PC 87-200,,,. ;" '~ `` . '''r' _ `"' _ ' , ~ `; ~, ' ~' "~~ •~~ ~' ~«~ ,. RF$QLUTTON 27U~F~87-2Q0 A RE50LUTION 0~ TFIE ANAE(ETM CITY PLANNIMG COt~QdISSION THAT PGTIt'ION FOR RECLASS7FICATTO~I N0. 8%-88_15 BE C,RANTED a;.; . WHI.REAS, the An~heim ..: City Planning Commis...con did rec~ive a ver•ifiE+d r- peL.ition f:or Recla,siEicaL-ion from JAMES H. ELLIOTT AND GRACE E E:LLI~TT, , 324 S. Earlham, Orange, CA 926G8, owner, and WALTER K. BOWMAN 7926 Cerritos , Avenue, Stantan, CA 90fiLU, agenC, af. cei•~ain rcal propexty situated in l-.he C .il•y of Aria2ie.im, ~c~unty oC Oranqe, SL•ake o~ Ca:lii'arnia, doscribed as L•ul lo~vs : i LOT 7 OF THE ~STATE 0~ MAR'C STKOBFL, RECOr:DED 7N BOOK ~~ 3, 1'AGTS 76 ~tiD 77 UE MISCFLLAtdEQUS RECORDS, IN TIiE UEI'IC~: UF TH~ COUNTY RECORDFF OF LOS AATGEL~S COUNTY, ' LXCti~:PTING T~IEf2E;I'ROM COR PUBLJC SIDEFIALiC PURP~Sr.S A STRIP OF fi 1/2 FGE'P WID~: aLOr'fG TF?E EAuTEft'LY BUUNllARY AS CONVEYED Tp THE CITY OF ANAH~IM, FiY DEED RECOItDED ' ~ APRIL 13, 1906, TN BOOK 131, PAr~ lli Ob' DEF.DS, RECORD~ OF ORApIG~ CO[JNTY, CAL1F'ORt3IA. WFik:RF.AS, the City Plannirtg Comrn:.ss.ion did holra a public heariri,y at tkie Civic Center in ttie City of Anaheim on SHptember 2Ei, 198'7 at 1:3U p.m., notice ot said pt:blia hearing having been c1u:~y given as requi.red b,y law and in accordance w~t}i the provisions of the Anahei.m Mur_icipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ~o hear and consider t?V1C3P.I1C@ for an~~ against said proposed r.eclassif.ication anrl to invQsti~;;r_e ~nd mako Eind.ings and reconvnendation; in cenner.t.ion therewith; and ~~ ~ WIiL•'REAS, sai.d Connnis:;ion, after cltie insl.ection, invest;ig~t;i.on and study made by ir,,e1L an~3 in its behalf, znd ~1I•~er ~tuc considerah.i~n cf a.ll ev.idence and reports oCf.'ered at said hea_iny, does find and determ.i.ne the L-ollowinq facts: 1. Tn~t ttie petitioner proposes reclassification oP sixbjec;t property ~rom CG ;Commercial, General) zone ~o the RM-'!2GU (Residential, Mulriple-~arni.ly) zone. 2. That the Maheim Gener,~l P].an ~]esiqnates subj~ct proper•ty Eor Medium-~Dens.it:y ResidenCia7. lanc3 u.^,es. 3. T.haC the propnsed reclassif:icahian u£ sut~ject property is nr,cessary and;or desirabie f.or the orderlx aiid pra~,er clevelopment of ttte commuriity. 4. Th.it t2~e praposeci rec;l~sssifieat.ion of :,ubject ~roperty cloes ~roperly r~~late to the xon~s and thc~ir l~ermitted u:ses lo~ally Qstablished in closc~ prox.imity t-o subject property ancl to ~he zones and ~hQir perm.ittecl uses cJ~nerally estab.lished through~ut thr, communiCy. 5. That th~~ prnrosad reclassification of subject pr~porty requires the im~rovement of abutting streets in accordance wil•h the CirculaL•iun ElemFnt of the GQn~ral Plan, du~ 'to tht~ anti~i~at~Q increase in traLtic which will be generateci bl t:he .intensificat3.on of lanr] u,Q, 0072 r PC~37 -204 ~ a , ~ k .~~ ;;r,;~ ,,x~, r G. That ~nQ pc~5c~n indicat~:~ hec• prQSQnr.o 2.t said public h~aring i.n oppos.itioii; and that: r.o ^.orr.espondence w~s receive~l in opposition Ca s~.ib.jec,~ petition. J.NVIR~Nt.SE:tJTAL..__IMPACT____,I_,T._~7D.