PC 87-210,~--~ ~f~~- RLSQf.,LTTON NQ, pC87-210 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAFIETM CTTY PLANNIIJG COMMISSTUN THAT PETIT.TON I'OR RECLASSTFTCATTON NU. 8%._gg_07 BE GItAIdTED, AS MODIFiED WHEREAS, tk~e Anatieim Cit verified petit~.on for ReclassiFi.cation xoml Kqng T D~mmission did receive ~ Avenue, /~1p~, Anaheim, ~p 92~01 SCHAF~g, 2gZ Wil,t~ire Victori.a W~ . ovrner, aiicl bfASSOUD M~NSHIZA,DEg Y. Placentia, CA g26'Ip, agent, of certain xQal • 1524 proper~y situate8 in the C:ity of Anaheim, Cot~nty of Orange, 5rare of California, described fol'ows; PwRCEL A: as THAT PU:it7'TON OF THL•' EAST HALF OF LOT 9 OF' HELI;N 1~ND I~YNCH' S ADDITICN :EO ~1NAHETM, I2v TF;E CITy OF ANAH~IM, A~ SHOWN ()N A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 44?, PAG~ ~5~ UI' DEEDS, F2ECQ5DS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALTFORNIA, UESCRTBEll AS FO~,LOh'S; BEGINNI~TI; AT THE NORTHGA.ST CORtdER OF SAID LUT 9; TI-IRNCE SOUTH 8g~ 5g ~ qZ~~ WEST 239.06 f'EET ALONG TfiE NORTH LTNF OF SAID LUT 9 TO THE TRiS~ POID'T OF ~iECINN~NG; TI~IEN~.E SOUIIi n~ 10 08" EAST 142.41 I'EGT ALONG A LIN'E PARALLET, TO THE EAS'I' LZi'v'~ Or SAIU LOT' 9; THENCE N'OItTH d'3° 5~' 42" EAST 73.63 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0~ i0' 09" £AST. 91.61 FEET TO A POINT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SGUTHEASTERLY HAV.ING A RADTUS pF 45.00 F~~~7': THENCE SOUTI~BAST~FZ[,y q~,~jg~ SATll CURV~ FRUM A TAt1GENT BEARING SOUTH 70~ 10' 11" E~.ST, AN ARC DISTANCB OI' $1.3J FEET TO A I:~VERSR CURVE, HAVING A RA.DItJS Or 45.00 FEET, A RADIAL FROM THIS PUINT HAVTNG A BEARING OF NORTH !ib~ 36' 42" i7~~T: TriENCE SOUTHERL'X AN ARC DISTANCE QP' 10.27 FE~,'r ALONG SAID 1'HENCE NqK~KGH~9p CENTRA~L ANGLE OF 13~ 04' 12~~~ ~Z 14 EA~:C '118.24 F~;ET TO T.HF WF.ET LIN~ OF TfiE EAST 30.00 F~ET OF SATD LOT 9; 1'FiENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE NO1t:PF: po 10' 0$" 47LST 31U.84 F'EET TO THE NORTH LYN~ OL' SAIb LOT g+ TI~iENCE .~,LONG SAID NO[t2'H L~TN~;, SOUTH Sa~ 54 ~ 41~~ f~]FS'.~ 20~.U6 FEET TO 7HE TRUE POIPiT OF BEGIN'NING. PARC~L B: LQi' A OF TRACT 9201, IN TF~~ ~I,~,Y ~~ ANAHEIM, AS SFIOhN ON A MAP RECOR. D YN IIOOK 380, PAG~S 23, 24, 25, anci 26, OF hiISCEL.LANE0U5 MAPS, RECORDS pF SAID ORANGr^, COUNTI', CALIFORNIA, WhEREAS, the Citp planning Cnmmission did hold a , ~t the Civic Center in rhe Ci~y of Anaheim oxi Au ust 17 19ti7 at 1:30 ~o~~c~ ~E said Plhlic hearing public hearing having been du'ly gl~og ay. Y~~ 1?.m „ accordanco wx~.:h the nrovisions of the Anahe~,n Municipal Code ~ bla jaw dnd in tn hear and consider Qvicic~nce .Eor and agaixist said proposed roc].assific~tion and t^ investiga~e and ~'~pr ].8.03, ther~w.ith: ~~d c:ontinued tomSeptemher17.45 e, dd~orC^tobera121U19d7~r~a cnnnection ~ n.d OUa9r PC87_210 ;.