PC 87-18. ~ , . ~ . . .. ~.~q',; ~'.j'`~. RESULU'PION N0. PC87-18 A RESOLU'P~ON OF TEIE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMl'SSION THAT PETIZ'ION f'OR CONDI'PIONAL US~. PERMI'P N0. Z$77 BE GRAN'rED WHFREAS, the 1lnaheim Ci~y Planning Commission did receive a verified Petit.ion for. Conditional Use Permit £rom CART~ KARCHER ~NTCRPRISL'S, INC., 1200 Nor~:h I•l-:rbor 8oulevard, An~heim, Califo~nia 9'1801, A'1'TN: HCR5T SCHOR, owner af cerrain real property sit~uat:ed in i:he Cit~~ of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orar.ge, St:ar_e of CaliPocnia, desr.ribed as: 1'ARC~L 1: `PHAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAS`P QUAR`PER 0~ 7.'HE NOR'PH~AST QUAR`.CL'R OF TEiE SOUTHWESi QUARTER OF SECTSGN 27, 'r0~+~1NSHIP 4 SUU'Pki, RANGIa 10 t~GST, IN TH~ CIT7C QF ANAHEIM, AS SAID SECTION TS SHOWN UN A MAP I~FC:ORD~U IN BOOK 51, PAGE(S) 10, GF MISCELLANL;DUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE C~ THE COUN'.CY R~CORDLR OF SAID COUNT.Y, L~ESCRTBED A:i FOLGOWS: BEGTLvNING AT A POINT IN THF EAST LINf: OP SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTsR OF SECTION 27 r llIS'PANT '.l'EIEItsON 190 FEET SOUTHEFZLX FFOM THE 1JORTHEAST CORPILR Or SAID SOU'PHWFST QUAR'.CER~ AND RUNNTNG THLNCE SOU'rHERLY ALU^1G Sf1ID EAST L.LNE, 150 ~'EET; THENCE ~?ESTERL'1 PAR:~LLEL WITI-~ T.HI: NORTH LIN6 Or SAID SOUTEIWGST QURRTER, 2LU rEET TO A L'INE TEIAT IS PAT2ALLFT., WIT(i AN~ 1)ISTANT 21Q FGET, MEASURED AT RIGHT AhGLGS EROM TH~; CAST L~ING OE SAIJ SOUTHWEST QUARZ'ER; `PHENCE hOFt~HERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL 'LINE 15U ['EET TO A LINE EX'1'ENDTNG Ti~1~;STLRf~Y, PARALLEL WITH `CHf NORTH LINE OE SAI1~ SUUTHWFST QUA12'PEF, ERUM TI~IE POIt~T 0[' BEGINN'tNG; THGNCE EASTGRLY AI~ONG SAIJ) PARALLEL LINE, 210 F~ET TQ Tfi~ POINT OE' BE~INN:LNG. PARCEL 2: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EAS~MENT EOZ I.'IGRrSS, EGRESS AND PUBI'~IC UTII,I`P't pURPCSL•'S OVER ~rti~'P PORT'LO[~ OF THE NORTHE~AST QUART[:F~; OP TH~ NC'RTHLAS'P QUARTER UE 7'liE SUU'PH~dEST nUARTEP, OF ~~'CTTON 27, T04iNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGC IO WEST, IN T;IE CITY 0~' ANAHEIM, AS SH(~WN ON A MAP RGC;qRUEI) ItJ l3Uc)K 51, PAGF(S) 1Q, OF MISCEI,LAN~;Oi1S hiAPS, IPI THC OI'FICE UI' 'PHE COUN'PY RECOkDER OE' SAID ~OUN'I'Y, D~SCI2IBEll AS FOL~LOYIS: B~GINNING 't1T THE POINT OI' TNTEktSN~CTION QF TH~ i~IORTF] LIhE UF 'l'[~iE SOU`.CHWES'P QUAR'.rF.R UF SAIU SECTION l7 WITH A C,INE THAT IS PAR~ILLGL WI'Pfi 11ND DIwTAN'P 210 f'EET WGST.ERL'i, MEASUi:Ell AT 12TGHT r`~NG'L~S FROM TIiE EAST :.~INC OE SAID SOUTHWF.;ST QO F,1tTER, AND RCJNNING THENCG SOU'PHERLY ALONG SAID PARALiaEL~ LINE, 340 ['EE1' '.CO A LING TFi~1T IS PARALL~,L WIT[i ANU D1STP.NT 3~':0 FEE'I' S UUTHERLiC, MEASURED AT RIGHT A[~G'LGa^, FROM TEiL NUR'.