PC 87-211I~'% ~~~`~ RCS~L~JTIgN tJQ~P~,~~~~xii A RES(~LUTLON OF TFiE ANAIiETM CI7.':' PLAIdNING COMMISSTON TfiAT ~F,TITION F'OR VARTANCG NC. 3685 AE DCNIEll WHE?tEAS, the Anaheirn City P1ann.ing Comm:;ssion did receiva a verified Potitiori for Variance fr~~m ROBERT D. SCHAFEk, 292 Wilshir.e Avanue, !l1G7, AnakiF:im, ~A 92801, owner, and MASSOIID MONSHt7.AGEIi, 152A Victor.ia Way, Placent9a, CA 9267U, agent, uE certain re~l property situa~ed in th~ Ci.ty qf Ananeim, Count;y ot Oz•a:zge, Stato ot Califnrnia, descr.ibE~d ati follows: PARCEL A: THAx T'URTJOId 41 THE EAST HALF OF LOT 9 UF HE'LEK At3I7 L'tNCH' S AnDlTTON TO ANAH~IM, IN TFiE CITY. OL' ANAHEIM, AS Si•IOWN ON A MAP RECUNDED Ztl Ii00K 9~12, PAGA.; 3.58 C~I' DEGUS, F~COkD5 GF LOS AI3Gf;LES COUNT'i, CAI,IFORNIAr DESCRI$ED AS F'OLLOWS: f3EGI:INXNG AT THG NORTIiF.~{ST CURNER UF SATU LOT 9; 'rH~NCE iUUTH FiB~ 54' 42" WEST' 239.itfi FEET AL,ONG THE NOR'J'~i LIN~ UF. SAIL) LOT ~'TO TF(E TRUE POYNT OF' BEGINKf2I~; THf:NCE SOUTFi U° 30 00" EAST 192.41 F'E~T ALO21G )e [.INE PARALLt:L TO TEiE EAST I,l'1TE C~F' SAID LOT 9; THENCE Nt7&TH 81;° 54' 42" EAST 73,63 FEGT; THENCE SUUTiI 0° 10' 00" EA5T 91.61 FFET 7:U A POIN^ ON A I:UkVE COP7CAVE SOUTHEAST.GRT,Y H:.VIN ~ A RADIUS OI' 45. 00 EI:cT; TFi~NCE SOUTHF.:ASTERLX AL0t7G SAID CURVE FROM .A TANGENT REARINC SOUTH 7U~ 10' 11" EAST, AN ARC DTSTA2dC~ OF 81.33 FE£T TO A REVERSE CUIiVE, HAVIt7G A RAI~TUS OF 45.00 FErT, A RAL:IAi~ FROM THIS f'OINT FiAVING A BEAR:[NG OF NORTH S6~ 35' 42" WEST; 1H~2ICE ;iOUT.HERLY AsI ARC L1TS'CANCE OF 10.27 E'FET A[,UNG SAIn CURVE THROUGit A C~NTRA[~ AN~LE OE 13n 04' 12"; 'THENCE NOltTFI F39~ ~2' 14" EAST 113.79 FEE: TO 'CHC WBST LIt1G OF THE EAST 3p.0U FEET OF SAIP LOI' 9; THENCE ALONC SAID WEST GINF: t70RTEI 0~ 10' 08" WEST 310.84 FEEi TU THE NORTH LINE OF SAID T..OT 9; THENCE ALOtTG S~1I~ NGRTH LINC, SOUTFi 88~ 54' 92" WEST 209.06 FEET TJ TH~ TRUE POIhT OF BFGINNING. PARC!:I, 8: LOT A OF TRACT ~20J_, lN THE CI1'Y OE ANAHEIM, AS SI~OPIN ON A MAP RECUfiDF:U IN BOOK 380, PAGES 23, ;:4, 25, ~nd 26, Oi~ MISCE[,~.ANF.OfJS MAPS, RECORDS OF G.1~SU C~RA.J~E COUNTl, CAI.IE'c)R~lIA. 4~RERE:A:i, the City Plani~iny Commission ciid hold r~ pub'.ic !-.enrinq at the Civic Center in th~3 Cfty of Anahoim an Ai~gus~ 1'1, 1987, at 1:33 p;,~., notica o: s id public hQAring havSny bc~en dul, gz~ n as requirRd by law and in accordance w - the prov.isi.ons of tha Anaheim Municipal Code, ~;iapter 18.03, ro hear ai~~i c,, ~ id3r ~vi~len~Q tor anQ againaC said proposod varit~nce anc'i to fnvost3gat~ and make f.iuci,ings ancl recocrmcndatians in ~:onnectiion L•heru~eith; and. conr,inue8 to ~eptemhar 14, and to Octobcr 12, 1987; and 0085r PC87-2I1 ~ .