PC 87-178 ,~, , ~,r dy,.~„ ; ,.,,~; ,~;.;.., E2ES~LU'rIQN NQ._ P~a7W17$ A RESOLUTION OF' THG ANAHEIM CSTY k'LANNING COMMi,°,S10i1 TNAT PETTTION FOR C~NDITZO~iAL USE PERMIT N0. 2883 fiE GRANT~D WHERF~~S, Lha Anahe.~m City Platxning Commi:sioYi did receive a vorifi~ed Petition for Condi~iona.l Use PQr.mit from IiAhTIQAr1N CORPORATIQN, 536 West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, CA 9?,OQS, ownors, and F3LNC0 DEVELOPMENT GRGUP, 4201 Long Beach H.lvd., Stc~. 403, Long B~ach, CA 90f307, agents, of certain real prupQrty ^ituated in the C:ity of An~heim, County o£ Orange, State of Calif~rnia, dQSCribed as fo).lows: PA~tCEL3 A AND B, AS SHOWN O?J A MAP FILFD 1N E300K 22, PAGE 32 OF E'ARCEL, MAPS, 1N THE UFFTCE 0[' THE COliNTY I2ECOI2DER OF ORAI~'GE COiJNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 2 AN EASEtdF.NT 9, 34 t'GET IN WIDTH FOR ZNGRGSS 1~ID GGRESS OVER THAT PURTI027 OF LOT 5 OF TRACTS N0. 71, AS SHOWN ON A MT,P RECOKDF.'0 Iil AOOK 10, PACE "l2 OF MISCELLW~TEOUS MAPS, TN THE OL'FICE OF THE COUNT.Y RECQRDER OF~ SAiD C;OUNTY, THE SOUTH I.INE OF SALD EASFMENT DEING DESC12I~3EU AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNTNG A'P A PutRT Ot1 TFIE ~ENTERr,INR ~F rHE 6U .FOOT ftOAD AS SHOWN ON TEIE M~P OF TRACT P~O. 71 ( SATU RUAD AEINC rroca KNOW nS STATE CULLEGF F3LVD. ) SAID 't'01'r!T REI*IG 2$0.34 f'EET SCUTN, (MEASUF,Ell ALONC SAID CENiERI,INE) FI:JM THE NORTHWE57.' CORNER OF SE('.TTON 25, TOWP~SHIP 4 50UTff, RAtiGE lU WEST, S1,N BERNARDIPiO BA5E AND MERIUTAtt, TFiF.NCE E11S'!, YARAL,LEL WITFI 7'HE S~C1TH L1NF. OF :.'AID L01 5, 7_50 PE;ET. EXCEPTYliG THERIiE'ROM 'THAT F•ORTTON IlICLUDED h`'tiEIIN SAID 60 FdOT RQA:1 AS SfiOWN Ot7 TIiE btl,: UF' SAID TRACT N0. 71. WNERF:AS, t:he f:ity Ylanning Corrunis3ion did hoiii ~ puhlic hearinq at Che Civ.ic ~enter in t:~e CiL•y of Anaheim on Aiigust 31, 1~87 at 1:30 p.m. , nor.ic~ of gaid ~ublSc 2~earing havinq been duly giv~n as requ.ired by laW ar.~i in acc~rraa.;e Mith t~he pr~visions nf thQ Anzhvim Municip~~ Cod~, Ch~pLer 18.03, to h~ar and co»sicicr ev.ideace for a,id ~sg.,insL• said pr~pusc:l c:onditional use permit and tu in+~estigate and make f.indinqs ~nd recomme;~cioti~~r.s in connection the~xuwi±li; and WHEREAS, 3~•id Ccrtun;ssir,n, ~~~Qr du~ sCudy made by itself and in its behalf, ~~r,'. ev.{clencc pnd reports of:feres~l ~t: s:iid hearinq, following fac~s: ~ OU4Er inspecY.iot~, ir.v~stiyation and after clu~ cansiderakfon of t~l.: dot~3 f; nd and dcatermine thQ PCA7-178 1 ~ ) t ~~. y ..i r•'i,''~,r; r. : ~ 1. Z'h~t thQ proposed uscs is ~arop~r~y ono for which a c~ndition3l use permit is authoxizc~d by Anaheim Mun.icipal Cod~ Sec~ions 1A.91.050.03Q t~nd 18.b1.U50.3~0 to permit a 168••foot }iigh, i3-st~~ry oFfice building on Parcel 1 and a freostanding rc~staurax~t on Parcol 2 with the~ f.oll~wing ws~iver: SE~TIQN.1~._~7., 063 ~11. - Minimum ~~~C'-~~r~.l~~tba~k (~4_ f~tn s~tback roq~xS.rQd adjacent to Katella Avenu~; 35 fee~ propr~sed) ,:,; ~~''~,~',~_;,; '::' : . 2. Tiiat the request~d waivar is hereby grantPd on thc basis that thexe are special circumstance^, applicabl~ to rl~o propert;y such a~ s:Ize, shape, topography, location and surroundinqs whic:h do not apply to nther id~nlically zoned progarty in tho samQ vicinity; an8 that strict appl.i~ation of ttte Zoning Cocie del~rives ~he property oF privileg~:s snjoyed by other properties in r.he .ide,~~ic3i zone and classifica~ion in tlie vi.