~H LINE OF SAID SGU'PHWEST QUAR'J.'ER; `PFIFNCG WI:S'PLRLY ALQNG S.".Lll PARAf~LEL LING~ 35 E'E,E'P; 'PHGNCE NOI2THGI2LY PARALLEI, WLTE1 T~iE EAS`P LTNG OF SAID SOGTi1WES'P QUAR'PER~ 20 eF:F.T; THG[~CE EA5TERLY PARALC,EL WITH TEIE h10RTH LINt, OF SAIU SOUTH~IGS'~' QUARTGR, 15 FGET; THENCE NORTiIERLY ~'ARA~~LEG WITH `.CHE EAST LINE 0~ SAiD SnUTE.WGST QUAR`PER, 320 FL'ET TO '~HI: NOR'PH LTNE OF SAID SOUTHWCST QUAR~rcK; '1HENCE EAS'1CRLY ALONG SAID NOItTH LINE, 20 1'~LT T.0 TEiE POIDiT Ur eEGINNING. PCE37-18 i~ :~ i^ ~ 1~26t _ ,., .~~ r ~~ SVHERFAS, l-.Y;e City Planning Commission did hold a publi.c .",earang aL t:he Civic Cenler in +:he Cii:y of An~-~heim on January 19, 19f37, a~ 1:30 p.m., notice of said pual.ic tiearing having been dul~~ given as required by law and in accordance wiCh the provisions oF I.he Ar~aheim MunicipaJ. Coder Chapter 10.03, t~ hear and consider evi.dence Eor and against 3aid proposed condil:ional use permit and r_o investigat:e ar~d maice finding~ an.~ recommenda~in~s in connection therewith; and ~^ WHERI;AS, said Commission, after due inspeci.ionr investigahion and study made by itself and in its beh~lf, and after dtte con~ideral:ion o~ a17. tvidence and r.epotts aFFee~d at said hearing~ do~s fi~td and determine the f.~~llowing fact,,; i. That: t:l~e propostd use is properly one f.or which a condii~ianal use permiL is authurized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 1a.44,05G.300 to wit: r~ r~ermit consl.cr::.t.ion of. a new restaurant. with a drive-through lane with waiver.s of: (a'~ SFCTIONS 18.05,093.023 - Permitked locati.on ai t're!~standinq sign. AND 18.~14.057 (Minimum b0 f.eet Fro;n nort;h pr.oper~y line r.equired; 11 feeL proposed) rii4 +'~ ~~P. (b? SFCTIONS 18.06.0~0.031 - Minimum n~amber and ~YP~ of parking spaces. ~ 18.06.05~.0233 (47 spaaes, 25~t smal]. c;ar spaces required; AND 18..44.t~66,050 3$ spa~.:es, 3~4~ small car s~aces pro~ose6) (c) 5EC'PIONS i6.06.~770.020 - Minim~~.m '.enath oE drive-khrouyh lane. ANp I8.06,U80 (1QQ f~et bet:ween ordarir~ device ~nd s~rvi.ce window requited; 72 Ee~t pzoposed) ~ ~, (d) SECT.ION 1E~. -- Min'~mum Eront landsc~ped setback. ~~~^ (3 feeL- :Lan~lsca}?ing mini~num required; 0_co 20 f?~t ].andscapin~ proposed) 2. That che request:ed waivets la), (b) an~ (d) ar.e hexeby ~~ranted on !:he bas~i:; t:hat there ar~ specia.l circumstances aF~~licab'.e ho the pruper~y sur.h as size, s~apa, topogra~hy, locat~~~n and surco«nd.ings whicl: do n•~t apFly to '~ o~:her identically zoned property ia t:he sam~; vici.nir.y; and 1:ha~ strici: i,? applica{:ion oE the Zoning Code deprives the proyerty oF privileges enjoyed by ~ oi:tier propectie:~ in the identical zone and ~lassification in t•he vi.cinity. 3. That L-he requested wai.vec (1~) is hereby gr.anted on the basis tha'c t:he parkiny waiver will n~~t causa an incr.ea se in tr~£Pic congestion in the imrnedia~~e vi.cini.tX n~~r adversely a~fect any adjoining land uses and grantiny of the parkino wai~er und~r th~ condit:i~n4 imposed, if any, wi11 not be det:rimen4al :-o the peace, h~alth, sa£e+.y and geneYal welEar~ oF t.he citi2ens c~r t~:he City of Anaheim. 4. Tha~ t:he ~ro~~osed use ~•~i1i not advarsely affecr. the a~'~joining land U`aC'5 and t}~e grcwh:h and de~.