PC 87-240~~~ RE.~.Q~T2N NQz ~~$~_~!~4 A RI:SOI~UTION OF :"iiE ANAFiG?I~n CITY PLANN]:NG COMAtISSION TERMINA7':;v~ ALL PR~C!:EU7NGS IN CONN~CTIQN' WIxI4 CONUII'I~NAL USE I'~RMIT N0. 1710 ~~;AEREAS, on Augu~r 1, 1977, Conditio:ial ilse ~ermit No. 1720 was grant::ct by tlie Planning Commission ho permiL a zdcreational vehiclc~ park in conjuhcCion wi~h ~ motel with w~ivQr of min~.mam Y,uildinc~ setback and coquirc~d blocls wal: (Resolution hu. PC77-163). WHERFAS, on J;acie 2, 1907, the Czty Co~xncil approvod Reclagsific~tior. No, f37-•8F-32 ~n coiijucL•ion w~t:- Gener~l. Plan 1.mencLnent No. 22II and Var.:3ance tdo. 3654, to cnnstruct a 3-~Lory 1~.1~-unit, "aftord~b'le" apartmenL• r.omplox, and ~~~~ ot the condi.L•inns of approval requxred tha applicunt t~ submit a letter requesting terminatian of Con~lition~il Use Permit No. i720; and WEITR~AS, Alb~rt J. Marsh~il.1, lic:+ S~.~Lu,it~.eci a lei:tui rcqu~s--ing termination oF C~nditiona'1 Use ~ ermit 1~;,. 172U to satisi-y sa:icl cont~i.ti.on. t~04i~ THEREFORE, Pr IT RESOLVF;D that the Anahei.m City Planr.ing Cc~mmis.~ion does herc~by t~~r~*.~.tiat:~~ al] proceedings in connection w.ith on the basis of the f.orea~~~ig findings. TF~E F'OR~Gt17NG i2G~bLl!'!'TON Of, IJO~'QI~ILP.Z'~ 1987. ATTEST:~y , ~ j -----._...-_k?_~~~~__..~T--___,~~~t~~ '1._'L4,~:._._.___ SECRETAkY, Ai.3AFiEIM CITY PLATTNING CODIN,IS5IOT1 STATE; OE CALIFURNTA ) CUUNTY OE UI2ANG~: ) ss. CTTY OF a.NAHBIM ) I, 6ciith L. Flarris, SQCretary of the Anah~i:n City Plann.ing Commission, da hc;reby certi~y r.haL• the Eor.agcing resclution was passed ~nd ac?opted at a meer.ing o£ the Anaheim City Yliinn~ng Cornmission held or. NovemDer 9, 1987, by r.he f.ollowirlg votc of thc: r~ember3 therenf: AXE5: CUWySIS5I0t7EP,5: BOiJAS, IiOYDSTUPI, CARUSILLO, FEf.nHAUS, 1?~~RF3S:, MC BURNEY, MESSF NOF.S: COMMISSYQNI:RS: NONB A~SEPTT: COMMISS'tOt~ERS: NONF. IN WI7.'P1ESS W~iF.REOE', I huvQ herQUnLo ~et my hand this 9th ciay o£ 21r~~ernLcTr. 1787 . (~' , '~~..~.~~ ~._ ;~ ,~., _t SF,CR~TAP.Y, A2JAH6TM CITY PLAN~TING COt~tLSSION is sS.gn~d and approv~d by me this 9th day i '•), f~,,Y: ~~~ :~~ ~' `/ ~ ~" -:~~. ~_.____------__ . CfiAIfiMAN, A.tiAHEiM C Tl' PLA2JNTNG COMM.T.SSION '>~; 0123r PCB'l-240