~ ~1 ~ ; . ;, t ~' ~~~ xu,4>' ~ ; ~~~~ # ~;;~ ~~'~ WHEREAS, ,aid Commi~yion, aft~r due .in5pectian, investiga{:ion and study mad~ by i~se1F and in its bohalf, and afr~ar duQ cnnsidc~ration of a:ll ovidence ancl r~norts offered at said hc~aring, do~s find and dakermine the Eollowing facts: 1• That the ~etii:ion~r constriact a 15-uniC RM-3,a00 conc',omini~;m (A) ~~;~1~tuN5 ~:..46.4.~Q~.~ 1f1.0o..080 aND 1Q~ 1 ! Qt~C~ ,Q~~ ~g) SE~:TION 1_a.37,_,Q~3~Q1'1_ (C) SECTION 1~..31,063,G.'1__2. ~ ~~) ;iI:CTIQN 1$.~31.06~.~22 _ (F') S_F,~1xUN lfji31:4_~_LO_24 _ proposes waivc~rs ot th~ followitig to projoct: ~~imum.,n~nl~.~r of p~rkinq snac4~. (Deleted) Minimgm ~ ruct_ir 1 an~ _p~r k__ i__na ~ L 7• ~~~2s~~1~s?d•iac~1:~4 a-n ~r.r~.~~1 lti~i ,w~~,,. (20 fP,@t ra~u.ired: 0 ~~i4 ~~e~ pr~posed) tdini n m,_ 5~ructural an rkin -~~.~__--~ 5.f3-t~d~k adi_~c ~t .~S?~. 19~i ~.~~~~• ~1~4~ r~quirea; 4 to 15 fe~~ propused) Minimum Rr_~.~~~~~~ ~~tbaCk. ~~ f€~ cequiied: 11 fQ.~~ proposed) t~in~imuni ~~ru~~ir~l~n~i~,p~incr setback ad~_S~n~to s.x,py~e-f~m,i~ _re~~.~len~ial zone. ( 2.~~~5~ required: 1. ip ~~}.~2. f~e.5 proposQd) ~F) : .~CTIQN 18~31,_Q.~3.03Q - i~i'~n~~n~r , B c t.~~t i ona 1.~1 ~i,-~~~.~.s'~ • ~1'-~~~.~5±u rec~uiredi ~~+~ _.a?i~C1U propased) 2. Tha~ the above-mentioned wai~~ers are herQby doni~:d an tt-e bASis thaL• ReclassiFicaticn No, ~7-E3i3-0'I consider3d in cottjunction with this Uariaz~ce permitting said condominium was gran~ed L•or R~-•(5,000} (~~~i~enrial, Single-Farnily and that th~re ~re no special circumstanc~s appli~nble to the pronerty such as sizQ, shapQ, t~pogr~~hy, 1oc~aCion and surroun~lings which c?oes riO~ aPP1Y Co uther ic4entzcalip zoned property fn the s~me •,-icinity; and L•hat strick applfcatioli oF the Zonina Codo do not deprive the property og ~rivileyes anjoyed by other ~roper.t:i~~ in the i.denlic~l zone Und clas3ification in the vi.cinity. 3. That Chere are no excepkior~al ~r extrt~ordinary r_ircumstanc4s or co.adi*.ions anplicable tU tho rror,erty involveQ or t~ thg inr,PnaQ~ u9e of tha property ~hat do not appll gvnerally to the proporty or clnas of use in the same vicinity ~ncl zone. ~. Tl~at th~ roqu~ate~ vari~nce is r.ot noces~ary for L•he . preserv~tfn:i and anjuyment of a substantial propertx riqht possassed by nthr~r property i~i th~ stvnQ vicinity unQ zonc~, anc! d~nied to the prop$zty in question. -2- PC87-?11 Y,'~ud.~~:;~:~:~~r~rw7~~~n-~,.., .. _ ,' ~ 5. That the recluested variance will be materi~llv cietrimonL~l to the ~ublic wolfare or ir~jurious to thF nro2~erty or improvem9nts in sucti vucini~y a:id zone in whicti the property is located. 6. That 8, 25, and 47 persons i.ndir.a~e~il their presPnc~ at the &eptember 14, Sop~emb~r 28, and October 12, Y9E'1, public hearings in oppositions and that letters and petitions contr~ining approximately 7.36 signaturos were received it~ oNposition; and t.lzat a~pp:~ximately 10 persons inda.catod their presence in Eavar at these public hoarings. ~ALIFQRt1IA ENVIRQNi4ENTAL~UALI_TX_AG~ FINDI:?