PC 87-25f`~ ,"", !~'~ ~ ~""~, RF~O'LUTION NO PC87-25 ' A ItESdLUTION OF THE ANAHE.iM CITY PLANNtNG COPfMISBIC?N THAT PGTI'PION FOR VARIANCC N0. 3633 IIG GRAN'.~ED WHER~AS, t:he Anaheim City P.lanning Commisszon dic~ r..~ceive a verif:~ed Petil.ion Por Variance f.rom STEV~N AND R:[CHAFtD GUMI~ERT, TNVES'POR i?L'ALTY CpMPANY, P. G. Box 2418, Newport Beaeh, California 9Z6G3, o~ners, a:~d VERA fiARPGR, i:NllGPGNI~ENR' DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, P. 0. Box 2418, [~ewporc Beach, California 92063, agent, oF certain real property situat:ed in the City of Anai~eirn, Caunty ~f Orange, Sta~e of CaliFoznia described as: ` BEGINDITNG R7' THE SOUTkIEAS'~ CORNLR OF` Sk;CTION ?,0, TN TpWNSHTP 4 ! SCUTH, RANGG lb WEST, SAN B~;RNAR^lN0 RAS~ AND MERIAIAN, IN Z'HE ' '` ` RANCFiO I~0$ COYO'i'FS COUN~' n , . Y 0~' OkANGE, STATs OF CALIFORNIA, AS SF~OWN ON A MAP OF TRACT NU. 21,7G THEiirO~' RECORDFD IN D~OK 59, PAGES 34 AND ~: 35 OF MiSCELLA[~1EQU~ MAP;, RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTX: ~AiD COI2NER ;! ~GING ALSO TI~iG INTERSECTION OF THF CENTER LI[~E OF KATEL~L,~ AND EUCLID , ;~VENUE; Z'FlEPICP NORTH 89° 15' 50" WEST 397.25 FEEi ALt?NG THE CEDiTE't2 ;:: LIf.'E OP KATELLA AVENUE TO TH~ SOUTHERLY PRUL•ONGAT]:ON OF THE EASTER~Y ~~'~ ~~: L~ING ~F LUTS 24 to 2$ OE' TRACT 2].76; TC3ENCF. NORTH 0° 44' ].0" EAST, "~ 394 .1f3 i EET ALONG aAI7 ~F{STFRLY LINE TO THE SOUT:I~ITEST CORN~R OF L~JT "' 22 OF' SAID '"RAC'C N0. 2176; THENCF. ALUNG 'PFIE SOUTHERLX LINE OF LOTS ``•~ 18 THROUGH ~2 t~I' SATb TRAC'i' N0. 2176; THENCB ALONG THE SOtJTHERLY ,';i' 'LINE OF L'OTS 18 THRUUGH 22 OF SAI~ TRACT N0. 2176, SQ~JTE. 89° G5' 00" `` EAST 398.~9 1 EET TO A POZNT IN THL C~NTER LINE OL' EUCT.,ID AVFNUE; ''~ 'CHENCE ~OUTH 0° 55' 00" W~SZ', 392.93 FGET. ALONG TEIE CENT.ER LINE OF , EUCLI~ AVk,NUE TG ~~HE Pt"1I~iT OC BEGINNING. 1.~f PIH~;REAS, the Cil:y Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at +:he Civic Cenr.zr. in the City of Anaheim on January 19, 1987~ a~ 1:30 ~' norice c~L- said public: hearing t,a~ing been dul P.rn., y gi~~en as required by law and in accordancP wi.t.h the ~rovisi.ons of the ,'naheim Munzci.paJ. Code, Chap~er. ],8.03~ 1~ ~o hear. and car~sider E~videnc:e f.ur and a5ains~. said ~roposed variance and to ,~' invest:igate and make find.in~~ and recomi~~en~9atic~ns in connection fherewith; and WFIEREAS, s~id Commis~~ion, u~ter dize insp~c ~i.on, invest.tgativn and ~~ study !nade b_y it:~el~ ar.~9 in ir_s behalf, and after du~ con~i.dera+~ion of u11 ~ evidence and report.s oft-ered at said Yiearing, does find and determin~ the £o.llowing facts: 1, Thar, thra ~,e~.itioner propases wai ~er.s of the fol.lowing to cnnstruct: a sfngle-story, 3-building, 2~,975 ,;quarP foal: retail center: (a) SECTIOtd 18.h4.062.011 - Maximiun sr:ructural heic~hr.. r (5 Ee~k perrnil.ted when lo:~ated 10 feet f!•om singZe-family residentiial r.onino; 18 proposed) 2. 