PC 87-221i k~ 14 _ . . . . ..,,y ~~ i ~ y~ r rs i ~~ ~,~~~~ .. '~' , , ~~'~ , :.~ ,,~ ~ F ~ ~ R~SpLUTION NQ,~P(;Ei7-221 A RF:SOLUTION OF TFiE ANAHErM CITY PLANNT.NG COMMISSIUN TH31T PETITION I'OF VAnIANCE NQ. 3711 BE GItANT~D ': WFIEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a ve:ified Petition for Variarice fz•om ERIC D. & JUDITH S. NELSON, 1430 Westmont Dr., Anaheim, CA 9'L801, owner, and , agent, of certain real property siL•uaL•ed in tlie CiL•y o£ Anaheim, Caunty oF Orange, State of Ct~lifo:nia dQSCxibed as: , ~;, THAT PORTTOtT OF LOT 6 OP TFIE AN7~FiEIM HOMESTGAD TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN HOOK 26, PI~G~ 10 0[~' MISCELLAIdEOUS RECORDS ~JF LOS ANGELES , COUN:CY, CALIFORNIA, DFSCRIBED AS HOLLUWS: FSEGINNING AT TFIE NORTHWEST CORI~ER OF SAID LOT 6, SAIU NOE:TfIEAST CORNER BF.ING ALSO THF. NORTFiWEST CORN~R OP' LOx 1 UF TF.ACT 1920, AS i ER MA'P RECORUED .LN $OOK 48, PAGES 3 AND 4~F MISCELLAN~OUS MI~PS, RECOFtDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, THENCG SO(JTFI &~} llEGREE5 51' 09" WEST, F~L,ONG THE tdORTHERLY LZNE OF SAID L()T 6, A AISTANCI: QF 85.OU E'EE'I;/ THGNCE SQUTFi 8 DEGREES 39' 26" EAST, PARALL~L P7[T~i THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAIU LOT G, A DT5TANCE UF 1ti1.18 FEET TO THE NORTHERL' Y GINE OF I,OT 5 OF SAID TRACT 1420; 7'HEIvC~ NOi2TH 84 DFCiREES 03' 3'1" EAST, AL~NG SAIA NORTHE;RLY i.INE j14.94 FEET TO THE WESTEF.LY LINE OF SAID LO'P 1; 'THENCE 270RTH 8 DEGREES 39' 26" WEST, ALON; SAIU WEST LINF., 160.00 FEET TO TIiE POINT OF BGGINIdING. WHEREAS, the CiCy Planning Commission did hold a publxc hgaring at the Civic Center in ttie Ci~y of Anahoim on October 2ti, 19f17, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot- said pu~lic hearing haviny been duly given ns requ.ired by law and in accordanc~ w~.r.h the p~•ovi~ions qf the Anahoim Municinal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear arid consid~r evi3enca for an~l aga.ins~ sai.d proposed vaxiance and to investi~ate and rnake findinqs a.nd reconunsndations zri conne,c+:xon therc~with; and WIiEREA5, said Commission, a[ter clue inspection, investiga~ion and 4tudy madQ by itself. anQ in its beha'lE, a~id after clu~ consideration of all ovi~ience and reports offarQd a~ said hearing, dAes find and deCermins the following facts: garage: 1, That tha p~ritioner proposes w~iver of tho following to expand a ~E~1'IQN.i~~2?L2~.~_t9?4. -- Minim~!l~_~~@~L~!~ Se.~~.~ks. ( H_,_5,~.~~~ required: .~._fqg~ proposed). 0~.02r °C87••22I ~`fi~' .,. . ~ . . . ~ . . 1~~ r~ .. ~ r~ , ~~, , ;:~ w ,<<:,~.~ 2. 'that the above-meriLioiaecl waiver is hereby yrante~ on the basis that tYie pe~i~ianar demonstr~ihed th~t a hardsliip exis~s in that there ~ire ~pecial circumsi:ances appli.cable to the property such as size, shape, topography, lucation or surroundings, which do not apply to other identicall~- zoned pro~erties in the vicinity; axid that strict application of rhe 2oning Cade deprives t-.he Yroperty of privileges enjoyefl by other properties in identi.cal zoning c?.as,iEicatior, in tY~e viciniL•y. 3. That L•here ;~re exceptional or extraordinary ciz~cumstances or conditions ap~licablh Co the property inv~lved or to L-k~e intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in tY-e same vici.nity and zone. 4. That the requesror~ variance is necessary and enjoyment of a sub~tantittl fur thc~ prc~servation property the saan~ vicinity an~d xone, and denied to right possessed th by othQr proper~y i21 e property in questa.on. 5. That th~ request;ed variance will not be mal:erially detrzmental to the pu;~lic waZfare or injuri~us to the property or improvemer.ts in such vicinity and zone in tvhicri the property is lacated. 