[NU: ThaL Che Ana:~eim City Planning Cnmmission lias r~viewed the proro.al to reclassiL•y s~.iu~ect• prop~rty f.rom the CG (C;pmme~ci~il, Gener~il) zone ~o I:he RM-1200 (~es~~lential, Multi.pla-'F~mi1y) zon~ to c,onstruct: a 3-story, 8-unik apartment 3auilding wi.th waivers o£ maximwn ,;I.ructural he.ight aiid max.imum si.tf: coverage en a rectangu].arly-shzped par~el of. land consis~:..i.ng ot appr.~~xi.ina~e:ly 11,431 square feeL, hav.ing a Irontage oC appr<~xim~~tely 72 feet on the wesh ,id~ of I~ernon Street, having a maximum dcpth oL• aprroximaL•e1y Z58 feet and being loc~ked a~proximately 175 ::~~et narth ot L•tie r,enh.~rline ui 5anta Ana Sr,reer and Lurther described as 415 S~~uth faemon Street; ~rid do~s hereby ra~7prove I:lle Pleqative T?er.larat.ion tipon Cinding tha~ it has c~onsidr_rc:ci e:he Piec~ai:ive D~~r,laration together witti aity c~~mm~;~nt;;; receive~i during tl~e pulil.ic rE>view i:rocess and further findirig on the b~~s:i;, ot' Lhe ii,.it.ial stud}' ~1riC1 any comments recei~~eci tYiaC there is no sll}JSh~tAlL.lfl~ evidence th~it. the n:oject: wi:ll have a significan~ e[tect on thp environr~ient. U~;'A, THEREI'ORE, ~3E IT RESOLVI:TJ that th~ Anaheim City P.lanning Commiss:inn c~laes hercby grant s~~bjer.t Pctirion Lor Reclassiticarion and, by sa dairiq, that: Tit1e ltl-ioning of. tlie An~thc.im N,unicipal Code be amended to exr.lud~ L-he abov~•-described property from khc CG (Comrnercial, General} Zcne and Lo incor}~oratc~ said des4ribed ~~roperry ineo tlie RAS-1?.UO (Residential, Mu].ti~,le~F'amil.y) Zoiie upon Lhe Loll.owing c:onc~itions wliiel•i arP hereby fnund ~o be a iiecessaty prertaquisiLc~ ta tlie prop<~sed us~ ot suY.,ject property in order to prescrve t:he ,~itak.y ar;~i qeneral welt'zr~ of t2ie Ci~12E:I1F; of ttie Ci"y ot Anaheim: ~~ , ;:;~ ~ ;. _ . _ `,~~, ~ ~("r~ ., tfy :~s~+ ' X ~ 5;;n, r. h.'~r1t5i:*.~;':~. .... ~ . 1. That aiciewalks, curbs nnd dr.i~ieways sha2i be removed and/or rer.oristr~:ct:~r.i alonq LG'i110I1 Street as T'L'C(UlT@cl ey the City :.'rigineer anci i.n atcorr3ance wit:.h st:anciard p).an, anci soecil:icat:ic,n, ar. file in the O~ti.r.r of t-,hc~ Ci.r.y I~,i:cJ1'(1C'e?Y. 2. That. all enqir~cerine~ rc!qu.iremc:nt,s ot ~:he Cit~y of Ariahe:tn along f.,emon Sr.c•ec:l:, incluciiciq prep~ratic~n ot improvc~meTit ~laris and installat~ior- ot al ; imF>r~~vement:s :.,~cti as curbs ar~d guY.ters, s;.~ew~ilks, water fac.il.ities, s~reet, yr,+ding ~n~ pavement, sewer and ilrainr~iqe fac.i.liY..'t~~~, or othr_c• 3pr~ur.Cenaiit: w~rk shsll be cosnp]ied w.itli as rec{uired by the Ci.Ly F:riqine~er and ir. ac;nrdan~~ w.ith specific;~tions on f.11P .121 thc OCtir.e c£ the City E;ng;near; and that secur.i.ty in l.tie fr~rm of a bond, cerhiEicaL•e of depn;;it, l~tt~r ~f credit, or cash, in an amount und form satisfacto~y ta t:he City of AnaY-eim, sha1l be posl,ed w.ith rtie City t:o yuarantoe the sar_isEac~ory comFletion ot said .impro~~ements. Saic1 ~ecurity :,hall be pusted wit:h t:Le City prior t.o introducti~r: of. ~n occlinance zez~nir,; ;ubject praperty. to quaran~~e khe installatiorz of thF~ ;+bove-requirc~d imrrovemenL-s prior tu occupancy. ~2- rca7-zoo `r%~-;'/.