-:, .,, .;;;; ''~a I,1~ : ~' ~.. ~~.': , .:' ~ ~,{ ~~~ ::^ WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspention, ir.vestigation and study mac'e by itse:Lf and in its behalf, and after dua consideration of ~1~. eviclenr.e ancl repcrts oifered at ~a.id hearing, does f.inc] ancl deLermine ~he folJ.owing faci:5: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of Porti~n A uf subject property from the RS-5,000 (Resia~ntial, Single-Famil,y) and Portia~i B from the RS-T>-43,UU0 (Residaritial, Agricultur~l) z~nes to the RM-3,OU0 (Rosiden*ial, Multiple-Fam~ily) zono. 2. ThaL the Anaheim General ~lan designatQS subject property For Medium bensity ltesidentia'1 land usus. 3. That the nroposed recl~ssificaLion of subject propArty to RM-3,000 zs not necessary and/or desirable Pcr the or.derly and proper develo~ment of tha community ~nd ~voo.lcl be "spot zoning" with ~djacent pruperties t~ tPia soizth aiid we~t being zoned single-Pamily resic]ential. 4. Th~it reclassificaY.iori oE Port:ion S of subject property to ~~ ~S-5000 (Resident:ial, 5ingle-Fami.ly) Uoes prope~rly r.ela~e to ~he zones and their permittQd use:: loca.ll.y established in close prnximity to stxbject property and tc fhe aunes aiid tlzeir perrnztt~d usPs generally establishec.t thraugliout ~he community. 5. That 8, 25, and 47 persons indicated their presence at the Septr:mber 14, ~eptc:mber 28, and October lZ, 19a7, public hcarings in opposition; and that letters arid peti.tior.s cont:zining approximately Z36 sigr,atures were received i.xi opposition; and that approx3.mately 10 persons ind:icated their presence in favor ~t those public liearings. ~AL~IF~_P.NII..,_r:NVIRONM1irITAL QUALI'rX_ACT FINDIriG: T.hat L-he AnaYzeim ~ity Plaiining Commission has reviewed L•kie prop~sal c.u rec.lassify, subjeat pro~erty (partions n and Et) from the RS-5,000 (Re:~.ide::L-iaZ, Sing;.e--Family) and the R5-A-43,000 (Resideritial, Agricultural) zorles to the RM-3,~J00 (P.esidenL•ial, I~u].~,iple-~Family) zoize to corlstruct a 15-un~t cond~minium project with waivers of mir.imum n~unt~er of pt~rking spaces (d~leted.), minimum strur.tural and par~:ing setback adj~~cent to an arter5.a1 hi.ghway, rnzmimum structuraZ and pa~k~.ng setback adjacent to a local street, minimum structural setback, r~inimum st.ruct~:ra7. and parking setback ~djacent to si.nglo-family residences, arid minimum recroational -].eisure area on ayi irregularly-shaped parcel of ].and con:cisting of approximatelg 1 ticre locat:Ed between Broadway anG the :~ortherly ter•minus of G~lbuck Urive, havinq a~rontagp of approximately 192 fee* on t2ie northeast side cf Gilbuck DY•i.ve and ~09 feet on thQ soutti si~.e oL• Aroadway and being located appruximat~ly 25U feet east of the c:enterlr.ne of. Gilm~r Street anfl f~.irt;ier descril~ed as 1500 West Broadway; and does hereby apprvve the Negative Dec'laration up~n .finding th~k it h~xs considereci the Negat.ive Declaration together wit,h any cumments receiveci c1ur5.ng the publia raview process and further fznding c~n tha basis ~P the initial study and a~iy comments recei~~ed that there is nn substnntial evidence that tho project wi11 have a sigYiifican~ efEect on the environment. NOW, THF~REFORE, BE IT R~SOL~ED thaL the Anaheim City k'lanning T Ccmmi~sion doc~s hereby a:aiit, a~ modi.fied, subject Petit3.on for _ Reclac~siEication and, by So doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Muriicipa.l Code bo amended to exclude Portion B of the above-desc.ribe3 -2-• PC8?