6. That 1 per~on indica~ed his prssence at saicl public hearing in opposition; and thaL no coirespondPnce was roceived in oppositioii to suh~ecf. petition. ~ALIr,QRNTH ~NVIRONMEN'TI~L QUALITY A~T FINDiNG: The Planning Direct~r or his authoriz~d. repz•esentative has determined ~hat the ~roposecl pro~ect falls within thU definition of. Categorical Gxemptions, Class 5~ as clefined i.n the StaL•e ETR Guidelines and is, ttierei'ore, catec~o.ricaZJ.y exem~,~ from t}ie requirPmpnt to prepare an 1;IR. NdW.• THr^.RF.FnRE, BE IT KESOGVEJ) that tho Anaheim Ciry Plann3.n~ Commission does hAreby grant subjQCt Pe~t.itioi~ for Variance, upon tho following canditfuns which are horoby found to bo a n~~~~~~ry prQrequisit~ t,o t2ie proposed use of ~}ie subject propext;y in order to preserve the satety anil ge ir~1 woltare oE the Citizens oE the City of Anaheim; 1. 1Y-ak subject property shall be de.veloped substazitially in nccordance with plans and spQCificntions on file with ~he City oP Anaheim marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 and 2. i. Th~t prior to final buildinq Znd zoning inspect:ions, ~ondition No. 1, above-montion~ci, shall be comp.liad with. -2- PC87-221 Y 1 A ~~~~5~i~~ta. i~j• / F ~ ~ . ~ . ~^ s1q+k?!d0. ~~~/~ R .;tiz1'v . ~, -- . ~ . . i..... ,e ~~. BE IT FURTF~ER RESOLVEn that tYie Anahexm Cil•y Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that acl~ption of this Ytesolution. is expressly ~redica~ed upon app].icant's compliance wiL•h each and all of the conditions herPinabove set forth. Shauld any sunc ~onditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or uneniorceable by the Einal judgment o~ any court of compe~ent jurisdictian, tl~en this Rosolutior~, and any appruvals herein corirained, shall he d~.emed null and void. THE FORLGOTNG R~SOLUTT~N is signed ~snd approved by me this 26th dt~y of OcLober, 1Qfi7. ~ , ' ~ ~~~,~~ ~'~ f~ ~~.~-f--~~-~-~-- _ ~ CHAIRMAN, ANA..T~E M CITX PL"AP~NING COMtdISSION ATTEST: ~~.~--~_~~,~ SECRETARY, ANAHGIM CI'iY PLANNING CO!~SISSION STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OE OFANGE ) ss. CITX QF ANAHFIM ) t, Edith L. Harris, Secrerary of the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission, do heceby certify tha~ nc~~ foregoing resolution was passed and adoptod at a meeting of the Anahoim City Planriing CornmissiQn held on Qctober 26, 1987, by the foll~wing vote of- the members thereof: AYES: COt~iMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARLJSILL,O, FELDHAUS, HERBS't, MC BURNEY, M~5SE NOGS: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER5: NONE IN WITNESS WH~FF.C~, I have h~reunto set my hand tiis 7.6th day of Oc~ober, 1987. ___.~.._- G~~L.~c-'(!`y ~~ ~/L-~r SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLh.NNING COMhfIuSION ..3- PC87-221 ;<;(._ _. . ~ ~ , ;; s ~; i ~ .~: '~~f..~ - , r d ~~?~.^a`~, ~'' ~',..~ '~ ~ ~- ~i ~ 3!~