PC 87-5^~14~ I2L;SOLUTTUN N0. PCn?-Q5 A RGSOLU'PIUN OF 'I'fi~; ANAEIB:IM CITY PLAN~ING CU~4MISSION THAT ~'E~TTTZUN FU12 CONDIT.TUNAI~ USE~ PE;RMIT N0. 2871 9E l,Ri1NTED WHERGAS, r..he Anaheim ~xty Planning Cammission did recei~~P a~eriEied Per.iri~n for Condir.ional U3e Permir from CURNELIA CONNELLY SCHOUL 0~ ZIiE HOLY , CHILll~ 2323 West Aroadway, Anaheim, Ca.lifornia 92~04, owners, an~1,10HN B~HLETT AND ASSOCtATL5, 25U Wes~: Color.ado B~~ulevard, ;;uihe 290, Arcadia, California 91006, agant-, of cerr.ain real proper.ty sir.uar.~d in t.he Cir..y r.E Anaheim, County o[ Orang~~, Skar_e c~f Califorr~ia, d~_,cri.beci a~: ALL 'I'EiAT ~ERTAIN I~ANU SITUAS.'GD IN Sh.CTION 10, TOWNSF(IP 4 SOUTH~ R.ANGF .10 WEST, IN `PFIF. CtANCHU I;l)S COYOTES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEll IN ~i00K 51 ~AGE ].0 UF MTSCELLANEUUS MAPS, RFCORDS OF ~RA~GE CGUNTY~ CALTFhRNIA, UGSCRI13Eb AS L'OLJ,OWS: BF;GINN7NG A`r A PO1NT ON THL SOUTH LIIJR OF THE NORTHWES`P QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAS'f (~UARTER 06' SECTTON '.cs, '1'OWNSfiIP 4 SOU'CHi RANGE 10 WC•:ST, S.B.B. & M. NQ~TH 88° 15" EAST 865.95 I'E~'i' FROM THG SOUTH4~ES'.C CURNER OF 'PHE f~OR'PHWEST QUARTL•'R OF.' SAIi~ NORTHEAS'P QUARTEI2 ANJ RUNNTNG 'CHENCE NORTii 0° 7_1' 00" i~1EST 666.49 CEET TO n POIN'P ON THE NORTH L'INL UF TEiE SOUTH JiAGF 0~ 'PfI^ NORTHWEST QUAR'P~;ft OF SAID raOFt~PFiF;AST ~UAR~J~ER; ~PHENCL" NORTEi SB° 5A' G7" WEST 23U.60 FEF.T FROM 'PHr NORTEIEAST CvRNER Q[' TI~C SUU'PH HAL[' OI' THE NORTHWEST ~;UAR~: Eft OF' SAIU NQR~'HEAST QUAR'PGR; THENCE SOUTH 0° lt3' 10" E~.ST 666.50 CEET TO A POINT ON TEIF. SOUTH LINE C~E TEiE NOR7.'HWEST QUARTER G`F SAID NOR'rHEAST QUAR`i'~R WHTCH ;;AIA POINT IS SOU'PH ~3Fi° 58' 15" WEST 1548.50 FEET FR~M 'PFIC a0U7.'IiEAST COF2NER OF' TEiE Nblt'PH HALF OL•' SAID NQRTHEAST QUARTER; TF:~:NCE SCU'PH 88° 58' 15" 41LST 2.'.5.15 rEET 'Pq THE POTNT QE BEGINNING. AL~ THAT CER'!'AIN LAND SrTUATEIi IN SEC'PION 18, 'PCrINSHIP 4 SOUTH~ :2AI3GE 10 WE!;'r, IN 'PNE 1tANC[~0 LOS COYOTGS, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECQRDtiD IN EiUOK 51 PAGE 10 Oe MISr.F,LLANFOUS i~;APS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAL,If'O:2NTA, DESCRIBEU AS ~'OL'LOWS: HEGTPINTNG nT A POIN'.C G'N THE SOUTH LIN[i OE' TliL NUR'PEiWGST QUARTCR OL' THE NQR'PHEA5T OL' 'PHE I10RTHEAST QUA:2TE:t Ob' SEC'PT~N 1f3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 10 WESx', S.F3.8. & M. N~)RrFi 88° 58' 15" EAST 1091.10 FEE'P FROM THE SpU'.CHW[;5': QUAft'fFR OF SAID NORTHEA;;T ~~UA;t'PLR A~IU RUN:IIP~G ~nf~ENCE NOZTH 0° 18' 10" WGST 66G.5U EGET Tp A PpIN'.