PC 87-176~~ .~ izcsoc,cl~rtari tv~. ~ca7-17G A RGSULU'1'ION OE 'PIIF ANAHI.~]:M CTTY PLANNING C~~MMTS~ION pppROV7.NG REVISt?U PLANS IN CONNEC'PLON PlI'.I'H CONDI'`i'TUNAL USE PF,KMIT N0. 2~357 v]HSF:LP.S, on November 10, 1°86, ttie Anahcim City Planning Comma.ssian yran'~ed ^.~~ndi.cion-sl U~e r~rmit No. 3a57 l:a permit a 121-tiniL• seniar citizens a~~rLment complex with waivcr ot minimum bui.lding ~it~: arc.a riur dwelltng unit on a rectangular'ly-:~hacr~d oarcel of lancl consisting oE ap~roximatcly 10.6 acres locaL-ec] on the i~orL•}i sid~ oti t~~i11 ltoad, a~~roximately 55Q EeeE: west oE the int~~rsecY.ion u[ Hall Fioad and Walnut ~tceer; and WFIEttL•'nS, t.he peL•itione.r subsequer+tl,y submitt~d a letter i.ndicatiny that a ciraEting ~rror on rl~e a~proved ~xh.ibits wa:~ dlseover.eci re:~ulting in an i~~accura+~e unit cc.~unL• an~l a revised exhibit (Revision tJo. 1) was submitted showiny a L•otal oC 123 ani.t.~ i.122 senior citi~en apartiaent «nit~ and on~ manag~-~r's unit). 'l't~e revis~d p.lans indicate the building footprinl-, setbacks, ~~nd elevatiuri will remain tY,~~ samc; and ~ WEIi?REAS, State r,ovF.~r»menk Cod~~~ 5ection 65915 and Anaheim City Council t~olicy P~o. 5Q3 s~ecify that khe Cit;y m~ay a11ow 25$ moce uniC~ than allow~d by Co~3~ andjor such Ol:hr~C :,ite developm~a:~t waivers as approvecl; and based on the ~ensi.L-y limi_tations ot the RM--120~ z~ne, a maximuit~ oF 67 ur~ ts is i permitted ~nd ~~artir.ipution i.n L•h~ d~nsiL•y bo~~us ~~roqr~ir~ wuuld a1).ow an additional. 258 unir_, tor a Snaxirn~un total oL 83 units. PwtiL-i~ner is ~roposing a L•ot:-1 of 12~ units, ox 84~k graar.~r L-han allowed; anc~ Wf-tEREAS, the City of Anah~i.m Senior Citizen AE~artment Ocdir-ance manda~~s L-hat a minimum ot 2~'h af the t~l;al numt~er oE units proposed be ~ atEordabl~ ~0 lowec ir~c~~mc~ seniors; and WtiFlti~AS, ,3p~ro•d:~l ot Con<litior~al Use Pecmit yo. 2857 included the : Lo.llewin~ conditions: No. .14. "'rhat ~~cior ~o iss~.tance oE a buildi;ig p~~'mit, thE develop~r .~hall ente~ ink:o a recorded agrecament with the Citx oi: An~~h~im pursuant to Governmenl: Code SWc~ion 65915 ~o provide L1~aL• r_hirty (3~1) oE ~he r~sidential units shall be cented as lor~ or inoderate income housLr.g a:~ dei:ined in r,~v~~Xninenr rode Se~tion G5915 land with ap~~ropriate rental contruls a~ <~~provad by the City oE Anaheim to: a perioU not LPJJ L-h:.~n th i~ ~y ! 30 ) yeats E rom the date ~E i~suance of occupanc:y pF~c~niL~." ^~ ~J~,Tr:: wHLRCA;, th~ ,~etitio;~er iU currE~ntly pra~osing tn pravida one tll a3r3iti.onal aEEordabl~~ unit tor ~3 to~al ~t thirCy-on~ ~~EEordable uni.t.