'Phat: th~ above-mer~~ ioned waiver is herPby yr.an~ed on the basis r~~t r_here are ,pecill circumstances applicable ~:o the proper~y such as si.ze, - shape, tupo~raphy, locar.ion and surroundings c~hicn do not apply to other identic~ll,y zonec~ pcoPerty in s,he same viciiiity; and that ~tri~t applicati~n of the Zoning C~de de~rives the ~roperi:y of privileyes enjoyed hy other ~roperti.es ir~ ~he identical zone and classi£ication iri the vicinity. „ 103Qr. PC87-25 ^~^~eo~r ~~ , ;°~, 3, '~hat there are exceptional or extr~~ardinary ci.rcumsr,ances or condi.tions appliaabl^ ~:.o the propert1 involved or ro ~he inter.ded use c~f the oroperty that ~o not apply generally to the properi:y or class of use in the s7me vicinity a~:d zor,e, and denied to t.he proper~y in quest.ion. .; 4. Tha!: r,h~ r~qi!estn~] v~riance i~ necessary for the preservation an~~ Pnjoymen~: of a subsrantial property righ~ possessed by nther property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the proper~y in qu~stion. 5. 7`hat the requested variance will r.ot be matar.ially detrimental to the public welfare oc injurious t:o the propert:y or ~mpravements in such vicinity and zone in wh~ch the property is located. 6. ~hat no one i.ndicelt:c~d tn~~ic presenre at said public hearing in opposition; ar.ii i;hat no correspondence was received in cpposition to subject petition. ~ ENVIItONP9EN2'AL Ih1PAC`~ FINllING: That the Anaheim City Planning Curnmi~sion has reviewed the ~r.o~osal to coristr.uct a single~-story, 3-builc3ing, . '?.g,975 square foo~~ rerail ~enter with waiver nf. maximum sr_r.uctura]. h~ight an a ~ cectangu].arl,y-shapec? parcel of land con~isting ~f approximately 2.6 acces , l.ocatec~ at r.he narthwesi~ c~~rn~r of Ka~ ella Avenue and Fuclid Street, and further described as ~.'70].-1?49 Wesr: Katella Avenue; and does hereby approve the Iveyative Declarar_ion upon findiny that it has considered the Nega~ive Declar~xt:ion t:ogeth~r wit_h any comment:s rer.eived during the public review precess and further finding on the bas~s of i.he i.ni.tia.l study an~~ any comment~ r~cei.ved r_h:~t there is no s~abs~~nrial evidence that t~he pr~ject will have a signific:~nt effect. or, th~ environmFnt. NOW, THEF;LI'ORE, BE IT N.~SOLVF.D ~hat the Anaheim City Planning C'OlllfTll5^aZOn does hereby yrar~t subjer.L- Pe~it.ion for Var:iance, upon the following conditions which are hereby Found '.o bc a nec?ssary prerequisi'ce to th~ oro~osed use oF the ~ubj~ct progerL-y in order to preserve the sa£ei:y and general we].fare oP l:he Citizens ot the C~ty of ~nahcim: ~1. 'Phat~ the o~rner of suhject nro~nrt:y shal.l pay to t-.he C.iL-y o£ Anaheim a Eee for tree planting pur~,ases along Luclid Street in an amounL• as determine~ by the Ci~y Counci.l. 2. Tizat prior Lo issuance of a Uuilding permi~~ ~.he appropriate t;:affic signa.l asses3ment EPe shall ~e paid ta t_he City of Anaheim in an amount: as det.ermined by ~hc~ City Co!~rt~:il. 3 e '~i~at a11 dr. ivewa,ys ~hall be consi:ruci:ed or reconstructed to accommodate ten (10) f~ot radius curb returns as requared by the Cf~y TraPfic Lng:~n~er. 4. That drainage oE sizb ject prepeet;f shall be dispa,eci oE in a manner sarisPactory +-o L-he Cit:y Enyineer. 