,7eneral wel.f are oP ~he Cit i.•z,~ns of: the Ca.ty oF Ai~aheim: S ; 1. Thdt: pz'{r',.C tc ~asuance ot a buildirig permir., the ap~ropr~.ate LzaEt ic ;;':gn~~. ~:;sessment fee sha11 be paicl to the Ci~y of ' Anahairr LIi un a;~:ount ~-~:, determined by t:Y:e Cit~+ Council. 'r ! ?. 'that the owner u.f subjkx:t z~roperty sha.ll irrevuca~ly ofEar t~~ ` ;; dedicate l:o tt~,~ ~ity~ ~~ Ana~~~im an addition~~l ~trip nf l~~tcl along Idagnoli.~ Avenue, measured northerJ.y [rom the back-cf-cutb at L•h~ corner oL- the inL•ersecL•i~~n of [4aynolia Avenue aric] La Pa1ma Avenue~ anc3 varyi~-g in ~vidl:h Erom 12 CeEI: J f or Lhe E irsL• 30U f eet~ and L-hen t:rans it ioning f rom 12 Eeet t o 0 L-'eet For th~~ r~exL• 30U feet. Tr, the event hZ~at G~nera], P1an No. 210 ~~er.taining ;~o Critical inL-ers~ctions ia not adopted by the C.`.ty C~uncil, ~his condition shal.l be cur~sidereci nu11 ~~znd voiu. :3. 'i'hat si~iewalk;;: ~;halJ. be insrzll~ri along Waodlar,c? Urive as eequirecl by Eh~e CiL•y Gngine~r an~ in accordance wi~h standard plan , and sper~ i~ ical ion;, on f ile in ~he OL• ~ ice of the C ity ~'-~ginF~er. 4. Tha:: the dz.iveways sha17, be con. tructed ~o accomrnodate ten f;, il()) fnot r~~dius carb rc~t4rns ~ts reguir.ed by th2 City Traffi^ ; Enyineer. `.~. '~har. drainag~~ ~~f ~ub jec~ proE7erty shall be disposed of in a ~~, m~nner satis(`:icCOry ~o tne City 'i Engine~?r. ,I ;~. Ti~at: subj~c:i~ nrop~~rl1 st,a11 b~~ ;served by unciergr ound util.ities. ~:i ~'1 7. `i'hat pc•ior -.o commencemeaL o£ sLruct:ura]. framinc~, Eire +~ t:ydrants shall be instal7,e~ and chargell as requli~ed and ;.;; de~errni.ned ~o bc nc~ces.~ary by the Cltie£ of th~ r'ire " Depar;:ment, ~~ !- £i. Thai ~ire 5priniclers shal.l be .in::talled as required by tYie ~~ City Fire Ttar:~h~z:~l. ,1:~ -?.- ~~~37-13f3 ~ fi ~ ~ 9. That Lr~;t~ st~orage~ arc~as sha11 be provided and mainEained in ar.cordance with approved pl~r,s on f i.le wiL-h Lhe ;+~rse~ Ma?.ntenance and Sanitation Division. lU . Th zt all a ir cr,nd i~ ioning f ac.il i t ies ( and other rooF and yround mounL•ed equiprnetlt) ,hal.l be properly shiEalded Ezom V.L6`W. l~• 1haE ~he pr.op~~sal ~haJ.1 r,om~ly with all .~igning requirements ~[ the f~L ~one, unless a variancc allowing s9.gn waiv~rs is ap~~roved by the Planniny Commission o.r City Council. 12• That ~n~ ptopose~9 oFEice uses :.hall be .limited ~o the L-ollowii~g ?.iUted ~:s~s ~.nd Lhat a cuven~nt reviewed and ,i approved by the c:ity Attozney°s Uf~ice so limxtir~g said u3es ~ shall be r~.~corded i;i f:he Ofi'.i~:e of. L•he Orange C~unt:y ~ Recor.der, a copy c~E whir.n ~ha11 be ~<• i Pr~~znte~? to ~he zoniny „ tiivision: 1. Accoui:t iny - booklcecpi.ng, CPA t'irms Fi.rms or TPmporary CPA 2. Advert is ing ~• ~lppra~sers 4• ~3anhs ~. 6 atnkPi~ - Real Esl•ate, Business Opportunfties, Et•c. . Busin~ss System CompaniE:~ 7, Cornmunicakion C~nsultanL- 8. Credi~ Report•ing Agency 9. Designer -- Indusl:ri.~;l, TnL-ei:ior, C.rapha.c 10, Develnpment Companies 11. Tnsitrance r~,npr;~n ins/Agenc ia~ :1.2 . Inveiitory SNr vices l3 . Leas ing C~rnpan ies 14. M~~nagement Consult~~nts/~Qrnpanies iS . N,ark~h inq ReUearch 16. Personnel. Agency 17• 18 Sal~~s Oftice (ouhsideY as it r~~lates to hhe industrial) . . Secretaria], Sar.vices 19. An}~ us~.