PC 87-194'~/ . . . ~ . . . '~114:~ . ,,.~,.,,i::-. ... , ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~ : :,.~; t"`;}i;ry . . _ . _.. . _ . . : . ~~ ~ R~SOLGTION N0. PC87-194 A RESOLUTi('N nF TIiE ANAIiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 2HA'~ PE`I'ITICN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PBRMr~~ ~p, 2947 $E GRP.NTFD WHL'REASr the ~lnaheim City Planr.ing Commission did Cecei~le a verifiecl Petitiori for Condi.tional Use Pe[~nit frc~m ~AST AtdAHE7M ENTERI~RISESrSE IGMAI~v• EIcw°11 Ste. # 109, Anaheim, CA ~ttt06, owr~er and ATTN: [~RE1D f4. ~ M.b., DAN L. ROWLAND, 1290 Nor~.h i~ancock St., Ste. #2~~~ Anaheim, CA 928~7+ agent Eur certain real prope[t~' situated in f.he Ci~y oF Anah°im, County oE Orange, State oL California, ciesr,ribed as: PAI2CEL 2, AS SHOWN ON A i~AP FILED TN BOOK 204, PA~GS, ~}5 AND 45 OF 1~ARCL'L MAPS, IN THE OFFICE. OE' '~H~ COUN'PY RG~'ORDER OE' SAIll COUN'.EY. Wt-,GR~AS, rZie City 'Flanning Commission dic] hold a public heating ~~ the Civic Center in t.hc Ciry oE Anaheim on SepL•ember 140 1987 at 1:30 p•m• - notice of saicl pub.lic hearing ha~~ing beeri duly gi.ven as required U,y law and in accordat~ce with t.he provisions of tne Anah~im P4uni. ~ipal Code, Chapker. ? 8•~ 3- to heac arid consiacr~ evidence ~ur and against said pr~posed conditi~nal ~se permit az~d l•.o investigat.e and mak~ f.indings anrl reco-nmendations in corinection h.hetewitl~; and PiHFR13aS, said Commi~sion, af~~r due ins~JP.CL"LOTli investigat~ion and study made by it.seli and in its behalf, and after due consideration of al.l evidence and r.eports cf~ered at said hearin~, ~oes find and determi.ne the follawing tact~: 1. Tl~,at the proposed use is properly one for which ~a conditional us~ ~er~nit is aul~horized b,y Anwheitn Mur_iclpal Code Secti~n 18.~i1.050.60, ta wit: re perrnit a ~ ~.ndustrially-relate~ of,`.ic:e compltx (incladi.ng industrially rriated sales busxne~ses) in the Ana.heim Canyo~n Indusi:ri.al A~ea with waiver of thE rollowing und~r. authority oi Code Section 18.06.08Q: SEC'PIUNS 18.06,050.U21 - Min_i.mum number of ~,rking s acPs. ~~ 18.06,050_ .022 (944 requirea; ~39 proposed) ~ 18 . 0 6. U 5_____ 0_ ~~ 1~ ~ AN ll 18 . 61. 0~ 6 6~.,,_._~' ~ 2. 'rhat L'he requested waiver •is heeeby granted that h.he parking waiver wi11 not cause an i.ncrease i~~ trat-~ic congesti.on in th~ i~r~mediat~ v~.cinil.y nor ~dversely aL•£eck any adjoini.nq land uses and granting of. the parking waiver ~aniaer the conditions imposed, if any, wi11 n~t bF, d~trimental. to the peace, heal.th, satet•y a~d general welfar.e o[ ttie citizens c[ the City of Anaheim; and that the reguest is minimal am~untin~3 to le~s than a 2~ dpvianca Erom code. fi 3. That tha ~aeoposcd use wil]. not u~9versel.Y ai:fect the it is adjoi.ning land ropoaed to be ,4, d the yrowt. r and d~v~l.opment ok thP area in whi.ch p uses ~n "° ' located. '"- 4. That the ite ~~ropos~d ~or khe size anci shape of the s e tise is adequ~l-e n~~t detrimenl:al ~`;, to ~11ow L-he full r ~evelvpment oL- the proposed use in a mann sa£ety and ge~ healkh :~ra:L welf~ze Q~ ;~~': ' to the parL•icular , ~irea nor to the peace, ~"~ the Citizens oE tn e City uP ~naheim. ;a ~ PC 87 ••J.9 4 : "': ~ ' OOb5r ; ;;' ~~r ~:{ , ~wrr,: v .~~tii~ . . , . . -- ,. 'r;. ,•-; '~y~ f, ~ ~ ~ :. . , . ,.:~~j e,..i =.{i !~ , r; , ':'i 5. Thar the granting oE L•he Conc]itional Use Permit under the conditions impo~ed, a.t' any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety znu general welEare ot the Ci~i2ens oE tl~e City oE Anaheim. 