~~lopm~nl. uf the area in wk~a.~:h it is praposed to br locate~~, '1~ ~'~- P~87-18 ;,,~ 5. 'Phar. L-he ;.iz an~i sl~~,~c~ oE t:he site, proE.~o:~c~d °or t:hn use i~ ~dequar_e i:o allnw i:he Eull d~:ve.lo~menl: oE ch~ proi~os~c! uve in a manner. not detriment:a:1 i_o the pari:icu.lac ~,rea nor t:o the peace, health, 3af.er_y and yeneral wclfare of t:h~ C.i•:i,z,~ns of. khe Cit•.y of A~ahei.m. 6. c~ndit.ion;; Thar, i~.}1e yi•ant~ing i mpos~d if o.[ ~:he CondLt:iona.l Use Permir. under t:h~ saEr~! y and , , any, genE~r.al welLarc oL• wil.i i:he not l~c Cil:i det_rimant:~~l t.o t:he pc~ace, healt:h, zei,~ oE the C.il:y c~ i rlnaheim. 7. unduc burde ~~t:ur. rhe t.~aEEi.c n ~pon t:he strn f gene catF~d by che proposc~cl use wil.l not irtipose an ttaffic in ~ ,, I~.he area. an,9 highways de~igned ~~nd impr.~oved 'r.o carry Che ~. Thar: no on+~ indic~atuc~ i:heir presence at said public hearing in oppo~xt:ic~n; and r:~at: no cor,:FSpond~nce w~s cecaived i.n opposition to the sub jeci: p~t:~tion. ENzlTRUNMENTAL I[ypACT EIPIDING: That khe~ Anaheim Cily piannfng commisyion has revietaed i.he propo~~al ~:o pe.mir. f.I1F' con;s~:rur_t:ion of a new resraurant: wir.h ,, ci~{~~_~.hrough la~e wieh wlivers oE permit;t:ed location o£ Ereesr.anding sig;is, ~nini.mum numbec and r.ype oE oarki ng ~paces, minimttn~ Ieng~h ~~f ~1r ive-t:f~,cough lane and mi~~imum F.ront iandscaped s~t•.back on ~q reckanyular.ly-shaped parcel o~ land consi,ting oE aE~proximately q.52 acre, having a frontaqe ~E apuroximately 150 feet n~ t-,he w~~st s.ide uf Harbor f3oulevard, znd Furr:her C~N3CC1lJ(?fi a.~ ?.:119 Sout.h H.~rbor floulevard; and does n~ret~y anpruve r.t~p Negativ~~ Declaration u~on fi.nding t.ha~. it: has cons;.dered ~-.~e Negat:ive D~ .:laration -:ogP*_her with any conmei~I-.s received durinc~ +:he public review ~roce;{s and fu~rhec Einding on +-he ba~;is oF Che ir,i-.i.~~ ,~:udy and anY commenr_3 received r};~r th~:re is no subsr_~-~i~t_ial evidc~nce rhar. t:he project, will hav~~ ~, s.ig-~iEic.an~ effecr: ~n rh~ environmeni~. NOW, TH~,tEL~ORSr 13U LT RGSOLVED fhat: ~. Commi~si~n does h~reh }1e Anaheim Ci~y Planning Y yran+: s~.~t~;ec~. Per.iti~~n for Condi.~:ior,al Use Permit, upon ~:he f~llowing c~nditions w;~ich are heceby Euund r_~ t~,~ u necessary prerequisite to i:he pcopos~d use oE the 5uh~j~ct. pco~crt:}• i.n ord~~r Lo preserve t}» gaPet.;, and genecal welEare of ~-be Cir.izens oE e.h~~ Cit.y oE Anaheim• 1. Tha~: prior r~.o issuance of a building E~ermit., the ap~roC,riute tra£L•i.c s.i~nal assessmanr f.A~ shall be paid ~.o t.he Cit•.y of Anaheim in an amounk as det:e.rmine~l l~}~ t:he Ctr_Y ~ounci i. 2. That: 3.11 driveway,^, shal.l be qpf1~31.P~1C~,c'cS u: acr.~mmod:~t.e ten (10) tuot: r~idius cur b cet:urn ^ cecon3t:rueted tp . . , ~ Tra£Lic Engxn•:er. s required by L-he C't:y 3. 'Phar. ,r:rA;.r. ii~~hr.