PC 87-251:~. _,. . ;: . , . -_. - ~i, ~ •.,i , ~ y ~1: ~ r ~~ ~I~fL~~ ., ~',i~, . ~°?~ ~~~~ ', ~ ~ RE 'ULUTION hp_~ p~~_~ A Rr,SOLUTION UF THE ANAI~IEI?•i CITY PLANNING CONRdISSTON ALOPTING ANb RECOMMENDTNG 'tq 1'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHE u~ IM Ai)OPTiON OF GENFRAL PLAPI AMENDM~NT N~. 232 - LAND USE ELFtrfENT 1`.' WI~IEREAS, the Anaheim Ci~y (;ouucil of L-he Czty oF Anaheim did adopt the Anah~im Genoral P1an by Resolut3,on N~. description and ex~enf: of possible ~uture d~velopment w~hinSthe1C~tthQ g~neral Y, and WHER~A~, pursuant to a.raquest trom rhe property oaners L•or a General Plaz~ I~rnenc7meut for a study area consistin l~cated on the east side of FairmonL- Boulevard, a af apnxox.imately 3.0 acres, °~ the centerline of Santa Ana ('anyon Road and Furthprd~~ly 1080 feet south South Fairmonh Epulevard; and described as 220-226 ' WHEREAS, tkie Planning Department deemed i pursuant to the provisions cf the California Environmenta.:. 1~ apPropriare~ '•` Negative DeclaraCion be prepared; an~ Qualiky Act th7t a ; ~; WHEREAS, the Ana.ieim City Plannin heaxing at the Anaheim Civic Center Council ~h~~ye~~on~ood Q°1a a~ublic Boulevard, on D~C~mber 7, 19a7, at 1:30 p,m „ notice pf th Anaheim ~ b~en ~uly givett as requ3.red by law and in acaordance wpthlth~hero~x~, haviny the Anaheim Municipal Cac1e, to 2,Q1r and consider eviRence for ~nd~ StQ~'S of General :~lan P.mendmerir and against said recommen3ations in connecL•ion tlierew.irh1nand~lg~t~ and make findings and WFIEREAS, said Commission, 3F~er due cons.ideration, in~pec~ion, investig~Lion and study made by i.tself and after . evidence and reports ~£Eered ~~t said hearin du~' ~onsa.deration of a11 g,. Does Hereby find: ~• Tha~ evidence prQSen~e3 substantiaGes tl~e need for an amendment ro tho Anaheim General P1an at this time. z• That Exhibit D rc~de~igna~i.ng the property for ~Tillside Low-Densit~~ Residential shauld be adopted. 3• That 1U pex•sons indicated their preserace ak said public hoaring an~ tra~ no correspondence was rece.ived in oppo~itian ~o subject pe Citiqn. NO'rJ, TFiSREFORE, B~: IT RESOLVED Commission has reviewecl the proposal to c,:tisic~er ih ~m~ a ent to lthe Landntrse ~lernent ot the Generzl Plan redesiqnatin desigx~at•;nr of Hillside Estate llensiC• ~. ~ subject property from the current an irre ularl P L 1 o HillsidQ Low-Density Residential ~n 4 y-sha ed n~rc~l of land consist;ing of apploximately 3.0 acres, ].o~~red on the sast side of L'airmont Bou'levard, having a maximum depth of appr.oximately 210 feet and beinc~ loczted a M centerline of San~a An~ PPxoxima..ely 1,080 foet south of the Fairmon~ Boulevard; and doe~a e~ eby ~recommendg~thee C ty eCounci12~~2~~ S~uth ~eCla~i~e Declaration upon finding t;hat it has pPrO~e the Declararion ~ogeLher wi~h any comments rQCeived durin c~nsider.ed th~ Negative g the public 0138r ' pC87-25~ f:- . ~,. ~ , «~t~ ^! ~,, ~ -'•.. /~'~-ln.~` ~~=C---- CHAIRbSAP7, ANAFiEIM ITY PLA?dNING COMMT5SION A.... ~ .•.~ ,f~~{z~ R{ ~'~'.'~ ~i . :,.r, ~ ~ ':~~a: 'ir ~~t ~ . . .~ ~ ;'r~:: ~,+ . ~~:.~~~'.Y review process and furtYier f.indirlg on ihe ba.sis o:E the initial stucly and an~ ',; comments received that thero is no substantial evadence that the project wi11 have a s5.gnificant effect on t:he environment. BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to ~he foregoing findings, the Anaheim Cit~ Planning C~mmission does hereby recommond to the City Council of tha City ~f Anal~eim adoption of General Plan Amendmsnt No. 232, Land Use Element, ~xhibit B. ;; iHE FOREGOI~IG RESOL[ITTON is signed and 3pproved by me this 7th day of Deeember, 1987. :~ ~~ ',i y ~ ATTEST: ~~~~~C~~ ~~' ^ .~~_ S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA23IdING COMMiSSIpN ST.A~E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN1'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY QF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.