PC 87-259. . ,. _ , . .; .. . . ~,,:. _a , .;~ ~. ..., ,.... ; .. ... : _ ,. ~. .. , _ ;~ ,,,~ , ,..,,,, 4~''~:tp RESf~LUTION_N0. PGg7-259 A R~SOLUTION OF TH~ ANAHEIM CI~'Y PLF.NN'Ir?G COMMISSION THAZ PETITION F0~ CONDITIONAL USE PFRMIT N0. 2971 BE GRANT~;D ' WHcRrAS, the AnahQim City P~,anning Cummissian did rec~ive a verifi~d PQtitian for Conditional L'se Permit L•rom BiiIRHiJBHAI U. PATET~, ET. AL, 4 ~ Harrisburg, Irvine, CA 92'120, owner, ana MAYUF PATEL, 4 Harrisburg, Trvine, CA 92720, agent, of certain real property situa~ed in tbe City of Anaheiia, County of Oran~e, State of California, descri~ed as follows: 'CHE NORTii~RLY 1U0.00 FEET OF THE SOUTI~iERLY 200.00 T'EET OF T:IE NORTHEAST QiJARTER QF THE NORTFIEAST ~UART~R OF THE SOLTx~;~VrST QliARTER OF SECTTON 27, : N TOWbTSHiP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 R~~ST, PARTL° zN THF FANrHO SAN JTJAN CAJON D~ SANTA ANA AND PAFTLY IN THE RANCHO LAS DOLSAS, IY TFIE CIT~;' ~F ANA,TiEIM, AS S.HQWN ON A MAP THEREpF RECORDED IN' BQOR 5.l PAGE 10, MTSCELLANr,0U5 MAYS, FECORDS OF SAID URANGE l".OUNTY. ~ wFiERL•'AS, Lhe City Plar.ning Commission dic~ hald a public hearing a~ the Civic Cer.~er in L•}ie City of An~heim on Uecernber 7, 1987 at 1:30 p.m,, notice of saifl public hearir.g havinq been duly given as xequired by l~w and in acaordanc~ with the prov.isions of the Anaheim Nunicipa]. Code, ~hapteL• 18.03, to hear and consider c~videuce for and against said proposed conditional use pe:mit and to int•est5.gate and make findings and rQCOmmendai:ions in connecti.on ~hQrew.ith; atid WHERE.AS, said Conunission, after due inspection, izivesti~,ation and study made ~y its~lf and i.n its bePialf, and after due consideration of all evide~zce and reports oft~red at said hea:ing, does find and dei:ermine the following ~arr.~; a•• That the proposeci ixse i;, properly one for wha.ch a condi~ioi:al use p~~-mit is autharized bp Anahe.im Muiiieipal Code Section 1fS.44.pgp.~.~0 t~ wit: t~ ~;,~~truct a 79 -rc~~~m, 4-story motel *Nith ti•raiver of ths folluwing: SECTTGt~1~f,4~! _pb~,(~q~ _ Minimum ~tructtiral se a k. (12 fe,~r reguired; 10 feP- proposed) 2. TlYat t~he requested waiver is hereby c~ranted on the basis that therp are speci~l circumstances applicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location and Surroundxngs which do not appiy to oL•her. identic~lly zoned property in th.e s~r~e vicinity; anc? Clia~, stzict app].ication of ~k:e Zuning Cade de~rives the prci~erty of privileges enjoyed by ather properties in ~2~e idenLical zone and classification in thQ vicinit~r and subject to Interdopartmental Committee rocommendations. 3. That ~he praposed use will not adversely sfFect: khQ adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which z~ is pr.opoged to hp located. 0146r PC87-259 ,.:~, ,:; `i "'^h ~ , . ~ . i ~~'~ ~'~Y ~ ;~k 1~,',X . :,+~ ~ . .,':.'~ 4. ThaL• the size and shap~ of. the site propased for the use is adequate to a11ow the fu11 develo~ment of the prnposed ixse in a manner not detrimental to the p~srticular area nor ta the peace, health, safPty and g~n~ra1 we'fare of the Ci~ize:xs of the City of Anaheim. ~; . ., ~. ThaC the granting oE the Conditi.onal jJse Permit under th~ conditions imposed, if any, will ~ot b~ delrimenL•al ~o the peace, health, safe'ty and genera'1 welfare of the Citizens of 'the City, oF An~hi~im. 6. That the ~raffic generah.