~ny [acilii:ie:, alony Harbo insr a i led ~ r 3oulevrrd aha11 bP . . . as requir c~d by r.hc Urtitr.ies Genecal with s~~ciEica~:~ o Manager tn acc~zdancc . n:, on f.i..e in ~_hH O~Eice Manager, ~nd r.h~,-: :~~curity in the fo ° of Ur:lir.ieu GenQral rm o, a r9eposi~.~ i~t.r:ec ot cr~.9ir., or r.azh in Lond, c,nrtifiear.~ of a , ~a-:ir,fac~:ory tc~ th~ Ci~.y of AnaheZm shall be n amount anci f.~err i , p guacan-:ee r.he ,.a~.i~Eact:ory com~.ier.ion o[ os :.~d wi*h rhe Cir.; t:u ~ h f~pcovement:. Sa1J ser_urity s,h~~'. be po:ated wi e above- :.h r he Cit: f~ ~cior t.~ i~suance oE t~ui.ld.~ng permL~:s. i . y ~ An~h~.im The ~~~OVN-requicNd mprovamenr.s shall be L[3IItal.ln~ E,rior co oCCUparlry. ..~~ PC87-1$ ^ ! 4. That t:he ownet oE sub jecr. pcunecl.y shall submit. a l.ee.t:er. requPSt:ing t:er.minar.ion of Condir.ional Use Perm3.t No. 1695 and 1U61 L•o ~:he P.larininy Departmen~-. 5. Thai: subjec~-. pr.o~ert:y 3ha.11 be c;eve:loped sub3t~nt.la.lly in accocdance with plans anc7 speciEicu~.ions un Eile wi.t.h i:h~ Ci~:y of Anahei.m ma.rked Exhibii: Nos. 1, 2 ancl 3. 6. 'rhar. ~rior to issuance ~E a buildiny permit, ar wi~:h.in a period oE one yeac ErUm i.he dat:e af this re~olution, whichever cccur.s first:, Condi~:ion Nos. 1, 3 anc3 ~f, a~ove--men+.ioned, .~hail be com~lied wi".h. Er,t:en~ion~ for l:ur~.her time +-~ comple+:e saic] conditior-s m~y be granfed in accorciance wii."t~ Sec+:ion 1a.03.09U a~ the Anaheim Municipa? Code. ~~ 7. ~cha-. p: ior t:~~ f ~nal t~ui.idiag an~] zoning inspecr iona, Cundirion Nos. 2 ~~ ~ind 5, abave-me~,lrioneci, sha?.1 be cnmplied witt~. T3T~ I`f EURT[iEk ~ESOLVED t:hat t.t~e Anaheim City P?.~nning Commissi.oo does b~reby f~ind e~nd der.ermine that adop~.ion of thzs; R~solution is expreH~'ly prAdica~:ed iipnn applic:ail~.'~ comp'iance ~~it:h ~:ach aucl all of ~:h~ condition~ he[ein~bove s~~t Eort:h. Should any such conditions, or any part theceof, be decx~red invz~lid or un~~nfo~ceable by ~:he [inal iudyment oF ar.y c~urt of cumPetect ju,risdicr.ion, 1:hen this Resolut~ion, arid a~iy ~i~proval.s herein c~~nr.ained, stiall be deeir~d null and ~~oid. ~ THE EORFGUING RESOI~UTION is signed and app~oveca l~y me thi3 i3th clay of. ~Januac 1 , 1987 . ~ ~' ~,. L `..r,/ I : -' ~'~:: ~ i.~ .~. :. . _ . ~ CkiAIRMAtd, li AEIEIM CITY ANPIING COMMISSION ~ ATTEST: , 2.1i5~~~~ ~-~iit S[:CRrT P.Y, ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMN~~SSION S2ATE Ut CALIFORtIIA ) COUtI'PY OF URANGE ) =~~. CI'1'Y OF ANAEIEIN 1 z, ?',di~.h L. Harris, Seccetary oE r.he Anuhaim Ci.ty P?anning Con~r,[g~ionr do her.eby cert:iEy rt:ar rhe EGCp~01[l~ resalut:ion was pASSed anci adupr.ed at a mce'ing of the hn.~heim Ci*..y Planning Commisston h~ld on Janua.X `~~ 19, 1987, by t:he f.ollowing v~t~ ~t tLe ~iember~ r.hereuf: g "., 0 ~ A`:ES: COMMISSIOAIBRS: EF2Y., HERBS`1', :,A CLAI:2E~ LA~AICKI, ;~ESSB I30GS: CUMMiSSIONF:RS: NON~, ABSENT: C~M~4ISSIONERS: HOUAS, MC EiURN~;Y . IN WI'1'~IESS WHF,ttEUP, I havc hereunLO :~e~- my hand t:hiQ 19-.h day of _ .Tanuary, 1987. Y - ~ . ~ 1, ~^ '~' SECRE'1`A~Y, ANI,~{EIM CITY PGA~INING COMMISSION ~ _4_ PC87-18 '. - .~ :~,t ~~ _ . ..,.. _...: . ......,