~ ON THG NQRTFi LlNE OE THF. SUUTH HAI.F OF THG C~ORTHWEST QUAR'PEft OF SALD NORTH'r:AST QUARTER; THi.NCC NUFtTH 88° 56' U7" ~AST 230.60 f•L•'GT TA THE NQRTlIEA~T CuRN~R Ot' 'CHE SOUTEI HALF UC THE NORTH'~ES'P QUARTF.R nP SAID NGRTHL•'AS'P Qt)AR'fER; TfiENCE 50UTN U° 0~1' 25" cAS'i' S66.51 FE;E`J~ '~0 THE 50-JTH~AST Ct~RN£R 0~ THF. SUJ'PH H+1LP OE 'PHE NORTHWESZ' QUAt2TEFt OE SAID NC)k2THEAST QtJARTERp 'fHEPICF SO(l'PH dfi° 5~' 1S" WF'ST 228.iQ FEE`I' '1'O 'i'FIE POIN~r or HEGINN.ING. ~~H~HI:AS, r,he CEr.y planning Comml.s:;ton did hold a public hcaring at r.hP .'i~ic Cer.r,er in khe Ciryo u~ Anahc~im on .T~nuary 5, 1967, at 1:30 p.m., nc.~..~~~ cf saic3 ~ub.lic heari.n~~ havi.ny ~r•en duly ~~iven a~ requ:~red by law and in ';, 101`ss PC87-05 :i ,j .,; ., ~"•,, dCCOCdance with th~ pCUVi93.0Its of the nnah~im Munir.ipal Code, Chapr.er 18.03, r.o hear ar~d con~ider ~vidence far and against: said E7roPased condir.ion~1 use permit and Fo invest.i~a~:e and make Eindings and recomm~:ndakions in c~nnection `herewith; xnd W[iERLAS, said Cammi~:;i~n, a£r.er due ins~ect.ion, i.nv~atigar_ion and StUdy made by itse].f and in i~s bchal.f, ~.nc3 aft:er du~ co~~sidera-:ion of all evidence and reports of~ecc~d ar_ saic, hearing, ~aoes find anc] der.ermine the follawiny ~acr.s: .l. ,har_ ~he pr.oposQC1 us~ ls ~~rc+perly one f.or which a con~itio~~al uss per.mir_ is aur_horized by AnahEim M:~r.icip~l Coei~ Se~ti~~n ro wir.; r.o permi~ expansior; of a privar_e E~ducationai ir~s':ir.utioii. 2. Tha1: the rc~quesr.ed use is herehy gran'.:ed for a maximum enrol.l,oenr_ oz icur. hundred (400) si:u;~en~:s, as sr.iNulated r_o by r_he ~:er.iki~-ier. 3. T!~~k ~.l-~L proposed use wi11 r.ot adversely affect r_he adjoi.ning lund use.s and `.he g_owt:;~ and dev~~loFmen~, ot r_he area ;n whLch it is p:.aposed r.o be locar.~d. 4. Th~:t r,hr~ size ~~nd shape of. rhe si r_~ proposed for the use is ad~quate to a11ow i.he fc11 de~elopmtnt: of +:he pcop4sed ~se in a manner not r~etrimenr.a.l r_o r,he particular area ner r~ the peace, hea.lr.h, safet,y and general welfarF: of r.he Cir.izens ~~t: i.he City of Anaheim. 