PC 87-24~~~_ , , R}.SOLUTIUN NOa PC87-24 A RFSOLUTION OF THL 1NAEIETM CZ'i'Y PLANNTN~ COMMISSION THAT PGTI'1'ION L~OR VAR:IA~iCE N0. 3631 BE GkAtJTLp wHEREAS, ~:he Anaheim Cii:y Planniny Commission did receiv~ a verified Pe~iti~n fnr Variance from L. N. MUNSON, 16480 Hac~i~or F3uuJ.evard, ~1Q2, ~ Fountain Valley, Ca.lif.ornia 9270~, owner, and RUBERT CROWTHEK/MUNSON ~;' nROPER`PIES, 16~180 Harbor D~ulevard, #102, Fountain Valley, C'aliforrifa 927CA, agen~. [or cerr.ain ce~1 pr.operty si~iYated in r.h~ City of Anaheim, County of Urange, State of California described as: PARC~L 2 OI' PARCEG h1AP N0. S4-i48~ IN 'PHG CI`PY UF ANAHEl'M, C~IJNTY OF URANGL, S'PATE OE' CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MIP,P t~ IL~U IN BOOK 2U2 PAGES 14 ~ AND 15 C1I' PAR(.!~.: MAf~S, TN '.CHE OFFZCE UF TfiE COUNTY RECORD~R or SATD ; CUUNTY. WHL~t;AS, the Ci~y ~lanning Commission did holci a public hearing aL- t:t~e Civic Cent:~r. ir~ t.he Cit.y of Anaheirti on January 19, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been dul,y giv~n as requirad by law and in accordai~ce with the provisir~~is oE t:he Anaheim Muni~ipal Code, Cha~~ter 18.03, to hear and consider evi~3ence for <tnd against :;aid propased variance and fic, invest.igzte and make findings and recommendatiuns in connection therewiL-h; and WH~REAS, said Commission, aFter due inspec~:.ion, investigati.on and st:uc]y made by itselt and ir. it~ behalf, and afr_er due considerat:ian of all evidenc~ and reports off-ered at: said hear.ing, du~s f.ind ~.nd de~ermine the followinc~ fact~: 1. Tha~ the petit:iuner pra~~ses waiver.s of r_he following to u~:ilize up t~o 35~ (4 uni':s) oc a r.et:ail centcr P~r r.es~caurant!~ood service uses: SECTIONS 1a.06,050.022 - Min.iirum number aL parking spaces 7.8.~6.05U.0231 (89 s~ac~s requl.red; 75 J C~CE:U pxisl:ing) :~B.OG .08U ANll -' 1a.44.066.050 2. Tha+: r.he ubove-men~:i.oned waivers are hereby granted on t:he bGsi~ t~.hak t_he parking waiver wi].1 r-or. cau~~e an increase in rtaff .r congest:ion in the immediat.e vici~~ity r,or adversely aifecr_ any adjoir:i.ng lund u~es and granting o.E the parking waiver under i:he c~ndit.ions imposed, iF any, wi11 not: be dekrimental i:~ r.he peace, hea.li:h, safety and yeneral welf.ac~ c~f t5e cit:izens ot ~.:he Cit:y of Anah~im. 3. Tha~ a mZxir~um of 4,717. square feeC in the comir~eccial center may be used foc enclosed rest:a~arant/FOOd secvice isses. 4. Thar_ i:.here are excepr.ional or ext:r4ordinary circums~ance~ oc c<~ndir,ions app.licable to the ~rc~pert~y invn'lvtd ur rr, the inr.ended use of. ~ha pr.operty that du riot: apply ycn~rall,y t:o t.he ~r.operty pr class of use in the sAme viciylt~y and zane. ',; . ~ 5. That thc requesr_ed variance is ner_essary for the preservation and enjoyment oP ~ substantlal property right ~ossess~d by other pcoperty in the same vic.init:y and zone, and dAnied r_o the propert.y in ques~ion. 1034r FC8'-24 ~!; d+r,wrv ~ t',.. _ , . . , . ..~.. - - -- - , _. „ ,,.. .,,.. ,.. ., ... .... . .. _ t l drt.i~: ~.. ,.. kJ..M^... , ..... ~ . ....... ..... . . .,. _ ..., ...._ . . , . . . . '.i~~" , r~~ 6. That the r4q1est:ec7 variance wiLl n~t be materially detrimental t:a ~uct~ t i Lhe public welEare or injuri.cas t~ the pro~erty n :s or improvemen vicinity and z~~ne in which the pro~~erty i.s lc~ca~ed• 7. That no one ~.ndica~ed theit presence d at. said public hearing i.n osition ~~o subjec~ in a opposition; and that pp no corresp~ndence was receive petition. c,NVtROY~MENTAL IMPACT ETP:DING: Thai, the Anaheim City Plan~f na Commissian has Ceviewed L-h~ pr.oposa_l i.o utilize un to 35~k (4 uni.ts) reL-ail cer~ter for rPSr.aurant/food service u:;es with waiver o£ minimum number of parkirig spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel o.E tar~d consistiny of approximatply 1.