5. That subjec:t pr.oper.ty ahall be serv~d by underground utilities. r i ,, ~ f I:i ~ ,i I ;; j o. That kh~~ ownpr of subj~ct prop~r.ty ,hall ~ay t~ the c:ity of Anaheim a t2e t:or st:reet: lighting along Kat~lla r~venue in an amount as determined ~y the Ci.ty Council. -2- PC87-25 ;+ ''; '; ,:''r ;, C ~'n ~. tw~ ~•~. 7, : ~cra°. ~ ~:1~ 75~~.Tt'it ' ' 'itrt ';i iti, That street liqh~ing Eacil.ities along Euclid Str.eet ~hall be installed as reouired by r_he titilities General M~nager in accordance with speci.`icar_ions on f:L]e zn the OFfice of Utiliti.es Gcneral Manaqer, ancl that security in the form oF a bund, certificate o~ deposit, lett:er uf cr.edit, or cash, in an ~imount and ~'crm sati~factory to Lhe City of Anaheim, sha.ll. be posted with the City to guaranl:ee the satis.ta::tozy completion c~f the abov2-ment?oned improvement~. Said security ~hall be ~ostec] with hhe City of :a Anaheim prior to issuanc:e of building permits. The aoove-reguired i~mpro~~ements sha.ll be :install.ed pri~r to occupancy. 8. That prior to commencement ~f sLructural framing, fire i-~ydranEs sha11 be installed and charged as r.equir~d and determineu to be necessary by tY,e Chief of. ti~e ['ire Depart.ment. 9. Thzit i.rash storage areas ~hall be pro~~id~~d and maintained In acc+~rdance with approved plans an fxle wi.th the Street Mainteriance anr3 Sanitar_ion Divisicn. ;~i 10. That. the owner/develo~er shall const~ruct medians in E~clid St.r.eet and Katella Avenue arid modi~y the existinr med.i.an in ICatella Avenue all as req~.tireci by the Cit:y TrafEic Enc;ineer, and tha~ that security i.n i:he form oE a bond~ certificate of deposit, letter oP credit, or cash, in an amount and form ~aczsf ac~:ory to the City of Anaheim, st-a11 be posr_ed H~ith t}ie C;.ty to guarantee the ~ati,~factary cornpietion of sai~.i f~mprovements. Said security shal.l be posteci with the City prior to appr.ovz l. uL- improvement plan~, t:o guarantee the insta.llar_ion of t:he above-required improvements prior to occuoancy. ? I, 7~hat in ttie ev~nt subject property is to be di.vided for the pur~ose oE sale, lea:~e, or L-inancing, a paccel -nap i:o recocd i:he a~proved division af subjec~ prc.~perty shal]. be submi.tted t~ and ~pproved by the City pf. Anaheim and then be recocded in t~he Of~ice ~f the Or~nge County Record~r.. 12. Tha~ in the event- a~arc~l map i.y recarded on ;~ubject propEr.ty, a rP~:iprocal ~~ccess and parking agreement, i.n a form sa~.isfac~cory l:o the City Atl-orney, sha11 b~ re;corded with the Of£ice oF the Orange Count~y Recorder. A copy aP the recorded ayr~ement~ shall then be submittpd t:o the P.lanning llepartmeni:. 13. That-. prior to rend~ring of wai~er service or L-he app.ropriate fees riue for primary, secandary and [ire prot~c~:ion shal'1 be paid to i:he wat:er. Util:it1 Division by the Developer in a~cordance with Rule.; 15A and 20 oF ~he Water Ui:ilit:y Rates, Rulea and Regulat~ions,, 14. That the owner/developer sha].1 construrt a aus ~urnout on Katell.a Avenue ~s reyui.red by Lhe City Tra~fic Engineer. That secur.ir.y in r.ne Form of a borid, certificare of depQSit:, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satis~acCory to the City of Araheim, shall be posl-.ed with the CiLy to guaranree the ~at~.sf.actory completion ~f said impro~~ements. ,^aid 3~curit.