5. Thar. +-h ~ granr iny oE i:he Condir.ional Use Permir_ under nc~~ conditirms .mposed, if any, wiJ.l nor. be de~.rimental to ~.he peace, haair_h, saPety and ,~neral welEar~ ot ~:h~ Cikizens o£ rhe Ciryo uf. Anaheim. 6. ~t~at: the ~:raEfic generater.l by nc~ pcuposed us~ wi11 nok impose an undue burJen upc~n ~he streek:, an~'~ highways desiqnzd an~ impro~ed to carry the tcaf£ic in r.he area. 7. Thar five persons ind.icar.eci ~.heir peesen~e at: ssid ~~ublic hearing i.n o~~posir;.on; and rhar. no r_orr.espondcnc~ was reccived ~.n op~~siki~n r:~ r.he ~ubjt~c-: petition. ENVIRO~~t9f3N'I'AL IMPAC'P EINDING: 'Phar. h.he Anahea.m Ctky Flannir,g Commiusinn has ceviewed rhH pro~osal ~~.o permir_ ex~ansion ot a prfvar,e educ~ational in~~.irution on a recrangularly-sha~:ed ~acc~l uf. land consisting of app:ox.imar_ely 6.: acre,, having a frontaye ~P approximar.P.ly 454 feet on the n~r~:h 3ide of Htoadway, and Euctt~~r described as 2?23 4Jesr_ Broadway; and ddes hereby approve r.he Negar.ive Declacat:i.on upon fin~ing that i~: has con:~:.dered ~tie Neyar..ive Declarar.lon r,ogether wir.h any commer .s receiv~~d duGing khe public review prdce~s and further fi~~?rr:g ~~n +:he basi3 or r.he inir,ial Sr,udy and any commenra receiv~d ~:har. r_;~ere Ls no sub~r.antial evic:e:ice ~har_ r.he pro~ecr. wi:il have a s.igniEicanr. efEec~ an r_he environmertt. -?.- PC87-U5 , ~;I , ~ ' _ . ~ , ,... , 'r ~~ ~ j ;` . , ~pAa1, i ~ ~, 3 '1 f `5; r ,°1~cp ~ Commiss NOW, ~PHEREFORE, HE IT RE~OGVED khah hhe Anaheim City Planning ion does hereby r ~ ~ ~ ~ .~~~~ ~'I r,he tol g . n subjecr, pet:ttion for Co~idi~:ional Use Permii:, uFon lowiny conditionu which are hP~eb E ' h~ r~~e y ound to b~~ a ner,es~ar,y prerequisire pro~osed use oL• tne subjc ~ct ro r ~ . p per .y Ln order to prQServe hhp ,,1£e~y and gener.a~ wel~are oP r.hc Cir_izens of the Ci t: f y ~ . Anatiei.m; ~• ': Thar_ ~~rioc to i.ssuance of a bui.ldin iah.e kraf Uignal a~s fic ~ 4 h Pl1 ~ " s' . essment Ee~ tor r_h~ new ~n ~e rc ucr.i n sha ~ paid to the Ci.r.y of Anaheim in ' r an amoun.", as determined by fihe City Council. , Z• 'Phah cucbs and gui:rers shall be: r~mover~ and/or recons~rucFed alon BroadwaY as i ±' y reau rc~3 hy the City Engineer and in accocdance wiFh star~dar;i ~1ans and s . , ~ pecific~tions ozt file in khe Office of the Ci.ty Engineex. ,: ~. ~ Tha-: a11 drivewa s shall be ~ consr_rucr .~d or ~ ; . reccn3trucr_ed to accomm~dar_~ ~en (10) Eoor_ ~•adiu~ cucb ret.urns ;< as r~yuir~c3 ~y t}le City Tr.afEic F,u~inee~. 