PC 87-195• V.r!~i!;~i ~ ~ ~ ~'<'~ ; i, _ ~t ;7 R~,$ L T 2~.,wPS.$~-1~~__ A itESOi.11'~IOLJ OF THE I`I,ANNIPtG COt~tISSTON OF THE CITY OF l~NAHEIM APF~ROVING AN EXZ'CNSTON OF TIME FOR CO1dDITIONAL USE N0. ].85R WHf REAS, tl~e Planning C.ornrnissaon of Chc C.ity of Anr~heim herQtoEore ndoptecl Re~o).iation No. PC78-126 on Jur.e 5, 1978, grant•ing Con~lition~l TJse Parmit lro. .1850 to permit a main~enance and storr~ge yard fcr haavy aquipment :~nd a private cat kennel with wai.~~~r of permitt~c~ structures a~ 1~01 Noxth Jefferson ~treek, for a p~riod o[ five (~) years; and WHEREAS, Condition No. 17 nf Conditional Use YQr.mit klc, lgyg as set forth 9.n ResoluCzon No. PCO'/-•195 prov.ides that said use shall oxpire, or otherwise be subject ~o rev.iQw fnr a possible extension ~f time, an June 5, .1983, anc3 one exton,ion of time was grr~nted in connection with Resolutiun No. 85-255 to expirQ on August 9, 1ggG; and WH~REAS, a second time extension was approvec3 by ~he Planning Com~nission ~or fi0 days ro ekpire on December 27, 1.986, in or~lez for the ' p~titioner to comply witli c~rtain cond.itions oG appr.oval. Those condi~ions '- were subsequently satisfied; ac,~l r~ 's ~ WFiEREAS, thc petitioner, Uttis E, PiLtman, has submitted u revised plan, Rc~visian P1o. 1 ot Exhihit No. 1, to mod.ify the use af subject property sincA the storage and maintenance a'~ heavy duty vacuum t:uck e,quipmont h~s been substantially redured acid sir:ce the property has 1:wo oiI ; wells which arQ contrally lucated thereby sevorly restrict.ina use and ~ development of the T~!'upExi:y ancl has also f:iled an applic3tion for a:1 extension of said time li~r,itation pursuarit L•o thQ ~rovisions of Section 1Ei.03.Og3 of the ; Anr~heim Municipal Code; and WHE~2~;AS, tho Plani-.ing Commi.ssion held a duly noriced public hearinq on said application on Septembor '19, 1987, at which hearing the Planninq Commission r]id receive and r_orisi~3er evidc~nce, both oral and ciocamentary, r~latinq thereto; and WHr,REAS, ttir, Plazininy Ccrr,mission hereby finds that said +.tse is beii~g exaraised .in a mann~r no~ detrimenL•al h.o thE part;,icular ~raa and surroundiny land use.^„ x~or to t•ha p~iblic pe:ac:e, hF;alth, snfQty and ~•~X1~ wc~~faro. . NOW, TH~REcORE, BE IT ~tFSOLVF.D by the Planning Commis~ian uf tha City of Anaheim thaL• said application Eor exhension of s~id time limitation b~, and kh4 sume is h~reby, approvRd ayd that said usa i; hereby extendpd far ~i perfod of five yeai•s, to expire un June 5, ~9g2, BE 1'P FURTIIE;R RESOLV~D, that the Anah~im Ci :y FSanninq Commi~sion doas herQby approve th~ revised plan iabelc~r,i itevisfon No. 1 of Exhibit N~. 1, thoroby permitting ~he wc~sterly ~ortion o~ subjgct prop~rty to be leasgd to indiviclur~l con*_ractors for outdoor sCorage af varfous products and oquipm~nt, liliki j9Ct *_o lhe uriginat condirior~s of aFProval r~ntained i.n Resolution N~. pC87-195, with Candition No3. 9 and J.2 hc~,ing revfsed as follows and with the adclition of Condition Nos. ].3 :,nd 14 ~, E~llows: 0066r PC 87-195 «a:'~iaV,n. ,. ~~1 _.. ..~ },~ , ..: ,< .. _ ,.. ,.. . ~ ,'~~ ~ ~ }! ~a ~ ~ ~:~ :y ;;~~~ ' 9. That subjecC praperty ;;hall be developed substantially in accordance w3,th pl~ns anr~ specifacationa on file with the City of. A~~ttheim marked Exhihit No. 1 of Rpvision, No. 'l. 12. ~hat tho proposod u:e anc3 xaquesCecl w~avc+r are gr.anted far a 17-month p~:riod until February 26, 1989; provided, however, that if fu11 streot improvements along JeE£erson S~reet have been 9.risCa11Q8, or if a band or othnr security (sat.isfactory to ttie :i!-y of Anahiem) has been postad ~a r~uar~ntee said insta:.i-~~ion before June 5, :!992, ~nd as recuz•red and approved by the Ci.ty En~ineer, Clie use and waiver. are yraiited Por a five (5) year perioci until Juno 5, 1992. ].3. That a11 matQriais or equi.pmont stored ourcioors ir. the proposed renta~ storag~ areas sha11 not be stacked higk:er thon noL• be vi;;ible abnve th~ chainlink with redwond slats fon.cing enclosinq saic~ area. 1~. That the proposal shall complf with a11 ~igning requirements oE the N,L "Limited Industrial" Zono unl~ss a var,ianr,o ~llowirig ~:qn waivers is approved by the Cil-.y Coun~il, Planning Corrnniss:on ur 2oni;~g At3ministra~or. THE EO~~'GOING RESOL~U':ION is signeii and appxnvect by me this 14th dav of Sopr_ember, 1981. ( ; ~i _~'__"_1 CHAIRMAtt, A2IAHEIM TY PLANIvItIG COb4dI5STON ATTEST: > /~ ~, ' ~- . -~ ' ~ i _.~i~~~-'~,1--/l•/~_`'y --- SECRE A.RY, AZfAH~IM CITY PLl~N27II1G COi~41ISSXON ST.AT~; OF CALTFORNIA. ~ > COUNTY OF ORANGE , ss. ~ CIiY OF A?3AHEIM } `,~ I, Edith L. Harris, Secrarary c~f tho Anaheir~ City Planning C~mmission, do t~aroby cerr.ify tlxdt the farec~oinc~ resolution wa~ passed anii adopted at a mr~riting of t•.ho Anah~im Ci.ty Fl arining Commission held on Septeml~ez ~• 14, i987, by L-he iollowiny vote vt the members ~he:eo£: AYES: COMt6ISS.ONB[i:i: BqUAS, F30YDSTUN, CARUSILLU, E'ELUHAUS, HERHST, MESSB NOF:S: COMt~tJSSIUNERS: 110~:E Ar35Et'T; COi~1ISSI0NE;RS: MC flURNEX ; TN WITNESS WHF.RFO~, T have hereunto seC my hand th.is lAth day ;._ of Se~pt~mber. 1987. ~ i- _~ ~'~~.-c:~.~_~ ' ~, SE:CRETARY, ANAHGIM CITY ELANNING CnhIl+~fISSIObi ; f~' :f, C_ . .., Y .'l~ ~~, ~~ -2- ~ j PC87-195 '1 ~~ ~ . ;;,'.~