-210 ~,z~ ~~~ propert-.y from the RS~A-43,000 (P,c~sidential, A~7ricu].tural) zonc~ and to incor~+orate said d.escribed property into the RS-5,000 (Residential, Single-F~m~.:iy) zone u»on the :Eollowi:~g condi~ions which arQ hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposea use of subject propert,y in nrder to preserve th~ safety and general welfare of the Citizer.s oi• the City c,f Anaheim: 1. That s.iclewa"lks shall be installed along Broadwa;~ as required k,y the Cit~ Engineer and in accordance with standax•d plans a~zd specifica~ians on Lile in the OtficQ of the City Engineer and tha~ security i.n the form of a bund, certiEicate of deposi~, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and forrr~ satisfacti~ry to tne Ci.ty ef Anaheim, sh~ll be posted with the City to quarantee the satis£actury completion of said improvements. Saic1 ,~ocuriY.y sha17. be posteci with the City prior to introdur.tion uf an ordinan~•e rezuning subjFCt property, to guarantee the installatiorz of the ~bove-rQquired improvements prior -:a r~cc~xpanc~~. 2. That tkze owner uf subj~ct pro~erty shall submiL- a letter rEquest.i:xg termination of Conditional Usc~ Permit No. 18%2 to the Zoning Divzsian. 3. That the vehicular access rights to Draadwap, except at approv~d acc:ess paints shall be dedic:ai:ed to the City of Anaheim. ~. 'Chat prior to the iritroduction of an ~rdinance rezoning subject property, Conditior. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above-mentioned, shall be c:omplated. The t~rovisions or ric~hts gr~nt•ed by ~his :esolutioi~ sha11 become null a~:d vaict L•y action cf the Planning Coi7unission unlas~ said conditions are c+omplied with wi.thi~:i one year Erom the daL-e of tlxi~ i•esoluti.on, or s~.ich fur. th~r time ~s the Planning Comrnission mzy grant,. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~ll that tne wnaheim City P1ac~.nS.ng Corunissi.nn does hereby find aud determine that adoption of hhis Roso].ution is expx•essly predical•ed upon applicant's compliar..:e witti each and a11 ot the condit~ienc: hereinabovo set farth, Should ~ny fiuch conclitions, or any part; ther~ot, bQ declar.oci invalid ar unenforceable by the f:ixial jucigmeiit oF any court ot comperent jurisdicti.on, l•hen tYlis P.esclution, aiid any approvals herein contained, sh~ll be deemed null and void. THB FORFGO;Cr;G RESOLU'70N is s'gned and a~provod by me this 12th day of October., 1987. ~ ~ ~~ ~G~~ CHAIRMAN, ANI~HEIM CIT PLANNTNG COMMISSIOII A'~T~ST : , ;,.,;,, ,;,; ,-, , t../' ' ' ;J / ' ~ , ~,y~_ ~~ L.~- _ 5ECR6TAkY, ANAHEIM CITY 1'LANNING COMhSISSION .~ L' il':.. -3- PC87-210 i'~ R~ . ~~, ry~y°~ F1r~'~~'P6 ~ . . '': t ~ . ~ ~' i~' !C~ ~r ~~1.; ~~ ~;1 STATE Of CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF' ORANG~ ) ss . ~ t: CT.TY Of ANAF~EIM ) ~;` ; ~4 I, Edith L, Harris, Secretary of ttie Ailaheim City Planning Commission, ~ dn riereby certify i:hat L-he foregoing reso].ution was passed and adopt,ed at a meeting oi the Anaheim Cit~ Planning Comm. ssion held on October 12, lgg7, by ~ the iollowinq cote oP tihe members thereof: -.,;; ., :, AYES: COMMISSIOI~?ERS: iOYDSTUN, CAR1JSILL~O, FELDHAiJS, HF'kBST, MC FSURNEX, ~ MEuSE NQE S : COt~II.SSIONEFiS : NONG ~ ABS~NT; COMMTSSIOPTERSs BOUAS IN WIThEBS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hatid this 12rh day at October, 1g87. ~,^ ,'`; ~~v ' ~ ~ ~ '~d~-- -- ; 7~ .-~~-'l~__l~-~, SLCRE'rARY, laNAHETM CITY' nLAI~iNING COi+~A2ISSI0PT ~r '~ , ~';%. ~;3'; i;.n f;