PC 87-20~z~sr~r,u7~ior~ No. nca ~--ao A RCSOLi7TI0N 0[' 'PHE ANAHE:iM C.[TY PLANNING COMMLSSTON TtiA'C PE'PITIUI I'OR CONDI'L'xUNAL ~1SE PEI2MT'~ NC. ?.88U B~; GItAN'PGD WHERE~S, t:he Anaheim Ci~_y Pian~liny Commission did recei.ve a verifi.ed Pet.ition Eor Co~~dit:ianal Use Permii. Ernm HOME OE '~FiE MINIS`PER:[NG ANGEL, IIVC'., 17.1 West 17t.h Sl.reet:, Sarii:~ Ana, ral.ifornia 9~701r AT7.'N: UORIS SMALL, PRESIDEN7'. owner, an:~ CANYON ACl2~,S 1tESIDGtv`PIAL CGNTER, INC., 233 South (~uintana Drive, Anaha:lm, California 92307, A`P'rN: DANILL ~J. McQUAID, LCS!a, EXECUTIVL•' DIRECTOR, ag~~nt: Por cerl:ain real pr~pert:y sit~iat?d in the Cii:l~ c~f ~naheim, County of Or:inge, S~.a~.F of Calii'ornia, desr.ribed as: TFiOSF. ri.~'~.T.~~t~ti Oh SEC`PION 1 II3 TUWNSHIP 9 SOUTH~ RANGE 9 WCST, SAI~ BE1tNARDINO BAS~ A.:D MERIDIAI~, DLSc:RIBP[) AS FOL,LOWS: PARCLL I: IiGGINNING A'I' 'PHE SOU'rHEASTEl2L`.! COkNGR 01? THE 1~ARCFL OE LAND DGS~ItIi36D IN PARCEL 1 OF THE DEEI) TO hARL IiAUER AND WIF~ ~ RCCORUFD MARCH 18, 1959 IN [i00K 4631~ PeIGE 165, OFcICIAL RECORUS, TN THE OrF?CE OE' TI?E ~UUN2Y RGCURllER OF ~AID ORANGE; COUNTY, ANll 12UN~1.ING 'fHENCF NUI?TH 78° 26' 40" WLST I~LONG 7.'EIE SOUTEiEFLY I~ING OF SAID C,AND AND I'PS WES'L'ERI,Y PROLONCATION 459.68 ELET TO THE WESTGRLY I,'tNL" Ok' THAT CER'rA.LN 12.00 ACRE PARCEL dI' LAND SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY RECORDFD IN AOOK 2fi, PAGE 20, R~CORD OE' S[SRVR~S, IN THE OEF:[CE; UF '~HE i;OUNTY RECORDr~k OF SAID C~IZANGE COU[J`1'Y; 'PHI:NCE ALO[JG THE WL'STEFtL~Y T~INE U~ SAID 12.00 ACRE nARCEL, SOUTR :tl° 33' 2q" WEST 329.13 Fi~r:T TO A POINT ON THE SOU'"HERLY f30UiVDARY LIN~ OF THE 26.U76 ACRF, P.~IRCEL OF LAN17 SEIOWN ON A MAP C~F SUR"Jk,Y, RGCURDGU IN B~OK .l~l, i~A~E 1.9, RECORll OI' Sf)KVEYS, .IN THE UFFICE OF THE COUN`PX RF;C'ORUER OF' SAID ORANGE CUUN'~Y; THrNCE SQU'Pfi 3~° 32` 10" EAST ALOPIG uATD E~OUNbARY 'GI'NE 289.02 FLE'P TU AN ANGLE POINT THE?tEIN; THGMC~ NOR'rfi 45° 32' 00" EAS'f. 303.76 FL;E'1' i0 AN A,NGLE F'OINT IN SAI~ DOUNDARY, SAID L~UINT AL50 F]E:CNG IN THE SO~J'PHWFS'PLRI.,'t BOIINDARY OE' T.HE LAND llESCFiI~.:~J IN TFIE D~,f;D TO C;IRDNGR A. SW~~SON ?1ND WIPE., RFCORULD 5EP'PEMBER 17, 195'! TN EiC)OK 4039, PAGC 5`.i, UEFTCIAL RGC:ORDS, IN THE OFrIC~ l7F 'PHE COUN'fY RECUf2DER OF SAID OKANr,E COUNTY.; TEiENCE NORTH 38° ].2' 0~" WFST ALGP~r, SAID SOUT.