PC 87-145` ra>; r N~~~'~ , . ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~., ~ _ jU~n7~+~1~ s~wd N pyRi., ; f i i!{: RESOLU'.CTOD1 N4. pC87-.195 A R1~;SOGUTTUN UE~ THf: ANF.HI'sIM CI']"f PLFIINItJG, COPfMIa;IpPl :'HA'i' I~F,'~rxTTON FOR CUNb.T'Pl:ONAL US'r; PERMI'I N0. 7.933 }3E GRANTLU WtfLfiGA~, thr An~~hFirn City Planni~g ~~mmission did r.ecelve a veriEted Pekition for Condi.tlonal Us~~ Permit i:r~m tIUtiVA12D LNGEI~MAtJ, ~T. ?1L., 111 N, Glenroy Avenue, T,o:, Angelcs, CA gl]U49, owner and ALYHA BGTA COMPANy, 777 S. i~ar.bor E3qulevard, La [iabra, CA 506.31, A'PTN: EL.[ZADF~TE: R. HURR~LL~ age~~t f~t• certrain real property situated in cl•~r; Ci.ty o£- An~helm, counryo uf Urange, StaCe of. C~ali[ornia, described as: PAI2CLl, L Ut' Pql2CE;L MAP IN TIIL CI'CY OL ANANCIM„ CGUNTX 01~ ORI~NGE, ~TA'P~ UE~ CALt!'ORNIA, ~;; pGR tdAP FI:,E~ IN . BOOK $, PAGE 46 Ci' PF.RCEG MAPS, IN ZFiFa OE E'T('c^, OF THL'' COL'NTY !ti~C012DIsR :?r :;AIt> CUUN7.'x. WHL•'REAS, the City ul.anniny Comrni;:>:;ion did ho].d 3 public hearing at . the ;:ivic Center ~n r_h~. c:i~y oE An~h~=im on J:ily 20, 198'7 at 1:30 1 oE ~aid publ.ic liearing hav.ng Le~r.~n ~~i1 ' ~• n• ~~~~~ ice R, a~c~~r.c9~nce with the ~, Y 9iven as required ~~y law and in ~rovJ.:;ion, c,F th~ ~1nai~eirn ~~ur~icipal Code, Ch:.E~ter 14.03, i:o i;ear ~~ i con:,i~fer ,_: i~:lc~n::-:~ ~~., r and ~g~~in~t said pxoposeri conciitiortal tlse p~~rr,iL• an~ to invesr iqalc~ ~~~cl mak; E in~~iings and t.ec~r~~~~t,-,ciattons in connect.ion tt~c~rewiLh; an~l 'riHG~tc;AS, ,.~.~r~ ~,~,nmisaion, after r3ue in,pection, inve:~tigation and y~-~i~Y 'nad? bY i.tselE an~l in tts behal[, and aEter due consid~ra~~on n~ a11 ~videnc~ .~~~7 rt~porks ~iFL•er~rl aL• sai~:i h~ar.iny, does finr~ and determine ti~e f.ollc~w.in,y Eacts: 1. Thac i:he prr~po;;~-: ~~ ,t~ i:; pt•c~~~rly c~ne E~~r whl.ch a condi.tional use permit i:, aathc~rized by Anaheim hlunlcxYal CJC~in S~ct!on 1.8.03.O30.O1U to wi.t: to ralatr~ a t~.mporary t.ra ilc~r Eor ~sperm~:rke.t st~rage use. 2. Tha~ tt~e use i, gr«nt~d Co.r a p~riod oE one il l year~ to expire ~uly 20, lygg, 3. That r_h~ G~roposc~ci use wil l not adver.seiy a!:fect the ad joining 1~--nd u~e;~ anc~ the :arowtY~ and devcaloE~ri,~rtt oE the area in whieh it fs proposed t.o be lr,c;~~ted. 4. 't'hat CF~e adequace t.o ~aliuw the :;iz~~ and :~ha~~e of thca site ~iroposed f-or full dev`1~~ , ttse use J.s ~ me~t of• detrimental ~u the oart.tcular acea the E~ro~oRed u~e .in a manner not_ yen~ral we.liare of thN nar Citi~ens ol: che Cit to the pea~e, p~ea.lth, oF saEety and y Anahcim. 5. Tha-_ t;hr conditio;~s lmpo,;ed, if gr:~nt ing af t.he an Conc: it lonal U~e ~ [~'iffilt undtr th :~S~PEty and gener:~l welt y, ~~i11 not bA ~ ~ace, heal are af l•.he C it i ~ r l e th, zen , C tne C ity oL Anaheim. O~OGr L'C87-1.45 1;; ' 1 ;~~ _ _, ,_,_ ... , ~. , , ~-~,.,, . ~. ,.,.,. v.,,.; ~ ~.~{,<<r,:~f~.t,~h~;~i~ ¢~'' ~~~ ~ ;'l. ;,t~ , ~pff~ ,!r ~ 6. That 1 p~rson .tndicat~~i her ~,~~s~n~~ ~t ~~, j~ pub.lic helr ing ,in o~post.k.ton; and that nc~ corres~undence w~is r~ceived .in opp~sit.ion to the sub ject r~E~t.tt ion. '~NV.T.RONMhNTAI, TMC~ACT F'INI?ING: 7:hat the Anahelm CIt ~~ Comm.lssion nas reviewed th~ "~ ~ Y lanning ' superr;~ark~t storage use on an pze ~i_lari t~ Letaln a tem~~ora!