~::iriity, Z• Tha~ ChR propo~~~ci use wi11 not adversely aEfect the adj4ining la~i~:i use:, and the growtl- auci uovcloi~rr,eu~ of the area in which :it 3.s proposed to be locatad. 3. 'Chat the size an1 shape oE Ehe site proposra for Ch.~ ~:,,Q is adequate to allow t~ie Lull devciopr~ent of t~e propcsed use ir. d~rat~t1Qr no*_ detri.mental to t2ie parLicular arPa nor to tha pP..'~CB~ hea] r:, ~;~f~~;y ~lld general welfare of the Ci.t.izens of the City of Anaheim. 4• impo ,ed That thP granting of if ~}ia Concliti~na7 . U~e Permi~ uiidar thP eoi~dicion, , , general any, wi11 not be welfare of t}ie Citi detrimental. to tho peace, healkh, safety and .zens of the City ~f Anaheim. 5. That the trafL•ic ganerat~~d by the propo3~d usa wi11 noY. impo~e ari undue burdeii upun the str~e±t~ and highw~y~ designed and ~:-iproved to carrp the ~.raffic in thE~ area, G, That on~ (1) person ir,dicated h.is prQSr~nce at ~aid nublir. hearing in oppositi~n; ai~cl Char_ no c~r.re~ponclence was recQivad in opp~siti~n t;o the subjQC;h pstition. ~NV,~RONMF:?TE~L____L~ipA~'___FItIDIN~: That the Anatieirt~ CiCy ~lanning Commission has reviewed a^ nriden~tun F.c Program Envirenmontal Impact RQport No. 274 which r~as preparPd in coiijunction with thQ pz•oposEd commercial office and re~kaurant favelonmQnt on ~. site con~isting of a~proximately 2.86 acres, wnicti L-shaped pt~rcel is bordered by Star.~a Col.pge Baulevard on hhe wes~ and K~tRlla l~venv.e or~ tlie nor.ths ssid r.roject to consist of a 13-story of.ffce tow^~ totalling '138,500 squar•a Ce~t, a 5,000~-,quarU fooL re~taurant ~nd u pArkir.g structure containinq 773 parking spaces; and also to reclassify Par.cel 1(the wes~erJ.y 1.93 ncr~s) frurn the ML ( Industrial, Limfteci) Zoae to th~ CU (Commerci~l, Off.icQ und ~rofessional) 7,o~ie; and after const~isring Program F,nviro::mantal Impic;r Ronort No. 2~4 and hhe Afldendum as t:hey ~~ppiy to thQ subje~ct proposa], and raviewing NvidencR, boCh written and or~l, prc~sented to supp.ipment Proqr~m L'TR No. 274 and thQ Acldenclum, tho nlanning Commisafon doos hwreby find thot EIk No. 27~ ar~d the Adden~um arQ in complian:e afth the Californi~:.- Environmental Q~iality Act and the Stato antl -~- PC87-I'78 ~~ CiCy GuidelinQS; and h.h~t ~hn Adclendam Eor the proposed Beneo DevaXc~pment indic~tes t:h~t th~r project rnitigatian mo~sures can roducQ a11 projecC specific impacts to an arceptabl~ level; L•hat althouqh the projecG wi]1 incremenrally c~ntribute to L•he signiiicant cumulativQ unavoidablA ~+dverse impacts which wera idQnL•iFie~i in Progr.am EIR No. 274, tha Ci~y Council previously acknc~wladyQd these impacts and adoptoc~ a S:.atom~nt of Averriding Consideratio~is when they certiEied Pr.ngrr~m EIR t;~. 274 on Marc2i 17, 1987 and, thorefore, the Planning C.ommissian cioes :;~reby cex~ify Program EIR No. 27h azid the Adc:endum for the ,ubject pr~~,~sal. NOW, THEREF4:;c, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim City P'lanning Commission does Lereby grant subjQCt Petitiun Por Condi~ional Use Permit, upon tha iollowing c~nditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prE~r:~~uisite ho the pro~osec: use oE Che sub iecsc proger~y, in order to preserve the safety and genQral welfare ai; the Citizens oP the Citiy of l~naheim: 1. That this Con~lit:ional U3e Permi.t is c~r;~ntecl subjQCt to the adoption of the Zoning Urdin;--nce in connec~ion with Rec].assification Nc. E36~87-22, now pending. 