PC 87-16i ~4'` r.~sor~omioN No. ~ca7-a.6 A RESOLU`PION OL THE ANAHEIM CYTY PI~ANNING COMMISSION '.CHAT PE'PITION FOR CONllI'PIONr1L USC PEftMTT N0. 2875 FiE DENIED WHEREAS, l:he Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on di.d rPCeiv~ a veri.£ied Petirion Eor Cond.itiona.l Use Permi~ from JACK SATCNWELL, 1158 Col.umbia ~lvenue, On~:ario, Ca:ii~or.ni.a 9116h, owner of cerl-.ain r.ea.l E~roperi:y situaL-eci i:~ t:he Cit.y oE Anaheira, Count:y of Uraiyge, St:at;e of Cali£ornia, described as: LC~T 7 IN B'LOCK A LEYN TRArT ANNEX, AS PEK MAP THF.REOF REGORllFU ZN BOOK 7, PAGG .`i OE ~]ISi,GLLANEOUS MAPS, AS i~ECORDEn IN x'HE OFI'ICE OC THE CUUP~TX RGCORDER OE' SAID COUN7.'Y. WHEFtEAS, the Cit:y P7.~nning Commission d.id hold a Publi<~ hearing at the Civic CenLer in the City of Anaheim or. January 19, 19a7 aL 1:30 p.rn., notir..e of said public heacinq havtng be~n du].y given as required by law and in a~:cordance with the pi~ovisions oE rhe Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapt~r 18.03, to hear ar,d consi.cier evidence Eor anc] against saici propnsed conc]ifional use permit and t:o invesri~ar.e ~i~d make Eind.inqs and recommendatione, in connection therewith; and ~. WHGRGAS, said CamTiG~~an, after due inspec~ion, investigat:ion and ~~ st:udy made by iCself and in it::, behaJ f, and a[tez clue c~nsideration of all evidence and report~ ofEered at said hearing, does Eind and determine t:t~e following .Eacts: 1. T!-~at t:he prnposed u~.e is ~rcperly one Eor whic:h a condi.ttonal us~ per.itiit: is aathori•~ed by California Governrnent Code Ser,t:ion 6585?..1 t.o wit: to permi~ a granny uni~: with waiver. oL r_h~ L•ullowing: S~C`PION 1~ - ~t.inimu;~~ strucLUral setb~ck and yacd ~+ (10-fook r.ear yard ~etback~required; 0 L•o 5;Eeer pr.oposed) 2. That r.he reyur~ster3 waiver is hereby der.ied on ktie basis L-ha~ or~ ' rtia k~asis 1.hat. there are no ~pecia.l circumsr,ances ap~licable ~:.o t:he propert:y yuch as sizP, sha~e, topography, locat:iun a~:d surroundings which do not apnly t:o or_h~r ident:ically zon~d properr.y in t:h~ same viciniry; and t.hat stricc: a~plicar.ion of r..he Zoning Code does no~ depriv~ the nroE~er.ty oE privileges ~. , erljoy~d k>y ot:hcr pro~ecr.ie~ in i:he ~identical zone and r^lassification in the ~ vicinit.y. 3, Tha~~_ ~•he pco~c:~ed use wi,'L aaversely affecs: i.he adjoining land u~es and the growth and developmer.t oE the ar.ea i11 which it is proposed -:o be Ioc~~~.e~. 4. That: i:he ~izP and ~hap? oE ~.he s.ite ~roposed Por che use is not adequate Ln all~w the ~ull cle~~el~pmenr oE t:he pL'O~OSC~~] use in a mann~r n~:,t detrim~nr.al r.o r.hcs pact:ir.ular area nor i:~ r_he Peac;e, nealth, raEpty and gener.al weYf.~rc oF r.h~ c:i~.izens oE r.he Cil-.y of Anaheim. 5. Tl~a~. i_he gra~r_ing r~E t:he Conditional U3e Permtr.. under I:he cen9itiona imposed, i~ any, wi11 be detrirnenr.~~l i:u r_he peace, tiealt:h, safety and gene°a] wel£are c,E ~:h~~ Cir.izens of the Ci.t;y of Anahei.m. 1Q24r PCil~-16 :,ta~+ ..::.' ..~% ~r '~a'MY .:~ .i , i ~ .. „ , + ':i 6. 7'hat one ~ecsan indicated r.heir presence at said r~ubli.c heartng in opposit:ion; and t:nar. no corresi~andence was rcceived in opposit:i~n t:a t:he 3ub jeCt per.it:ion. ENVIRONMENTAI~ auCh~rize~ TMPACT ~FINDING; That t:he P'lanning niteci:or o[ his within r.he re~resentat dtEini t:~on .ive has der.~rmi.ned that. f i:he ~roposed proj~ct fa11s : ~~=~~=t E.~R . Guidelines o Categor.ic:a1 ~sxemptions, and i Class 3, as defined in t:he , raC;UlrQi(I?[It: ~:O pr~~ace : s, theceEor~, carE~ an EIR. gocir,ally exempt rrom the NUW, TEIE!2EFORF, BE tT R~SOLVED t:hat khe Anahei.n: City P1~nning Commission does hereby deny 4ubjeci: ~erzr_ion for Condir.ional Use Permi.t, on , t:he basis of. i:h~~ aforem~ntianec Linding~. ~' ~~~ - 'P[iE COReG~)ING kESOLUTION is signed and ap~rove~3 by m~ r_his 19~:h day of Ja~luar.Y~ 1~87. i~ r , -, . r ~ ` ~~p.i' .. ' •~", ~` ~ ~' ~ ' -______.__._ CIiAIRMr1N, AN EIM C'ITY PL~ DII[vTG C.OMM7SSION ATT~~ST: , ~~~'.,~._ ` ' - ~, ~~ '~ ~ ~c SL•'CRE.i RY, ANAHGZM r1TY PLA[3NIt~G (:OMMlSSION STA`.~C OF CALlF012NIA ) COUNTY UC URANGE ) ys~ CITY OF' ANAHEIM ) Commissi I, Edi~:h L. on do hereb Harris, Secrei:~ry oE Che Anahei.m Cit.y Piar.ning adopt:ed , y a~: a meei.ing of cerr.if,y t.hat t:hc Eoregoinq resolut.iv:~ was ch~~ Anaheim Ci r Pl f pasc•ed and 14, 198; .y . ann ng Comr.ission held , by the ~o.llowing vot:~ ~,E t_he members ±.Piere~E: on J~nuary AYES: NOi;S: COMMTSSIU:I~RS: CQMM7SST CSOUAS, FRY, HERF~ST, LA CLATRC, "4C BURNk,Y, MGSSE ONERS: NONE ABaENT: COt4MISSI0NER5: NOt~C ABSTATN: COMMISSIQNEf2S: LAWICKI IN WITN~SS WEiF,REc~C, I ha~te hnreunto 3et: my hand r.his 19t:h day of Januar,y, 1987. ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~_~___~. ~t..t~..~,E _ SECl2E'PARY, ANAEJGtM CXTY PLANNING CUMMxSaION -2~ PC87-1G ;:~