PC 87-208~~ RES(~L~'TION NO~P~~7-208. A I:~SULUTTOrT OF THE ANAHEIM CI3'Y PLANidI~IG COMMISSION AMETIllING RESOLUTION N0. F'Ca%-153, NUNC PRO 'PiJNC, T.N CONNEC~.[GN WITH CONUITT~NAL USE PGRMIT N0. 2935 ~ . . ~ . ~ ' `eufti ~;x ~; WHEREAS, on August 3, 19E37, t'r~e Planning Commiasion granted Condi~ional Use Per,na.Y. tdo. 2935 (Re~olution t1o. PC87-153) Lo incr~ase t.:~e number of iecreational-veh~.cle spnc:e, wiChin an existing recreation~l vehiclQ/mobil~iiome pack to ~ tota.l of• '190 spaces with waivers and subject to certa.iri stipulations c~~nLained in a lerter from the applicanh to the 1'lanniny Commission dated July 8, 19ti7; anci WFIE~E;AS, ~lans submitted ~ulasequenL Lc, Nhe submittal of suLject leL-ter rei'lected eZimir~ation of thc l~iammPrhead and rolocation of tho trush enc.los~.~re; anrl those skipulations shoul3 be deleted from Resalutior, tlo. t PC 87-~..i3; and WHER6AS, F~aragraph No. 4 oE Ro:~oluCiun No. PC87-15~ presentl,y reads as f:ollows: ;{; S~~ ~~~~~', ~r .f ;i~i~y ~ ~F, ._ }.~~c ~~.~'fs~. ~ ; , : '`r'M1 ~ ,1P~l080r ~ ~ ~~'~~,a ~ ~ ~ !' c 4 ~'~~c~ "4. That the petitiot~er stipulatEd at the publir. hearing to the following items which wnre snecified in his letY.er to the Planning Crnnmission, datQd July 8, 1987: a) Thnl: the park m~~nagement wi11 assi.,t a11 recreatian.al vehicl?s and mobi.lel~omAs into and out ot tk:a un.it spaces; b) That on•-streeC parking spaces wit}iin the park wi?1 be reduced trom one hundrel elevQn (7.11) t:o no mqre than six (6}; c) ThaC o»e hundred ninety two (19'l) lots wi]]. have on-lot parkit~y spaces; ~? That r~r.e handrod fifty one (151) lot: will }iave socond tandem guest parlcing ss~aces; e} That the rnain driveway from the entrznce will be twe.lty five (?.5) tcet wide; £-) That a"hammerhe~d" turning ar~a witti corner cut-of;Es will. be providE~d at the end nt the naiu driveway Co provi.de bQtter access f.or tr~~sh, fire and emerqency vehicles; g; That tr-ssii bi.ns w.ill be Icr_atecl noar the entrance Eor yreatez convenieuce; h) ThaL• khe tru neu lot layout wili provicie twelve {12j feet beL•ween un.. s; i) That the exi~tinq 147 overgro~un diseased dc~ciduous and yucca plants will be repla~ed witlt evergraens, palm tr~3es and flowcrrs; j) That the poth~~:les ancl irregular asphalt surfaceq wh~ch cfsuse standing war,er dn3 ero:.ion in tlle drivr.way:, w311 bQ rgpai: ad; k) xhat L•he utilitics wil.l be u~,~~rad~d (irrprovcJ electrical capacity), expandvcl (cabla TV, gas nnr~ t~2ephone) an~ r. Rpai. red; 1) 2hat tho exSsting overheact poles and wires and above qruund ga3 15.nes will bcs removed and replac2it unc9ergrounct; m) That ~ancreto tira~ns wi12 be lI1gY,81X6CI to ensure proper surtlco dxainage; za.l PCQ7 -2G8 . . . . . __ . .. ., ~ . i ~;r l~'~~ ~ ~ `'I n) '.Ch~t exisCing deteriorat~d laundry and rastroom facili~ies will be removed ancl r.eplaced with nQw facilitie5 in thQ storanQ rnom." ~ WHFRET~S, 2tems f) and g) of: the arove stipul~tior.s shoulci be oliminah.ed a.n accorclance with reviseci plans and Paragraph 4 and Condi~ion