PC 87-531~~,~ RESOLUTTON N0. PC07-53 F RESOLUTIUN OE' '.rHE ANAH~,IM CITY PLANNTNG COp1h1I;~I0N 4'EIAT PG'CT'CTUN I'0R CONllTTIQNAL USE PN'RMI'P N0. 2$92 g~ GRANTEll WEII;FtFAS, L-he An~hex;n CiLy Planning Commission did re~eive a veriEied FeLitio~ for Conditional Use Perrnit Prom SHLOMQ SE'ADTA AND UORQN DABACH, 16311 Ventuca Doialevard, Suire 1?.05, I;ncino, Calif..~rnia 9143G, ocaners anc3 RAXMONn I~FF, S55S ~asc. Sar.ta Ana Canyon Road, Ana;~eim, Ca:lifornia ~2807, ag~nt Eor certain real ~ro~ecty si~.uate~i in thc City oE Anaheim, Caunty oF. Orange, State oE California, dESCribed as, THE liANb RF'CERRED OT TN TfiIS POLICY rS SIT.UA7'h;D IN T[IG STATE OF CALTE'QRNIA, CqUt7TY pL' ORANGE AL~ll S~ DESCkIBCD AS rOLLpWS: PARCEI~S ]., ~, ;, ANn 4 TPI THL CITY OF ANAIiFiM, AS SHWON O~! A PARCFL MAP E'ILF.~ TIJ FiQOK 17.0, PAGL (S) 27. AND ?,i, OG' PARCEL N,APS, !N TNP Ori'IC;G OE TEIE COUN'PY RLC'ORDf R OF~ s~r.n CO(JN`PY. ~AHEREAS, the City Pl~~nnir-g Cc:mtnissi.on did hola a public hear.ing at the Civic Center in ti:~~ City ot Anareim on I'ebruar.y 18, 1987, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said ~tzbl.ic hr-a:irig having been duly given as req~:ired by ~~w and in «r.cor.dance with the Provisi.ans of the lnahe~m Mur;icipa.l Co~9~, Ckiapter 13.U3, to hear and consider evidence f•or and against saic~ proposeci condition~l use permit aric3 to investiyatr- and rnake f~~di.ngs and recommendations in r,onnect.ion ther~wir.n: and WHERL•'AS, said Connnission, after du~~ insp~cl-ion, inv~sr,iyakion and study made by it.~elf znd in .iL•:~ b~halC, ~nd after due r_onsicleration of all eVl.d~;1CN and rep~,rts oFfered ar said hearin.~~ does Pin~ and determine the tollowinu fac~~: i. Thak khe ~ropo:~~d i.ise is properly onc~ Eor whicn a conditional use permit is aukhorized by An~ahe.im Munic:i~al. Code Section 1b.4•4.050.U10 to wir: to permit on-sale alcoholic b~veraqFs in an cxisti.ng :est:aurant. 2. That the pCO~~ose±d use wili not ac9v~rse.ly ~k~~ct the ~.ujo:in.ing land uses snd the growth and dnvelopment of. L-he area iri which it is propose~ ~ to be located, h ~ 3. 'Phat the S12A ~~nd shap~ oL•~ L•h~~ site f~raposecl E~r the uye i.s 3 adequate to al.low the Eu11 develofinent of the pr.opns~d use in a manner not detczmental to L-he particular area nor to ~he peace, healkh, satety and ~ g~~ner~11 wclfa~e ~~i t:he Citi~cns oE the City r,F Anah~im. ~ 4, Thal- the grant:inc7 u£ the Conditional Use Permit unuer the ' cc~ndi~ions impo~ed, iC any, wi.l'1 not be detrimental to t-he peacr_, health, ' saFety and genera.l wel~are oE the Citizens of l•.ye r_ity of Anaheim. 5. That the traEEic cienerar_ed by the pruE~osed u:~e will nat imppse an undue bur.den upon t~;e sL•r~~ets and t;i.yhwals d~:;igned and inpcGVec3 to carry the ~r~Efic i-t the ~C'~~a. ~ i~}o4r PC:f3i-53 'r > r ` ~'!'r'''r_ ' '. .. . .. . ~ ~ - . . ';;r~ :;~ ~.. ' %t~ ~~ ,- r.,~''. . . ~. ~ " ':`b' ~btr'~f~,, , ihF„ r' ~ /'' ) 6' ~h~t n~ ane indiaated their pres~nce ,:-~t ~• o~positi.on; Qnd ~.h~~t no corr~sPond~nre was received indad ~'ubJ.ic hearing irt ~~~b7~~t ~etition. ppo~ition ~o ths LNVIRONMH;N~CAL 'CMpAC~C ~'INDING: T1iat the Anah~im City P:lanninq Cornmission has rev.iewed the pra~,~,~~1 ~a an existing restau~c~nt on an i.rregularlyeshapa~n-s~le d'1~oholic bevecages in approx9.mar~1y 5 a~1ES locat~d at the northwest cornerE~fUSantadnnanCanyon~Road ~znd xmP~zial. Highway and EurLhcr descr.i.t~ed ~7s 5555 Fast Sant Ana Ca1~ ~ (Mand~rin Taste Restaurant); ancl d~,,5 }ie~eb a Y ~ Road gat.ive Der.Zara~ion upon fxnding that it has con.