PC 87-51.~~ ~ ~ . . . . . ... . . .. .. . . .... .. .> ,. .. .,. . . .. ... _ , ..,r , ~y~:.a~•1ci~"!a ~w c.t~u ;r,~:, ,~~; ~~~~ ~ ,~, ~ ~k- . .±~; RESUI~GTZON N0. PC87-5i A RESOLUTIQN OI` T:IE ANAHETM CITY Pt~ANNIPiG COMMISSION 'PHAT Pi3TITI0N FUR CONbi7'IONAI~ UST' PGf~MZT Nq, 2Rg9 BE GRANT~D WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci.t.y Planning Commission d~d receiv~ a verified ;:' Petition tor Conditional Usa Permit from ANAHFIM MEMORI,.L HQSPITAL ;r; ASSOCZATION, 1'lll wesC ~,a Palma .~venue, Anaheim, California 9~802, u;~ner and ~'~'' ~R~J~CT. DL.'J~L;;PMLNT CO~ISTRUCTION INC., 2$85 South Jamts Crive, New B~rlin, Wisconsin 53151, ATTN: DAVID G. SUAREZ, agent for certain rea]. property sikuated in the Cii:y oL- Anaheim, County or". Orang~, State of Califarnia, described as: ', THE LAND REFERRLU TU IN THTS REPQRT. TS STTUATED IN T8E S~PA'PE OF ~,, I' CALIFQRNIA, COUNTX OF ORANGE, ?1ND :CS UE9CR:CAED AS ~OLLpWS: ` ~: PARCFLS 1 AND 2, THE CITY. OF ANAHEI'M, CUUNTY OF ORA~7GE, STATE Or .r ; CALI['ORNIA, AS SHOW[~ ON A MAP FI'L~D TN k300K 92, pAGES .15 AND 16 ~.; OE PARC~,L MAPS, IN THE OTL'IC~ OF ~HF COUNTY RECf~RDF'~ OF SAID •,i COUNTl'. '~. ~~ ,, ~ 4• WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission d:id hold a the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ~~bruary 18 1987n~~t ieaoing at ~ . ' p.m., notice of said pub.lic P,c~ar~n~~ l~aving beer. du:ly given as raquxred by law and ;lr. accordanc~ with the provisions of the Anahei.m Municipal Code, ChaAter iB.03, ,, to hear and consider evid~nce f.or and against said proposed cnndikioc~al use `'' , ' permit and to ii,~~estiyate and ;nake find.ings and recammendations in cannection ~ therFwilh; and ~ ; , WHERFAS, said Commission, atl•.er due insp~ction, inv4stigation anq `' ~i study made by itsel~ and in its behalf, and aFter due consideration of a11 ' ~ evidenc~ and r~ports oE[ered at s~id hearin dc+e:: ~ following ~acts: g~ find and determi.ne the 1. That k.he ~:oposed us~ is properly ~~ne Eor whicfi a condi~ipnrzl us~ perm.il is authorized uy Anahpim Municipal Code S~ction 18.4.1.OS0.100 l-o wit; ko permit expansion of a ho~pital c~mPlex to inr.lude a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Center with waiver of: SEC.TIONS 18.U6.051).021.1 - Minim~lm numr~er of ap rkinq s~ace~~ (1~621 spaces required; 993 s~aces ~~ropos~d) 18.06.050.G31 18.06.080 ANU 18.41.Q66.050 2. That the requested waiver is hereb,y gr.anted on tha basis that the par!ciny waiver wi11 f~ut causE an increase in tralfic conyes~ion in the immediatP vicinity nor adv~rsell af.fect any adjoining land uses anc! grant.ing oP ~he parking waiver under the condi.tions i.mposed, if any, wi11 riot be detrimenta:l t~ ~l~e peace, health, safety and general w~lfare oi i:he c~Ltiz~ns o.