PC 87-258~ t ~tw~:«`~ ~`~ F:E50LUTION NO.. PC87-25$ A RESCILUTION OF THE ANAHEItZ CTTX FLANNING COMMTSSION THAT PETY7'ION FO12 RECLA;~SIFICATIOI~ N0. 87-88-28 B~ GRANTEA WHEREAS, ttie Anaheim City Planning Commiwsion did f~eceave a verifa.td petition for. Reclassiiication from BHIRHUHI~AI U. YA'TEL', ET. AL, 4 Harrisl~urg, Irvine, CA 92720, owner, and t~YUR PAT~I.,, 4~a.rrisburg, Irvine, CA 92720, agenC, of cer~ain re21 nropert~~ situated in the City of Anaheim, Cour~ty of Oranye, Stai:e of California, descrik+ed as follows: THF NORTHrRL'Y 1GOe0Q FE~T OF' T~iE SOUTHERLY 200.Q0 FEET 0~' THE NORTHEAS~ QLTARTER OF THE NORTHEAST Q(JAR7ER OF THE SOUTFIWEST QUARTER Or SECTION 27, Y11 TOWNSFiIP 4 5'?UT?~I, RANGE 10 WEST, PAR'PLY IN THE RI~ICHO SAN JUAN GAJON D~ SAN7~ ANA AND PARTLY IN THE RANCHO LAS IIOT~SAS, IN THE I:ITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN Oti A MAP 'PHERFOF RFCORDED IN B(30K 51 PAG~ 1:).• IrfISCELLANEtlUS MAPS, RECUnDS UF SAID ORANGE CQUNTY. , ~ ~r~ai~; , '~~; . . , -. - WHEREAS, the Citv °lar ,i.ng Commissinr. clid huld a publ.ic hearing at the Civic Cen~er in the C~t,y of Anaheim on DecQmber 7, 1987 at 1:3A p.m., notice of sai.d public he~rang having been duly given as required hy law and in accurdance wzth the provisions of the AnaY~eim Muriicipal Codp. Chapter 18.03, to hear and c~nri.d~s~.• ovidence for and against ~aid orc~posed rEClass~~Yeation and to investigate and -nake findings atid recommendatioris in cen,ne~ti~n tlierewi.th; and I~iHEREAS, said Cummissi.on, aft'e.r due inspect~ion, investigation ~nd study made by itself anci in its behalf, arid ~fter ilue co.nsideration of. a.ll cvidonee a:~c~ repor+:s offered at sai~ hearing, does firid and c~etnrmine the fol].cw.ing f~cts: 1. Tf~~az the petitianpr pro~oses reclassificnt.ion of sabject ~roperty £rom tla~ CG (Corrunercial, G~rxei~al) to the CL (Corc~nercial, Lirnited) or a 3.ess xn~ense zone zone. 2. That L•l:e Anaheim General Flan designat~s subjec~. prcperty for General Con'~merci al lan~ uses. 3. That the propo~ed raclassific~.tion of subject ~roperty 5.s *i~cr~ss~rx nnd/or desirab].e for the orderly and proper developrnent oE the c ~mm•an i ty . %~. ~'hat the pr~Fo~~ed reclassification of subject property does ,proper~y rc:late t~ the zones and kheir permii:tied uses 1oc~lly estahl.ished .in closa uraxi.mi.ty to subject property and ta ~he zones and their permi~~ed. ~ase~ genera3ly established ~hroughout the community. 5. That no one ix~dicated their presence at said publ:c hpnring in ~pposition; and that no corrPspondence w~~s received in opposition to subjeat petition. 0145r PC87-?,58r s ,:f <: ;, ~ K]1 `~ . ~ `'~ ~1. 4 i a.1 . '., 1 ' ~<~~ ,; ; ~. CALIFOI2NIA ENVIRONtdENTAL QiIALITY ACT FTNDI~: ThaL the Anaheim City Planning Commission has re~vi.ewed the proposal to construct a 79-roam, 4-story motel in the CL (Commercial, Limited) zone with waiver of minimwn structural setb~ck on a rectangularly-shapF~d parcel of land consi.sting of zpproximar_ely 0.68 acre, having a frontage of approximately lOQ feet on tho west side of Ha:Y,or Boulevard, havi.ng a maximum depth oF approximatel.y 300 Eeet and beiny locat.ed ap~,roximai:elx 460 feet sauth of the cen~erlino of Orangewood Avenue, and further descri.bed as 214Z South Harbor F3~ulevard; and does hereby approve the rTegative Declarai:ion upor, finding that• it has considered the Negative Declaration to~ether with anl comments received during ~he public review procoss and further Einding orx the basis oP the a.nitial s~udy and any comments recc~ivod that there is no substar_tial evidence , that