PC 87-213~ ,.. .. . f.;;~-'~ R~;SOI,UTION NA~,_PC87-213 ~~ A R~SOL'iJTTON 0~ THE 1~NAHEIDi ~ITY PLA~It~ING COMM'ISSION TH?~T PETITiON FOR CONDITIONAL [ISE P~~:MIT N0. 2949 BF GRANTED WHEREAS, t.he Anaheim City Planning Conunissi.on did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Perm?t from MANAJEM HAKIMIJ00, ET. AL, 1900 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite 101, Anaheim, CA 92805, owner a:ld FRED GONZALES, E639 Gr~enleaE Av~nue, E1ue.ha Park, CA 90620, age•r.t, i:or certain real property ' sil.uated in th~ City of Araheim, County of. Orange, State lifornia, of Ca described as: LOT 1 OF TRACT N0. 509~~ AS SHOWN Ot7 A MAP THSREOF F:ECORDED IN BOOK 1$a, PAGES 9 AND 10, ~IISCFLLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID OF,l~NGB COUNTY. EXCEPTTNG '.C~3ER~FP.OM THE ERST 141.30 F~ET. h'HLREAS, tY.e Cihy Planning Commissio. aid hold a pub~ic hea~ing st L-he Civi.c Center in the City of AnahQim on Qctober. 12, 1987 at 1:30 p.rn., notice of saicl public hearing having be~n duly given as requa.red by 1aw and in accor.dance with the provisions o= tYie Anatieim Munic.ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence Lor and against said groposed conditional use ~ermit and to investigat.e an~ ma1:Q .findin~s and recommesidatioxis in connection therewitk~; and WIiLF2~:AS, ~aid Commis ,ion, 3L-ter ~ue xnspection, investiga.~ion and study made by itself and in i.ts behalf, antl aPter due c~i~sideration oE all evidexice ancl reports offered at said hearing, does find and determzne the following facts: 1. rhat the proposed tise is properll on2 for wl~ziciz a cnnditzonal ixse permit is authorized by Anaheim Mur.iciral Code SPCtion 18.4~.050.O1C to wit: Y.o permit on-sale b~er and wine in a L~ra~osed resL-au.rant w'i:h waiver of: SF~TION,sS 18.0~.05~f_Q211 - Minimum num~.~r of narkiri U2.Ce~. 18•0,¢.,~50•(Z22 ($4 ree~uire3; $1_ exi~t•ing? 1QLQ6•05~•02~1 ANLI_ 1~44,,(.~ 6, 0 50 2. That the r~quested waivex is hnr.~by, granY.ed on. the ba~is that the parking waiver wi?1 not r.~use an i.n~rease in traff.ic conq~stion in the immediate vicin.ity nur adversely af.Eect any adjoining land uses ~nd grants.ng oi the parki.ng waivor undQr the conditions i.mposed, iF any, will not be datrimental to the ,~,eace, hea]th, s~.fety and general welPmre of t1~Q cita.zens of the City; and on the ba~is that il is minimual, amoun~ing to iess ~han 4~ of the Cocle rogui.rement. 3. That th~ propose~f use ~vill not advers~l.x aL•f`eck the adjaining lancl ;; uses a.nd the growth and devalopment of the area in which it is proposed i:o be "' ~ locai:ed. ) `: OQ87r PCS%-213 .;~, `~. „ . ,,,..::1.-~,',`'rs % ~, ~~~ ~.t : s,;; 4. That the size and s~ape of the sit,e propc~sed for the use is ad.equate to allow i:he £u1:i dPV~lopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrirr~ental to Lk:e particular arPa nor to the peace, health, safeh.y and general welFare of the Citizens of tk~e City of Anaheim. 5. 'rhat the granting of the Condi.tional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, iF ai-y, tiviZl riot be detrimental to ths peace, health, ~afety and gerlex•a1 w~lfare of the Citiz~ns of the Cit~~ of Anaheirn. G. Tliat the LraF~'ic g~nerated by the proposed use will not impose an undve burden upan the streets and Y~'.