PC 87-179?~.. RLSOL,UTION ~~0. PC87-.179 11 £2LSOLUTIOIJ OF' THE ANAHL•'IM CITY Pt,ANN?NG COMMISSIUN THA'P PG'.CI'rTON r0I2 VARIANCE N0. 36~6 D~ CRADITEI; WFIGRRAS, r.he Aiiah~~im C.iLy Planning C~mmis~ion did receive a veriLied petitian Lor Variai;ce f:ram 11U'I~OMOBILG CLUH UE' SOUTH~RN CALIFORNIA, 2601 So~.ith Figueroa Stceet, T~os Arigeles, CA 90007 ~ AT7'N: LARR`1 A1)At4SON, owner, of certui.n ceal proper~y ~ituated in the CiL-y oP Anahei.m, Cuunky af Or.~:~ng~, StiL-e oF Calif-ornia dc~~;cribed ~s: P?~RCEL 2 AS SI104;N UN ~'~ MAP PTLGU IN DQOK 11U, PAGPS 12 AND 13 Or PARCEL, NiAPS, TN THB OFElCE OF TNE COUNTY It!•;CORUF[2 OF SAIn COUNTY. ~ WI3G:}tEAS, thc: ~ity Flanning Commission did l:old ~- public hearing }~ at thE Civic Cenl-er. in the Ci.ty of. ?~nah~~im on August 3I, i987, at 1:3U p.m.~ i noti.ce of said pub.lic hc~~xring having be~n du.ly given as requir.ed by law ann in ~ accordance wil-h L•'~e ~rovision., oL- the Anaheim Mu!Zicipal Code, Chapter. ~8.~3, 'n: to hear and consider ~~~vidence For an~ against :;aiil E~ro~osed vatianc~ ~iid ro inve~skigate and rnake ~ indinys and r~commenc3ations in coanection t•h~rewi::::~; and ~ ~ 'r1EI~R~;F~S, s~~i.d Co~~mi.~sion, aftar c~u~ inspactio~, 111V~S1:1.C~dt].U11 ~ and s~udy mai3e by itse'lf ~i~~d in iCs beha.lL-, a~id aEter ~u~: consic3eration o£ ~J.1 ~videnr.e anci r~ports oLEeced at said treacir.g, dc~e;; Einc~ ant9 determine tP,e , following facts: 1. That tha ~~et:itioner proposes waivers ot the tollowiily ho construct ~ moriumriet sign: (A) ~~:i;`PIUNS ].A.05.091.010 -• y~ T c oP si~n (one :~}~opping c~enter. .18.44.UG7 identiEicr~tio n siyn on a 30 i.ncP~ AND 18.84,05"?.U40 ` high wa11 pF~rmit:ted; one Lreestan~iir:g oEtir.e complex sign E?CO(7c ,nil ) . (D) SLCTIONS 18.0~.091.011 Maxi.rr~u~n sign area and displa~ 18.05.U91.014 surPeice: (one _ 7.0 square foot 18.44.Ufi7 siny.le tacec~ sign P~rmiL•ted; one At3I~ 1de84.062.74a ~ GO ~q~,arc [oot r7ouble faced monum~nL• ~ign proposed}. 2. T`~at the above-:nentione~] waivErs are tiereby gr.anL•ed on L•he L•aais th,~t the pCttt~.ona~; derno;~strated t}iaL- a hardship er.ists in L-hat thece are snecial ci.rc_~umytan:;es app].icable ta L•ne ~tc~erry such as size, shapc, to~oyrap~iy, IOCc'71:1011 or ~ur.roundings, wh~ich cio not apply to other id~tlcic~lly zone~ prop<~rti~.s in the v.icinity; and r..hat sl:ri.ct appli~at:ion oE the Zon~.ng CoGe dPpXi.VeS l:h~ ~zoperty of privilegea E~njoyed U,y otheC ~ror~erties J.n identical zonin~~ classiPi.caticn in L•ha vicl.nity. 3. That there are exceptional or extraor.<;iin~ry a.ircumstanccs nr ~onditions zir~pli,cahle tu the ~~r~perty involved or ~o lhe i~ttended u~e of the property kh:~t ~]o not apply generally to the pr~perL•y or class ~f ~!se in ~he ~am2 vicinity and zone. ~!'! .~ni ~>Y: i' ~::~ ~U49r PC8~-179 ; :i ~ ~ . . ;.L~.~~ ~~~~. 1 `t1~ J-..~ ~' ~ ~ ~ i o~ 4. 7.~hat the c«~c~uestFd vari.ance is n~cessary f~r the pceservatiosi and enjo}•rr~enL oF a substanL•ial pr.o~erty iigh~ possessed by other property in L•he same V'].Clillty dild zone, ~~nd denied to che px~p~rt~ in quest.ion. 5. 'rhat the requesled variance will not l:.e mah.er.ially ~]etrime7tal ~o the put7lic w~lEare or injurious Lo tl~e properL-y ~r improvements i.n such vicinity and zone in whiah the oroE7erty is local:ed~ 6. 