the Project will have a signi.ficant ef•fect on khe enviroiunent. PtOW, THER^cFORE, HE IT R~SO~VED that ~tas Anaheim City ~'lanning Co:nmission does hereby g~anh subject Petition for Reclassification ar.d, by ,o doing, that TitZe 18-'l.oning of the Anaheim Municipal Cocle bi~ amended to excluds the above-described property From the CC (Commerc.ial, General) zc,ne and to incorporate said desr.ribed prcperty inta the CT. (Cammercial, 'Limited) or a less inL•ense zone upon the foll.owinq conditi~ns which are hereby iound to bo a nc~cessary prerequisite t~ the propo•~ed use of subject prope:ty ia~ order to oreserve the safety and general welfar•e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: l. That the owner of subject pr.op~rty shall pay to Y.ho Cit,y or Anaheim a fee for tree pla~~i,ng purposes along Harbor Boulevard in an amoun.t as determined bl the City Cauncil. 2• ~fl~t the owner of subject pr~~ertp shall su}~mit a le'tt~r reque~ting termiiaation o£ Vaz•iancc~ Na, ti56 to the Zoning nivision. 3. Tht~~ prior to the i.ntroduction of an ordi.nanc~: rezcning subject property, Gonditian Nas. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisi~ns or rights granted by thi~ r.esoiuCinn shal:l bec~m~ null and void by actioti oE the Planning Cornmiasion ' unless saxd ccnd.it.ions aro nomplied wi~h tvithin one year ~rom t the da~e of this re,olution, nr such f'ur~r,er timt ~s ~n~ Planning Commission may grant. i 4. Th~t approval of this application constitutes approval of L-he pror.~osed xoqaest o~y to t'tie extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code ar~d any ather ap,plicar,lca GS.ty regula~zons. Approval doas not inclu.cle any action or f•indings as ~o campliance or approval of the request rPgarding any otliQr applicable ordinance~ regulation or requiroment. i 0145r _z_ PC87-2S8 ,~il i-;:~ I~^Ms1 ' ~ . . ~v~N)ti."•S:S`.~~ ,~ ~~ . ~ . . 5~'2 ~;~ .. ~ . . ~`4 ~E IT FURTHER RESQLV~D does hereb ~~at the AnaY,eim Cit y find and detErminE that ado tion og ~' P~annin PradicaLed upon applicant'~ cam li.arcce ~i~h g ~ommission ; hereinabove aQt torth. this Resolution is p e~ch and a11 e3tPress:ly ~' declared invalid or Should any such conditions of the conditioas ~ cJmpelent u unen t' o r cea b le •~'r ~ n Y P3r t thereof, b~ °~;~, j risdictio,n, then bY the final judgment of 3ri `, ; contaxned, ~hall ;oe deemed nit11 andsvoxdsolution, au~ Y court ~f 'a ~~,,, anY approvals h~r,ein `>`'~ „~7 :.;:;T THE FOREGQING RF30LUTI0~ iy Sig~~d and 3 ''~~ of December. 1987. PProved b me ~ j;~ i Y t.zis 7th ~la~, :::ii ~~-f.~,,.-~- ~G (~I,~ '~~`---.~_ ~~" ~C'-~.. '.'f~'~ CHATRMAN. AN EIM CITY PLAN_ G CO gMM IIu pN '~ ATTEST; ,' ,; ~ ~: ~ f: ~ SEC!^ K AI2Y. AN~~ ~1"~''t,,~ T •^----• .: ~'i7 j AHEIM CTaY 2I,.r~NINC COMMISSICN STATE OF CALIFORIv~IA ) COiJNTY pF pg~~E ) ss. CTTY OF AW]~T~~IM ~ I• ~dith L, Harris Commi~tsian, do hereb~ • Secretarp of. the Anaheim adopted at a mee~~.rg afcthelE~ that rr_e foregoin City P1~nnin~ 7. 19g7 Axzeheirr Ciky Ylar~nin g resolution was passed and . by th~ toZ~~,W jy~y vote nf the mernbers thexzO~ mxssion held on D~Gem~~r AYES; COMMTSSIUNERS: NOES : BOUAS, BOYDSTLTN E~ EI.DHAUS, HERBST, MC BURNEY CQMMISSIUN~RS: NONF ~ ABSFNT: COMMJ.SST.ONERS: • ~SSE CARCJS ILLO TN WSTNESS WHER~pg~ t havs hereun~o Set m December, 19g7, y han3 thi.s 7th day of ________ ~~:_____ ~'G ~ ~Ff:RETARY, 7~~~jl,q CITlt' p~~«, LANISING CObi-~fISSION 0145r _9_ ;' ' ~.~;_. PC87-2~8 '~i f Jr ~ . ~i~~; ~~.: . ~ ~i~7`r'~t t'. ~ !t~ {' ~ ~~ ~q ,f w ~f '~ .. . . .. _ . .. _ . .2r.e`.. r~•n>'..' . ..:, . _.. ., . ~ ~~ r ~ /' "f ~.., ~~