PC 87-153~'"`, RESOLUTION N0. PC87-153 .`, ,3 A RG~OGUTTON OF '.CHE ANAHEIt4 CITY PLANNTNG CC~MMISSION THAT P~'I.'I2ZON i~OR CONDI'PIONAL US~ PGRMIT N0. 2935 T3G C;RANTED WHERF~.S, I:he ~nahe i rn C ily Plann ing Comm iss ion d id receive a ver ii ied PeL:il: ion For Cond i~ ional Use Permii: Erom GI~RARll J. nOUGHLR, 197 Lmerald eay, Laguna I3eacn, CA 92G51, own~r ot certa.in reaJ. properly situate~ in l:he CiLy of Anah~im, CounLy o~ Oranae, SLaLe of Califarnia, d?scribed as: PARC~L 1: ~'s ~'.; :~;,• i., ~ .( S _;i THA'P POkTTON OF LOT 28 nF ANAHEIM EXTENSION, AS SHOWN UN d~ M~~P OF SURVEY MAnE BY WT[~LIAM HAh1FL AND :ILED IN 'PHG pF['ICL QL TFIE GOUPl7'Y RGCORDER OF 'LOS ANG~;'LES COUNTY, CAi~IFORNIA, A COPY OE' WHICH :CS SHOWN IN DOOK 3, PAGBS 163 ANU EOLLOWING, EN'i'TTLPn "LOS 11IVGF;LeS COUNTY P7AP5", 12ECORDS OE~ ORAr7GE COUN'rY, CALIFORNIA, DESC12lF3ED AS FOLGU4IS: }3EGIN~ING A'P T.EI~. INTERSGCTION O.P A:.INE PAR:~LLF;L WZTH AND SUUTHERL~Y 562.00 FPFT, MEASlJR~7D AT RIGH'P AP]GLES FROM THG NORTHLRLY LINE OE SAID GOT 28, WITH THE WRf;TrRLX L7I~F OI` Ht1RBOR ~OUI,EV~IRD, ~1S DGaCRTDED IN 'P.ir DEED TU 'PEIC Cc~UNTY OF ORANG.~, RECOF~ED MARCH ].9, 1930 TN E~OOK 362, PAGE 406 OF OFE'ICIAL RECORnS; '1H~NCE SOUT;i 74° i7' 30" WBST 2:i1.06 ~EFT P.LOyG SAIU PARA'LLI;L LTNE; 'I'HENCF SnIJ'PH ].6° 10' 30" EAST 190.15 F'CCT, PARAf.~LFL WTTH TfiP: C:L'I~~CLRLINE OF .PALM ,TRGFT, TO THE SOU'PHETtL,Y LINE~ OF THE LAND CONVEYEI) TO (iFNP,Y J, KF.STc,[~1HOI~Z BY pEI'sB RI~CORDFD h3A:2CH 24, 1944 IN BOOK 1243, PAGF' 199 OF OFPT'~IAL REi;ORDS: TH~NC~ SOUTEi 74° 1' 15" WGST 52] ~93 F'EE'.P ALONG SAID 50liTHERLY LINE `PG 'rHE [;AS'T~RL,~ LTN~ 'JP TH~; ~7ESTGRLY 10.Q0 ACR~S OF SP.ID LOT 2$; ThJGNCE NORTf1 15° 46' 40" WEST 31.C1.02 FE~E.T AGONG .~;4tD C~TNC `CO A f,ING PARAGLEL WTTH AND SOUTHrRLY 442.Q0 rEG,'C, MEASUKl;D AT R'tGH'.P ANGI~ES PROM 2'HE ~VO~t`L'HERLY LINE OF SAID T,QT ~8; TI•ICNCL NORTH 79° 17' 3U" CAS`C 5f37.1 FELx ALONG SAID PARAI~LE.L LINE, 'SO A °OINT SUUTH 74° 17' 3~" WrST .173.0U 1~ET FRGM THr INTEF2SCC'PIUN OP SAID ~'ARALLEL LINE W?:TH '~HF~ WE5TF.RLY LTNE OF SAID HARROR I30UI~EVARD; '.PHCNCE SOUTH 15° 46' 5U" E~S`f 9G.00 FEL'P; THENCE N012T1~1 7~° 17' 30" EAST 167.4'% FFE`T TO THE WEST[7~LY LTN~ •:)P SAID HARr30R BOULEVARP; TH~N(;E SUUTHERI,Y 1.4.13 I f3E'P TO 'PEiL POTNT O( I3LGtNNING. OU15r PC87-153 r:~~ ; ;~ ;;:;> ; I:'.r THA'P YGR7.'T~N OF f~OT ?.8 OF ANAHLIM EY.TENSION, ~S SEiOWN ON A MAP OP SUftVEl' MADG 6Y W7LLTAF4 HAMEL kKD FILED IN T[3L QE'i'ICE Of THG (;OUNT~C RrCORDER OE 1~OS ANG~LES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, A COPY OF' WHICH IS SHUWN TN a00K 3, PAGGB ].(3 F,ND EOLLUWIVG, ENTITLGD "LOS ANGELE:S rnU~`~~Y ~A~s", }~ECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DCSCRIBGD AS kULLOWS: I3P~IN~IIN:~ e1T 'l'HE ItdTERSECTTON OP' f1 LTNE PARALL~L WITH AND SUUTHB~',LY 659.