~d by the pruposeca use will not impose an undue burden uoon the stree~s and highways designed and improved to carry the tra£fic in the area. 7. That nn one indicated thair ~~re~ence at sai~ public hearing i,1 opposition; and thar n~ correspondezice was received in opposition to the subject ~etition. CALIFORNIA ENVI[tONMENTAL _QUALITY ~T FtNDIN~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposay to canstr~zct a 79-roorn, 4-stor~~ motel in the CL (Coi-unercial, Limited) zone wi.~.h waiver of minimum structur~]. saL•ba^k on n rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting oi approximately 0.68 ac.re, having a frontage of a~proxim~~ely 100 f.eet on the west side of Harbor Boulevard, Y.aving a maximum depL•2i of approximate7.y 300 Feet and be,ing located approximately 4ti0 feet South of the centerline oE Orangewoou A.venue, and further clescribed ~s 2141 ~outh Har.bor Boule~•ard; and does hereby approvc: th.e tdegat:i.ve Dec'larat.ion upon finding tha~ xt has corisidered the Negati•ve Declarat:oxi together ~rith any comm~nt~ recsive8 during L-he public r~view process and fur~her finainq on the basis o£ the initial study and any comments r~ceivad tha~ there is no su~5tantial evidence tl~at the pr.ojQct wi11 have a siqiiificant effect or~ the envi.rorunent. NOW, TFIEREFORG, E3E IT RESOLVEf., thlt tht~ Anaheim City Planning Commi.s~ion does hereby grant suk~ject Petition for t;ondiLional Use Permit, upon the fol].owirig conditinns which are hQrebl~ fot~nd to be a nocessary prerequ.isite to tho proposec~ use of the subject property in order to presQrvQ L•he satoty and general welf~re of the CitizPns of thQ City oP Anaheim: 1. Th~t prior to issuance of a buzlding permiC, the appro,priate traff.ic signal assessment fee shall ba paid to t;ne City o~ Anaheim zn an amount as determined by the Ci4y Coitncil. 2. ThaC the driveway shall be cor.structed with ten ~10) foot radius curb returns as requirecl by kh~, City Er.gineer. 3. ~'hat drainage o€ subject property sha).l bQ da.snosed cf in a nanncr satisfactary to the City ~ngineer. 4. That subject pxoperty st,all be served b~y undexgrou;~~ utilities. 5. 7.'ha.t prior ta cummenceme,ir of strucicural framing, ~ire hydrants sr.all be insta2lod and cliarged as required and datsrmined to be nece~sar5- by ~he Chief ot thp Fire Dapa.rtment. 0146r -2- PC.87-'a59 ~, ~'`~~ " ;.1 ^ ,~ ~'~°"~~ 6. That trash storuqe araas shall b~ accordance waLt- appxoved pla~ic N,aintenanco and Sanitation nivi;iion. ~~''''~'~ provi~er,~ and maintained in on fila wlth the Street 7. That f.ire spri.nklers shall b3 instr~llecl ;:~ requ3rod by the Clty FirQ Mars}~all. 8. That a11 air conditioninq faciiiZies :~n11 aCher roof an~ ground mounted aquipmenr_ shal7. be properly sliielded. f:om vfew, and the souncl bufferecl ~rom ~djacent ro^,idential prop~rties. 9. That the proposr~l sha11 c~mply with a11 signiny requirements o£ thQ undPrlying CL, zone, unlass a var.ianr,e ~sllowing siqn waivers is approved !~y the City Council, Planning Commission or Zoning Admini~trator. 10. Tha!