~ acres and locat:ed north and west of ~~e nort:hwest carner oE Linrcln AvenuF: and Gilhert S~CP.pt~ and ?~aving approximate frontaqes ar 140 ~eer on +:he north sicie of Lincol.n Avenue and 46 feer on t:he west side uf uilbert SLreet, and Eurther desc~ibecl as 2105 and 24I5 West Lin~hat it nhas and daes heret~v appcov~ the tdeyative Declaration upon finding considered ttis Negarive Declarat:i~~n t~ogether with any comments received diiring t.Yie public review process and Further finding c~n the basis af t:hA initial study and any commenCS received i:hat i:here is no substantial evidence that the projeci: wili. have a siyn~ficant effect on r.hP en~:iconrnent. NpW~ THERECORE, l3E :CT RESOLVED that Lhp Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby granr.. subject Per.ir.inn for Vaciance,~e ~qi~isi:e o~oOW~hP co;~diti~ns wt-i.ch are hereby found r.o be a.zeces..ary p rhe sa~at and pr~p~sed u,se of l-.he suk~ jec~: pro~erty in ur~9Er 1-o preserve Y general welfare of th~ Cit.izens of tt~e Cit:y of ~naheim: 1 That prior to issuance QI a building permit:, the appropri«tc traffic tn an ' , signal ass~~ssment. £ee aha.ll be paid i::o t:~e Ci.l:y of Anaheim ; ~' amoun+ as cief:ermined by ~_he Ci.ty Council. 2. T.hat. drairiage aF subjecr pccnerty shail k~e dispased of: in a mannez satisfacto~y ~-o ~.he Cir.y Engi.n~ec~ 3. Tr;ar subjHC:*- pCOpPtt.y shall bci ~erved by underground urilities. ':'. ;, 4 Tha~ prior to co~nmencrymen+: ot s~-ruc~:ura1 framiny, Eire hydrants shall r ;~ r• . y be instal.'.ea and rharged as requitecl and det.ermine~ t~ l.i° nece~sa „ ' by t:he ChieF of. ~:he cire Department. ~: , `. ~ 5. 'I'hat t~:asti- st~rage areas sh~l:l be p~ovided and m~tintain~d in Eet Mainten~nce Str ~h ~? . e accordance with approved pl~ns on file with F and Sanita~ion Division. ~'~ 6 Thai_ the t.ok.al area devcs~ed t:o resFaurant/[ood services shall noL- .~ . exr,eed Eour r_houaand seven huadr~d t:we.lve (4,712) square £e~t. 7. Thar_ subject peo~Nerr.y sha1.L te developed subsr.antial~y ir~ accordance ah~ai~n marked ~ A n with plans and speclEicar.ions on fil.e wit:h rhe ~i.ty o `~ Cxhibit Nvs. 1 and 2. ~ ~ 8 'I~ha~ ~rior to Einal buil.dinn an~ zoning inspections, CondiL-ion Nos. _.. ~ J . 3, 5, 6 and 7, above-men+~ioned, :;ha].1 be complied ait.h. 1 ,, ,r' ,~ PC$7~29 _2_ , ~ ~ ~ . _ .. _.. _ , . - -- - ,. ~,.,~ ;;,, ,.: . .~ ~ `n~~~ . ~. ii'~ 'F ~ ~:•i)~: E~i' . ~ . . .~_.'\ ~ ' ~ ' . . ~ ~`:i~! ~ ~ . i ;,,~~, ~ , . . . ~,, ,`:1 i BE I'r r~~ i~sot~VFD ~h1t the Anaheim CiCy P;~anning Commission does herehy fii~d and ~mine that adoption oP `.his Resolution is expressly pre.~•i.cated u~on cant's complin;lce with each and all af. the condii:ion~ herein~:hovs set ti. Shou.ld any such condi4i.an, or any parL thereoE, be declarQd irivalid r unenforaeabl~ by the final j~adyment ut any c~urt o~ comper.~nt juris ~tion, ~hen this Resoltition, ancl any a~prov:,is herein c~n~ained, sha' ,~e deemed f~ull and void. 'PHE Fvk~:,GOTN!; f2F50LUTI0N is signed and apptoved by mE fihis 19~h day of January, 1987. ~a , G~., f , ~' ~ 7"'~, ~ j~~ ~ ~ .r , . '" . ../ ~,G CHe~TRMAPl, ~N11 EIM CITY PL ING COMMISSION ATTLST: ~ ~a~ ~ _ - - - .~~,~~^--~~ SECKE`PARY, ANAHETM CI'PY PLANNING CQ~4MISSIUN 5TA'PE OF CAL2E QRNI?1 ) C~JlJN2'Y OE ORANGE ) sy . G.LTX UC' AC7AEI~;IM ) I, Edith L~. Hurr.is, SECrei.ary of the Anahe:im City ~lanning Commission, do hereby certit-y tha~: the fore~3oing r~saluti.an was passed and adop+.~~ at a meeting of r_he Anaheim City Planning ~ammission held on January 19, 19a7, by the following vote ~f fhe mem~~er~ 1:her.eof: AYES: COt4MT_SSION~RS: BO'OAS, ERY, H~12B~T, LAYJ'T.CKI, MC f3UR..]~;Y, MGSSE NOES: COMMISSi~JNBRS; NGNE ABSE',12': COMP9TSS70NCRS: LACL'AIR~ Z~I WITNGSS Wtiil2E0[', I have he:eunto set mj~ hand i:his 19t.h day of January, .1987. ~ , ~ ~ ~ SE~R~'PAR , ANAEIEIM CI'PY PLANNING COyMI58Y0N ~: ,