~8 FEET, MEASURED AT ~tIGHT ADIGLFS FROM THE NORTHERI,Y. I'.,INE UF SAID LOT 28 L4I7.'H 'f[•IE; WGSTERZ,X LzNE OF IiAi':DUR BOULEVARD, AS DESCRIAED IN llEGD TO '.i'fiE C()UIV`rY OF '~~ ORANGE R~CQRDFD MARCH 1, 1930 IN IIOQR 3G2, PAGF 40~ OC OFEICIA.L RBCORDS; 'PH~NCE SOUT[~ 74° 17' 30" WEST 212.43 FEFT AT~ONG .°,ATD PARAGLEL LINe;; iHENCF SQU'PH ? 6° .l' 30" L•'AST 92.87 FCET TG 'PHC SOUTHCRLY LTNF OF TI~Ih: LAND CONVLY'LD '.CO H~NRY ~J. KES~cEriEx~~,'L BY DCED RGCGRVFll MPRCH 24~ 1944 IIJ BOUK 1243, PAGE 199 OF OFFICJ.AL ~GCORDu; 'PHENCE DIQRTH 7~}° 19' 1.5" EFtS'r Z84.71 FrGT ALONG SAID SOU7.'HIsRLY LINC TO StIID F1LS'T.~RLY LTNE OI` HA2BOR BOULEVARD; `t:ILNCE NOR'PHEf2LY 96.77 FEL•"C AL,ONG SAID WEST~;RLY L•iNL~ TO '.i(-IE ~'OINT 01 BEGINNING. _ PARCEL 3: THAT. PO~.`.CIl1N Or" LOT 28 pF ANAHr IM EXTENSiON, AS ,SF~OWN ~ ON A MAP OI' SURVEY Mt~DG BY WTLLlAM HAh1E1, AND L~ TLED IPJ ~! 'PHP•. Ot G'Ic:E OE~ THL•' COUNTY k?1;CORllER 4F LOS ANGELES COUNTY~ CAt~IFO[{N:CA, A COPY OF WHICH IS a^HOWN TN AOOK ~ 3, FAGE~ i63 AND FULT_•OWING, GN'PITLFD "LOS ANCF~LES I` COU;VTY MAPS", RECORDS OF U}iANGE COUNR'Y., CAL'lPORNIA, ~ UESCEi1H~,D AS hOLLOWS: ;_!`a f3EGLNNI~IG A'P TFIL•' :[N'C'F12SI~CTION OF A LINE: PARALI,EL WI'PEi ` ~ I~hD SOU'PHL:RLY 567..00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGH7~ ANr,L~S ~ FROh] THC Nl?R2'HLRI~Y. LING OF SAT.D T,O~t' 7.£3 WI'.['H 'PEIL 's~ WES'1'EP.LX I~INE OP HACt3pR BQULr^.VA.RD, I~S UESCRIIIGD TN ~ THE ~EED TQ ORANGE COUNTX, RECOROF.U MARCH :l, 193U Id3 ~ ~~ BUOK 362, PAGr 9U6 OE 0~'F`ICTAL 12ECORD5; TH~NCL S~UTI? ' ' ,j 7~~° 17' 3fi" W];S~' 23.1.06 G~E'.C ~II~bNG SAID ~ARAL'I,[;L c:; L'lNE; 2'HENCF SOUTH 16° :10' 3U" EAST 9', .28 r'F;ET, , ~` PARAJGLF,L WI'PH Ti~G EAST LINE Or' SAID LOT 28, TO TH~ ' NOR'1'HWLS`P CURNLR Ok' THF' I.AND CO[1VEYED TO AItCHiE D. CF2AIG 11ND WIE'~, BY UEGD RLCORD~D ?~UGUS'r 29, 1946 IN BOOK 1444, PAGE 414 OF OFFICIAL rtECOk2US: 'I'HENCe N~RT[~i 74° 1` 30" Er.ST 212.43 F~:ET AT.,ONG THG NORZ'HL12LY LINE OF SATD iAND CONV~;YED 'r0 CF2AIG, 'rU THE WESTERLY T ,TNE . OF uAID HARE3CR E30UliBVARD; TEILt1C.~ NOKTNGRL~Y 9a.94 FGET ALO~~ SAII) W~STERLY laI[•JE TO THG POTNT ~F AF;GINNTNG. ,'`~, :> -2- i' ' , PC87-153 ;;~ ,, ,. . .... ..,.,. _ „~~,~t~,~, ~ . ~ . ,, , . ., ., ... . . .. . ,- . . , , ~ , , ~~; _. ~ _ : :. ._.. _ _ s- .~•~ ~~ PARCF.~L ~ : f~ A NON-EYCLUSIVL•' EASGMEN'P E012 SANI'PARY SEWF.R PURPOSES OVER THAT FORTION OF LOT .l OE TRACT NOn 10954 AS SEiOWN ON A MAF RECURDED IN 300K 4.74~ PAGES 10 AND 11 OF MISCELLAlVEOUS NIAPS, RECORDS QF QRANGE COUNT~, CALtFOP.NIA, BGING A ST.RIP OF LAIJD, 2.50 rF.GT IN WID'rH, THE CENTERI,TNE OF' WHTCH TS DFSCRiF3ED AS k'OLLQWS: BCGIRt~ING AT TH~ Sl)UTHGASTBRI~Y TERDSIDIUS Or' ~ THAT CGRTAIN COUR^aE IN THG EAaT~RLY I30UNDARY Or SAID ` LOT 1.