2. 'Chat the o~~ner of subject propert,y shall pay ta the City of Anaheim a fEC Eor streQt ',iqht:inq alpng Katella Aven:ie and 5tate College Boulevard in an amnun~: as d~termined by the f:ity Council. 3. Tk:at t:ho owner oL aubjert property sha11 pay to t}ie City oF Anaheim a fee for trQe plantinq pur.poses alonq ~:atolla Avenue and State ColleSe Iioulevard in an am~unt as determined. Ly the C.ity Council. 4. That prior r.o .issuance c,f a bu.ildiny permit, L•he appropriate traff•ic signal. assessmont fee sha11 be paid to t.h~ Ci.ty o~ Anaheim in an amount ~s dot_ermined by the C~ty Council, 5. That prior to issuanc~ of a huilding pnr.mit the appropria.t~s fees due for primary, seco~idary and fire prot~ction shall be paid to the Water Utility Division by the ownor/developex ?n accordaiica with Ru1es 15A and ZQ of the Wato~ Ut.ility Rate:,, Rules ~nd Roqulations. 6. That prior to i3suarice of a build?ri~ permit, Stadium Area water faci~itiPS fees and/or advancQS r_o the Wvt;~:: Utility Division sh~all b~ paid by the ownor/developer in accordance wfth Kule 15b o,° the Water U~ility Rates, Rules and Regulati~ns. 7. That pursuant to ChapL•er 17.30 of Tir?e 17 of ~Yie Anaheim M~~nicipal Codca, prior to is~uance of a buil3ing parmit or as otherwisc~ provid9d far in Sec.tion 17.30.050 0~ the Aiiaheim Munic.ipal Code, ~ devela~menC fco L•or the An~tieim Stac3lum IIusiness Center. ghtsJ,l be paid tu the City of Anaheim in an ~-nount as doterm.in~rl by the City Cot~ncil. 8. mhat tho proposc~d parking s~rur.turn design 3ha].1 conEurm to Enginaering Standar~l Plan tdo. 402-8 perCai.ning to standard dAtails for p~rking c~kructure9 and rarn~ roquiromnnts. -•3- PC87-178 ~ a~~ ;;~ `, ; 17. That subject ~r~gerty sh~ll be doveloped subsLan~ti~lly in accordance with plans and r,pecifications ori f31a wi~h tho Citg af Anaheim markc~d Exhibit Nos 1, ::, 3, 4, and 5. 18. That ttie project design sha11 incorporate measures to assure that noise standards will be met (e.g. b~rmr, landscaping and structural design L-echniqu~s!. 19. That the owner uf subj~ct pr.o~~erty shall part5.cipate i.n the Transportation Sys~ems Managemer-t program once it is aciopt~cl b,y ~he Cicy. 20. That the owne: oF snbjPct pr~perty shall undortake, to the oxtent £easib].o, the ~'ollowx:ig measures to reduce L•he impac~: ot che project on air guality: sclieduling construction and grading around khe driesL• summer months, peri.odically sprinkling witli water, paving the area p:o~osed f:or paxking as soon a~ possiUle; maintaining equipment enqines i~n proper t~xne; phasing and sc.heduling conatructinn activities to level emissioa peaks; c~iscont.i.ntting co:~struction during sec~nd stage smog alerts; and compli.ance witYi Air Quality Managemant District recommr.ndatioixs for commPrc:ial and office uses. ?.1. '.ihat secur~.ty and desigr. measures wh3.ch empl~~x det~n5ible space cor.cQpts sh~11 be utilized in tha formulation oE detaaled clevP'!opment Ylar_~. 22. That Lha cisveloper shall rQd~:cQ water ~ase tl:r~ugh conservation measures sucY- as automr!tac and drip irrigati~n systerns, camp).iaiic~ wi~2i Ti.