PC 87-26~ ~ ~ ~~ r, ~ . itf SO:,U'TIOIJ N0. PC87--2G A RESOLU2'IUN 0[~ 7`HF; ANAliCTP1 CI7'Y L~GANDIING COMMISSION 'PHAT PE:`PTTION FOlt VARIANCE N0. 3635 pE GRAN'.~ED wxr~~;r.S, r,he Anaheim Cii.y P.l~~nniny Commission did eecei~e a varif.ied Pet.is:ton Eor Variance Eruni Ct.lE~'ORU -~VAtrS, 22:1 "13" 8th St.reet-., Seal Be~ch, CaliFornia 90740, owner, ancl B1;F,NT E~LACKWGLUER, WLST ANAHEIM AENTAL (~RQUP, 515 Sout:h Beach Doulevard, siyit:e n, Anaheim, r~alifornia 9280~~ (agenr.), of certain real ~ro~ert:y ~ituat:~~d in hhe Cit:y of Anaheim, Caunty ~~E Orange, State of Califor-iia described a:~: '"HE LAND REFE[2RGU 'TO IN '1'F3IS POLICY IS SITf)A'.tED IN 'PHL STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF OItAIdGI3, A~1D IS DI•;SCRIf3EU 11S FOC,LOWS: PARCF.I. B AND C, :tJ 'PEiE CITY OC ANA[t•L'Ibt, AS P~R I4AP FIGED 'IN E300IC 7, PAGE 20 0~ PAI2CET., MAPS, IN TEIF' Cli~'EICc; OF THE COUNTY RLCORUGR 7F SAID COUNTY. wtiEREAS, the Cis:y F~lanning Commissfon did h~~ld ,~ p~;h1 ic heacing at r.he Civic Cent;er in r.r~e Cit.y of Anaheim on ,lanuary 19, 1987, at 1:30 E,.m., notice of saic! ~ul~lir, hpacinc~ having beet~ duly given as cequir.e~ b~~ l.aw and in accorda nce wi.t.h r_he ~rovinions of the Anaheim t4unici~al Code, Chapt:er 18.Q"s, to hear and considc~c evidencc Eor and agaiost. sa id i~ropose d varia~c~ and -_o investigate and make [indinqs ~-~nd recornmendat:ions .in connec:t:i~~n ther~c~irn; and WHERERS, said Commission, aitec due insp~cr_ion, investigation and study made by it.self ancl ir. its behalf, a~d after d~~e consi:3eral.ton of a.ll evid~nce ar.d rcE~ort., ofEered a+: said h~:,~riny, does find and de~ermine t_he following facts; 1. Tild~. t.h~ E:er.itioner ptocoses waivery of t~he Eollowing to permit Lwo f.reest~anding ,ignR: (A) SECTTONS 1A.05.093.0'li -- Maxlmum.numbPt aE fr.eest~~dii~ signs. Apln 18.44.067 (une frees~:andiny sign ~rrmil.r_td; t.wo ~ropos :cl ) t3) SECfiONS 18.q5.093.02.3 - Pezmit.r~d 1^caL•ion oE free~tandiny siyn. y~AND 18.44.U67 (100 fee' f.rUm nort:h ~,roperty line required; 85 Eee~ prc~posed) (C) SEr~pIO!J5 ?Q.Ori.p93.02:f:i - Minimum c9ist;ance between f:eesCandinc~ sign3. ~ ~ P.ND 18.~4.U67 (30U f.eet: reguired; B9 feer oroposed) 2. 'i~at the abov~~-men~toned waivecs are h~reby gran':ed n~ the basis t.ha-: r.here ar.~.: spec.lul circur.ist~ances applicable t.~ r.he orcperty suct~ as size, shape, ro~ngra~hy, locat.).on and surroundin~js which do no*.. aoply t:o o~-her i.der~~ically zunEd E:rupert:y in t.he ,ame vicini+:y; ind t.hat r~r_rict app.l icar, in~ ~~f ~:hr Z~ning Corle ~9e~r ives t.hP ~ro~,er. t.;r af ~r ivi lege~ en jbyed by a-.her or~perr.ies in ~he iii~ntical xone and r..l~~ssifi.c.at~ion in ~~.he vir,inir.y and subjec-. i.o Int.e~cie~arr.m~n~.ai Commir.r.Ae recommencla~.ion:s. __.. LU29r PCfl7-26 6 3. Th~at ~_he ahove-menti.oned waivr~r is gr~nL-~d sub}ect to the pe~t~:ioner'y stipulat.ian a~: t.he pub.lic hearinc~ ~.o remove ~-.h~ l.wo existiny rooE signs. 4. ~1~h~t: t.hE~re acc: exceptional or exi:raordinary circumst:ances or c~ndi~ i.on~ applicab.l~ to the ~r~pert:y inv~lved or i:o i.he iotended use of t.he pr.opect.y i:hat: do noY. apE~ly gener.ally t_o i:he properr.y or class of use in r,he same vicini t:y 2UfIP.. 5. Th~~t ~ h~.~ reque~t:ed var. iance is nuces~ary fcr the ~~reservation anc] c~njoy!nenc: or a suost:aiit.ial property righc possessed by ot.her properr.y in t:hn same vicinit~y an~ 'LOIIP.~ and denied t.o the properh.y in questioc~. 