~ B~ING DESCRIB~ll AS "NORTH 16` 47' 24" W~ST 452.00 FE~T"; THENCE, A.LONG THF~ GENGRAL SOUTHEF.LY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 1, NORT.H 78° 05' OS" WEST 30.51 rF.E2' A'.dD NORTtI 42° 2~' 47" l'r'c^,ST. 1.16 BE;~7' TC THE TR~JE ~ POIN'P OF I3LG.[NN.l'NG; 2'E3.FNCG, LEAVI~G SAID GLNEI2AL i SUU'PHEI2LY f30UNDARY, [vQNTH 15° '13' S5" tdES•~ 177.09 ,i 1 L•'ET TU A PUIN'A HCR[;INA['TER 1~GSCRIBED AS °PUINT A"; THENCt~ NOR''i[I ].5° 54' 24" WL'ST 1U9.53 S"EE'P; TiiFNCE Ni~RTH 6° 35 ` 36" L'AS'P 49 ~92 FCET TO A LINE PARAT~LBI~ WITH ~ca~ 1.00 ~'QOt tiVES'PCRLY OI' SAID COURSE ~GSCRIBED AS "NUR'I'El .L6° 47' 24" W~ST 452.00 FG~T''; ~Hr~NC~, ALCING SAI.D P~~RAi.LI'sI, LLNE, D]ORTEI lE° 47' 24" WCST 93.14 FEr~t~; THCr1cE Nou~rri G1° 47' 24° 44ES`r 15.59 FE~~r TO A P~ZN'P. 7:N THE GSDiERAL CiOR'CHrIlLY k30UNDARY OC SATD LOT 1 r SAII) I'OINT f3~,I~]G lliS~PANT SUUTH 74° 25' 58" WEST 12.0;; P~;F,T rR(ih1 THH N4R'.~F1WE~TFRLY TERNiINUS 0r _ uAli) CUURSP: DRSCEiIBLD AS "t~O.R.TH ].6° 4~7' 24" N~.~ST ~52.00 Fr^.E'I'" . THc; SIDELT.NES Oh SAID STRlP '1'0 B~ LBNGTHL"NED OR ~HOR'CL•'NED TU U;2IGINATF A'I' THAT CE32TAIN COU~tSG DESCRIBED ~-IT~RLIN A~ "NOR7.'EI 7f3° 05' U$" r1E~T 30.51 FL•'GT" AT I'PS GASTGRT•Y S:CDE, AT A LTNE k~Fs'~RT.~G NORTH ' 45° 29' 47" WEST, WFIZCH PASSES THROUGH T:.;E T2tUFs 1~UI[~T ' ~L l3EGIbTN'LP~G A'P I`1S WES'PE12LY STDE, AND TO 7'~RMINATF ;: P,T SAID GG~IL•'RAL NQRi~fIrLZI,Y BOUNUAIiY. ~~ ; : . i ; ; PARCEL' S: ' ~; 'I A NON-EXCLUSIVE FASGPIFtJT F012 SANI'PAY.Y SEI4ER PURFOSES ,~' ~ OVER THA.T POFt'1`ION 4F 'LOT ~ Ok TRACT N0. 10954 AS ;? SHOWN ON A MAP RGCO~tLIED ' N F3~)~R ~74 ~ P:~GES 10 ANll 11 ,; ,!~ GF MISCELLANEOJS MAPS, RF'CQRDS OF ORANGG CUUNTY, I r CALIFUR.NIA, DESCRIBLU AS E'CLL~WS: ~.~;~~ , BEGTDfNIN~ AT "FUIN'1' A" DESCRII3ED I~I PARCFL~ 3 ABOVE; - '?~ o? THCNCE NORTFi 15° `.i4' 24" WEST '1.50 ?EET TO THE TR~E ;;~: POIN'.P OF BEGTNhING; THCP~CE NORTH 74° 05' 36" EAST '"; 50 L EL'P; 'PHh~NCC SOUTH 1.5° 5~1' 2h" k~AS'P 5.U0 1~ET; 2 . THENGE NORT.R 15° 54' 24" WI.ST S.OQ r^LE'~'; `PHENCE NOt`ZT[3 74° 05' 36" LA5'F 2.50 FrE'P TO THG TRUE POIh2' OE ~' ii'~. BEGLNNING. . a; ~~~ ,. ~ ~ ~ xs~;a:~li,,~c:~u; .~ ~ , .,.. , . -3- PC87-153 .~i:r ,,.,,; ,~ :;,:, +,5, r•;~ , ;,t! +';i~lf~~ ,.}.'.•;~v;~il3~2i ~^"9i ~!'~i;RL•'~15, ~_he C il.y I~.i~~nn ii~y Cummi:;s inn d ia ho1c3 a publ ic he~r ing ~l l:he C ivic CenLer in Lt-N C i~y o[ Anal~e irn on Augusl. 3, 19~7 al. .l: 30 p. m. ~ no1: ice o[ sa id ~ub1 ic hf~ar i:~q h~~v ing been ciuly ra iven as rec~u iced by law and in ar.r.~rdance w it.h ~he ~LUV 13 lO11f; oE t:he An?he im htun ic ipal Code, ChapLer 18.03, ~~ hear and e:on:cider evi~'t~nc~~ for and aqainsl. :;aid -~rnf~osed conditiona], use per. mi~ and Lo invest igaLe und ~n~~kr~ t' inc3 ings and r~ac~~mrnencia~ ion:: in cnnn~wcL ion i.l~ec•ewi~.h; anil W~IrRI?,aS, sa id Com:ni:~s iun, a~t.er ~.ue ~pec~ ion, invesl igaL i~n and sl.udy m~ade k~y il.self anrl in i;.s t-,~h~lE, ancl ar~.er due consideraLi~.