~le 24 0£ the Ca1it•ornia Aclministrative Code; and use of clrought tolerant plant species. 23. That any on-•site wator sysL~m improverrent5 including socondary m3ins, firf~ hydrants, meter sand uack-flnw pxevention devices, if roqu.irec~, s1ia11 be ins~~lled at thQ dev~io~er's euponse t~nc1 in. confortinance with plans and specificalions approved by the CiCy. + 7.n That prior to occupancy, the own~er oE subj~ct property sha11 connecti thc~ project's sew~r syciCem ta the Qxisting 42-•i,nch Orange County Sanft~~tior. DisLr.icL• sc~w~r line in State Co11QgQ Boulevard via t~ itaw manli~ le . 25 That prior r_o cccupancy, the aw~ner uE subjact property shall provide an on-siCe storm drain conner.eiun t~ ~he southeast Anah~im Ch~nnel Lo reduce h.he arnoucit of storm water~ directed to 5tate College Boulevard. ?.6 That tha ownei• ot '~jc~ct pro~aerty st~a11 c~nstruct a rais~d median in KaCell~ Av~nur .~~pproved by the C.ity Tr~~ffir. Eng.ineQr an9 that sQCUrity in the -~.~rm of a bon@., c~,rti:icaLp of c3Pposit, letter at credit, or cash~ in an amount and Form suti~f.nctor~ to the City of Az.ahQim, .,hall b~ posted wit:h L•ha City co guarantee tho satistactory campletfou of said improvcments. Said serurity sha11 be posrod with tha City pri~r to is~uanr,o of a building permit tu guar$nt•ee the insta].lat:ion o~ tY~e obove--raqaireci fmpravements pzior ~o occupancy. -5- P~87-178 ;~',~~ ~ ,::17 ~ 9~ T1~3* a:11 driveways sha11 bP co:istructed to a~commoclatR ten (10) foot radius curb return~ a s requirod by the City TraEFic Engineer, lU. ~.'hat drainage of subjeat property shal7. be disposed ox in a m~nn satistactor t h y cr o t e City EnginElcr. '' 11. ~;>. That subject proposal auChor3.zQd by this .resaiution sha12 be served by undQrground utili~ae 5. Th~ owner of subject pr.operty sha11 iznderground those uk.ilities necessitat d e by this projo~t and de~elopment ot L•lie K,atella ~~venue/Stal :e College Doulev~r~1 inter.section to '~crztical in~ :arsection" ' , s~and ards as SpUCxfied k~y the City E~i~ineer. Such und~~rground.ing shall b Q performQd to the satisfaction of the ;iiahcim P.'-J.{C iltilities D~partmenL• i. ll. . Tliat tr.ash storae~e ~reas sha11 be provided and maintai:ie~~ i accor.da:~ce with n appr.ove~~ p1al~s on Eile with tlie S~reeL- Maintenanc~ and Sanitation Divzsiori. r t~~• That prior to comr~iencement of s~ructural frami~ng, Eire hxdrants shall he install d e and chzrgHd a, required a;id detarcninQd to be necessary by tho Cr.ieL• of the F'i • x e Aep~rtment. 1'~. That pri~r to the commencement a£ the aakit•ity authorized under tkiis reuo.lution, or pri~r to t:h~ time that a building pgrmit• is issued, or within ~ poriod of nanety (yp) days from ~he date ok ~his re~o.lution, wliichever occurs fir:,t, the owner(s) oP suaject proporty ~hal7. executQ and rec~rd a covenant i~ ~ form approved ~y t.he City Att~rney's OL•fice wherein such owner(s) agres ~iot to contest the formation of any assessment discr.ict(s) which may he:ea~ter be L•ormed Pur,uant to tt:e pr.ovisions oL• Dev~lopment Agreement No. 83-01 between the City o*_` Anaheim and Anaheim S~adium Associates, which dislrict~sj could include such owner's pruperty, ~•5• That a landscapu pian for subject property shall be siibmitted t4 the P1~nnin~ De~p~rtmQr~t for review and agp~oval and shall, -~L• a minimum, iricludc tihe followinq: (d) a 35-foot wid~ landscaped area ~dja~ent rb the norl:herly pr.okerky liae abutting KII~P,1].