~; and UQ46z F~C87-1.76 ,;~ , ., ':r •`^ '~~;r:~ il~'' .:°i!iJc.'V~:10 ~F/10~, WFltsitLAS, the Anaheim Planning Camrnissi~n did hol.d a publi.c hearing aL- L•he Civic Center in the City oE Anahei.m on Augus~ 31, 1987, aL 1:30 ~.m., nolice oE said publi~c hear.ing Yi~ving been duly yiven a:~ re:~uir.ed b! law and in accorclance with the provisioris oE the Anaheim Munictpal Code, Chapter 13.03, to hear and to consider evidence F.or and against said proposed revised plans yubmit~ed in conner.ti,on witYi sald Conditional Use l~~zmit No. 28~7 and to inves~igate ~nd m<~ke Einc3ings and r.ecommendations .in connec~.ion therewith; and WHGR[:AS, ~aid Commission, ~at~car due ins~°ction, inv~stigation and ~l•udy m~Zde by it~elE and ?n its behalE, anc] aCt~r due consideration of a11 evidence ancl reporl•s nLLered ~ti :~aid heari.ng, ~joe, iind ana c~c~er:nina th~ Ec~llowing facts; ' ~y-2 . i; 4, ;!` '~ 1. Th~~t the revised p.ians are substant:iall,y in coritarmance t~ith the iriL•en~ o[ the previausly approv~cl p.lans. i. '.rha~ a Ncgativ~ Dec.lar.~atLun was previou:;ly appruved in conjunc~ion with Car.dili~nal Use Permit No. 2a57 ar-d nu Eurther action is rea_u i cec] . NUVl, ':HP]2FrUf~C, B1: L'P ~tLSULVEn that ttce Anahcim City PJ.allning CoinmLs~ion doa:> ner~:k~y a~prov~ r~:vised plans (labeled Revisiun hio. 1) in conncct•.ion with Canditiona.I Use Pecmi.t Na. 2t357, upon the followin~~ conditi.ons wl~ich are hereby ~ound Co he a nec.essary prctequi~ite to the proposed use of the subject r~roperty .in order. tio prE~serv~ the sa[ety and general weltar~ oF ~he Citizens oE L-he City of ~'~naheim: -~ 1. '['hat nrior Lo issuance oE a bui.lding permit, apprupri.ate parlc and ' recrea~ion in-.li.eu [ees sh~11 be paid Lc the c:iL-y oE Anaheim i,n an ,' ~r ; ~ amount as dF:t~rmined by ~he City Council. 2. !i ThzL prior to issiit~nce oL 1 buil~]ing ~~rm1t, the app.ropria~e ~ra.Efic signal. <i.»essm~nr f::~e shal.l be pai.~ ~o th~ City a~ Anaheim in an am~unt as ilc;termined by the Ci.cy Counci.L. r 3. `Ch~t al.l driveways shall be con~tructed or reronstrur.ted L•o ac~ommodate tt~n (10) Eo~c radius aurb return~ as required by the °; ::,: City T[aE[.ic Engine~lr. " ~, 4. r That drainage ot subjecL properr.y :~hall be c~ispo~ed oL in G manner ~ satisEactury t:o l•h~ City Engitteer. `~~ « 5. TYlaC subject pr.oE~erty s1~a11 be ~erve~:l t~y underyCOUt1c1 utilitieM. ~;i G. , That pr.ior tu commencement o[ ,tructural tramin~, Lire hycirants shall be insl:all~d and ahatyec3 as r~quir.ed and deter.mi.ned to be ;~! neccssary t~y th~ .^.hie~ o[ ~ha FiCe Bepart~n~nt. 3~ 7. `Phat crash slur~ge arE~as shall be ~~rovic~ed and maintained in ~accordailce ;vith approved ~lans on f ile with the Strt~et MainL•enance ~an~3 Sani~ation Division. '~;, ~.. _ . 8. .. . 