~n o~ a.11 evir3ence and reporL:~ oLCer.e~.l al. s~ id i~f~.ar ing, doc~s E ind an~9 de-: ,rmine the f:ollowin~; tacLs: 1. 'Ch.~l. ~ha ~ro~~usc~d use ~s prop~rly une xnr which a:.nnditional u:,e E~ern~i~ i:~ ~i~if_hor ized b,~ ?1n,~h«~irn Mun ic ip4l Codc SeC~.l.Ot1 i8.48.U50.150 to rrit: ~o incr~~a^c I,he nurnb~~r oE t~:creatinnal-vc~h{cle spaces withi~ an exi:aLiny R.V./Mahil~~hr~i1,~ park t_~.~ a-_otal of 19n space:; wi1..h w~ivers of !_he foli~~wing: t,~) ,};r.;-rr.or~s L9.U4.OR5.011 - Minimum larids-:aped fronl seCback ~ A;ln 18,48y06~ !35 feel Ful.ly ~andsc:aped req~~ired; non~ propos~d). (f3; SEC't'iONS lE3.i)6,t)ql).010 - t4in+mum di~r!ension., oc vehic.le r,-a~~ za.aa.o~~.o~~o ~C~t,..;~~~1. - - !25 f~~ot t.+idi.ii requirf~d; 15 Ce~t Eoc oneway drive•ways propoU~d). (c.) SEC'PIONS 1l3.U5.f);p,0.~q - ~qin~Rium number uF Ptobilehome GucsL ANn La.4~3.06G.0~0 Parkin~ S ac~s. (5 rc~,uircd; none E~ro~os~d ) . -' '- 2. T:ia~. ~_i~~~ pei. i~ i~~n~~r sl i~~.ila~ed at. i.he publ ic hear ing Lo Lhe t:~~ilo~~ir~y ilci~s whi~.h wer~ ~per:ifi~~d ire hi.rs 1«;LLer. Lo t.i~e Planning Commi.sion, daled July E3, 1",g7: a~ ~PrldL L}1!` ~?i1CK 1?:1llc~~J<?iilC?!IL W1]1 Fi:;:;ji~ ~;j1 It?CCFALL4fld1 vehicles xnd r~ob ~ let:ome:; i nLo at~d ~~u~ of. L}7r~ un i L :;pace3; ~~) 'Chal. on-:,Lrt:eL ~arkiny <zr~ac~~, wiLhin l.he ;~ack w~l.l be rec]uced ,:rom o,~e nundr^ca eJ.even (11).) I.o no moce I.tinn :;iz (6); ~) t~ha~ one i~ur~clre:l n ine~~ lwu ( 1.92 ) lo4.i w i 1 1 have on-l~l ~ark ino ; E,ac~a ; d) P~7a~ on~~ nundr~~~i 1' if ly onc ( 151 ) lo~s w ill. hav~ second Landem 3UE-'S1. n8~k. iny :3j~<~CC:i; ~) I'ha~ Lh~~ main clrivew~iy from +.h~~ enl.rance .~il: be t.wenl.y ~ivF (25) f:~?el •~r~c:e: C? Cha! a"hamr;ierheac:" tur.ni~~c~ aCf~a wi~i~ coCner C:~L-o~fs will bc provicicd ~~i_ lh~~ enri ~~E ~l~c: mai:~ dr, iw~~~ray t:o E~rovidF+ bcl~er :~c::e.~s f.~r Lra.;h, ti ire ~cui emery~~n^y ve;~ir.le:t; <3) ~'ha~. ~ca:~h :>>ns will b~~~ tocal.«l nr.ar i.hc~ enGr~ance for greal~r c:unv-~n i ence; ~' ~~;a ' ~ '~.~,;A~. ~`; ~'~ ~ PC87-15 J " I°""~ ~ 1~ ) ': ~L Lhe LhF~ new 1ot_ layotil will prov id~ Lwelve (.12 ) teet }~aLWG~n uniLs; i) 'rh<~t. Lhe ex isL inr, 147 ~ver.yrown d i~e~std dec iduous and yucca p.lanLs wil.l 1~~~ ~~eE~1a~.:ed wiLh ev~r.green:;, palm lree~; and f:iower~; j) T.hat. Lhe ~ot.hole~ anc9 irrk~yulac a~phalt surf:aces which cause :~Land in~~ wci!.t~r and eCGS ion in t.he cir ivew~~ya will be r~:~.» irF.d; k) 'i'hai. t.l~r_ UL'll'il.t~S wi.11 be upgr.aded (im~~roved eleclrical c,~1~acity), ~x;~-3n~zd (cab.lP 'P'J, ~~as ~nd lelephone) and rep~ired; 1? 