4. ' ; That khe existiny driveway sha3.1 be realigned t:o inttr.s~c+: Broadway at a 9p° angle. ~' 5• Thar, sub~ecr ~ , prop~rty ~hall be developed ~ubstan*ially in accord~n~e wikh ~~lans a d ~ n specifications nn file w.ith I:he City ot Anahaim marked Exhibit No;; 1 2 d '3 ~ , , an . ~• ?'har, priot ro final building and zoning i-ispecr_ions, Condira.on Nos 2,-~, 4 and 5 b . , a ove-mentioned, sha11 be complied wi*t:. 7 • That enro.l.l:n~~nr. ~ hall be ].im.Er.ec] to a maximum oL- Enuc hundred (~}00 ) .^if:iljl~l~~"u • ' ,, E3E iT C'URTHER RrSOLVEq r.har_ kh~ And~.~eim City P.lanning Commissian doES r~ereliy L•ind and der~rmine r.hat adoption uf t:his Resolut:i.on is expres~ly predica~:ed upon applicanr.~s compliance w.ir.h each and all uf ~:~e condition~t herainabovn .^,er. Pc.,rth. Should any such cor,dition~, or ~any E~art thereof, be declared invalid oc unenEocceab.Ie by r:he fina:l jur3gmenr_ og any court of romp~~ ent jurisdiction~ r.hen this ~esoJ.ution, and a~iy apprc.~vals herein conr.nined, shall be deemnd null anc? void. TI~IE; E~ORr^,GC~ING t~ESOLUl~ION is signed and aE~prUVed by me r_his 5th da ~ of Jar.u~~ry, 1987. ~ ~'. ~ ~~~~~/~ i' ,, C H F~ I , -~~'~~ _.._..~ RMAN, P.NAF E IM CITY PL~ A P~G COMMTSSION A`i"1'EST: ~ , ~ f,,~/ ~,~ / ,~ J,_QGt,!/IC.I ., ~" ~~L„~~'~l/lit~ SECRFTI~RY~ ANAHEI.M CIT!' PL,ANN~P~G :;OMM~zsSTUN -~ PC£17-US ~ :,. , ""'~ STAT:. OF' CALIFORNIA ~ ' ~ l,W,r,~~„ r;•y~ COUNTY OF qRAC~GE ) s , . C7TY OF ANAHGTM ) ;~`''-'i ~r:; ,„ t~ ,; I, Edir.h L. Harris, Secretary of tht Anahe3m Ciry planning r~ Commission, do hereby aerr_iEy r_ha~ ~F-e tor.egoing resolution H~as passed and ~a adopr_ed at: a meeting oF t:.he Anahei.m City planning Comuiission hel~ on .7anuary `.:~r 5, 1987, by the fol.iowinq vote oE hhe membar.s thereof• ;:,~~ ~ ~~'.t~~; ,` AYES: COP9MISSIONEP,S: BOUAS, rRY, MC 6~? ;hGY, MESSE '. NUE;S: COMMISSIt~NERS: NO~S '~'~s AFiSENT: COMMISSInNERS: T~AWICKT '~-` A[iSTAIN: COMMISSION~RS: HERBST~ LA ~T.,AIRL ~`'`~ ,:~. IN WITNESB WHEItEOF, I have .ereunr_o ser. my hand r_nis 5th day of '``; January, 1y87. ~l%' _~ ;; ~.. _ PC ,.. ,~ ~ ,~-s_.~ `;~r SL'Cl2ETA Y, ANAF~~IM CITY PI.ANN:[NG COMMISSION ;~ ~ , s. ~i ;;: ';y y~ : `ri ;,i: :~ :a i ~ •t ~!.1 ~ ~~ { ~ .4~ ~f.. ~',',~ ~.J .',. ; 34 , 'r -`~~' PC87••05 "';~ ~. j.J :,r~; `:n ,'.~; ;i' ,, , ... _ .. ' _.., ._..,..,__ ., . .