^,idered Ehe Neg~ttiv~r)eclar~ation tqgPther with any comrnc~nks rPCeiveci during the ~izblic review process and further finc~inc3 on the b`'~~i~ of the in.itial study anci any comments rece.ivecl ~haL- ther~ i;; no substapt;al F?V1~P_{~CE? that t:h~ pCO;~@Cr will have a s.ignificant efPect on the env.i.z•onment:. NOI~, ~i~E~rr,r~oa~, [iT3 IT l2GSUGVEll ~hat l-h~ Anaheim City Piannin Cotnnti.ssion daes h~reb~~ grant subj«t perition for C~nditional Use P tl~e tol.lowi.ny cond~t-ions which are h,~ F ~ r~~Y Lound to be a nec;~ssar ermit, u~on to l•hc prnp~sed use oE the sut~ject pcoperty in order. to ,. , Y,_Prerequia~.t;e ar~d ycnera.l ca~Ifar~ of 1:hr~ C:itizens cf t:he City aL AnaPieime.'erve ~he safety 1. ~.that suhject proPerty sh~11 bF, ~eve.ln~~ed ~vith ~.ians anc~ g~nClflCd1:1o11S t?rl fi1~ w. ''ubstantially in accordance :x}~ibi~ Nos, ~ a~~~j Z, l~h th~. City o£ Anahc~im m~r.ked BC I'1' FJk~THI•'.i~ RESpGVG[) th~~~, f~~~, pnaheim Cit U hereby Cind and der~cr,i.ine ~hat ad~~~zol~ oE thi, ~~,~oli~tlanning Commissic,n does expressly predicatec~ upon applicanl-'a com~liance with earh ar~d allco~t~he ~~~nditions nereinabuve set Forth. Shoii.ld any such conditions, ur an declar.ed :nvalid or unenFOrceablc~ by the F.ina.l y t~art thereof, h~ comi~e"ent ji~risdictian, ~h~~n t.hi, Resolution ar ~~9m~n~ °r anyccourt ag contained, :;hall he de~,,o~~d nu:ll an!~ voide ~ Y PProval~ Pier.eir~ 'I'i~tE; FORE:G~~ING RF.SpL(l7'IUN i:~ siynnd and approv~d by me t:hi.s lath day oE .'ebr.uarY~ 1.967. ,~=r' , ,. - ~, !" ~jj `~. - ~.- ---- __.__~...5~ ! ; •. , . , CHAIRMA~7, ANAH ,IM C: T~}?r,ANN - ATTLS'C: G ('OhiMTS~YpN ~G~.- ~ , , SL•'CRE~rnax, ANA;iESFf CI7"i PI,ANNING ~~~`-" COMMISSION r~ 'Y i , ,~, ~ . ~3'*~'r~ r~ _. . .~ ~ j ~4 ~~~y~ ~ ~4 ti~ j ,~ ! it ` yF IJ} f 1 ~~ . . ' ~rrt~ ~ ~ ~ ` f ~ r T ~" '; ? y~ ~ , ~~~i i V ~~~; f ~for ' , ; , i~tt8,i~i. .. ., `~ ~ PC:87-57 ~:1 i-~. ~'"`'•~ SxATE GF C~1[,II'OFtNIR ) COUNTY OE ORANGE ) ~S~ CITY UF' ANAH~IM ) I, ~di.th L. Elarr.is, Sec.retary of the Ar.ah~im City Planning Commiss:ion, do hereby certii'y that t!~~ .foregoing reyolution was passed and adopted at a me~ting of the F~n~heim City F.lanning Commissi~n held on I'ebruary 18. J.98,', by th~ ~ollowing vote of the members there~F: AXES: COMMISS'IONERS: BOUAS, LA CLAIRE, ~AWICKI, MC HUFtN~Y, M~;SSE NOES : COb1MISSIUNE)25: NONE ABSF;IdT: COPIMISSIONERS: FFtY, HE;RBST IN WITNESS WFIEl:GO! , T have iiereunto seF my ha:ici this 18th day o£ February, 198'1. ~~ ~ ~ ~ SBCRI:'PAF Y, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANtdING t;OMMISSION ~~r~; ,,,,,~; i.:;, - ~r; ~~yT' ~~ -3- t~Cf37-5 3 ~A' ~;~: . . , . , .~!..-`^.~V';',~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ i' K,~E7'YIJ~7N'!t'~apww ,r•,. . . , _ ~~L ~l~d~r'~~~d,~~'~,~~a,~„~;~~G 4 -,~