'I~haL l.he exisl ing ovi.c:head poles and wiKes and ahovc~ gr.ound c~as 1 in~~:~ ~dill b~~ r~>moved ~ind replaced undecground; m) '~r~aL concra~~ drains wi.ll be inst,alled I.o en~ure ~roper sur[ace ~~ra ina~e; anc+. n) 'Inai. F~xisGi!:g de+.er~orraf.ec7 laui;dry an~ res~room f,~cilitie, will b~ r~moved and replaced lJ t Ltil ne~~u f ac i 1 i L i es in the sLOraye room. 3. ~'h~il Lhe propos~~d use w111 noL advecsely ailecl: the adjoining land uses and Lhr~ growt.h :~nd dr.~ve:L~~~n?e~ni: ot Llie ar.ea in which it. i~ pcoposed t.o b~~ lo~al.ed. 4. ~rha~ Lhe :> i:e and :.•h:~E~e ~~[ Lhe s iLe ~r.opo:~ed Eor Lhe use is adc,~quat.c i_c~ ailow i.he f~a.11 ~3c:•r~~~.la~~ir.en~_ of liie proposed use in a m~~nner not ~~~~riment.~.l t.n GP~.e narLir.u?ar ar~.~a no~ to ~he ~F_•~CP~ heal.Lh, saEel.y and yesleCd:i. W~lEarc: o` Lhe C it izens oE ~he i: i~y of. Anah~ i m. 5. 'T'hal Lhe .~ranlin~_3 of' t,h~~ Candi~ional Use Permi~ under lhe c:~nd i ~ i on;, i nin~sed, i f. ac~y, w i 1.1 no1. be cleLr. i menl.a 1 lr~ Lhe Peac?, hea ~ th, safei.l dI1C1 yj~nera~ 41~31f~ICt? qf l;ln C~I.IZC'CS Or Lhe Cll`,' 9t Anatiei~n. 6. '1'haL Lhe LrafL i ~• c~~~~i~-raLc~d by ~he ~ropostad u:~e wi11 no~ im~u~e ~~Il und~:e burd~en uf3on Ghe~ <;Lr~~e! s•znd h iqhways d~s igned and improvec~ Lo car.ry Li~r Lrai:!: ic ir. ~he <irea. 7. ~I~r~at. nc~ un~~ ind icai.ed i.he ir ~~r~_~s~nce aL sa id put•,l ic h~~:ar ing in oppo;., i L i on; and lhaL a peL it i on wa:; rcre, v~~d cont.a in inry 43 s igsi~ll.UCes in ,uE>por.L of. ~h~ :~u.~jecL E~~~l.it..ion. ~:'rJVIE;c~NME:N'1'AL~ I~+tPAC'~P E'[NUC"JG; 'Th~iL i.he F,nah~im City Planning Commis::ion ha:; hareby r.evi~w~c3 l.he~~~~roE,~sal ~u inc~ea:;e l.h~! numb~r of recrealional-v~~i~ic1F~ :~pacN.s :ri~hin ari exist~ng ~t.V.jMabileliomt Park Eor ~7 ~ol.al oE i98 spar~s w~lh waiver:.~ of rr~inunura landsca~~ed Cronl, sei..back, minimum dimenslOllti fIf 'JC}11C.~.E' 7CC~?;,;;Waj~~ ;~nc~ m~nir~~um C1URiJF?C O~.' ff10~)11°rJit1E! CJU@if. parking ~~?~ces. on c~n irrey~]1ctCly-;~haped f~ar.c~~ of land cons~sling of a~~pr~aximaLeJ.,~ ~;,~ acrt~~ having a Eronllge of ap~coximately 220 r.Hel. on Lhe +~est a icif~ ot [tarbr~c F3oulev~zrd, hav ing a ma:c ~:nwn deYl.ti o[ aE~prox imaLely 6a3 [eel. a~yd be iny ~o~aLed .~p~rox imaGely G2U Et~ct norl.h oC t,he ccn;.2r1 ine of. E~all Roacl ~~nd turlh~r de:;cr ibe~l as 10U9 S~ut.h ~tzrbor poulevard (Anaheim Harbor RV Par'r. ); and da~:~ hereby ap,~r~~v~.~ t.tle Neo :~i_ ~ ve ~~ec).aral. ion upon E ind i ny ~ha+_ i~ }'lc'i$ COI13lC~t~Ct?C) 1.}i~~ [Jf?~Ji1l1VEJ Dt!CLclCF1L1Uf1 I.U~P~h~r weLh tl!1~ commenL$ CPCP.IV@Q duc~ng t.h~~ publie review proces:; ~~n:3 EurLt~~r Einding on ~he l~asis ot Lh~ ir~ilial :;Ludy an~:i ,zny commenl.:, CE~.;~ived L'nal Lherf~ i~ no 3ubsLanLial f~~ira~ncc~ tha1. ~h~ E~ro jec~ wil l n~~ve a a:~~n i.