5. That r.he cec~uested va~iance wi.ll. no~ be materia:ll.y detciinental r:o the ~ublic wel.f~re or injucious ~.o the prof~ert:y or :.mpcovemenCs in :~uet~ vicinity and •~one i.n which ..he ~roperty is l~caced. 7. ':'Fa~: no one indicat~ad i.heir E~resence at. said puh,lic heati.ng in opnusit.~on; and t.hat-. no cocres~o~d~nce was received i.n upposition to subj~~t pPr. i~. ior~. ENVIRQNMF.N~1'AL IMPAC~l' EINDING: 'Pliat. t h~ Anaheim C'ity ~lanning Cornmission h~s r~vier!~.d ~.he proposal t~., pf~rmit. --wo freestanding signs wir.h w.~ivers a.f maximuin numUe~ of. fre~si:an~iing signs, permit:ted locat;ion oE [rec~randiny sign~ and minimum distance bet.ween Eree~t:and.ing signs on a rectangularly-shap~~ parc~l of land consistir.g o£ approxin~ar_e1y 0.98 arres locat_ed north of t he nort:hwest: curnur of Orany~~ Aveni-e and Heach Boulevard, and furnc~r d~scribed as 51`'i Sour.h neact~ 13oulevard; and doe:~ hereby approve r.he tdega-:ive Declar.ation upon fincling r.hat: it has> considerecl the Negativ? nf~clara~:ion r.oger.her wii:n any r.ommenr.~ receivec? during the public ~:eview Frocess and furthc_ Einding on the b~zsis of t.ne init~ia.l sr.udy and any commen~s ''f`CP1VPCj t:!~at t.hc3re is no sub~r:antial evidenre i_hat ~.h ~ pcoj~cl: Hill have a~igniE~cxnt: t~ffF~cf on -_h2 environmen+.. N~~~?, 7'IiEREFORL•', BL•' iT RGSOLVGD r.hat. t.he Anahcim Ci~.y Pl~znning Com~niss:on does hereby gr~nt: suhic~cr_ Pet:it.ion f~r Varianc~, upun the f:,.llowi.ng cond;r.iuns whtch a:e hereby four~d to be a n~cessacy prer~quinite *.o rh~ pro~o,zd use of_ t:ne sub;cc~. pr_~per~:y in orrier t..o pre:;er.ve rhe 3afety and general welfare of t:he Cit.izens of ~_he Ci~:y ot .,naheim: 1. Tr;ir. pcior ~.u is~uance aE ~~ui1~3.iny E~ecmi~.s r.he ~:rro (2) existing wall/roof ~~ign~ :~hall he removed. 2. 'I'hat ~ubjec~. E~ro~er~.} ~hall be 9evelo~ed subst.inti.al.ly in accordar,ce wit.h ~lans and :;r~ecif.ications on L-ile w~r.h th~ Ci.ty of Anah~'_m marke~3 Exhibi-- Nos. 1 and 2. 3e IT FUkTHER tt['SOLVE~ t.haf. ~:he Anaheim Ci~ y~~.arniny Commi.ssion does her~~i~y tind an~ ~e-:ermine +:bat. Ad~pt.ien of t.his [te~olur.i~n ~.s expres~ly predica~.ea ~s~on ap~~licant:'s com~lianct± wit.h each and all of t.hu conditions h~reinabove ser. Eort:h. Sh~uld anY :;ucn condi~-ic+n, ~r ~ny p:art r.hereof, be ~ cieclare.l invalid or unenforceable by the £inal judr~me~ir. of any couct of c~n~per;ent: ;jurisdic~ton, t:hen t.hir~ Re~o.lutfon, and ar-y app[oval.s hecein {r canrain~~d, shall be dct~ned nu11 and void. -2- PCa7-26 ,L° , 7. ' . .. . . . ... ..... ...~ ..... ... ... .. . . . i;~ . .. . .. '.~o ~~ , _. . . : _ . _ ,.. ._, ,. _ . ,,.,., .;, _,_ _,...U. .,._. , ,, ~~;~ TEit; FO~tEGUING RESOGU~PIO~I is ~igned ~nd approved by me this 19L-h day uE January 19a7. ~ ff ~ .. : `~ ~~~!''~L~% j ~ r `~' ~,~. :::- t CHA~.RMAN~ ANAH ,I C TY PL1j~ING COMMISSION A'.I"P E S'P ; / c • ~.+-~ SECRETAR'l, ANAI•1E:.tM GI`PY YI.A NINU COMMTSSION STATE OF CALZFORNIA COU~ITY OF OHANGB ) ss. CTTY Ul~ ANAHFIM ) I, ~dith L. I~arrts, Secrer.ar,y of r.he An~heim Czty Planni.na Commission, do hereby cerr_tfy thar. the foregoing rFNolution WdS passed and adopted at a meeting of t:he Anaheim cir.y Planning ~;ommission held on .Tanuary 19, 1987, by the fo.llowing voi:e oF t:he members t:hereot: AY~S: COh;I~1.ISSIONEFtS: BOUAS, PF.Y, IiERBST, GAWTC.KI, MESSF, MC BURIdE`! NOF.S: COMMISSIO~II;RS: NQNE A(iSCNT: CCMMISSTONL,RS: LA CI~AIRE IN ~AITt~~,;S WHC~2EOE', I have hereun+:o set_ my hand -.his .19~:h day of Jar~uary 1957. ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ' L3! ~u-~' SECI2E'PARY, ANAHEIt~i CTTY PLANNTNr COMMISSION -3- PC87-26 ;; M