~ ~r_rmiEted unaer 'Loning rubject L- l Cod~ ~ection 18.61.020, o a. i. coriditicros of said Secl• ior~. ~ach individual use ni sha11 require the approva]. nf the Zoning vision pr.ior tr given wh•~n it i d occupancy which approval sha11 only bP a amonst.ruted bj~ rhe ap~licarik :is cir her that such use _ an e:~ores • criteria uE s.ly ~ermit~ec7 t~se in such Lane or meets Mur; ~• 'n11 C~cle. Sec~i.on 18.G1.05d.605 uE tha. Anatieim J,~.... ., . . ~;;'' ~~i;: 13. Tlial• ~ubje~~f~ ~~roper.ty shall be devHloped substankially in acc;orc?ance wi~:h rlans and speciEicati.ons on fii~ with the Citx oF Ariah~im rnarked ~;xhi.bit Nos. .1 thr~ugf~ 4. ~ ~ ~.. PC37-138 :~;~,: ; ,~„ '; -,''i `:.. ~Ir' . . , , ..~~~Cii ';41.i ) ~+ ; ~~ ~,, 19. Tliat prior to issuance oE a build.ing pezmii: f'or Phase I ur wi~hin a peri~cl oE one year f~-om the da~e of this r.esolution, whickiever ~ccurs ~'irst, CondiLion Nos. 1., 2, 12, ab~v~-mention~d, shall be c~mpliec.9 wiL•h. ExL•ensi.ons for £urther time to com~l~=te said conditioris may be gran~Ed in accor.dancc with 5ecl:iun 18.03.090 c>E L-he Anat;eim Munici~:zl C~de. 15. Tha~ ~rior to issuance o~ a hui.ldi.n9 permit for Ph~se IT or within a~eriad oL- one year from ~}ie date of this resolution, wr~~chevar o:.curs f irsi:, Condition rio. 1, abova-mentioned, shall b~ complied with. Extensions f.or furtlier ~ime to compla~e sai~ .:ondition~ ma~ be granted in accordance wi~n Sect.iori 18.03~090 of• the An~.heim Municipal Code. 1.6. Thafi pxior to ~i.r~a? building and zoniny inspections For Phase I, Condition Nos. 3, r, 5, 6, II, 9, 10 and 13, above-me7nti~ned, shall be complied with. 17. That prior to ~ inal building anc9 zoni~ig .inspection:o for PhasA II, Condition c~os. 6, 8, 9, 10 and 7.3, above-mentioned, shall be complied wikh. DL T`1' FUR~rHC3t R~SOLVEll that the Anaheim Cil-y Planning Cammissior, does hereby fincl and deFermine that adoption af ~his Resolutiori is exoressZy pr~dicated u~on a~~plicant's c:ompliance wil:h each arid a11 of the conditions h~r~in~abov~ :eL- [orth. Should any ~;ich conditions, or any part thereo£, be declared i,nvalid or unent~rr.Pable ~y the Einal judgmenl: c" any cour.t of campeEertt jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any appr.ovals he.rein contained, sha11 5e deerned .nu11 anci vo.Ld. 'P[•lt: FOR~GOING R!3SOC~UTION :.~~ ~ iyned and approved by me t:his 5th day of July, 1987. /~ ~, CH~arR[4AN~ A~IA[iEIM CI7'Y P{C,AIVNl:NG ~~OMMISSION ~; A`~'TFS'P: } f ~(,C--~ ~--~t~ ~ (/Z~(.~/ S~CRETARY, AN1#HRIM CT.TX PLANNING COMMIS3ION -~- PC87-135 +^. •~, , r.~; l,.I 1'. ; ~ ;. , : ';~: .;~. . ~,'i '~~~ ,.I ~ .;. "'H;: ,:;~s ~' ; ~;; ~ r s~:, ;t :~~ STATE OF CALI~'ORNIA ) COULVTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETN ) ^ ~ F"w", :i, Edith L. Harris, Secr~~ary ot l:ne Anaheim City Planning ` C anmissi.on, do hereby certify that the foregoing c~solution was passed and ?. adop~ed at a. meeting of ttie Anal~eim City Flanning Commi.ss.ion held on July 6, ` .1.987, by the fo.l.lowing vote o.[ the membcXS tl~iereof: ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, Hr;ItBST, ti:; BURNEY~ hI~SBE NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NONE ABSE[3T: COMb1ISSIQNERS: NONE VACANT: COMMISSInNERS: T.I•IREE TN WTTNCSS WEIT~REOF, I hava heceunto set my han~ Lhis 6th day of ,3u1y, 1987. ~ ~ _G~,r.v~r , _ ;: SECP,ETARY, A~IAHEIM CTTX ~LA[~NING COMMIS~ION ,: `'". ,, 'S- PC8'7•-138 ~ ~~ 1