` icranL e[E~~c~ r~n l`ir_ r.nv~ronm~~nL. -5- PC87-153 ,:~, `:`i ,, . . .. .. . .......,_J ~~ 1 ~ ~~ ~,,,, ~ ~i if. ~'7 P1C~W, ; F1f;Rf:F'ORL, ~L IT RCSOLVLD 1:h<~L I:he Anat~P im C iLy Plana ing Commissi~n Cioe~ htreby gr.attt .xubjecl Pe~~lion `or Condi4ional Use PermiL, u~an t~iic: E~ll.owing cond t'. iuns wh ich ar. e hareby f ound ~o b~ a neces~ar~ prerequ is ike l:o l:he ~roposEd ust of Lhe :iUb]P_Cl. pro~erLy in orcler Lo prc~ecve LhP safel.y and c~enerral welPare o[ l.he C iL ir~ns o[ Lii~ C ity o~ Anaheim: 1. That. liie c.wn~ar oE ~uri~ecl: pr~perLy shall irrevocably ofEer l:o dedical:~ Lo l:he City oE Anah~im a sLrip ot- land ,ixLy (60) feel. i.n widLh Cr~n~ the cen~er.line o.E Lhe slrE~aL along Harbor ~31vd. f.~~r :~l.reel; WIde~llilg purpoye~. 2. ThaL prior Lo is::u:.,ue oE a buildin~~ per.miL, Lhe approFriaLe Lraf E ic s ignal. as~•essresn~ £ee sha11 be paid lo Lhe C il:y of. Anaheim in an .lmounL as d~Ler.mined by Lhe Cily Counc~_1. 3. ThaL Lhe ormer/dcve:~.oper oF <~ubject proper~y shall make a ca~h payment,, to the CiLy o[ Anahaim t"-or ~h4 cos~ ~E Lhe removal of ex i:~L ing si.reei_ improvements a long H,~rbor Blvd. and reconsLruction/c~nslruction of f~.ll s~re~e~. imprc~ve;nenL; aL Lhe u1L imal.e local. inn. Sa id nayment. si~a~]. be madc~ pr ior l:o issUance of a buildiny permiL. 4 e ThaL Ln~~ I.wo ~3r ivew~~ys shall be reconsLrucL~d Lo ar.commu~~a~e i.en ( 1Q ) LooL rad i~as curb reLUrns as rec{u ired F~y lhe C iLy mraf E ic En~] irtee!'. 5. 'LhaL dr.a.ina~e oL subjec:~ prup?rl.y shall be disposed oF in a manner sal isCacl_~ry Lo ~he C ity E-~g i~eer. G. 'I'f~~at Lhe~ ownt~r of uubjecL ~rop~r.Ly :,hall irrevoc~ab].y otf•~r ~U ded icat;e La I_he C ity o[ Anah~ i m ~in ~dd i l ional slr in oc land a].ong Ft~arbor l31vd., measured nor.LhPr'ly Lrom Lh~ ul~ima~e r igh~-oE-way l. ine aL 1.iie so•- ~~r cE Lhe inl~ersecL ion o.f. Harbor T31vd. and E~~711 Ro~3d, and v,ary ing in wi~~Lh f.rom 12 EecG f.or ~:.he E irsl. 300 f.eeL ~-~~Zd LYIe(1 Lrans it. iun ing Erom 12 Eee-. 40 0 Eeet [or l.h~ ne.;'_ 3UC feeL. in I.he evenL LhaL Ge-:~cal Plan A-nF~noaien".. No. 210 ;~erLaining Lo Cril_ical. Inl:~rsecLians i~ noL adopLed by lhe ~ i,.y Cr.un~~ il, Lh is c~~nd i~ ion shall be cons ic~e-:ed null and voi~3. 7. 'PhaL subjec~L properl.y sha.ll be served hy unc]c~rgr~:und ul.iliLi~a. £3. 2'h~t E ire hfdranl.s sh~~ll bf~ inslal.lecl and char.ged as reyul.re~ ~nd cle~ermined Lu :~e r,~cc~ssarv by the Ch ief of lhe F,'ir.e t~ep~-r ~rnenl.. a 9. Tha1. Lra:~h ~Lorage ar.ea~ sha.tl bc~ ~:ovider.~ and mainLained in ;~ accorde~nr.c wiLti approved ~lan:; on f ilf: wit.h thc Slr.eel. ~ Ma inLena.~ce anci S~in ilaL ion b iv is i on. n ; x '"~+ . -G- PC87-153 - ~ ri ' ° t f ~ ri ~,.vym .i, ~` :~~. , .. . .... r.vu ~ }; ~ ~ r'"°'~, }~~:`'~ ; ~'.; ' ::'i 10. 'I'haL pr ior Lo issuance ~f a building parrniL or wi4h i.n a per. iod oC one hundred ~~i~~hty (180) days whichaver occars tirsl, L!