-iW~S'PFRLY BOUNUAAY 55.00 E'EET 'PO TFIE M'OST Wf.STF.ItLY coar~r~ 0^ SAID G4ND; 'rHCNCE N~RT!i 35° 1~' 55" EAST ALONG TEIE NOR'1'HW~STERLY BJUND,IRY UF S~ID L.AtJD, 187.96 I~~:CT TO Tf3E PUINT 0~ BGGINNING. PAE2CCL~ 2: 313CINNING A'C At~; ANGLE ~'OIN'P l:N THE S(iUTH~EtI.Y BbUNDAF'~ L1'N'E, OF TIiE 26.U76 ACRL' PAR~:.F.L UF f~AND SHOWN UN A MAP UF S~)RVEY RECORDF.A ;' IN EOOE: 14, FAG~ 16, RLCORD ~E SURVGYS, 7[v 'I`HE QFI'ICE 0~ 'PHE C~[lNTY RFI:OPQER (i(' SAID Ci!~~,(dG.3 COUN:Y, SAID PUINT E35'IN(i A`.~ 'rHE '' Nt~It`.CHBRLY 'fGRP1INUS OF A CFP.'P,'1C~ COUNSE DFLINCATEI) AS SOUT.6' 35° ~:?' 1D" E7~S'P 4Fi5.10 FL';~'T ON S~1ID MAP ~ aAID POIIJT ALSO B~I'.~1G A~! "` ANGLT;' }?UINr OPj T~iE BOUNriARY LINE OE `PHF LAND ~GSCRTBED IN THE ;r: ; L`E~p RECO~2~ED UCT00(;R 11, 1995 I[V F30UK 1253, PAGE~ 313, OFFTCIAL ;~' ~ ~2(:~:ORDS, IN Ti~4 OPeZCE OF TNF (;OUN~'Y P.ECOItDE:R 0[' S.4TD ORANGE 10 ~Ur PC87-20 '~~, ~ ;^~ , . . C~UN'Pl'; THENCE SOUTH 2.~° ()~' pp" ~A,~ A'LONG SA'IA BCiUNDARY LING LAST MENTIOIVED, 511 , 12 i'GET TO ITS It7TBRSGC'.['T0~ WIT.E1 TH~ SOUT[IWGSZ'GRL'Y EXTLNSION Or THAT CERTAIP~ COURSE IN THE SOUTHER.LY BOUNDARY ON' TEIG 2G . q i'6 AC:RE PARCEL OF LAND AAOVE RGFEI2RED T0, WHICH IS U~LINEATLD AS NOkTH 45° 32' 00" EAST 383.'/6 FEGT; THENCE NONTE{ 45° 32' 00" CAST 102.4~~ FGI:T TO `.PHE; SOUTHWESq'~;RLY 'PERMINUS OF SATD COURS~; THENCE NGRTH 35° 32' 10" WES'P 485.1q FEET. ~O 7.'HE POINT UF B1aGTNNTN~, PARC~L "3: AN EASGMGNT I'OR ROAD F~ND PUIILIC UTTLIT'1 PUP.POSES, OVER A STRIP Or' LAND '30 I'LET IN WIllTEi, THE CEIVTER LINE UF SAID STHIP ~~'CNG DESCRIBED AS FOLL',OWS: ;`~ HLGINf.~:[NG A`P THE SOUTHWBS'1'FRLY 1'EFtMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE ' TN THE SOUTIiEASTGRLY BOi1Nl)AKY OF P1~I~CF'L 1 ABOVE D~SCRI.BEll, WHILH HAS A BEAI2ING OF NURTH 35° 13' S5" EAST Ai.dD A LENG'PH 0@' 187.98 E'FE'1'~ AND RUNNING `PHCNCi: NORTH 35° I3' 35" EAST ALGNG S4ID F~INE AND ITS NORTHCAS'PERL!! PROLO[VGATION 464.35 FEET TO THE , NORTHEASTEkLY i30U[~UARY OE' 'PHE 12.00 ACRE P~IRCEL MENTJONED TN ~ PARCEC, MENTION~ll 2N PARCEL 1. '.CHE SUUTHEAS:'G:~LY L~INL•' UF 5f1:CD 30--FOOT STRIF' :fS TO fiE EXTLNGED TO LNT.l,ftSECT THE c^,ASTLF~GY }30UNDAftY 0[' SAID PA]2CEL 1. E:XCFP'I'ING `~'FIFREFF:OM THAT PORTION TNCL' UDEL~ WITFIIN SAID PARCL,L Z. WfiEREAS, the Cit;. planniny Commi:;sion did ho].;1 a C.,ublic Fiearing at. the Civir_ Cer~.er in t:he Ci1:y ~~- AnaP,~~~m on Jar.uary 19, 19£37, ak 1:30 p.m., notir.e ok s~~id puh11C ~earing having been ciu:l ~ } given as requirec~ by law and in ~iccord~.nce with t:he provisions c~f t:he Anaheim Municipal Coda, Cha~ter 18.U3, to I~ear