~ Avenue and the westorly proper.ty 1inc~ abu~ting SY.at:e College Houlevard; and (b) rrees at a rninimum rat;io of one ~ree pzrkiny and vehicixlar acr.esswa ~er ~'~~Q Square feet of. coordinate said landsca ln desi n withe the City`Traffilc E gineerata ensure safc~ vehicular 1•in s-o~ ai qht„ An Ylanning De~artment regardzng saicl plan m~ ac~cision mado by the Pl.anni~ic~ Comms.s5inn and/or Cit ~ ~ bp ~'PPQa1Qd to the ~ Council. I~arther, that ciQnse lzndscaping, i-,cludi.~g fast; growing Cal1 trees (i.e. CyprQ~s), stiall be provideQ along the easL•F:rl to provide screening for rtxe ~wo-story oftice builr.Ziny ~toPehey~~ste In the ev~nt the proposc~d trdQS cannot be planrea in the flood contro.l ea,ement, the bu.ilding sh~ala be relocaten tu provide adequaL•e room E~r the planting of the t:reQS, 16. That a minimu.~n of ane 15-gallon tr~o per ever.y twQnty lineal feek af s~reQt fronCaqe, with ap~roprfata irra.~arioci facilities, shall be instal]ad aud maintained in ~he 2andsinrQd 3rPa ada~cent to both Katella Avenue and SGaC~ Colloge Boulevard. i i ,;, ,, . , -~- PCt37-178 ~~ ~~~~ ~ ' 27. Th~t prior t,o issuance of. a building permi.t, or. within a period of two (2) yoaYS fro,n tho date uf L•hi~ resolution, whichever occurs fir.st•, Condition t7os. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a, 18, 21 and 26, abc~ve••mentioned, shal:~ be complied with. F;xtensions for further t.ime to complete said c~nditions may be granted in aceordanr.e wit~ ;. Section 18.03.090 nf th~ Anatieim Municipal Cade. ~. 28. That prior to £inal building and zoning inspecticns, Condition Nos. 8, 9, 10, 'll, 12, ].5, 16, 17, 'l2 and 23, above-mentioned, Sha11 be complied witn. BE IT FURTHER RESUGVED that the Anaheim City Plaunirig Comm3.ssion doQS her~by find and determins that adoption a£ this Reso2ution is exprc~~sly predicated upon ap~~lic~znk's comp].i~nce wirh eacli ~nd all af 'the cond3tionc tiercinabove set .Eorth. Should any ~uch conditions, or any part lher~-of, ba declared invclid or unenforcoable bp th~ tinai jiidgment of any court oE compet.ent jurisdiction, t:hen tr~is RQSOiution, and an! approvals herein c~ntaixied, shall be deemad nuli and void. THE FORFGOTNG RESOLUTTON is siyned vnd appro,ve,d by me this 31st day -~F August, :1987. /,~ _ ,~':_,~--~,~,~~ ,~~'~ .E'::' ~~.__ -. CHATRMI~N, ANAHETM ,ITY PLANNING ~~AMMISSIUN ATT.ES7.':;~7 ~1 I ~n ~ L./ ~' . __ ~.~:~ -~----- ~~~-.~;..c.~-___-- SCCRET~IRY, ANAHL•'IM CITY aLF,NNING COI~MI:iSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIITX OF ORI~TGE; ) ss. CITY OF 7~TAHFIM ) I, Edztli L. H4rris: Secret~ry of the Anaheim Ci.ty Piannirig Comivission, ~o hereby certify that tl~e L•oregoing resolution was pa.SQG and aQoptPd a:. a meQtiny of the an~baim City Planning Commiss.ion helcl on August 31, ~.987, hy ~ ~he folluwzng vote ~f ttiQ members thereof: AY~S: C.OMhiISSIO~l~kS: BOUAS, BOYDSTIJN, CF.RUSILLO, ~ELDHAUS, TiERAST, MC BUHN~'I, MF.SaE 110GS: (:OM?dTS5I0NERS: NONE ABSENT: COt~tISSIONERS: NONE ZN WIT.NESS V~iEREOF, I Y~ave hereur.to sr~t my tband ~hi~ 31st day oi August, 1937. ____ _~.~'.~ ~_~-~~.~ SECRETARY, A2JAHEIM CITY PLANNILrC GOMMISSION -6- PC8%-178 ~ ;l~ ~~, -, A ,.~, <~r ~ .~ ;t` '} ;~ „~ ;~~ .. ' . . . . . , r'•!~:C