'i'ha4 firE' spri.nkler~ fshall be i.nstall.Ed as reqsireci by the City rir.E ~ "' t~Ia[stsal.l. r! -;;. • ~ ; : ; ;"~' _z _ PCa7-~1?6 ;~` ? ,rr~ . ~~ . . .,, .- , ~;}.:., A:•r n..1e'4.' ~.':It~:':~. ~.e.it•~.l(' ~~ _. .~"`",~ .. ~d+~?~~~~ ,y ~: ~ ~7 9. Th~~t L•he exiski.nc,~ most easLErly dxiveway on Da1:1 Rotj.d shaJ.l be remcved and r~placed with a standard cur~, yutter, si~lewalk and landscaping. 10. That all r.emaining or pco~osed driveways on F.ia1:L Road sl~a11 be co~isL-ructed (recoilstructed) to I~rovide a minimum +~idth of 25 f.eet. 1.1. 'rhar. t•}iiU Condition~l Us~: Permit is grantied subject to tr~e adopl•.ion oL' ~he ioning Ordinance in conriection with R~classiEicatian No. f35~6f,-15. ~ 12. ThaL• gates shall not Ue install.ed acrosa any dtiveway ur ~rivat~: street in z mann~r which may adversely aFfecl- vehicu].ar trafEic in the adja~en~ public sL-r eet(s). Installa~ion of any gates shall conform t.o Fngineer.irig Standard Flan No. 402 and subject l-u the review and ~~pproval oE th e City Traffic Ln9.ineer. 13. That a11 air conditioning Eaci.lilie~ and oth~r rocE and ground mountei~ equipmenL• shal.l be proEx:rl.y shielded Lrom view, a~d the .^,ound !~uffered [rom adjacent-. r~.sidentia~ ~roper.ries. 14. Thah prior to issuance ~C a ouilding ~ermit~ the developer stiall en_er. ini:o a ceccrded ayreer~enk with Yhe City oP Anaheirn ~~ursuant to Governmenk Code Section 65915 to ~rovide tl~at r_hirty-one (31) ot the re~;idential un.il-s sP~a.11 be renteG as ~ow or moderate inco*ne housing a: defined in Governmen t Code Se~l:ior. b5~15 and wi~h appropriate renkal conl-xo~s as approved by l•hr. Citx uL- Anakiei;n for a period of. n~t Less than tw~n~y {20) years trom ~he c9ate of issuarace uf occupa~icy p~rmil•.~. 15. Tl;at th~ t~nancy of subject L•acilihy shall be restricted to }~ersor.s at Least one (1) o£ whom in each unit i.s sixt.y-two (62) year: o~ age or older; ancl that a covenant shal.l be reaordecl by the owners oE the prol~~rty in u form a~~proveci by the City Att.orney so limiting such occe~ancy. A copy oE sai.d covenant shall then be sttbmitted ~o the p].anniny UeparYment. 1G. That pri~r l•o issuanc~ o;: buildin~~ ~ermits, the applicant shal.l present evidenc:~ sakisfactory t.o tl~e Chie~ Bu ldi~ig 7nspector that the ~ra~~sed pcoject is in conformance wi.th C uncil Policy Numbez 542 "3ound Al•tenuation in ~te5ic9ential Projec..s" and with Noi ,~: InrulaL•i.on Stanciar.ds speciEied in the C~liEornia AdminisCrakive Code, Tit•le 'L5. 