PC 87-204~'~ RESCLUIIUN NO.. i~C~2Q4 A ft~:SOLUTION ~7F TI3P; ANAHE:IM CITY. PLANNING COI~IIvlISSI0i1 THAT PE1TTJON FOR RECLASST.FICATION DIO. 87-fs8-17 LE DEN:[ED WHGF.~'AS, ttie Anaheim City Plarining Commission elicl recei.ve a veriiieci petition For Reclassification from JOSE A. FLORES, 9206 Brock, Downey, CA 9Q240, owner and TRANS AMERICA DIVERSIFIEA, INC., 725 Brea Canyon Fd., (13, Walnu~, CA 9178~J, ATTN: MUSTAFA Y.L. HUSTAMI, agent, for ~;eri::~3n real property si~uated in the City of I~nahe3.m~ County of Oran~e, State of. Calitornia, describe~ as Eullows: LOT 5, SiLOCK C, Tk2ALT 15fl, IN T.HE CITX OF ~.NAHEIri, CGUNTY OF OFANGE, STATE OF (;AL7FORNTA, A5 PCR MAP RECORDED IN F300K 12, PAGE (!, QI' MI~CFLLANEOUS MAPS. TN '~fIC OFI'TCE OF :CHE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ~ ;'" 4c;1"+:ni '!'i i WHERLAS, the City Pl.anning Commissian did hold a public heari.ng a~t the Civic Cez~t•er in ~.hQ (:i*yo uf Anaheiui on September 28, ].987 ~Zr 1:30 p.m., r_or.ice of said publi.c hc:ari.nc, tiavin~ been duly given as required by la*,r and in accord~nc~: taith the provi:.ions o1" the Anaheim idunicipal Code, Chapter 7.8,03, to kiear and consider evideiice for and ac7ains:. said proposed rQrlas~ification and to investiga~e an~l maY.e fitidings an~l recommenaations in r.onnec~ian therewi~li; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspect.ion, investzgaL-ion and study maclo by itself anu. in .its behalf, ancl af.ter due consider3Lion o.f all eviclence and ~eports of£•ered at sa.iJ. hearing, do~s fi2id ~nd datermine the io'llowinq f:act-s: 1. T}~.at r.he ~etitioner proposes reclassaf.ication of subject ~roperr.y from thc~ RM-2400 (Res.iciential, Multiple-t~amily) 'Lone to ttie FM-1200 (R~s.ider,tial, Multi~le-Family) Zone. ~~ 2. '1'hat: thr~ Anaheim Gen~~ra1 Plan designatss subject property for Medium Dens:ity Residential Land Uses. land usps. 3. That ~.lie proposed reclassificatiun ~f subject prapQrY.y is not necessary nor desirable for 41ie orcierly aiid ~roper devel~pment of the coromunity. 4. That ~he nropased reclassification oi subject prop~rty does ~;~ not pr~perly re2ale S:o r.he zones and their permi~t:ed uses '!ocally eskab].ishe3 ~ in close pror.imity tu subject propc~rty and ta L-he zones and their pQxmatted 1'# uses gener~lly r.stablished throughaut the communit~y. :~, 5. That the ~roposed reclascificaLion is denied on Ckie~ basis Lhat it wnGlci t~e s~~ot zuning because all adjacent zn~l nearby parc~ls ~re xoned ~~i-24U~ . • ;-^ OG76r PC87-204 ~ `'r;;~ ~ F`°°"', ~` ~. ~ ,,~ , , i ,~ ~ 6, That twenty-rour (2~) persons indicated thQir F~resance at `' said publzc hQ~ritig zn opposition; and that petitions and let~.ers containing n~ appro:simately 7.07 signatures were recaived in oppasition to subjoct petition; and sevt~n ~7) peti~~ons indicatecl their presence a~ sai.cl public hearing in tavor; and petit;ioiis anc~ letter.s contair.ing appro~:imately forty (40) ~ signaLurFS were received in favor. ~?t 2:NVTRONMFNTAL IMk?A~T I'INDiNG: Tha~ the Anaheim City Plannin~ ~ Comm.ission has reviewPd the pronosa.l to reclassify subjecr property from th~ RM-2~00 (fi~sidential, Multiple-F~mi1y) zone to the RM-120Q fResideY~tia1, Mu'1'ciple-Family} zone to consL-ruct a 2-story, 6-unit apartcr.ent building on a rectangularly-sh~ped parcei oi 1anc9 consisting of approximately 0.].9 acre, ~'~ kiaving a fronCage of approximataly 52 feet on ttie east side of Philadelptiia ~ Si:reF:E, havir~~~ a maximum depth oL• approximately 1.55 feet arid beinq located appro~.imately 230 feet south ~f the centerla.ne oE North Street and further described as 742 North Phi?ade.lphia Street~ and doas hareby approve l:he Nogative Declarati~n upon Einding that it has considerea the Negative Declarati.on togek.her wit•h any cumments r~ceived during t~e ~ub.l.ic review process and £urther Einding on the basis of the ini+:i.al study and any - comments received tha~ there is na substantia]. evidence that the proj~ct will have a significaat e£fect. on th~ ei~vironment. PTOW, THEREL'OF?E, BE I'T RESOI,J~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission cloes hQreby deny Petii.ion for. Reclass.ification on ~he basis of the aforomentioned findiiigs. THE @'UkEGOING RESOLUTIO~s sign~c~ and appro~ec3 b~~ me tr.is 28kh day of Sep~ember, 1987. /~ ~ I _.__ ~_~~ __~~~ --.-_----- CfIATRMAN, J~NA.HErM ri, Y~ pLANNING COMMISSION r~ar~~;s~r : _.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-~._.____ ___ ~ SECRETAkY, ANAEIEIM CITY PL,ANNING COM2d]'SSION STATE OF CALIFOFtNTA } COUNTY OE ORANGE ) ss, CTT'1 OE' ANAHEIM ) , I, ~dith I~. Iiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim CiL•y Plannin~ ~~ Comm.ission, do horeby c ertify that the f,oregoinq re~olution was passed and ''E ~ aCioptQd at a meeti.ng oi' the An~he.im City Ylantxing Commission l:eld on ; ~,; SQptember 23, ].y8 % by Lhe fol low.ir.y vote ef: l•,he members the~eof : ~ ;~' AYES: C~A4fISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYaSTUN, f,:ARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, HEP,BS'1', MESSE !~. ~, NOES: COt~IISSION~RS: f, AHSENT: COI~IIdISSZONERS: MC BURNBY d ' '~` ` IN WITNtiSS . _..... ......... . .. WfiEREOF, I have hor~unto set my h3nd this 28th day , ~ ~!`, ~ o~ Septomber. 1947. Mf ~1 ~ ! ~i r ~~ r ~ ~ ~ >~ ~t~ ~ ~ ' / / ~K.7 f/ ' `~ ~~~~ f1 ',~ 1,~ ~~°~= °~ "~ ~ , ~~F __ -~ ~, t -_ ~~~~~~~ ' ` ~;~ : SECRETARY, A.P7AFi~;IM CITY PL~ANNING COhAfISSION r~ , ,r~; {y 1 ' f ( ~r 4\ :'. . ~ ~~;, .i -2- PC87-204 ,'- 1 t ;- , r , ~r~r ~`::~,~a:-.'. -__. _ , ~ ..~. . ...,~.~