No. 17 of Planning Comir;issi~n Reso].ution No. PGd7-~:L53 should be amanded Co road: "4. ThaL• LYie petxtioner ~~ipula;:ed at: Lhe pr~blic hearing t~ the following :items which were specitied in liis lettec to tne Planning Comm.issio.n, ~ured 3uly 8, 1~87: ~) lhat ~he park maY~agement wi.ll assist a11 rRCreaL•ional vP.hiClas arid mobilahome; into and out of: the unit spaces; b) That on-street Parking sp~ces within the park wil be reduced Lrom one hundred eleven (111) to na more than six (6); ~;) Th~.t cne hundred ninety two (192) lnts will have on-lot parking spaces; d) Tkiat ona hundred fiyty one (151) lots wili havQ second tanclem g~:QSic p•~rk.ing spacas; e) 'lhat th~ main cir..iveway Lrom the entrancQ iai11 be t~•rF:nry five (T.5) feet wide; f) That the the r.ew lot layoul wi].1 provide twelvc~ (x.2) feet betweeri units; q) That `ha~ eaistitiy 147 ovQryrown cliseased d~czduous and yucca plants iaill b~ roplaced with c~vergreens, palm rreQS an~ flowers; h) That the potiioles and i:regular asphalt surf•aces which cause standing ~+aGer and erosion in tkie drivew~ys will be cepaired; i) ~hat Lh~+ utilities .rill be upgraded (improved elecrr~cal ~apacity), Fxpandecl (cable TV, g~s an3 telephone) ancl repaired; j) Tt-at tha existing ovPrhead polas and wiras and above grouncl ' gas lines will be remove3 ancl r~placod uiidArgrou.icl; k) T.hat concrete draans will be installecl t~ ensure proper surface c~rainaga; ancl 1} T.hat existing cleteriorated laundry t1:id restYOOm facilities will be r~muved ancl replaced with new Eacilitaes in the st~:ege roorn." ~ ~,: ciow, THLREF'OE2E, I3E IT :~tESOLV~D that Y_h~ Anaheim City Planu.ing Co-~imission does hr:reby arneria Rasolutiur t7o. PC87-15~ a~ indicatRd berein. 'rHF h'ORr.GOIitG RBSOLUTI~PI is herr3k~r signed and ap~rflvecl by me this 213th day oC September 2fi. 1987. j~ ,~~.~~~.-~ ~! ~--~ i ---------.__..___ --- ~~ NIN • cot~zssiorr C.iAIRMAN, AhAHEItd CITY ~ LAN G AxZSST.: ~~' ~ ~ ' . ~_._._ ~ _.__ _F=~ !z'=` '' '~ _ _._-<`- '~- _~ F~.~ l/L.-~ -~---. < <'•~ A13EIM C:i'CY PLA ~?":i ttf' ~,n;.~S;SSYp1J ,,nCRETARY, AN E'Cf17-208 ~},. ~ . ,, , ;t~~ a,:.3~ r..~~.t . _ .~ ~ . . ~ , _.~ ~•. . . .. ~ t ~ .. 1 ~~ ...~~ ,~r1~ i.~~ r ~ ~i~~ u ~tN;V:~ f~ ~~~~ r~'C1~'t4`~~ q . . . .. .. ., . . ... , ~ ~ ~ S~ l ~.~~,~~~ Ji ~11+~'.i~~ STAZ'G QF CI~LIFORNTA COUNTY UF ~FtANGE ) ss. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) J, Ecli~h T.. H~rris, Secretazy oE thg Anahe;m City Planninq Commiesian, dQ her.eby ceri;iFy thar tpie foregoing rosolution was passc~d and adopLecl at a meeCing of ~h~ Anaheim City ~lanning Commission he].d on September 2a, 1987, b~~ tht; followir.g vote Uf the members thereof: Ai'ES: C(7MMISSIUNERS: BCIUAS~ BOXDSTUN~ CARUSIL~LO, IiERF3;T, 1dESSE NUES: GOMMISSiONEFS: t~IOZTE: AB;;ENT: COMMTSSTONERS: FELDHAUS, MC RUkNEY IN WSTNESS D7HER::O?, I have hereunto set my hand this 2F3Lh day of September, 1987. ~ ~ _..~_ ~ `T~, ~ ~~ / . ~~~t~C.~,~ SCCRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMh1ISSI0N ~. ~3- .%~.~t'4 } - . PC87- 20E3