and cansider evi.dencr~ Eor and againsi: said proposed conditional u:~e permlC ~nQ ~~ investigat:e and mak~ fir.di;~gs and recommen~atians in connectiun i:herewir_h; and WE3ER~AS, Uai.d Cornmis::ion, aft:er due inspection, inve:~E.ig~ltion and s!:udy made by ii.seJ f and in i~ , bnha.lF, and afr~r due con; iderat.i~n of all. evid~nc~ and report:~ offer.e~i ~t said heacing, dnes f.xnd and deL-zrmine ~:,ie Following f.acr_s; 1~ That: t.he prup~~s~d utie iy pr~perl,y one Eor ~ahieh a condit:ional use permii: is aut;horized by Anahcim Muniuipal Cc~de Sectio~ :d,?.3.050.G10 t~ wit~; boardir ~~n~~alo~ ~~3r yar~gn ~.o orfi.ces and a st.ora~e r.oom for ?~n er.isf:ing 9 giny home for 'Q ch~_'r~~, 2. That khe proPosed use will not_ ,.; ~ ~~C~N~y d~f.ect: ~he adjoini.ng land uses and r..he growi:t~ ani~ ~ieveloprnent of the are:: in WIILCh it is ptoposed t:o be lor,a~ed. 3. Thaf: r_hc ;~ize and shape oE r.he sit:.Q propo~~d £or L-he use is adequa~:e L-o al.l~w r.t,~ PaZl ~evelopment of t:he propr~sed ~~se i.n a mannez not c3etrimenr_al t~~ the pazt:icular area n~r to ~:he pc~acW, healt:h, safer_y ~n~ general ~vel.f~~r~ of the Citi~eny c~~ -_he C.i~y of 1~n~~heim. ~~i -~ PC87-20 .... ~ ,~'~ 4. That tt~~e~ granting o:E t:he Gondit.i.onal Usc Yer.mit under the candit:ions impos~d~ if an~~ wi11 not be detrimenr.al t~ the peace, health, safety and general ~de.lfare of t:he Cit.iz~ns af the C:iL-y of Anaheim. 5. TL•ai_ t.he trat•fic generat.ed by I.he ~rnoosed use will n~~ impose ar- undue burden upo7 t;h.: str~ets ~nd highways desigr-ed and im~roved to carry L-he t:raffic in t:hc area. 6. That no one i.ndic~r.ed ~.heir presznce at said public hearing in ogposition; and t:hat no c.orrespcndei~ce tivas recei.ved in opposiL-ion ~o thE ~ubject oetition. ENVTRONyFPI`rAL IML~ACT PINDING: Tl~at t:ne Anahezm City Planni.ng C~mn~ission ha~ reviewed the proposa~~t:e converr_ a 3-cac garage t.o offices and a st.orage room Eor an existiny boaYdiny and lodgi-ig honie f.or 2U r.hildre-t on an irregularly-shaped parcel uf land consi~ting of a~proximai:ely ~.3 acr~s, 7.c,raCed ap~r.eximai:ely 300 feet sour_he.rly of t:he inr_ersecLior. oE Ar.b~retu~n Road ancl Qui.ntana Orive (Hc~me ~f. t:ne Minis~ering Ange.l}; and d~es her~by ap~rove tt~e Nec~a`ive Declaration upor! Pinding t_ha¢ it has consid~red ~he Negative Declar~tion t:agether wi-:n any camments received c7uriilg 4he public review p~:oces, and £urther Fin~i.ng un i:he b~sis of l:he inifill study and ar.y comments ~.eceived tY~at t:here is no sub~~tan~`i~l pvidence t:hat 4he projecl: will have a s.ignif.i.canL- eEE~r_t. on the enviconment.. NOW, THERE~'CRG, Bh; IT RFSOLVEI) that the Anaheim City Planning Commission dces hereby yrant: subirct Pet.it_ion far Conditional Use Permi~., upon r_he fol].awing conc~ition., cahich ars -iereby founr.