PC 87-50.~w , RFSOLU'PION N0. PC~3%-50 A I~ESOLUTI'ON OF THG ANAH[:IM CITY PLANNING CGMMISSTON THAT PE'PITION FOR CO[dD'ITIONAf, USE PERM7T N0. 2888 BE DENIED WHEt2LAS, ~he AnahPim City Planning Commission d:id recei.ve ~ verified Petition for Conditional Use I>ermik from ERE~ A. DAKt~Ft, CHURCH OF J~;SUS CHRIST OF LATT[;K DAX SAINTS, 5U EasL- '.~emple, Sal~ L~ke Ci~~y, UL•ah 84150, o~aner acid EARANO AND KtEVIST, 10~ Soutti Anah~~im ~oulevard, #3A0, Anaheim, CaliEornia 92805 A']'T:V: EI,OYD FARANO, agent of certain teal proper~y sit~.tatAcl in the CiY.y of Anaheim, Caunty of: Orang~~ ~ta~e of Ca].iEornia, df~scribed us: PARCEL 1: A PARC~L 0~' 1,ANll SImUTA'PED IN SE(:TSOD] 6, IN TOWNSHI? ~ SOU`PH, RP,NGE 8 WLST, IN '~~~E RANCHO SAI~TIAGO DE SANTA ANA, DFSC:R'tf3ED AS FOLLOWS: ~LGINNING AT rFlt, NORTHWES~I' CORNECt U~ SAID SECTTON 6; `PHTC7CS ALOtiG THE W~S'P L~INE UE' SAlD S~CTION 6, SOUTH 0° 02' 00" F~AST, 1816.03 CGET; THENCL' GAS'i, 20.00 EEET; THE[ICG SUU'i'H ?.2° 56 ` 30" FASTr 340.52 E~GET; THENCE SOUTH 11° 55" EAST, 193.24 FEE'.C; THENCE uOUTH 1y° 3°' EAST, 359.%3 FEET; `PHENCE SOUTEi 85° 16' WEST, 100,OQ FEET; 'PHENCr SO(JTH ? 5° .16' 3G" FnST. ~ 4'l. 51 EEET TO `PHE TRUE POINT OF l3L.GINNING OF THIS ~ESCRIP'P [ON; THC[3CE CONTINUTNG SOUTH 15° 16' 30" E~ST, 477 .09 EEL'P; 'Pi~IENC~; SOUTH 4G° 59 ` EAST, 4%3.14 FEBT; THENCE NORTH 74° 0~' 20" k:AST, 50~t.20 F~ET; THENCF~ SUUTH ?0° 52' FAST, 192.89 E[~ET; 'PHENCE NORTH 10° 44' S2" WGST, 2`_i9.54 k GET; THENC~ ~70RTH 51° 53' 35" WL~S'P, t61.93 FEET; ~rx~r~ce NOR'rH 39° 06' 46" WEST~ 263.0~ EN~ET; THENC~. NOK`1'H 56° 37' 54" WEST~ J.15.01 FCET; THENCE NQR'PH 71° 3U' S6" 41ES'.C, .1~18.05 I'EE7'; THGr1CE NORTH 7$° 37' 17" WEST, 305.a2 FG°T; '"1'HGNCG SOUTH 53° 57' 37" WEST 103.02 ['EFT; THEPICE NQRTH 79° U5' 39" WFST, 106.30 FEE'!'; THENCE iJOP.TH 85° 4~~' 49", WES^_', 87.82 FLET TO 'PHG T RUE POINT Or, EiEGTNNING. WHERCAS, the City Pl.anning Commi~sion i~id hoia a pubJ.ic h.eariny at the Civic Centec in the City ~E Anahc~im on Fe~ruary 18, 1986 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of. said E~ublic i~earir~g having been duly given as required by law an~ in aceocdancc with the provisions cf tf7P Anahaim Municipal CudE, Cha~ter 18.O:s, to hear and cons:Eder evidenc:e Eor and ayaznst said pronosed conditxonal use permit and to invcsL-igate and make findings and recommenr3alions in conner,tion therpwith; and WIIFFtF,t1S, said Commiss ion, a£ter due inspeckiun, ir~vesti~ation aRd ~ study made by i~self and in ii:s t:eh^.lf., and aft~r due consi.deration of all evidenc? aiic3 reports o~fered ~t said hea~iny, doES ti.nd an3 determine the i Eullowinq F.acts: '' 1. 'Phat- the pro~osed use is proper.ly one for wnicr. a condi~~.~n~l i;~j use perm.it is authorizPd by A:~aheim Mu~~iczpal Co~e Se~tion 18.23.0~0.030 to ~! wit: to p~rmit ~ ct~urch with waiver of the following: 5GC`PtON 18.f34.04~,U11. - Maximum stcuctural hei~. '-`" '~ rr (25 fee~ permitted; 31 and 50 teet prono:;ed ? ~ 1061r ~~'.87-50 yy ~ ~ , , 5r+~r.., A ~i { rgr v~., ,~,~., . . _ , ,"~. ~:,, ~ _, , , . ,~,a ,--. 1 _. ~. . ~ ~~~~ rw"'~. 2• That thc proposed us~ is y location is surroundec9 b, g hereb denied on the basis that th~ aftected by dsvelopment ofeatsc;hurch eand~furthers~n t e l,ba is athaL• a~,~~ersely 13oulevard is a nairow, ste~p and curvy arterial highway and add.itional traffic c~uld create very hzzardous L•raffic condations. 