-,e apNropr iaLe L•ee~ due f.or U~ imary, seco~~dacy and E ire prol:ecl: ion shal l be pa id Lo Lh~~ Water. UL il il:y D~ v i;~ ior. b}• LhP owner/deve'_oper in ~iCCOCddtt~E' wiLh Ru1c, 15A and 70 oL• Lha ~,~aLer Ut. il iLy R~~es, Rules and Re~~ul.ai. ions. .11. ~rhaL as reriu ired by Lhe E ire departmanL, "no park ing° signs ' shall. bc~ insLalled «lonq l:t?e 15--£oot 6J1~'~E' driveways Lo l:he :~al isf~ir.L ion ot l.he F ire Dep~~r',:menL. 12. ~~haC ~3~l.es shall nol be instalte~f across ar.~~ driveway in a manner wh ich may adverscly af EecL veh icu.l~r ~raff ic iri l:he adjacenL putlic slreel. In~l:alla~~.on oL- an~ yaLes ~ha11 conEorm l:o Eng in~~r iny S~~ndnr.Ci P~an i~~. 402 ai:~ shall be subjeci: Lo ~}!~ rcview and appr.ova]. r~[ L~IE CiLy TraEEic I;ngineer. .13, Tl;ai_ iE rer7~~irud by i.:he t ire ~epartmEn~~ all lockable p~:le:;Lr. ian and ve;~ ic~~la4 acc~~ss gaf.es shall be equ i~ped wiLh a "knox box" dev ~ce Lo ! he ~a~ is[acL ion ~f l.he C ii:y F' ire Mar.shal.l. 1~1. TP~aI. Lhe ~ropo,al siial.l c~r,~ly wiLh ul.l signir~g requirements of Lhe CR Zonc, unle;~s a var iancE~ all.owing s igr, wa ivers is apr~raved by t.h~ Cil.y ~'~~unc~l, P1~~nr,iny Cammission or 'Loning l~dminisl.r.aLor. l5. 7'haL Lhe owner ~~E s~:h jecL ~rop~~rl.y a^E13.L1 subm~l a 1~tLer ceque~Ling Lerminal,~on ot C~~nditi.on~~l U~~ PermiL No~ 271 and 1?Q3 ~.o ~he Zonin<~ llivi~ion. 1.6. Tha~ subj~cl C~r~perLy ~ha11 be developed subsLanLially in ~cc~cclance •+~ i ~h F~lan:., and ;;pec iF icaL ionr, or; f ile wiLh I.he C iLy uF Anah~:irr inarkecl L•'xhibil. tdos, .l `an~ 2. 17. 'ChaL l,hc to.lloa~in~ it.em; w~re yL ipu].aL~d Lo l~y ~he E~eL iL ioner in h is 1~c.Ler lo tne Pl~~nn inn Ccnnmiss ~ on, c3a~cd ,Ju1y 8, 1987: a) ThaL Lhe ;~~~rk rran-.~c~!~menl wi ll a~:~ isL all r. ecreaL ionai vehi.cl.es aitc~ mobilehom~s inl.o :~nd ouL oE Lhe unil :~paces; b) ~I'hat. on-:,lree~ Ey~Ck in~~ s~»r.e:; ~diLh i~~ Lhe park will be r~:,~3uced Erc~m one hundrerl ~leven ( 111) l~ no more Lhan 3 ~;t (6); `~ c) 7'h~~L one }-uric3red nineLy ~_~.:., ;.192) luLs wi11 have on-lal; ~~ park :ng ~~X~acc.s; ; d) 'Pha~ on~ hunclreci f i[Ly one (151) L~Ls will have 3ecand t.~anrlc:m gue:;l park ing spaccs; ei 'i'haL Lhe ma-.n driveway fro~n ~hF: enl:ra~ce ~~rill be l.wenty f. i.vE~ (25? EceL wide; -7- PC87-153 .;,.y...., .. .. • . . . - _ . .. . . '~. - . . ~ .. ... ,_.. ... .,. ,.. . _.,. ,_ rr a ^ r~'~ ; f) ThaL a"h~immerhe.~d" Lurning area wiLh corner cut-oE~s wi11 be ~~rov id~:d al: lhe end ~E Lhe m~ in dr iveway to pr.otride bell:er access Por Lc~as1,, f ir.e and emergency vehicles; ~I) '['h~L Lrash l,ins wi.il be lur.al:Pd near Lhe eni:rance Eor 9r.ea!tr conveniencc; 'y" h) Thai: lhe lhe ne~~ l.ot, .la ou~ w i 1.:1 Y prc~vide Lwelve (12) feeL } hE'i:W°(~Il unit.;; ~) ThaL thc~ ex isl: ing 147 overgrown diseased cieciduou~t and yucca plants wil]. be replaced wiLh r~vergreens, paim Lrees a!7d Llower.s; ~ ~. 