~.hways designed arid improved to carry the traf~ic in the are- 7. ltiat no one indicated thei r presenae at said publ~c heaz•ing in oppasiL-ion; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. CALIrORNTA _ENVTRQNMFNTAL ~UALITY ACT FIIIllTDTG: That the Anaheim City Planzxing Coi~unission has reviewed the proposal to permit on-sale bper and wiTie in a proposed restaurant with waiver ot mirl~~n~rin number of park.ing spaces on a rect~.ngularlX-shapoa parcel of laxid consisting of apprc~ximately 1 acre located at thn southeasL- corner of Lincoln Avenue and Laxore Street, having approximate frontages u£ 165 teet on the south ~ide of Lincoln Avenue an~ 275 feet on the east aicte ot• Laxore Street, and furf.her desczibecl as 2940 Wesf: Lincoln Avenue, Suite "I"; and does hereby arprove the Negat~.ve Aeciara~ion uPon findinr t~ia' it has r.onsi,dere~d the l~Pg~#;ive Aeclaration togeLlYer with any commen~s received dur.ing th~ pl1blic r.eview procass and further finding o;~ Lhe basis of. L•he initial study and any commenL-s rec~ived that there is no sub;tantia.l evidence that the project will h~ve a signifir_ant effect un the e:,vironment. NQW, THERLFOR~, BE IT RF:SOG'I~D ttiat khe Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission does hereby grant sab:ject k'etir.ion for Conditic,rial Use Permit, upon the follawing conditians which ac~ hcreby f~iind ta be a necessary prerequisite to L•he prr,posed use af tYie subject property in order to preser.ve the safety ar-d general welfare of t:he Citi•~ens of the City of An~heim: 1. That trash stora~gF areas shall be provided ar.d mainL-a.ined in uccordance witli anproved plans on fi~e wiL-h the ~tz~e~t Maint~nance and Sanital.iori Di.vi; ia;i. 2. 'Phat t4~e proposal shal]. comply with a1:1 signing rQquir~ments of t;lit CL Z~ne, unless ~, variance allowing sign wa.i.vers i.s approved bx ths C.ity Cauncil, Planning Commission o.r Zoning Administrator. 3. That no alcoholic bevex•ages, F~~cept beer and wine shall be so].d or c~nsum~d on the pz•emises of thc~ subject rest~uranL-. 4. That subjert pr~perty ~ acco•rdance with plans an~ `~ ' Anahr:im marked Fxhibit No. , .. . _ f~~ ~; s r ~ ~ '~';, ~ r ~ y. ,y ~,~d:, r ,, ~~r ~ t~w~~}~r. ~~ ~s~~,, i,. •'~x ~.r 1~,'~' 9 f~ ~ r ,, , ~ ~ ~~ ': , , 34'r':,, xf ~ i ii ~ hr4-. .. ~ ,~F is, ~ d~~~r~':.. _ _, _ ~ . . sha11 b~ deve7oped substa~ntially in sp~cifications on £i].e with the Ci~y oE x. "2- ~'C87-213 ~, ~ r'. ,` ~ ~' , ~ i ' F: ~j >~. i . . - ,_;.;•:J. 5. That prior to t2ie commencement of the activity authorixed by this resolution, or final :puilding and zoning inspec~ion~ whichever occur, tirst, Condition N'os. 1 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. BE IT FrJftTHER RESOLVED tliat the Anaheim City Planning Commisszon ~;;;.. does hereby find and determine that adophion af this Resolution is expressly predicat~d upon applican~'s compliance with each and all cf the conditions hereinAbove set forth. Should any such conditions, or. any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenf~rceable by the fzna]. judgment of any court o£ competent jurisclictio~. then this Resolution, znd any approvals h~rein contained, shal~, be de~Med null and void. TH~ i OREGOING RESOLiJTION is signed and approveci by me tTiis ] 2 th day oE Uctober, 1987. / ~ ~~.~~- CHAIRMAN, ANAHET CTTY PLANNING CObi.*dISS70N ATTEST: ,~ - 77L~~ ~c' ,~~(~(~,°~ti.-.z., _ SGCRETARX, ANI~HEIbt CITY PLANN.ING COt~4rSISSIOPi STATE OF CALTI'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF ) ss. CITX OF ANAHGIM ) z, ~dith L. FIarris, Sec:reta~y of ths Anaheim City Planning Cornmission, do hereby certiFy that the for~going resolution was passed and adop~ed at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plan.r~ing Comr,~.'.ssion r,Qld on actober, 1987, by hh~ £ollowinq ~otQ oi' the members ther~of; AYES: COMMISSION~:FtS: LU.DSTUN, ~AF;iJSILLO, FBLDhAUS, HERBS'C, MC k;(II2NE1', MESSE ATOFS: COMMISSTONERS: I10NE ARSENT: C:OMM7S5TONF.RS: BOUAS IN WITNFSS WHERFUE, I i~ave her~u.nto set my harid this ~2th day of October, 1987. ~~ -----,~~..~~_~~~t~r ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION $~; ~~, ~ ;,;:<': > ~: , ... ;;~,~,'.; , il r ; r~~~ I+ n5 i. ~;I~~ ij'.1 :; ~f~~: . . . ~ j~~~ni.; ; . F~'at,~ti -3- PC87-213