3• T,,at t.he reque;;+-.Pd waiver is hereby deaied an the basis that khe prc~posed use is denied and therefore, the waiver is unnecessary. ~• Th~t the pru~osed iase wi11 adver.sely aFfect the adjoining land uses arici ti~e growtti and development of the ~re~ in which it is proposed to be located. ~• Thal- the size and shape of I;he site ` adequate to allow the Ea.11 cievelo ment of thc. ~rOP~G~d Lor the use is not ' detrimental to th~ P '[~ropo~E-d use in a manner not ger.eral wE1EarE uC• th~aCitizans orgr~hp nor to the peace, health, safety and City of Anaheim~ G. That ~h~ granting of the Conditional Use Per-nit under t~ conditi.ons imposed, if. riny, will be detrimental to tl~e and 1e gener.a:L we1L•are of: the Ci.ti•~ens oE the City ot ~naheim.~aC~~ health, safety 7. rhat the traffic unc]ue bur.~~en upon ~he :;treets ndehigl~wayby des~g ed ancl ~irti~rov ~ lt~ impose ~n EcaPfir. in th~ area, o car.r.y the ~' ~~'h~~ ~PPr~~imak~.l_y 30 ~ersons indicated their publi~ hearing in oppositiun; and L-hat appraxima~ely 100 letterss were rt ~sai.d in opposi~ian ~o the subjc.r,t petiL•ion. eCei•~ed EN~~IRpNMGN'CAL IP~ 1p~`FINDING: That the .~naheim Cemmission has reviewed ~he proposal to strur.tural heic~ht or. a„ irre ularl ~~rmzt a church wiL•h waiver ofpmaxi,mum ~pproxi:natel g Y-st~aped parcPl of l.and consisting nt Y 11 acreso h~ving a frontage uf ].,050 feet o~~ the suuthwest Szd~ o~ F~~ir;nonl- aoulevard, being located a center.line of C~nyon Hills Roacl ~nd p fur~therel ]esc~ribed suutheast of ~he Boulevard; and dues her~by approve th~ Iv'egative Der.lararion upon 4fi.ndingLthat 1~ has considered tye Neg~r~.~~e Uec.].aratio« toc~; during the puk~lic review ~ ther Nzth .~ny r,ommerit~ received Pror.e~s and further ~inding on the basis of the initia]. study and any cominents received ~hat the projNCt will have a sign.ificant ef:'_ecl:hon ~thF cJ~~ substan~ial evidence nvi.ronment. NOW, '~FiEREFURG, pF T2~ Comrni:,sion does hereby deny Si~b ,~1~ea0GVGD that the Anaheim ~'it.y P.lanninq )- ~ekition for Conditional Use Perml.t, ~n the basis of the afore!~enhion~~ ~ind~.ngs. THE FOREGOING f2ESOL'UTTON is signed and a I Fe~x~~~rY. 1987. [~Prnv~d by me this 18th d~y Qf { ,~ f~~~~- ~~r.~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ .:~ ~ ____.~ .~~.f,- pxT~~T. ' CHATRMAN, ANAfiEIM C;ITY PLA' NING COMMTSSiOPJ SrCR~~PARY, ANAH~IM ~zg~Y pLAi~NING COMMISSI~N -2- ~; PCE7•-50 r~;' _~ . ~:. , ~~uF '~~ ~' S `,;',;r ~~ ; "~• , STATE OF CALIFORP]IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTTY OF AIJAHEIM ) I, Ec7ith L. ~iarris, S~ccetary o£ the Anaheim ci~y Plannina Ccmmi~sion, '~;; da hereby certify that the ~orc~goin9 resolution was passed and adapted at a ~' meeting of the Anaheim City ~lann.ing Cammi.~sion helc~ on February 18, 1987, by the followin9 vote of the mPmbers ther~of: `_, NO~S: CQMMI~SIONERS: MFSSE ABSENT: (:OMPIISSIUNFRS: FRY 1YG5: COMMISSIONCRS: BOUAS, H~P.HST~ LA CL,4TRE~ I,AFITCK.t, MC }3URNEY~ c~ IN WI~rN~SS WHEFtGOE, T have hereunto ~~et my hand tnis 18th c~ay of Cebruary, 1987. . - D ~% - ~ ,~.. ,_~C ~ ~, S~CR~TARY, ANAF~EIi4 CIZ'Y PLA.NiVTNG CO[4MISSION -3- PC87-50 ~C'ir'1