~ the Cirv of Anaheim. 3. That the ~r.oposed use wil.i not adversc~l. affect land uses and the y thc adloining growth and devel.opmen~ o.E r.tie area in which it is propo~ed to be located. 1062r 2C87-51 ;:i ~:>; ~,~~.^.it:a.',,, _ . . . ~ ~ ' . ------ - . . J~ ~ ;'ti r r ~~'~,~ 4• '1'hat the s:ize r~nd s~~~p~ ~F r.}~~ site pronosea for the use is :tc~equ~~te to allow the full develo~~mNnt oE the proposed use in ~~ manner not det~imental to thc parri,~~.l~~r area nor to the peace, heal~h, safet:y ~n~ 9n-1~Ca1 we.lEare oE th~ Citiz~:n:a oE tbe City of Anaheim~ 5• That the gran~iny of the Cuniiit.ional Use Per ~ conditions im~o~c~d, if ,~ny,~ W~].1 not bc detrimental to the mi~ under t:~e ;;. sater_ I Y anci~~ener.al welEar.c~ of ~he Citizens ~f th~~ ~~ac~, heal~h, City of nnaheim. ' 6. That the LraFEi~: genecated by tt~e prop~~~d use will noC impos~ an undue bur.den upon the street, and hiqhways desi.gned ar~d irnprot~ed to r.arry tihe tr<nfEic i.n ~he are.~, ~ 7. Th~+t no one irld ir_~te~, ,• ' ~P[~o°ition; rind that no corre,p~n,~~,h~"tr pres~~nc~ at sai.c~ public hearing in s"4~ijECt ~~etir.ion. '~~~~ wa" Cer^ived i.n o~position ~c, ~;h~ GNVIRONMEt3TAL IMPACT F.INDING• . Commission has ceview~d the ~,- ` 'Tt~at the An~-~heim City nlanniny - QG~P~.•al ,.o oermit expansian of a ho,pital c~ml~lex Co ~nclude ~ Magnetic nesonance Imag.ing ~pnter with ~~~,iv~r of minimum number ' of a~~rkin9 ~pace~ on an ir.rF~ ~ ~. aPProxiTat~ly 11.0 acres locateduUarly--.,~~n~~ parcel of 1and cohsi,~ing of ~n~ West Street, and f~~cther de;; . ~h~' no` rhwest cornE~r of L~, Paima Av~nu~ Memucia.l Ftospttal); ~n~j ~~~,J ~ribed as 1.111 ~Aest !~a P~~1ma Avenue (Anaheim :inding th~t ic has r.onsidered~Lh~ ap~~~V~ ~he Neg:"ivP T~~~laration upoh c~mments rECeiv~d durinc ~~~1~, N"9ativ~~ Declaration toyether with any basls aE the initial ~study ~an~~1~~ ~~vi omm~ ocess anr~ furLher, fin.9ing on the substar,tial evicience thot: Y nts receiv,~d that lhere is nn eiivi; onrnent. t~~ nr`~j`'~t will hav~~ a significant eEf.ect on the NU~a, THE;I2F.FORL, t3G I`i' itESOGVF.~ that hhe A -.• Commi.s~ion does hereby qrant sub'~•-- ~, nah=im City P1Annin,q the Eol.lowing conditiuns which <~reyhArebytfouncl~tocbe~atnores.,~re Permit, upon to the p[O[~OSed u~~~ Uf ~1iE ,~h: eG` " Y Prerequis:Lte and g~neral welfar~~ o~ the Citizcns of Cth~~~iF ln Forder tc~ ~reserve the safety Y o•. Anaheim: 1. Th•~r_ th~ %~ppcoprf ate fee:z rlue fur i~i'r~rection shaJ.i be pafd r.o Lha primarYr .