'i'haL- r~o one indi~aced Lhe:Ir presenca al• sai~ public hearing in opposition; Grid l-hat no cur.~respondence was ~eceived in o~p~sition to subjecC N~tici~n. 5t1VIRl1NMEN'PnL .LM~ACT H INDING: mh~ P.lc~nning DireC~~r UC his authorizecl represenhative k~as determined thal tYi~ propos~d ptoject f•al.].s Wl.~E117 thc~ deE inition oC Catc:yorical ExemE~L-ion~, Class 1? , as def ined in the State F.ifi Guid~.lines ~zn~~ is, theret'ore, categ~~rically c~xe~npt ~rorn the c•~quir~m~n~ to prepar~ an ETR. ~ NOw, ~CHF.RL•;E'oRE, EiL. ];~P E.P;SO[~VLll that the Anaheim City Pl.anrting Commission does hereby ~ranL- subjr~ct: P~Stition Eoz Variancp, ui~on the Eo.Llowing ~ondit.ion.~ which art~ hereby £ound ro be a nece~.:;~r.y prerequisite to i~he propo.,E~d use c~C the subjECL• property in ordGr l-o preserve che ~afeL•y and ~eneral welf~r.e of- th~ rit:iz~ns of• th~ Ci.ty oE Anahe:m; 1. That subjer.t proE~er~~y st~all be dev~l~aoed substant;i~lly in accordance with plans ancl SpeciEicaL•ions on f.ile w.ith the City o[ An~heirn macke~] c^,Y.hik~it Nos. 1, ~~1d 2, 2. T!~~at as <,pr~ci.Ei~d in An~~heim MuniciE~al C'ode Section 1L.05oL~91,Q52, no s:igns shall b~~ ].ightF~d I~t~.Wa?P.II the hour.N ofi mi.dnight and 6:30 a.m. 3. '.Phat pric>r to t:inal bui'ldiny and zoni~g insE~ecti.ons, Condition tvo. 1, above-t~eittianer~, shall b~ complied with~ I3G T.~C FUR'!~HLR RfSOLVEll th~at t-.he Anat~cim City P].anninq Commi.s;ion c~o~::> heref~ L• ind and de~ecmine L•hat: ac?of,tion oC this Reso].ution is ex~ressly rr.e~~icar~u ~.~oii aZ~pJ_ican~'s compl.ianr.e with euch an~ 11.1 of the conditi.ons her~~.inabove s~~t [or~h. ahouid an~r SUCh condit.ions, or any part therer~f, b~ declared 1t1Va1Lr7 or unenferceable by l:ne fzn~,l jiidgment ct- any courl aF comNetent ;ur.is~ii~~tiun, theil L-his R~solutic.~n, and ~ny appr~vals herei.n contaxned, she 11 be deemF~c~ nu 11 a-~d vo id . `t'FtC x~OREGOIhG RL.~OLUT.[OP7 is ~;igii~~d ancl apnc~ved by m~~ ~his 3.LsL day of August, .LJ£37, '~~ ~) =] , ~ ; %' .~~ ~e,~c,~_l - ..~--! --- --,. CfIAJRMAN, ANANt:It CrTY PLA~iNING COMMISSION ATTf;S:~: (IL`~'1_,[ ~ i /1 .L c _~~ .. ` SF.CRL•'TAFtY, ANAFIFTM CTZ'Y PL . NING CUhiMI5SI0N a -l' nr,87-179 ~> . . Su. ~~yc'h ~ , . . . ~ ' . ,rt 4 Zl~ 1'~~ ! h ~ ~I ~ 11;~ il'. 'p~ ~~ l r~ ~I STA.'L'L OE' CAI,IFORDIZA COUNTY 0~ ORANGE ) s5. CITY ~F AP~AHEThI ) I, Edith L. Har.risr Secr.etar.'y uf t.he Anahei.m City l~lanning Cominissior-, ~9o herek~y ~ertiFy thaL- the foxegaing res~~iution was passed and adopted at a me~ting oL• the Anaheim Cir.y planning Commission held on AUqU.^~t 31, 1987, by ~.he following vote oL• the member~ rhereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSTQf3GRS: ABSELvT: COMMISSIUI~GRS: IN WI'.CNHSS Wfi ilugu..t, .1~3f37. , , ~~~r.,`.. fi~ ~` R.;:::. . . . _ ~Ji3 ;;. , i` ; fi~,;{ . $Y ~ l~.' ,Y:ll ; 1,,• I . ~x,J , , ~ ~~; ~ ~ t '."~ ` r BUUAS, BUYDSTUN, CARUSTI.,LO, FELDEIAUS~ EI~RBST~ MC BURNEY, MESSr' NOP~~ NUNE F,RCOF, I have h~reunto seL- my tiand this 315t day of , ~~~ ~u-~ _ :;}3CRL;TA Y, ANA.-IETM C CTY PLANNING COMMISSION -3~ PC87-~79 '<; ~. %f+ ~ ~ . ~. . ... .. . . . ~ . . ~ . ~ . ~ .. . ~ . . . ~ . . . ,'r'~.~,~'~,~~