~h L. Har:-is, S~cretary o~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do he:oby cartiEy that the foregoing r~solutinn was passe~ci aild adopt~d at a mPetin.7 of' the Anaheim City Planning Comrni,;sion Y~eld ~~n December 7, 19$%, by the f.ollo~~ing ~•ote of the members thereof : AYES: COMMrSSTONERS: BOUhS, BOYDSTUN, FELllHAUS, HERBST, MESS'E, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMI~SIONERS: NQ2JE ABSENT: COMMI5SION'ERS: CARUSILLO I21 WITNESS WH~RLOF, t havo hereunto set my hand tnis 7th day of Aecember, 1987. .~ -~-,.'~~~._. ! ~_ %~Y~'L'Z~~ ~.~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLI~NNIDTG COMMI5S: ~~i7 s~ ~,~ 0137r ..2_ ~`C87-25'1 ;:`;~ ~~ , ~. ~~~ ~ ~;a~~ !~, r CALIFORNT.A ENVTRdNMENTA.L QUALTTY ACT FINDING; That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has rev~iewed the proposuJ, to establish a 12~unit (previously 17 unit) RS-500U(SC) si.ngle-family residentzal subdivision wit:h waivers of requzred 1ot• frontage, minimum building pad ar.ea, maxim~un numher o•F. bedroams, minimum gaxaga setback and minimum rear yard ~etback on an . irregularly-shaped parcel of lancl consisting oL• approximatEly 2.97 acres, ,~ having a frontage of approximately 8~3 fpet on thE northeast side of I'aa.rmozit : IIoulevard, having a maximum deptri~ uf approximately 210 feet and being located approx.imately 1080 feet south af i:he centerlirie of Santa Ana Canyon Road and farther described as 220-•226 South Fairmont Bc,ulevard; and does hQreby appro~e the Negative Declarata.on upon finding that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with an.y commen~s received during the public rev.i.ew process and further findinq on thP basis of the initial stuc~y ~nd any comments received that ttiere is no substantial evidence t}iat the project will have a significar.r effect on the environment. 2vUW, THEREFqRE, AE IT RESQ'LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comrr~issiorx docs hereby gran*_ Petition for i2eclassification and, by so doing, that Titla I8-Zoning of tlie hriatieim Municzpa'1 Code be amend~d t~ exclude the • at~ove-described property from th~ HS-HS-22,OOA(SC) zone and to incorporate sai~ described propert,y i:~~o the RS•-HS•-10, 000 ( S~) or a less intense zone upon the following conditions whzch are hereby iound to be ~ necessary prer.equisite to ~1~e proposed use of ~ubj~ct property in order to pr,eserve the safety and genQra.l wel:are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That thQ owner of subjecL- property sha11 pay to thP Ci~y o~ Anaheim a fee xor t.ree planting purposes alung I'airmont Boulevard in an amouYit as dekermined by the C.itiy Council. 2. That the vehicular access rights ~o Fairmunt lioulevard except at the private street opening, shall be dedicatecl to ~he Ci~y of Ariaheim. 3. Th~t a11 engineering requirem~r.ts of the Cxty of Anaheim along E'airmox~t Boulevard, including preparaL•.ion of improvement plans dnd installarion of a11 i.mprovement~ such as curbs and gutters, sidewall:s, water far,ilitzes, street grading and Aavement, sewor and drainage facxlities, or other appurtenant work ~hall be comnlied with as requirod by the CiCy Engineer and in accordance with specitications on file in the Office of the City Engineer; and that security in ~he for.m of a Lond, cerlificate of depasit, letter of credit, ~r. cash, in an amount and forrti s~S:isf:ac~ory to thQ Cfty ot Anaheim, shaZ1 be posted wi~h Lhe City to gua.rantee L•he satisfactory compl~tion oL• said improvements. Said security shall ba posteii with thQ City prior to int-rnduct:ion of an orclinance rezoning subject property, to gtiaraYitee the installatian nf the above-reqaixed im~rovements prior to nccupancy. 4. TYAat strQet lighting facililies along Fairmox~t IIoulevard shall be 5.nstalled ~s requar~ed by the iitilities Genera~l Man.ager in accordance with spc:cifications un file in the Office of Uti].ities Genexal ~ Manager, and tki~t secuxity in the form of a bond, certificate of ~~ c~sposit, lottez o.f credik, or caah, in an amoun~ and ~arm sa~isfactory to L•he City of Anaheim, sh311 be ~osted with the City 0139r -2- PC87-252 `,~ ;.~ '1 ' ~ 1~1 ~4' ~'S't 1^~)~~~~ __"__.._ .__.__ . . , . ,. ~`I•,•.~i~