~~ shall be posted with the Ci~y oriur to occupancy~ Owrier/d~veloper shall, pri~r to constcuction of the bu~ t.~a*nout, irrevocably ofEer to dedfcar_e to i:hE~ City of• Ariaheim additional righr_-Uf-way caqui.rec~ to consl~uct said turnout. ~e!,' . - "3` FC8'-25 ; ~ ,.. , _ ~~'Nt t, ~i` ~ ~ ~~ ' r,M i ~rr,-^ .; : _ - . , . . ., . , ~"~ ~ 9.:~. n,.t11'.r7~:'.l , i ~. ~ ... _ , .. .. .... , :.,. ,-. -, . .. ~ ., . ......... _ . ___. . . . . ....~:.V«. :r..vW.ia~c~!! w 15. ^i~hat 3ut~jer.f. pco~ect:y ,h~~11 be developed substantiully in accordAnee wtt.h p1~n~ and sp~ciEicat:.tons on f:ile wit.h t:he Ci1:y of An~theim marker3 Exhibit: Nos. 1~.hruugh 5. ].6. Tha~ the owner of su~ ject: pxoperr.y sha.ll submit a.lett~cr reque3ting t:erminati~n aE V~irianr,e Nos. 1143 ancl 3311 and Conditi~nal Use Permlt. Nos. 11U5, ?028 and 2511 t.o ~.he Planning f~epac~.ment;. 17. Tr~at. ~ri.or to issuance o~ a bui~din~7 persnit, or wit:hin a perlod ot on~~ yeat from ~.h~ ria-:e oE ~his r.csolu~:io~~, whichever occurs firaL-, Conditi~~n Nos. 1, ?, 5, 7, 10 an.~ 16, above-mentioned, sh~ll be complied wit:h. Extension ~ for furr.her t.ime ro complete yaid conditions may r~~~ grant:ed in accordance wi.t;h S~c.tion :18.03.f190 n£ the Arsaneim Municipal ::od~i. lti. Tha-_ ~~riar r_o f:inal buildiny ~~nd zoning in~ne~tions, Condition Noa. ~, 4, 5, 9 and 15, abuve-m`nt.foned, shall be com~lied with. Br I~f FUR7'Iik:R RESOLVr,n ~_hat_ t.ne Anaheim Ci~:y t~lanning Commis3ion does !iereby fin~.~ and d~t:erm.fne f_hat adoption of r.tii3 Resolut:~.on i.s exprassly pre~icated upon applican~.'s com~liance with ~~ach ~,w all of the condit.ions her~Inabove set. i~c~:h. Shou.ld any such condition, or ai~y Part thereof, be declared invalid or uneriforcea~le by t.he fir~al judgment of ar~y court r~f com~et.ent: jurisdiction, rhen this Reso.luLion, and any appto~~als here:.n con~?i.nc~d, sh.~l.l be deemed nul.l a~~~~ void. w~ 'CHE F'OREGOIN~ RES~LU'PI!:N is signeci and approved by nte this 19th day ~f .lanuary, I907. /~~ ~~~+~~ ' "'~ ~'~ -~:.:f-=L.-1~.~, CHAIRMAN, A. AE~~IM CITY ' JANNING CnMMtSSION A'f'C 55T : . , SECRE:TARY, ANAHGIM (:i`i' PI.ANHIP~I; (;OMMI5SION STF,7.'F. OE CAGIFORNiA ) COUNT'L OE ORANCE ) ~:s. CITY. OF ANAHF,IHS ) I, ~di~.h i.. Ft:arris, Secre-_ar.y aE ~_hF~ ~nahnir~ Cit.y Plannin~ Cammission, do hertby ccrr.iPy ~.ha~_ t:he foregcirg cesolut:.ion was p~ssed anC ado~t:e~3 at a mee~.ing oE f.he Anaheim Cit.y ~lanning Com~~i.Qsion held on January 19, 1987, ~y ~.h~ Eollnwina, vht.e of the menberr, ~.rn~C~i[: ..::~; CCIMMISf,IOP~ER,: BOUA5~ FRY~ F:ERE3;3'P~ LAW7.CKI~ MLSSE, MC BURNEY NO~;: COMMIS5IOPIEE~S: taONE AIIS6N':: CUMMISSIUN~RS: Li+ C~,I,IRE Ic1 !VI'TNE:;S 4v'liE,Kk:~F, -.+;~. -- -__.. _.. J~naacy, 19~7 . ,;. ;y;~ r;..~ f"^hJ„r, t ~ ~ ~ _ ~ fi~ fr~~ z~:s y {, .e~+~ ~ '; `,~~ ,'~ ,~>4 ~~~ ,~-> ,.~ ,~r.~k~,,. ~..,.: ~.. .,. 1 h ave hF•r. eun~.o ~~ ~. my har~d ~.h i a 19r.h ~ay o~ y~.~~ n..l~c SLCRP'l'AR , ANAHBIM ~:ITY Y.ANtiY~G CnM!YfISSION -~- PC87-25 :p ~:,'~~.{ v