~; Zhat ~he Anaheim City Plznning ~ommissiun has reviewed tho proposal to :~clas3ify subject property (p~rtions A and B) from khe 12S-5,000 (Residential, Sin~le--I'amily) and tihe RS-A-~13,00U (~;esid~ntial, AgriculLural) zones to the I2M•-3,000 zone to construcc a. 15-unit candominium project wiL•h waic~ers ~{ minimum numbe: oL parking spaGes (deletad), mini.mum sCr.ucturat and parking setback adjacent ~.o an ar*orial highway, mimimum structural and parkir~g setback adjacenl-. to a 1oca1 street, minimum struc:tural s~tback., minimum structur.al a*ic: parking setback adjacenL• t~a single-tamily rs~idencQS, ar.d mi.nimum r,scr.eational -leisure area on an :irregvlarly-shaped parcel of l~nd consisting of approximately 1 acre located between Broadway and L•he northerly terminus of Gilbuck Drive, h~vin,g a irontaqo oL• approximataly 192 feet on Y.YIe northc~ast side of Gilbuck Drive and 209 CeeL• ~ii tho south side of Eroadway ~nd bQing located approxirnat~ly 250 Eeet east of the cenLPr:lxne of Gilmar Strec~t and ~'urther describad as 1500 West Broadway; and cic~s hereby approve the Negati-te Decl~ration upon finclin~ that it has c4nsidered the Negat.ive Declaration toge~her with any comments received during the public re~~iew process and further f.inding on rlie basis of ~he initial 3tudy and any c~mments receivdd that there is no sub5tantial eviJence that the project wi'l1 have a significant: effac:t on t:he enviranr~ient. NOW, THERECORE, a~ TT 12FSOLVBD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petit.ion for V~sriance on tha bas3.s of. Lhe aEoremQntioncd finclii-gs. ~HF HGREGGZiiG RESOLUTI~N '/ signed and approvecl by me this 7.2th ~f O~~toher, 19t~7. /~ ~.~'~~~ ~- CFIAxRMAN~ ANAEiEIM CI Y FLAliNING r4MMIS5I0N ATTES~: ~; ~~ . _~~ -~`"'~-E'~_~G~_`__~.~l..:L'ti~~~___------- SECR~TARY, ANAH~IM C.TTY PL~ANNING COMb1ISSSON -3- PC87-211 F, , , ~w'.fls~iulY, ^ A 5TAT~ UF CALIFORNZA ~"_.~1. CUUt1TX OF OR.ANG~ ) ss. CITY OE ANAFiE:LM ) Y, EdiL•h L. Tiarris, Secret;ary of L-he Anaheim City P].anning Commission, clo he.rPby c~ztify tha.t t.2~e foregoing resolution was passed and a~iopted at a meeting of tha An3h~im City Planning Commissinn hQ1d on Qct:ober 1?., 1987, b,~,• the tollowing vate of. the members thareof: ~ AYES: ~UbLMISSI0NER5: BdYUSTtJN, I:ARUSILLO, FELDHAUS, F~~RBST, MESSE, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIOPiERS: NONE aBSF.NT: COtrIIy1ISSI0t1~RS: BO[JAS IN WITNE55 WHEFEOF, I nave hereunta set. my l~a.nd this 12 ~ay oE Cctober, 1987. ~~ - _ _ ` -'.~~-~- ~.~~.u-~ _ S~CRETARY, AN1~H~TM PLAN;vING COt~SISSION -4 - .,: ,.:~ 1~C87-211 ,_ •r:. ~~'~ ~ ~`;i ':;., +a ~%1 ~ ' 4~~ ~s~~~. ,_,.. ,.. _., ~~. . ~ ,