~ i:~ be a nectssary pretequisite t-.o r.t~~ pco~osed use oF r,hc s~rb ject: propcrty i.n ordec to prF•serve the safety and g~nzcai wel£ar.e of t.he Cit:~.zens oF L-he C.i~.:y of Ailaheim: 1. That subject: pr.opert:y uh~~ll be developFd subsi:anti.ally in accordance wit:h p1~ns and specificat.i.ons on f:ile witt-, i:he Ci~y of Anaheim marked Er.hik~it Nos. 1 thcauyh 5. I3E I'I~ E~C~H`cH}:'.E2 RGSOLVEU hhaL ~_he Anaheim Ciry Pl.anni~ng Cornmission does herf:b,y tind and det~~rmi.ne t:t~aL c3dU~t:I.OR of this Resolution i.s expr~ssl~ pzedicat.F~~i upon applicant's comp].ianr_~ wir;~ each and a.ll ot the conditions nereinabove set fort:t~. Should any such condi.tions, or any part. thereof, be d~acl.ari,d invalid or unenf~rceabl.e by t:he final judgment of any court o: c.ompetenk jurisdir.~:i.on, t:hen t~his Re,olurion, and a.~y a~provals herein conkained, sha1l be deemed nu.ll and voi.d. TFTE E'OREGOING RESQLUTSON is signad and appr~ved by me th3.s 19th d~t,y of Januar;~, 19a7. ~.-: : ~~.;,,. f , r.%.,~ ~~~,.; ;~.,-~ . CHAIRMA , ANA ~•I[d CI'1'Y PLnN NG COMM:[SSION i~~ A~'TEST: ~_._ • ~l~\/~ SRCKETARY~ ANi~HEIM CtTX Pi~1~NNtNG (;OM[4TSSION -~- PC87-2U ~~ `~ i ~~ ~ +u ~ r~ ~ ; l ~'~'~i'~N ~ ~ ... . ... . . _ ~.,~ ~q` , 1 . . . - .. ~:~ . ; j.K'~^7`.''~wi.}F:a„uV?`.n~ , . :~;~~ i .,.~,r ~~~.. . . ~ . . .. . - .. ._ , . . ..,. .. i: ~~-'. T'" ~r;' 'e:. , ;i~ •s~ y ~~~ '' Z ,~.~r''~,. trn . ~~, S'PATB OF CA'LIFOR\IA . . _ . . , . ~ +,yt;, :~il /^^, it COUNTY ar ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHET.~I ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sacretary of the Anah~i.m Cit.y Planning - Commission, do hereby certify that t:he foregoing r,esolution was passed and adoptFd at a meetir.g o.f the Anaheim City Flanning Com;nission held on January 19, 19a7, by t.he following votV of. the members thereaf: AYES: COMtdISSTON~RS: BOUAS, FRY, H~RIiS'r, LA CLATR~, LAWICKI, MC BUFNEY. DI~SSE ~?~' . COMMISSIO~:~RS: NONE ;' Ai ~~lT: COMMlSSIONGRS: NONL; TN WI'PNESS WHGREOF', z have hereunto set my hand ~his 19th .:ay ~af January, 1987. ~ ~' ~ ' ~- SECR'TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAN[3ING COMMTSSTON ~~~ PC87-20 . ~v',! ; ~- ` ~ .. ~ _ r`~