°ec~~7dary and Eir~ Develo~er ir, accord3nce wi tF~ nules .l~.,A~Fand U201 QE th~vlyfon by ~hP Rates, Rule., and RnyUlat j,on~. r ~^IE1~PC Utility 'l. '['hat I.he a~prooriaL•e tra£-f ic r;iqna r. ~~~:~..~c ? the Cit of A ar~~ . ~.,mer~t ,~e ;~h,~ll ~~e paid to ± Y n• im in an ar~oun~ as d,~terminF:d by the C~ty ~ouncil. 3. 'ihat ,ubj^cr pc~pc•r.ty r,hall b~ ~ , wiCh plana znd ~Neci.Ei~ation~ r~n~Efi?e~MiCh~thstantia~ly in acc:ordanr.e F.xhibtt tau~. 1 throuqh 4. ~it_~+ oE ~,naf ~irr, marked 4. 'Ct-ar, pcior t~~ Ein:~.t h;iilding and zoning ir~rf,~~ttons, Conditinn Mo. .3, :ahove•-R1nR~ ~Oflf?ci ~~ ha i l b~ cqm(~1 i nri wi r, h. 5. That nriac t~~ the co;amencemnn~ uE thc irr;.viky ~iuth~rizeii ~~n~;ar re:s~~luki4r,, ur. wi.r.hxn L~ nFrfn~ df one ~+ac Fror~ th~ t~~js reri~.lucion, whicn~-ver acc~~rs Y~ -~~~e ~f thi~ abovr.- e r first, c~~~air.c~~~, t~ios. 1 and 2, m n_ioned, shall be comp).f~d wir.t-, tU comrlet~ r:aid condition3 ma b;, ~xhpn~~Ons ~°c ~urth~r time ~ 18.03.090 ~f t ~ , y 7ranted in accurdancr. ~i-:h ;ectfon h_ An~helrr, ~4~anicL~,a1 Code. -2- ~C87-51 ~` ~ •' ~ ~;~-i:h ,; , +':~i449" ,;~ ,;; BE !T FUR'PF1ER RE50LVED that r_;~e Anaheim CiLy F>lann.ing C~~rnmt~~ion doe~ hrreby find and dchermine th~t ~adoPtion of this R~solution ig expre~sly preciicateci u~on a~plicant's compliancc wikh eac.h and a11 of the cor~ditiona hereinabov~~ set forth. :3hould any such con~iL•ions, or. any part there~f, b~ ~aeclar.ed invali.d or unenForceab:ie by lhe f.ina.l judyrn~nr pf any court of. com~etent juri..diction, tt~en this RF~olution, and any appr~va.ls herein containe~, shall be C3,P,f'(TIQf~ null and void. 'PHr~ t~ORIsGOTNG Ft~SO~U'Pi~N i3 .~igned and a~,~rov~~3 by me this 18th day o~ l'ebcuary, 1987, l ~' --„ r~1~i~' ~. i~-' 7! ~,~.,. ~ i ,i i _/" :.fiAIRMAN, A[YT-HF: M CITY GANNIN(; C'OMMISCION , A`P~resT: , ~ !~--- °`. ~ ,~ ^,~~~~-_~.._._ ~ S~CRETARY~ ANI~HEIM CITY PLANNTNCi COt•1MT_SSYON ~TA'i'L•' QF CALIFURNIA } COUNTY OB URANGC ) ss, CI'CY OE AN.~H~IM ) i, Gdi~h L. [larri~, Secretary o£ the tinaheim C.iCy Planr~ing C~i~mission, do hereby certify that the Eo•~egoing rc~solution was pa~sed and ~zdo~tprl at a meeting nE th~~ An~heim City Planning r_ommission hel.d on February 18, .1907, by r.hW Eolluwing vot-e of the neint~ers thr_r~of: AYE:S: COMMISSIOP~ERS: LA CLA.TEtE LASJICKI, MC BURPiGY, MGS:,F P~OES: COMMISSIONGRS: NONF A~3SBNT: COM~4",SSION~.RS: F30UA5, FRY, fiL!?l3ST TN WITPiESS WHLi2LUE, , have h~~euntJ set my hancl Lhi.s 18t:~ day oE FnbCU~:y~ l~la7. ~ ,~ t~ - ' ` ~-- r • ~~~ ~.I, ar:i;i?P:~rn _, ANAHEIM CITY PLP.N't3ING CUMhSZSSION , ~ ~; ~ ,; ~ ~ t.~ ~ f` ~ -3- P~fl7v52 ~ ~ ". 6. ~'~J~%: ., , . , . '`~