7) 'I'haL ~he po~holNs and irregu.lar as~~ha'lt sur.L•aces which caus~' s~:and iny w1~_er and er.oa ion in Lhe driveways will b~ repaireci; k) ~Phal. Lhe ULL1iLi<?S wi.ll be u~gr.aded (impr.o~ed elecLrical c:.a~acily), expanded (cable TV, gas as~d Lelephone) and repaired; 1) ThaL ~h~; exi~Ling overhead poles and wires and above ~Jcound gas :L ines will be r~~rno~~ed and replaced undergroun~l; m) ~Phat~ concret,e drai;is will be insLalled tr~ ensure proper surf:ace ~rainaqe; ar~d n) 'i'hal. existiny de~e:ioraler'.1 laundry and re:,troom Eacilii:ies wi.l~ be remov~d and replaced w~l:h r~ew tacililie.^, i.n Lhe sLor ige rc~om. .1~. 'Tha~ ~ri~r ~o iUsuance oE 1 bui.ldiny per.ni~, or. wii:hin a period uF :180 days Er~r. ~he c9a1.e of Lh i:~ r.eso3.ut ion, wh ir•heve~ ocr.urs E ir~~, Cr_nd iL ion P7o~. 1, 2, 3, 6,• J.O, an~ 15, above-meni: ianecl, ~'}~~~~•1 ~e complied wiLh. ExLen~iuns ior ~urlh~r Lirne to ~~r~~P~E~p ~;aid cunrait:ions may be granLE~d in accordance with secl.ion .18.03.090 ot 1.h~~ AnahFim Municipa.l ~ode. ;, 19 . ~Phai: pr Eor ~c~ ~(ti,~l bu i 1~3 ing and zun ing ins~ecl; ionc, ar w iLh in ~ a period o[ cne hundred ~i~~hi.y (1FQ) d•r_~~s Erom Lhe da4e o[ tr:i~ ; resolu~ i~n, wh ichever o~curs E irsL, C~nd itiun Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8, `~ 9, .ll, 16, and 17, above-r~entioned, shail be complied wit.h. } IiE I~P EpRTH},It R~SULV~D lhaL the Ar~aheim CiLj P.lanning Commi.asion does hereby f ind and deler. m ine lha~ adopL i on ot Lh is R~sol~al ion is exprea:~ly pxedicaLe~3 upan arplican~'s compliance wit~~ each and all of lhe con~il:ions herein~.aqv~ set Lorlh, a~oGlr3 any ~uch con~]iLions, or any ~art t.her.eof, be declared inval i.cl or unenf:or~ eahle by t,he E in~~l judyment of any ~our~ oti corn~~el.enL jur i,~c7 ict ion, l:her, Lh is Resulul. ion, anr.l any approvals hera in conLained, ahall be deem~~~ null and void. 'g'" PC87-153 ,..m, ~ C , t r ~.;~ y ~4P,~~ ~ :: '+~ f i 1~;~. lfi iri~ ) ~: :i THi. FORI;GOJNG R~SOLUTTON .is si ned and approved by me l;his 3rd day O£ Al1qll.St~ 1987. ~1 'Ir~' CHAIRMAN~ ANAHEI:[M CITY ?~ANNING COMtdIS~ION ATT~ST: ~~~~ ~ .~~ ~ :,~ SPCRE'1'ARY 1~R0 TEMPORE, ~~_~~.; ANAHEIPi C.C`l'Y PLANNING ::OMMISStON STATE OF CALIEORiJIA ) COUNTY OE UR~~NGE ) us. CITY OI' ANAHL'IM ) I, Pamela H. St.c1C:1Ba~ SecreLary oL Lhc Anah~ im Cily Planning Commission, do her.eby cerlity i:hal. lhe foreg~ing resoluLion was passpd und adop~ed at a meeLing oP ~he ~naheim CiLy Planning Commi.ssion hel.d on Au~usl 3, ].987, by ;:he Eallow:.ng vole ~.E i.he members Lhereof: AFES: COMMISSTON~RS: 60UAS, l3QYDSTUN, c^ET,DFiAUS, Hf:F213STj MC }3URNEX, Mh_ ~ NOES: COMMTSSIUNEFtS: NI~NF. Af~SEN'~: COMMItiSlUNI.RS: CARUSILLO I[Z WTTNESS WE1I,REUF, I 1~ave hc~r.nunto se~ my hand lhis 3rd c7ay of August;, 1987. ~~ .~'~ru~~'..~1~ ~~ ~ SECPLTARX )'Ft0 TGMPORE, nNni-ICL'M CTTY PLANI3ING ~'^"'. SSlOP~ -9 - PC87-153