PC 87-252,~ RF$QL TION N0. PC87~-252 A RESOLUTION OF T.HE ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMIS5ION TFiAT PETI~ION FOR RECLASSIFZC,ATION ~10. 87--88-21 BE GRANT'LD, AS MODIFIED ~~~ ; << WH~:F2EA5, the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission did reaeive a verified petition for Reclassif.ication from FAxRMUNT LTD „ 13632 Iiazel St~rest, Garden Grove, CA 92642, owner and LORREN A. BA:L'L, 2520 S. Fairview Roaci, #P, Santa Ana, CA 92704, agent, for certain real property situatecl in the Cit~ o:E Anaheim, County of Grange, 5tate of Califor.na.s, described as follows; PARCELS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, IN THE CITY AF ANAHEIM, COLIN:PY OF URANGE, STATfi OF CALI~'ORiQTA, AS SFTOWN ON A MAP RLCO.RDED IN BOOK 179, PAGE 34 OF PARCEL 1vSAP5, RECORDS ~F O~ANGE COUNTY. FTHEREAS, Che City Planning Coi~mission did :~old a public hearing a.t th~ Civir Center in the City of Anaheim on November 3, 1587 at; Z:~O p.m., notice o£ sa3.d public hearing having been duly given ~s requirecl by law and ir~ accorda~zce with the provisions o£ the Anaheirn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~, consider eviderice f.or and against s~ad proposed reclassi£ication and to investigate and make findine~s and recommendations in connection therewith; said hearing having beer. continued to December 7, 1987; and WfiERGAS, said Commission, af~er due inspe~tion, investigation and study made by .itsolf and in its behalf, and af:ter c7.ue consid~ration oF all evidence and roports offEred at said hearirig, daes find and c~etermine the following tacts: 1. That the petitioner propos~:~ reclassifi.catioz~ of suhjact property =rom t2ie RS-HS-22,000(S~) Zoiie to t~e R,S-5000(SC}(Resideritial, Single-Family, Scen3.c Corridor Overlay) Zone. 2. Th~t the Anaheim General Pian designates subject px•operty for Hillside ~state Density Resiclential land uses; however, Ge.neral Pl~n Amendment No. Z32, if. aFproved as recommended by the Planniny Commission w~ulrl reQesignate subjec~ ~.~roperty to Hillside L~w-Density, Residential land u9~s. 3. That the reclassitication of subject property, as approved to FS-FIS-10,000(SC), is decessary and dQSirable foz- the orderly and proper developmez~~ of tlie communi.ty. 4, That L•he rec7assif:ication, as approved, to RS-HS-10,000 oE subjQCt proporty does proper.ly relate tu the zones and their perniCted u~es ].ocally established in r.lose proximity ,:o su~ject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established throughout the c~mmunity. 5. That 10 persoxis indicated their presence at said ~,ublic hearing in oppositian; and that no corresponderlce was received in opposition to subjeck petition. c. ;,, ~7! f%~S. i~~,'•li' ~ j' ~ ~•~F,,. ' 0139r T l' ~'. { ~~h,.,.. j. i.a. . , . .. •~~ais~i~ ~, ,~.~~~; to gu.~rantee the s~tisEactory completion of the above-mentioned improvernents. S~~id securiL-y shall be poste~ with the City of Anaheim prior i~o tYze introd~~..:tion of an ordinancp .:~zoning subject property. The above-r~;quired improvements shall be installed prior t~ occupancy. 5. That a te.n (.lQ) feo* wide hiking and equestrian tr~i] easement to be loaated adjacent; to Fazrmont Boulevard to the satisfaction of the Par;ss a~nd Recreation Department, shall be dedicated ~o the City ~f Anahe.irr~ . 6. ~'hat the owner nE ~u;~ject property shall Axecute and record a cover,ant obl.igatinq the HomQowners Association of subject tract to main'caixi and repair the hiking and oquestrian trail. The form of ~aic~ covenant sha11 be approved by the City Attorney's OfFice an3 shall be recordea. prior to the introduction of an ordinancs rezoning subject property. The owner./develop~r of the subject tract shal]. improve ax~d maintain tk:~ hiking and equestrian ~rail as required by th~ Pr~rks arid Recreation Depar.tment unt.il such time as the Homeowners AssociatiQn becomes legally oblzgated therefore as hereinabove provided. In addi~ion, the owner/ctRVeloper shall post a bond in an ~~nount ax~d f4rm satisfactory to the Gity of .Anahoim gu3ranteeing tha~ performance of the owner/developer's obligations hpreir~ describeci, will occur prior to occupancy. Evid~nce o£ the requirea bond shall be submitted to and approved :oy tho C:ity Ai:tornev's Ofiir.e prior to introduction of an ordinance rezuning suhject prop4rty, 7. That prior l-.~ rhe introduct.zon of. an ordxnance rezoning subject progerty, Condit.ion 21os. l, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5, above-mPntianed, sha11 be completed. The provi~:i~ns o.r ri.ghts gr+~nCed by this resolution shail becamo ~iull ancl void by act•i~n of thH Plannin~ Commiss~nn unless said c~nditions are complied with within one year from the datQ of '.:his resolution, or suck. further time as the Planning Comi o ,ion may grant. , i~ t~ ~;'C; .,~ti ~~~ ;;,s 8. Th at appraval of this application constiL-utes apgrova~. of tY~e proposed reqix~3t only to the extent Lhat it complies w:ith thp `-;; Anaheim Municipal Zoning Cude aiid any other a~plicablp City '` rPqulations, Approval does not include zny action or findings as ta '~ compliarice or appr'+val of the request rec~arding any other applicable ' S ordinance, regu'lat~.on or rQquirement. ~`i THE POREGOIfTG RESOLUTION i.s signed and approved by mQ this 7th day .!~`',~;'~ of Decemher, 1987. ;, _) ;;? ~ /(~.lj~n~Gvl // l' l~ y,,~h?- :! _ ~ i( •--'- -.~ R- _ ~ '. ,; CHAIF2MAN, AN~IBIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,:~ .:! ~: ATTEST: ~ ~ "'' . ~ ,; s ~ ~ ~~]~ ~ `;y ~ ~~'V _V (~C-P i SFCRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COt~MISSION ''t' !~. ;~ , ; ,r .;, . `r , ?:!t~ '~' ~ ~ 0139r ~ -3- PC87-~~2 ~ ~~~ ~ ,4x~ ~r,i.., .... .. . ...., , ., . ~. . . . . . ~ ~. . . . .- - ------ . .~ . . ., . , ~ , .. ..~~~~~~h,l~'~i'~6~}~ _ _ . _ _.. , . . . ,.~,ti,_. ~~~ , ., STATE OF CALIF4RNTA ) COUNTY 0~' ORANGE ) ss. CTTX OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edfhh l~. Flarris, Secretary of ttte Anataeim City Plannfng Commi~sion, do heraU~~ certify thet the fo:~going resolulion was passac: ar.Q adopked at r~ me~tfng of the Anaheim City Planniny Commi~sion held an Dace~iber 7, 19A7 by ~he following vote of t2ie member~ theroof: AXES: COMMI~SIQNERS: BOUAS, ~iOY))STUIv, FELDHAUS, H~RBST, MESSE, MC BURN~Y NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN'.f: CON,hfISSIUN~RS: CARUSTLLO IN WITNESS hfFIEr2E0F, I havo hereunto set rny hand this 7th day o£ December, 19a7. ~_ ~ / .~~~ ~;~, , ~~F~-'u ~ ~. SECRtiTARY, ANAHE7M CITY PLI~NNING GOMMISSION ~f 0139r ~4- PC87-252