PC 87-14i , .........,_.,.~,._.._: :' ._. ~ ~ . . ~ .. ... . ' , .. S` ,y - .., :«, . ,a -- ... ' .~ _ . . ~ , Itr ,t :. d t "" _ i ~c;o:~u~r.ocv No. pc$~-i4 A RESOL' U'PION UF THG ANAHEIM CI'PY Pi,ANNING COMMISSION THA'P PC'.CT'PIOIJ FOk COND:!TIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2468 L~G GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheirn Cit:y P.lantting Commiss.ion did rPcelve n verified ~ Petitio~n foi Conditional r)se Perm.it Erom EDWARU E. MATTEiEWS, c/o r'AR WFST ~,;, SAV:[NGS, 4001 MacAri:hur t3oulev~rd, Newport 13each, California 926b0, oHner, and JAMES HANL~Y, 545 Indi.an Trail, Anaheim, Cali~ornia 92807, agent for cert~~in real property sil-~.iat.ed in the Ci~y aF An~heim, Cou-aty of Orange, Stal•.e of Califor.nia, described as: PARCG[, ~ : R,N UNbI`JTnED 2Q/21 TNTL,REST IN PARCPL 1 AS PARCEL MAP N0. 8i-235, RCCOI2BED IN $GOK 163, PAGES 5 TO 6 OF PARC::L MAPS IN TY.E OI'FICE Of T[iE COUNTY RGC012DEk Q[' SAID COUNTY. CXCE;PT 'PHERGFROM UNITS 1 TI3ROUGH 21 INCI,USTVE~ AS aEIOWN C1[4 A CONllOMINIUP4 PLAN RECORD~D NOVEIdt3ER 6, 1981 IN BOOK 14283~ PAGE ~75 0[~' ~FFICIAL RECORDS. PA~2CEL 2: UP3ITS 1 7'0 20 AS SEIO~i~N ON A CONUOMIHTUM PLAN RECURDEA NOVEMB~R 6, 19fl1 IN HOi7K 142$3, ~~AGG 475 OF UFFICrAL RrCORDS. '~VHEREAS, i:ne Cii:y Planning Commission did hol.d a public heariag a~ tl~e Civ:ic Cenl;~;r ~.n the Cit:v of Anaheim on Jani~ary 19, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., natice of saxd public h~ariny having been duly given as zequired by law and in ac:cordance wi~:h the provisiot~s oE rhe Anahri.m Municipal Code, Ctiapter 1a.0:3, ro h?a~ acid consi~3er evidence Eor and against saic9 praposed condi.tional u.se per.m.it and t-~ i~ivestigate and make Findinaa ancl re~~ommendati.ans in connection thc:rewiL-h; ari~~ ~ WHEREAS, said Co,nmission, a.[L•er due inspecL-ion, investigatipn and si:udy made by i~self and in i~s behalf, and a£ter aue consideration of al.l evidence anc~ report:s offersd at ~aid hearing, doE~s Pinc3 and deter-nine Che fo.l].owing fact~s; 1. Tt~at~ ~:he propo,ed uae i~ ~roperly one for whir,h a conditiona7. use perm.'t iS aukt~or.ized by Ariahe.im Municipal Code S~ction 18.61..05U.G14 t:a w:it: to pecmi.k 1 chur.ch in the Anahe.im Car~yoii Indiistrial Area. 2. Thai~ ~he proposed u~e is hereby yr~ntQd for a period of three (3) year.s, t_~ expire on .Tanu~ry 19, 1990. 3. That, in acc~rdance with C~de Section 18.61.050.b14, weekday (M~~nday t-.hrouyh T'ri.day) ~lse af subjecti propert~ pri.or i:o 6 p.m. ~hall be 'limited t:o c:~urch office sta£f only. 4. That the prop~sed use will not adversely afL•ect: the adjn.ining land use~ and the. gr.owt:i~ and dev~lapment: of the area in which it is proposed r.~~ F~e located. 1023r PC87-1~1 i i'$i+ ;~1 ~; ~ •~4 ; `t { ~ ;r ,~ 1' I. ( v '; ~ :rr . . ;,~",_ 5. Ti~at ~~he siz<~ and shape of t;he sit:e proposed For the u~e i.s aclequare i-.o a11ow r.h~ L-u1:1 developmen-: of t:he propo3ed use in ~i manner nor. detrirnent:al ~:o t:he partzcular. ~r~~a noc +.o the pe~~ce, heal.th, saF~ty and yeneral welfare of -~.he Ci-:izens ot i:he Cit:y ~f Anaheim. b. That: rhe r,rant:ing of t-.he Conditi,7r-al Use ?eCn~it under thP cundit.iot~s imposed, if any, wi1.1 nor. be c7c1:r. iment:al t:o t:he E~eace, hea.lCt- , safet:y ~nd genecal we:.ia!:e o[ ~_he (:it:lz~ns of the Cit:,y uf Anal:eim. 7. '~ha!. i.he i:calfic gr+ntrai:e~9 by ~he proposed use will no~- impo.e an undu~ b~irdc~n uE~or, i_he street:~ and hiyhways de,^,igned and im~roved t~ carr.y r.he t:raEEic in t-i~e area. 8. '~'hat. no nne indie~~~:ed t.heir E~re~hnce at said ~ubl~c t~earing in ~~ppo:~:ir.icn; and thar. no cocre~pondei~ce was received in oppusi~iun ~.o ~hc aubjec~: nel:ir.ion. ENVic20NtQEN'I'AL IhtPAC`P t INUING: Thak. ~ he Anah2im CiY.y Planning Commis~iun has reviewed r.he pro~~s~~] ~:o nermi~: a church in r_he Anaheim Canyun Industrial Area on an ir.:e~;~ularly-~hape~-3 natcel of land con~is~f.ng aP aE~proximar.