PC 87-23, . ,f, . ... . . . .. . .. ... ,, - „~ ~ _. . ; 12ES(iLUTIqN NQ. F~97-'l3 A RLSOGUTlUN OF 'PHE ANAHE;TM CT'PY L~LANNING C:OMMYSSION TFIA'P PE'PITI01~ FnR VARIt1NCE N0. 36~U f3E GRAN'~LD WHk;RKAS, Pet:iti t:he Anaheim Cit,y Planning Comrnission did receive a verifted on ~or Variance from FDWAI2P ; California 9U20:1 own ~ NOEiER AND EVF; NOBF'R, 8354 Wilcox, Cudahy, , Ctilif~r~:ia 91802 ers, dRC EARL age~lt for cer t: ~ARR, i650 ~outh Harbor Aaulevard, i Anaheim, , Anaheim, C~~ur.l:y of . a Orang~, St:ar e of . -i ceal. pro~erEy sir.uar.ed in the Califor i 3 City oF _ n a ~ es~ribed as: 'I'11C N012TH 81.OC FEET OI' 'Cklu SOUTEI 256.00 FE~T OC `l~~IE SOUTHWCST QUAR`iFTt GF THE NURTHWEST QU~IRTER OF '1'HE SOUTHEAST QUART~R OI' SrCTTON 22, 'POWIVSHIP 4 S~UTEi, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THF; RAiVCE{0 SAN JUAN CAJON DF SANTA 11NA, AS PEE~ MAP Rh'CORDGD IN J30GK 51, NAG~; 10 ~F M'[SCELLANLOUS MAPS TN THE UG'F'IC~' OF' mHF CUUNTY RECURDER OF SATD C()UhTX. ~~FiGREAS, t:he Cit:y p],anntng uomsni.ssion did hold a~:~ublic hearing az t:he Civic: Cent:Ar in r_he Cit:y oE A.naheim ~n ,lanuary 19, 19Ei7, at 1:3~t p.m., nor.ice oP said public h~aring haviny been duly given as re~uired by law and in accordance wirh tiie pr.ovisions oE t.h~~ Anaheim t9uciicipal Code, Cn~pter 18.~J~, t:o hear and consic~er evi~7encs Eor and a,a.ins~_ sai~l T~ro~osed variancp ~nd i:o invesr_igaCe and mak~• f.indings a:~d recommendations in connection therewith; ar~d W[iEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, i.nvest;,gar.i.on and study r,iade by i.ts~lE and in ii_s uehalf, and aft~r due considerat.~on of a.l.l evidence and re~~o-r~ UFEered at: said heac.ing, doe:.; fi.ncl and determine the £ollowinq facr_s: 1. Tha-. ~.he ~ei.it-.ioner propose:, wciivers o[ t.he following ~.o expand an exist.ing mot:ei: SCCTI~N5 18.06.0~0.0232 - Mini.m~im number oE ~ark~ng ~ces. 18.06.05U.0?33 ('l98 parking spares re~uired; 1.14 ~~~r.kir~ 1£t.06.q50.0241 s aces pco~osed) - 1a.U6.080 ANn ~ 18.4H.06G.050 2. Tha~: r_he above-ment.rrned watvec is hereby crant.ed on the basis thaF rha-: rhe E~ark.ing wai~er wi11 no~. ca~xse an Lncreace in traF£ic conge3tio7 in rhe i.mmediate vicir.i.ty nor ~~dver.~ely tiF~zc~. any ad,uining ?.and uses and gcant:iag oE kne parking waiver under +he con~it.ions i«,~,osed, .if ~ny, wi11 not be d~r.riment.al r.~ i.he [~A_aC~~ !~~ealth, safety und general welfare of ~he citizenc of the Ci!:y of Anaheim. a 3. Tha~ r.he ~roE~r~ced use is hereby yran~e~ ~ubj~ct ro rhe ; per.itioncr's st~pu,lar_ion ar_ i:h~ public hearing r:.~ ~li.min~t:e th~a kiosk approvPd ' un~er. Vari~anr,~ No. 389~ ar. ~:he end of' r.he lea:;e agreement. Wi-:t~ the u:;P.C of ~ said kiosk. 4. Thar: t_here ar~~ rxcep~.i.onal or exr.