6. That~. the L•ra.Efic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden up~~n the streets and hiyhways desi~nPd and improved to carry the traf:Pic in the area~ 7. ~rhat no one indicate~ L-heir presen~e at said piiblic tiearing id ~p~osition; a.nd that no corres_~ondence was received in opposi.t'~n to the subject petition. ENV7RO~VM~NTAL IMPACT FINDTiVG: That the Anaheim City planning Commissi.on has cevie~ved khE proposal i•.o permit an i.ndustrially-relared of£tce complex (ir.c.ludiny industriaJ:ly relatad sales busines ses) in the Anaheim Canyon Industria:(. Area ~aith waiv~r of minimum number. of parking spaces on an irr.egularly-~shaped parcel of land consa.sting of approxim~tely 6.3 acres, having a frantage aP approximately 402 ~eet on the scuth side oE La Palma Avenue~ hav~ng a maxinium depth o~ appror.imately 68G f e et and being located immediately east of th~~ cenkFr.line of h.he southerly kerminus of Kellogg Dr.ive and turther described as 5100 l•hrouyh 515U L'ast La Palmu Avenue; and does hereby approve rhe Nega~ive De~laraL-ion upon f,indiny th at it has considered the Negat.ive Declarat,.ian tcgetlier wil-h any camments received during lhe public review process and Eurther findiny or, the basis oE.the initial study and any comments received ttiat there is no substantial eui~ence that L•h+~ pioje~t will have a sigr~ificant c~fEes~t on the environme-.t. , ?~OW, THERI~,i'ORG, F3E IT ~tLS~LVrD i:hat rhe Anaheim City ~lanning '~ C~mmission does hezeby grlnt ~ubject Petition Eor. Co ndih.aonal Usc± permit, uPon the Eollo~aing condit:ia.s which are hereby Eound to be a necessary ;~r~requisite to the proposed use of ~he subject propert~ i~ ozder to preser~e kl~e safeky and general welEare of the Ci.ti.zens oE the City a£ Anaheim: ;;; 1. ThaL subjec~ property shall be Cerved by underg r~und utilities, ?.. ThaL ~.rash storage areas sha11 be E,rovided and rnain~a~nec~ in accordan~e witt~ ap;~ravcd plans on tile with the 5treet Maintenance and S~ni:at.ion vivi~ion. ~` 3. Thak prior t~ the commencement ~.E the activi~y authorized by this n; canr]itioual use permi.t, the owner of. subject pruperty sha11 pay the appropriake drai.nagc a~sessrnent and sewer assessment fees to the C:4ty of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Engineer. r~. 4. That street lighting ~acilitiey along La Pal;na Avenue sha~l be ins~a.iled a~ r~quired by the Utilfti.es General Man~ger. i,n accordan.:P with specificatic~-xs on Eile in the O[fice of Utilities ~ ir; -2- ~''~ 5 ~l.iti ''"'i: ;;;;~ `;`~ ,;,~ r~ . PC87•-:194 ,::~: ~ ~~„~:.:,~;F~ General ~anager, ar~d rhat security in the form o~ a bond, certificate oi d~p~sit, tetter o~ credi.t, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory t~o the City of Anaheim, shall be posted wlth the City to guarantee the satisf actory completion of the ab~ve -mentioned improvements. Sai.d security shall be pas~ed with the City o.f Anahea.m priar to aoproval of impravement plans. The abave-requir.~d impro~~emenL-s sha11 bE insEalled prior ~_o c~mmencemenL oL the act~vity ri uti~orized by t.his resolutior-. ~~ Each individual u;se shall require L•he approval of the Zoni.ng Division prior to occupancy which appx~val sna11 only be ~~iven wh~n it is demnnstraked by the applica~~~L• t.hak such use !s either an e:cpressl~ permitted usa in suc;, z~ne or meets ~.he ariteria of Snch.ion 1E.61.050,605 of the Anat:ei.m Municipal Code. -~- PC87-194 `°"` ~~ . ~ '{'~~ El',~ , ., , q . , , ''~' Gi: r r hYa~,uJ~i"~,~ 50 6. 7. 'PhaL- the dr:iveway shali be constructed to acccmmo~ate ten (10) fook radius curb retur~ns as required bx the City Traf.fic E;ngineer. Thal•. L-ire sprinkiers sha.ll be installed as require~ by the City i'ire Mar3ha11. That all air conditioning Lacilitits and other roof and ~round mnunl-ed equipment shall be properlY shi.