17. Ttiat a six i6) fooL• high masonry blor.k wal.l sha11 be coristructed and '~~ maintzined ~lo~g the nort.h, easr, and easterly portion o.E the s~uth ';i pr.oF3srCy lines, providea hl-~h such wall ~ha.ll not c.xr.eed three (3) teet in heiyt~t in the tronC tw~uty (20) Coot ~Ptback alang Ball Ruad. ~~i ld. That subjert nro~~rty shall be dev~loped substantially in accordance with pJ.ans aRd speciiicationy on ~ile w.ith tE~e City of Anaheim , r~arkec3 T;~vision No. 1 0~ Exhibik Nos. 1 thcuugh 7. ~ -3- PC87-176 .,, ~; r, , ''' ,~r Nt ~ , :; ~ ~ ii "9 :~t1t`~d;.~: ,• ~~~ ~ ~ ~~,~ --- - . ,. _ ,..,, „~~ ~..~^ <1< . . ~ . . . . . . ~ ~~Yµ:il ~ ~ ~ . ,. '~<; ~rf ; fi~, 'r"~c'.~~ . ~ ';:~ `~; 19. ThaL- prior ~o issuance of ~ huilding permit, or wit:hin a,~eriod ~f '; one year frorn the date o.E t:has resolu~ion, whichever occurs £irst, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 11, 14, 15, and ln, above-mentioned, sha11 be ~1' c~mplied with. I~,xtension: tor further time ~o camplete said cunditions ma;~ be gr.an~~ed in accordance with Section 18.03.090 oE the Anaheim Municipal Code. 20, That p-:ior to Eina.l building and zoning irispections, Co-tdition Nos. " 3, 4, 5, 7 ~ 8, 9, 10, 1~, 13, :l7 a~id 18, above-mentioned, sha11 be complzed wi~h. AE IT FURTHri2 RLSOLVI.n that th~ An~~heim City P.lannin~ Commissio7 ~ does her~by f ind and cie~ermin.e that a~]optian ot th.is Resolutior. is ~xpre~sly ~ p:edicaL-ed upon applic:ant's complianre with each and a:il ot the conditio~is ~' hereinabove set fori:h. Should any ~uch condil-.ions, or any part there~~, be ~~~ declared invali.d or. unenParceable by tihe Final judgmrnt c~f dIl~ court oE compekenL• jurisc3ictio-~, L•hen L•hi~ Resolution, and any approval.s herein ~ ,~ contained, shall be de~med null. and vuid. ,'~ ti `L'HE Fi~Itr^,GOTNG RLSULIJ~L'ION is signed ana approved by me this 31st day '~ ,~r o~ August, 19E7. ~~ ~ - . 1 ~~11 _~~-~,~,,~~~ ~ ~.~~.~_. . ~,. Cl1AIFtMAN~ ANAEIPIM CI7~Y. PLI~NNING CONIMISSI~N ;~ ~ A'P`P L S'1' : > ~ ;':Ii `i~' , d ..~/~C~ ' J..y4.--//'l~iG-C,J ~~,4 ....-f-.y._ SEC:RE'I'ARY, A[d;,[iF'IM CT'PY PLATINING COIdMISSION ',~ STATr; 0~ CALIEORNTA 1 COUNTY OE' 012T~NGL; ) ss . ~ITY OF ANAI~i~.LM } T, [;c7ith I,. H~~rr.i.s, Secr.etary ut the Anaheim Cit:y Plann.inc~ Carnmi.ssion, do her~by cer.tify tl~a~ the Eor~going resolution was pa.~sed and adapted at a mPeL•ing oP l•he F~naheim City Ylannirig Comtnissiora held on Aug~,i3t 31, :19a7, by the Eollowi.ng vo~~ of t}l~ fIn10l~ers therenf: AYl'sS: COMMISSZQ~FRS: E30UAS, 130YUS'1'UN, CARiJSI1,L0, FELDfiAUS, k:ER1iST, !~ '• ~ ~~li; CiUR~IEY, ~IESSr NO~S: COhiDlISSIONCRS: NUNL :;'~ ABaENT; COMMISSIONEIlS: P1C)NF ;''~ ~ .r ~ ~ IN WITDIF.SS WElLREOC, I hav? hereunto ~eh r~y hand this 3.Lst day oC August, 1987. ~~: r , . `: ~ ~ '"' SECE2CTAFtY~ ANAHPIM Ci $C PI,1~N ING COMf4i5SI0N i~; ~;` "~~ -4- PC87-176 ~ ~, , ,fa . #i;_ t" ,: , ; ! •:a ~r~~~~ ~#.`J'.Vm t ~,;} . . . . . ..... ... ... . 7d; ~r rt: !o ~ ~~