~aordinary circumr~tances or con~iir,ions aopli.cable to the pr~per+~y lnvolved or t:o r_he 1nt.~ndec: use of the pro~ecty t:hat do not a~aply g~n~cally r.o t:he ~ropert:y or. CidBII oE use in thp same ricinity and zon~. 1U33r PCQ7-23 '~ "~f.;,~~. ", -- - ~~ ~ ~;;~~ il,i ., . . .. . , ~ ~ ~ ,~t~r~~~~~~~~ ~ ,r. 5. Th~t rhe r.GC;uest:ec] varlance i.; n~ceUsary for the preservatian and en joyment oE a substantia.l pr~perCy rigl:r_ a same vicini~y ana 4one, and denJ.ed i: o t h e ~°~'s~s`ed by o~:he; property in t.tie pro~erty ~,n question. 6. That rhe r.equesr_ed vari.ance wiil no~ be materially detrzmental r.o t:he public welfare oc iniurious to the vicinit~ propert.y nr irnprovemEnr_s in sur,l, ~ ~ and zone in which -.he ~roperl:y is 1QCc~tEd. , ~~r , 7. °lhat no ~ne indicated ~_he.ir presEnce atr_ said opposit:ion; anr] that nn correspon~ence was r.eceived ~in ,~ publzc hearfng in petitfon. ppusiL-iun to si.ibjeci: ENVIRUNMEVT.~L TMPAC7~ rTNDItdG: Tha+~ ~:he Anaheim City Plar,ning Commi~s.i.on has rFViewed the proposal ~o ea and an exis- of mir.imum n~imber oE requirecl p jn9 motel with waiver parki,~y space,, on ~ r~ctangularly-shar~ed p~rcel of land consisting oE approximar_ely 3.47 acres, having a fronl-age of ~PPL~ximat:ely 2S2 fc~er_ on +:he east-. sidP ~F Harbor F3oulevard, ana further describ~d as 1650 Sout:h Y:arbar Boul?vard (Saga Mot:el); an~ does hereby ai~Pcove ~:he NFg:,t:z~e Declarar.ion upon Eindi.ng t:hat. it has ~onsidered +_' Dec.l~3ration ~:ogethe~ with any c~~mmenr_s received darin the ~ne Negati,v~ pr~cess and further findina an the basis of -:he ini~ial sgud,v and ua yccomr2nts recexved r_hat t:here is no substantial evxdence th~3t the project will have a significan* eEfect on khe t~nvironmenr_. NOW, THERE~OFtE, BE IT RFSOLV~U F:ha-: t.he Ai7ah~im City Plannir.g Commis.~ion do~s hcreby yrant: subjec:t: ~e-.ltion For Variance, upon the fol,low.iny conGir_ion~ wtiich are her.eby Eound to be s-~ neces~jary ~rereguis~L-e i:o r:h~ proposed use c-~t the ~;ubject: pro~e~•t;y jn ord~r to ~~reser.ve the aaiety and genera?. wel.fare of r..he Cir.iz~~ns o[ t.he Cit:y uf Anaheim• Y. 'rhaf ~ rior to issuance oC a'~uildiny oQrmit, the appr,cpriate tra£fic signal zases~menr. Eer- s~;al~ he pair~ -:~ t.he c;it:y cf Anaheim in an amount as detecmined by thP Cil.y Counci.l. ~. Thar. all d,-ivew~~ys sha11 be cons~ruci:cd or. recon3trucL•ed i:o aer.ommoda~~.c~ i.~r~ ( lp ) toot. rac; ius r.~;rl., ret,urn3 as cequir~d by t:he City Tr~~ffic Engineer. 3. Tha+, r_h~ ocrn~r of: :~ll!~jnCt. PxUPCrhy shali PaY t_u the Ci.ty of Anaheim a fee Cor i~zc~e planr.inc.~ aurposes a~unu Harbor. F,oul.evUrci in an ~rnount d~ d~~+_errnined by t:he c:ity ~ouncil. 