~lded Erom view. Q. That the pr.oposal shal.l compl~~ wi~h al.l signi.ng req~tirements of the ML(SC) 7on~, unless a var.ia~ice allowing sign waivecs is approved by the Ci~ y Counci.l, P.lanriing Commission or Zoning Adminisl•ra~.or. 9. '1'hat tiYe propased off ice uses sha11 be li.mi~ed ':o the fallowing lis~.ed uses and that a covenant reviewed and approved by k;k:e City Attorney `s Oi f ice :so limiting s. ir'i uses s'ha11 be recacded in the Office o~ the Or~riye County Reaorder. a copy of which shal.l bc presentti~d to l•he znninq D1VlalUtl: 1, Accounting - Bookkeeping, (:PA Firms or Temporar,y CF~A Fir.ms 2. Adverti~ing "s. Appraisers 4. Sanks 5. Brokcrs - ltea7. !?~rate, Business Opportunities, Etc. b. tiusin~ss System Cornuar.ies 7. Cnmmur~ication Cc~nsu.lta~nt 8. CLe~lit Reporting Agencv y. nesigner - Industrial~ TnLerior, Granhic 10. Devel~pment Companies 11. In~urance Companies/Ag~ncies 12. Inventory Ser.vices 13. 7~easing Coinpanies 14. Ma~.ag~~r,ent Consultants/Companiea 15. t4arketing R~sear.ch '.6. Personnel Ayancy 17. Sa1es Offlce (outside, a~ it re:.ates t-.~ the industrial) 18. Secr~etari.al Services 19. Any use permittec7 under Zoning Code Section 18.61.020, subject to a11 conditians of said Sectior,. t tls ~~~~ l~l. ~1'hah subject proE~ecly sha11 be davelo~ed substantia3.ly in accor~]ance with plan~ and specif.icat:ons ~n F.ile with the Cltl oF. An~heim marked [;xhlbit [~os. 1 ehrough 15. ll. ~rhar p~ior t.o the commenc~menr. o[ the act.ivily ~~uthurized by this cesolu~i.on, ot~ wi.thin a~~eriod of one year f.rom the date oE this ' resolut.ion, whichever occurs Cirst., Cnnc]ici~n Nos. 3, 4 and 9, " ~~borF~-ment:ioned, sha~l be compl i.ed wit}x. L•'xten:a' ~~tis Eor further t:ime to com~~lete :~aid conditions may bc~ gr~~nled i~i accordar~ce with Ser,ti.on 18.03.09U oE the Anlheim Mun.ici.pa?. Code. 12. '.Ch~t pciar. L-o Eiii%i1 buildiny an~3 zoc~i.ng in~pectic~ns, Condi.tion Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, '1 an~ 7.0, above-rti~ntioned, shail bc .:amplied with. [3~; IT FUft~rHER ItGSOLVFD that khe Anahein; Ci.ty Planning Commission boes ~ h~~reby fin.9 and cleter~ni.ne th~t adopkion oE thi, ItPs~~.lut ion is expres~ly pcedicated up~n ~a~;p.t+.cant's ^ompliance with each ancl a~i oE ti~e condit~.anr~ ~ heceinab~ve s~t f~,rth. Shoul.d ar~y such con:3itions, or an~+ p~rt thereof, be '~ declared invali.d c~r un~:nEorceat~le by ttie finai judgmcnt o~'_ any coitrt of ti c:omper.ent: jurisdicti.on, khen thi.s R<~so.liikion, ~~nd arty ,.3pprov<1,s herein i contained, ~hall bE~ deeme:; nu11 and vcid. ' THE r•oKero.c~~~ RESOI.U'c.iON is sign~d and apUr~ve~l by me this l4th clay of September, 19E37. /~ , ~ c:HA"LRF:AN, A"IAE;E.IM CS'i'X I,APINI~IG CUMMISSTON A'P'rr s~l': ' ` ~~ ~t.~t.~. SH,CRGTAR , AIvAF~E7M CITY PLANNING CO!4MISSION S'PA7'.F. OE' CALIEnFtt~:[A } COIINTY Of' O~AP~Gi: ? ~:~ . C!'TY OF ANAFIEZt4 ) I, k:~3ich L. fiarris~ Se~[et-aCy ot thc Anahe~im City T~lnnninc, Cummis~ion, do nereby c~rt i£y that• the Pocc~<3oing resolution was pass-~d and adopted at a nceting o[ th«~ An~aheirn City i~lanni.ng Comm:~raion held un Se~tember 14, 19f17, cy t'r~e following vc~te oE r_he membecs th~reuf:: A'tE:S: r,or~tt4I3SIJNBRS: E30UftiS~ ~3~YUSTUPI~ (;p~USIT,LO~ FL'LUHAUS~ Ii:;Nk3ST~ M~;:iSL•' ~v0E:5: CUMMLSSIUNER5: NOPiF AnSENT: COMt4TSSI0NEItS: i4(' HUI2tiEY Iti WITNESS 4JEiFRE;OF.~, I ha~~ herPw~r~ ;~e" ny hanr3 ~his l~ith day of , SepL•ember, 1987. ,~ ~ ~ . ~ ~..:.. -..--.L~;~S~L~ :iI:CRF;!'ARY~ ANA}i~IM •^_!'CY PI,ANNING CON:MISSInN -A ~ Pc:a7-194 i' :; `j. . ;~~n;l