~ . , .. . ~~ 3. Thar sCrec~t liqhting facil.ities a1on~ Lemon St.~eet sha11 be installeci as required by the Utilities Genoral Mana~er ~n accordance with speciL•.ications on File in the qfFice of Utilities General Manager, r~nci thar szcurity in tho form of a bond, cortificate oi clepo;it, leY.ter af credsL, or cash., in an amount and form satisfR~torY to t~le City of Anaheim, shall be ~osted with the City to r,uarFxnteP ttie satisF'actory completi.on oE the above-menL-ioried improvements, Saic] security shaZl be p~;,~p~ ~i~.~l the City of Anaheim prior to the introduci:ion uf an ordinance rezoning subject Property. The above-rQqtlirecl improvements slial.l be installed prior. to occupanr.y. 4• That prior to the introductio~i ot an ordinanco rez~ning subject properL•y, Cond.ition Nos. 2 arid 3, above-mQntioned, shall be camploted, The }~rovi~.ions or :iqhts yranted by this resolution J~ldl1 ~ecorne null anci vaicl py action of Lhe Planniny Commission uriless said conditioc~s arEe complied w:ith within one year from the c'.ate or this re.solut:.on, or such further timp as the Plaixnir.g Commissinn may grant. fiE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that thc Anaheim City Plann.i~ig Commission ~oes herel~y fincl ar.d determ.ine that adoption of this Resolutaori is expressly predicated upon applz~ant's compliancc with each and a11 o.f the ~onditiuns hereinabove s~t torCh. Should az~y such con3itions, or any part ther2of, be c~eclared irlvalid oi• u•nenforceablo by thE final judgmEnt ox any court pf compel:ent juri,diction, then this R@Sp~LUt.1011, and any ap~rovals herein c.nntaine~d, shal:l be deetr,e~l, null and void. THE FORF.GOING RLSOL~~ IQN is signed and approv~d by me this 2dth day olE SEpternber, ig87, ~~ `J/ ~~ j~ (J'.J`''„-C~ ~/``~,~_.a_._. CfiA2PMAN, 112JAH~IM CITY LANNING COMM:ISSIQtr' ATT~ST: ~ __._._~~.~,~ ~' ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C Y LANNIN_~~p/hp.tISSION 3 PC87-200 ,~...,;~ ,. .. ~sa~ e . ~ ~~ . . . , .i~ f''~^~•~11 „/1~ W~ ~ ~ . ~ ,:~ ~) ~ ~~~~ ~51' '4 .~'}1 .~1.. ,', STATE OF CAL' I F ORNTA ) ,";?; CO')NTY OF I~RANGG ) s5. CTTY Or taNAFI~TH1 ) '~' r;; ,~,;. I, Edith L. H~rris, Seczetary ~:E the Anaheim CiLy Pianning Com:nission, ~`,;'• do hereby certif•y that the foregoing resolution was pas::ed and ~doptod at ~ ;~ meecing of th~ Anaheim Ci~y Planning rommiasion helc~ on September 28, 1987, `'" by the following vote af the mQmb~rs tlie.reo~: ~'':~ ,,, AYES: CQMMISSIONERS; BOUAS, BOYDSTUtT, C?1RUSILLO, FELllFiAUS, HERB$T., MESSE ?~'~ NOES: COhII~:ISSIUNERS: NGNE , ;;~~,~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MC IILIR~IE}' ~~ ,~~> TN WI~NESS WHEF.2EOP, S have hereunCo set my hand this 20th day c~f ~;~ Se~tember, 1987. ;;~ 7 ~ ~ - ;~~~ - LIC.~~~°'~ '__~'~_~ .~,' SL•'CR°TARY, ANAHErM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOT7 ',' ~,: . e; s, ~:-. ;;: ,''; ~ :~ m, Pr; : ~t" ~'. '. ~'': , ~: ; ~~ .x...ir:, _. _ _ . , '~ ~ r i ~~~ ~1~+~~ ~/~~ ',~. ~ ~ ,. !' ~,J ~, 1 ~ x f~{ r ~ ~r4 ! ~ -~.~' ~3 , ~~ y , 1 1' ~,~r'{ '~ ,Kr~,sr~i-, r lp 4 . 1' r t:.; { ~ `; ~.~'r~' f'r, ~ ~irj~'~'?,'_ .. .../ -4 -- PC87-200 / Y~1