- a six (6)-tooC high masonry bl~ck wall ohall be constructed ar~d maintain~:d alor_q the west property lino. 11. That any proposed parki~ ~ ar.ca l.ighr.ing Lixtuces adjacent t4 any rQsiden~ial properi,; srall Ue down-Iir.hted wiCh a maximum fixturQ heighL- ~t 12 feet. Sa.id lightincJ fixtures sha11 be d.irectQd away from ar3jacenh cesident.ial property lines to protecL• the residantiai in~egrity of the ar~~a. 12. That this Conditiuna'1 [!se Permit is gc•a: hed subject ho kae adoption oE the Loninc~ Ocdinh~i~~ i,~ connection wi _h Reclassificati.on N~. 8'1_By_28, now penc3inq. 13. That subjoct propc~rty shall bo cfovelopad subar.anti~lly zn r~cc~rda:~ca wi.L•h plans and speci.Pications rn fila with the Ci~:y of Anahe.im markQd Exb.ibit ll03. ?. throug}~ 6, 14. That prior to issuance of a biiilding permic:, ~r wiLhin a periud of one yeaL• from t!~e date of this r«~so:i~at.ion, Condition Nos. 1 and 12, above-ment:ion~d, shall. be r,om•~l:;ed with. F:xtensiors for furth~+- time L•o c~mplete said conditions may be qrant~d in accord~nce with S~action 18.03.090 of the Anahei~n Municipal Code. 15. Th~~t prior to final building anu zonin,q inspections, C~ndition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. an~ 13, abovp-m~ntio~~ed, shall be r.om~rli~ed wirh, 16. That approva: of thi~ AppJ.ication consritut:eg approv~l of the px•oposed r.equesr only to che Qx~ent that it complies with thg Anaheim Munici~a). 7.onin~ Code an~l any c~ther applicable CiCy regu2aCioh~. Approv~l. doos not include c+n~~ action ~x findiny3 as to compliance or apgrovnl ot thg request regardtnq any other applica}:~e ordinan~ce, rogula~'. ~ or. requ3.rKmur,t. 0146r ! -3- PC87-259 . . . ., . ,. . . ~.~i. .I,~ I ~ ~ .~~i ~ . .. BE: 'IT FL~RTEIER RESOLVED that thc~ Anaheim City Planni.ng Commi5s3on cloes liereby f.ind an8 cletermino Lhai: adoption of thi.g Resolution is expressly predicatad upon a~plicani:'s complianc~ with c~ach and al? af the cand~tions heroinabove sat forth. Shoaild any such aanditiu.ns, or any part thereoE, be deciared invalic~ or unenforcoable by L•he fana'1 judgm~nt of anX court of competent ~urisda.c~ion, then this Br~solution, and any approvats herQin c.ontained, shall be d.eemAd n~~11 and void. THE E'OREGOING ~tESOLUTION is signed and approved by mo thiz 7th day of December, 198%. ~~lYlf~~ L ~l ~~ i ~ J.-L-<-.. ~~ ~ CNAIRMAN, ANAHr;.M CITY PLANNTNG COMMIS5ION ~ ATTEST: /7 ~~~/J~ r~=-~'s ' ~ ~'~'=--- - SECRE'.T'AP.Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLANISING COlbhiISSION STATE OF CALIrURNIA ) CO~~NTY OF ORANGE ) Sg • CZTY OF AN1iHEiM ) I, Eutth L. Iiarr:s, Sec.rstary of ~c2ie A~aheim C3ty P~anning Commission, do hereby carLify that the I:oregoin~~ resolution wa5 passod and adop~ed at a maeL•ing of the Anaheim City Planni~.g Commission held on December 'i, 1987, by the fo:llowing vote uf the members t2vareuf: AyEg; COM,d?S~IONERS: DOUAS, BOYllS:i'Ut1, EELDHAUS, 'xGRBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE ~ NO~S: COP4~JISSIOI:~R~: NONE AHSENT: COt+IIrt:[S5IONERS: ~:A'dUSILLO ~N WIT2JESS WHEREOF, S havc heresunto set my hand thia 7th c9ay of D~cwmber. 1987. -~ ~il,<:G~.~ oC.~..1 fE~..Lc~...~.~ SECItFTARY, ANAF:EIM CITY PLANi1ING COMM'lSSIC:( 0146r -~- PC87-259 t~ r y f ~ , ~ . ~ . -- . . ~ . . . . .. . ., ~, `~i !;s~ ~ ~ • ~~s1t~ ~~t ~~., r. -- - -- - ------ - _. __ _ . ~ . . . . . , ~ . . . . ,.... r~~~1