4• "~~at prior, t.o renduring o; water service, t_he a Fo~: primary, secondary and f.ire ~~roi_ectior, shcill k~~p id tto theeWaaer Uti1i~1~ Uiv.sion ~y I;he Dcvr~.lo7er in accc~rdar.ce wih.h .tu!~~ 15A arcd 2p of-. t_he Wat:~r tlr:i.lity R~t.P9~ Kules and RQqu.la~ians. 5. ~~ifar_ ;ub jecr. oropert:y .,ha11 be c3evalor~ed subst~~nt:ially in ar_cordance ~ri~:h plan~ and .~p~ctE.tcat. ions on £ile with the City of l~naheim marked ~xht~it Nos. 1 t:hr~~u~7h 1C; prr.~vidwd, howevf~r, t.har_ tt~e si n ,.hal? comply wit:t~ ~.he ?.oninc~ Codz an~ shall kye A g Plan ~ PI~t~~[~ir1g Deparr_ment 3r_aff. unlp~s ~~ sign variance is requirEd and ~is ~~+prcved by i_he Planning Commi,aicri ~r t:ne Git:y Counci.l. -2- PC87-23 r ~Jrrl~Ahi.S~ah~"~.e~~1~~ ..iJ.,. . . .. - . ~ f°i~1 ~ ~! . . ~ ' ~ J v tis7~ 1''e ~ { y~l' :.'.~ 6~ That ~rior to icsuance ~y a building permii~, or withii: a period of one year f.rom rt-~e date of this resolutiori, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1 and 3, above-men~ioned, ~hall be comglied w.ith. Exr.ensions Eor further time to com~le~.e said conditions may be qrant:ed in accordance wit_h Section 18,03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal C::;:3 ~ . 7. That: prioc to iin~1 building and zoning ins~ections, Cancliti~n P~os. 2 and 5, ab~ve-iaentiuned, shall be complied wi~.h. ;; « EiE I'P FURTHrR I2ESOI,VEn t:hat the Anaheim City .Planning Commxssion does l~ereby find and deterrnine that adopti.on oP this Re3o'lution is expressly predica~ed i.~pon applicant's compliance with each and a.ll of thP conditions hereinaLove se~ Eort:h. Shoi~ld ~~ny such c~ndi.tion, or any pari: ther.cof, be de,l~red inval'_d ~r unEnforceable by the fiinal judg~rent of: any cauri: of ~; competent juri~dict.zon, i:t~en r.his Resolu+.ion, anc3 an.y appr~val~ h~rein ;= contained, shall be deemed nu1.1 and void. THE FOREGOING RGSOLU'I'lON is signed and appr~ved by me t.his 19th day ot January, 1987. ~--' ~f`~~~A~l/' 'f ,. -_-'~°~!~ /~'/ .~~ -/~~,~,,;~: ,, C~iAIP.i4AN_,~ EIM CITY I'L NING COMMJ.~,SION A'PTEST: ~ SECRET RY, ~1NAHE:[hi CI Y PLANP]ING COMM;~SSION STATF OF CALI['ORNIA ) COUNTY OI' GRA~GE J ss. CITY OF nNAHEIbi ) T, Edi1.h 1.~. Harri~, Se, ~~'- cy oE th~ Anahei.m City Planning Commis:~ion, do hsr.ehy cert:ify that the fpre~,~oing resolutlon v~a~ passed and adoptec9 ar_ a mee~:.iny ~~f th~~ Anahei.m C~ity Plannirig Commission held ~n Januar.y 19, 1987, by the Pollowinq vot:e of: the members therenf: AYES : COtdMtSSIONLRS : BOUAS, FRX ~ EIFR3S'P, LA .:LAI R~, L~~4VICKI, MC 9URNEY', ~: MESSE i , NOE3: Cc.'1MMISSIONERS: NONE , AHSENT: COMMISSTOt~EItS: NONP IN FIITNF;SS WEIGRrOE', t h~vc hereunko sct my hand tllis 19th day oE January, 1~87. ~ _~~La„c.r-'`'' c~~ . S~CRLTARY~ (ANAH~':M CI'PY PLANJ~ING CUMMI3SION -3- PC67-23 ~;^ r; .,4; ,'",~~I `' t `^ _ `.~ , t.s. „~Y , ~~~`~• . ~ ~ ~ ,