~ly 12.2 acres, hav.ing a front:agc~ of approximately 5U0 Eset en th~ n~rt.h side oE La Palma '~v~nue, and furi.her desccibed ~, 5435 East I,a Palma; and d~es her.eby ap~,rove khe !Vegat:ive DecJ.aration u~nn Finding rhal: it has conside[ed t.he -iegat:ive ~eclatat:ic~n t.c,gPr.her wit:h any cortiment~ zeceived during t~he public rpview F~r~ce~s and f:ur~-her E:inciing on the basis of r.he initial sru~y and Any ~omiaen-., received ~:ha~: ~:here i:: no ~sub~t:antial evid~nce 1•.hat i:he project. will i-ave a ~iqnif i~:ant: efte~r on ~ he envirc~nmen*.. NQ;4, THFREEORE, AE Ii RF:SOLVEb i-;~a!: t:he Anaheirn City Planni.ng Commis:;ir,n ioe~ hereby granr. subject: pet.it.ion Eo~~ condit:i.ur~al. [Jse Pe~rnir, uFon ~:h•r_ Eollowiny r,ondition:; whic~: arp h~~•~b; fo~~nr3 en be a necessary prerequisite ~~o ~-h~ nr~~po.^~aa use of ~:he subject. pruPt~rt:y i.n order ~:o nreser.ve ~he safety and ~3enF:rr~1 welfare nf i he Cici•r,ens of r.he Ci~:! ~~f Anaheim: i. 'l~ha~ prior ~.o issu~nce o_` n E~U'L.LCjI~I<J ~ermic or conm~ncemen~ of the ar~civi~_y her.ein apnrove~d, which~ver occur, Lir.Ht, a r.ra£Eic ~tgnal a~seU3men~. fee ~~yual ing t he d~Eference bet:ween ~~.he industria~ ~~nd romm~rcial ass~:s~men~: Ee~~ sh.~:.l br~ ~~aicl +.o -:he C.i~:y of Anah-_im in an amoun~: a~ der.~rmined b~ th~ Cit:~ Cour~cil, for ~:t~e enr_ire 8,~00 :squa~e F.oo~. area ro be u:~ed by ~:hc church. ?.. 'C~iat ;ul~je~:~: ~~roPer+.y :z~iall be deve.loped subsranr.ially in accordar~~e wirh plana and specifici~ ir,ns on f.ile wi~.h ~:he Cit:y of Anaheim marked L•'xhif~i': Nos. 1 and 2. 3. Thar. r.hi~ ~~~e per~ui~. *h~ll. ~x~~ir.e ~~n January 19, 199U. UE I~T C•L'~t't~Nt:R n,lss~[,'•!EU r.ha~ i:he Anahe;.m Cii.y P~an~iing Comr~ission doe~ hereby fi.nd and der,ermin~l r:h~!. a~lop-.ion of thia R~~oluric~n is expressly prn_di~ar.c~d upon ~p~li4~n-:'E cc ~li.ance wi~:h ~±ach anci all ~f tne c~~i;dief,ans he:~inabov~ ~er. Corh.ti. ;hou13 a:iy ~uc.h c~nditinn~3, r~r any patr. i:n2reoE, be ~'eciared .tn~•ali~] or un~nt~r.c~=able ~y i:11e 'in.~l judg:rinnt oE any cour.t oE cnmpe~:ent Su: isdir.t ion, ~ hcn ~ his it~aoluf.ion, and any appruval:~ h~rein conrat~ed, nhall h~ sleecnN~~ nu.il ~ind v~atd. .~~ ~~~~~ -2•• PCB~-14 ,'v ,~, ~Mw` TkIC E'OR~GO:NG RESOLU'!'TUN is s.igned and approved by m~.:~ rhis 19t:h day ot: ~Yanuacy, ].987. ,,Gi .:, ~:~` <' f'j~ ~ //`~/i~ ;.. . ~,' . • ,. CHAIRMAN, ANAFI~iM CITY. ANNrNG COMMISSiON AZ"PEST: ~ /) _, .C~ _F~ oY ._.,. _. SE~REm RY, A~IAE~EIM CYT P~nNt~ING COMMTSSION STATG QF CALIFOR~lIA ) COUN'PY Ur UkANGE ) 3s. CTTY GN ANAHE:IM ) >: I, Edi~h L. Harris, Secre~.ary of r.he Anahe.tm City Planning ~ Cummission, do hereby certify r.hat: the £ortgoing res~lution wa~ ~a;+~eci and ~ adop~.ed at a mee~:ing o~ r.ti~± Anaheim City Plranning Cem~~ i~sion h~ld on January y 13, ~967, by t:he foll~wing vo~.e oE the members r.hereof: , ~~ -~ ,'";~'J; +t f ~ AYES: CUt4tdISSi0P7ERS: BOUAS, FRY, Kc.RBST, LA .;;LAIRE, LAWI(:KI, MC: BURNEY, ~ MESSE ti ~IOES : CQMMISSTONER~: NO1VF. ~ s ABSBNT; :.OMt4ISSIUNF,R~; NONE , IN ItitTNESS W.f{L•'REOP, I have hF~reunr..o ser. my hand Lhis 19t:h day of. January, 1987. ~~ , ~• ~ SLCRE~PA( Y, ANAF{EIM ~ITY ~LANNI~~G COMM]:SSIOt3 -3- P~ff7-19 -- - - - .. ° , c -.<~~~~