-y trailer ~or I:~~ ap~roxiinately 2.4 9 Y-shaped parcel oE la7d con;:isting oF acre,s ioc~ted souLh and east o~ th~ ;;o~,theast corner o.F. La A~~ Palmt-~ Avenue an~i Fuc:lid ~treet, and turther d~e~cribed as lt)7.U Nor*_h Euclid Str.eet (Alpha ~eta); and does hereb a , ~indin~~ that it has consider.ed the yNe~. t~l ee neclaz~~t~,o~Vet~~~th~ra~~lth uany comments receiv~~d dur~ng the pubiic r.eview process and Eur.t}iPx £incitng on thp t, ~~'~si$ nF tha .initial si.udy and any comments recs.ived ttiaC therP is no : subs~antia ~ evidence Gh3t the project wi.ll have a:;Ignif icant eEfect on the "~' environ~Tient. ~~ ~ NOW, THEftI;['ORE, i3G T`I' IlLS^vL•VCU Cr,mmission c3oec i~ereb thaL t.he I~naheim City Planriiny .Y geani: subjcct petit.ion Eor Conditional Use ~eemit, upor. tt~e foll.owinr.~ conc9ition~~ wh.ich are herek;y L•ounc9 t~ b~ a n~cessarv prerequisite ; to L•he prr.posed u:~e oE the subject. ~~ro ~rt ~ ~ and general welPara ot- tfie Cit.Eze~~„ ox t~-~t ~ityy of~A~ahelm; F're~~`~V~ thc saCety 1. Th~~t the tr.;ilc~r sha11 br-~ ncn-K~friger~3ttid and shall not exceed a length of: :°ort.y (40 ~ f~~t , ~ 2. Thak subjECt ~to~erty shall ~ be dc.v~],oped substant.ially in accvrdanc~ wil:h plans ~znd specifir~tions on ~'i1r-_ with thp City ' of Anaheim ~narked Exh ibit rlos. 1 and 2. 3. ~haL• a f:ire exti.nguisher, as a~,proved bX the City Fire Marshall, sha ~ 1 be p.t~iced. and mainl:a.~.riea .i~~:,idP t:he trailer, ~~. That this per,i}l;. S>>~~1.1 terminate in ane (1) year, on July 20, ].988. ~E r~.r E~U42THI:R R~;SOLVLD that ~he Anah~ im ~~ ity plann~.ng C~mmtss.Lon `~~c~ }~~r~~y f i.nd and det~~rm in~~ that ado~t ion of r_hi.s Resu ~ut Lcn is e~tpressly pred i.cate~l u~on ~tpp1 (c~7nC ~ ~ ~omp1 iance wiL• h each ar~d a.l l. of' rhe cond it.tons her~~inabov~~ ;:r,t Eo~~th. Should any ~uch condi! ~ deciared inv~ilid or unenEorc~at~le ~On'` °r ~~~~.' 4~art thereuf., be ~amper.ent jurisriicti.on, t.hen tt~is t~y the Einal judgr~N;t~ ~t any cour~ o.C contained, shall be ~er.~; , Re:,oZut icn, ~ar.d any anprovals h~reln ~Ed nu i.l. anci vo_d. 'tHE ~0,?i3G~JING Ft~SOLUTIQIV ,is ~igned a~~d apE,roved by me this 20Lh day af July, 19s/~ ~ ~, ~ CFiALf2MAN, TNpIIi;.it~ ~ t'Y PI.AiVNIPIG Cc)MM.IS~ pN ATTEST: ~ , t O -__ ~ . SFCRETA Y~ AIvAFIRIM CTTY PLl~NNING COh1MTSSIUPI ~2 PC87-145 ~~~~iYi i,~~~,~y ~ ~ ..... .,.~... . .. ~. ~.. ^~ y~~. ~. .i~~;',;+. ~?j,~i~~~5~ r~,~.ti~1i~~.rF'~ .riW:~ SrATF OF C~UIEORNIA ) COUNTY Oi~ OR.aNr,E ) ss. CITY OF ANI~HFT~' ) I, f3dith r.. El~arr.Ls, Secretar.y of th~ Anaheim C;ity ~lanning Commission, do h~reby c:ert iLy that the Eor~go.iny rc:solut.ion was passeci and adopced at a meeting o.f t.he Anzheim rity Planning CornmJ,ssion hel.d on ~uly 20, 1987, by the fallowiny vote oF the memb~rs thereaP: AYE~: COPSN,TSSIONLRS: BOUr~S, BOYDSTUN, CARUSTLf,O, rFL~FIAUS, H~;RBST~ MC f3URNEY, MLSBk, NOF.S: COhIh1ISSI0NERS: NONE AL~S~'N'P: COMMISSIOI~ERS: PJONE IN I9TTNESS t^IEiFREUE, I hav~ hereuntr; set my l~and tnis 2Uth day o~ July, 'i9f's7. ~ - ~ i~ ` ~ ~ ^-` ~% SL'.;RF,'PARY, ANAHLIM CI'CY PLAN~ING CU61MISSIOLQ ^!~ t +. ~ ~.~, -3- ~r r.