PC 87-57~ ~ r;~• RESOL(i'L'IUN N0. PC3'7-57 ?~ RE;SOl~I~'PICN OF T'HC ANJ~EILIM CI'~'~ ['LANNING CUMMISSION AM~;iJlllNu C:ONDI'IION3 U[~ e\PI'RbVAf.~ (7C~' PLANN.ING COM~STSSION 12L:S0`,iJ'"CION NU. PC85-.1~!1 APPRC)VEJ iN CONNLC'I'ION WI i'H CONDI7'iOP1F~i, U.riF~ PEi2MIT N0. 2;i79 WIIEREAS, on btay 13, in85, th~ ~lnaheirr~ Cit-y P.lann.tr~g Commi~si~n grantecl Conditi.onal Use Per.mit No. 2G79, by Resolu~ion No. PC85-120 to permit a r~~tai.l ~enr.er with c?n-s~1e d1COflU11C b~veraga, in an canclosed reata4rant on proper.ty cnnsisking oE approxim~i-~ely 2.~ <3cres lncated at khe snutheast curner c~L- Sarita Ana Canyc~n Ruad and E'air-non~ £soulevard, and itirther aesc;rir,ea as 5500 Fast Santa A»a ranyon Ftoaci; and WHi;REAS, ~he ~~etiti~~ner pr.q~~oses to r,.n~n~9 condiEiun3 oE a~:pCOUal to ~f~rmit a re~ail ccn~er wi~ll on-~ale ~lcoholic beverages ih one enclos~d CC':;tdUCi~Rt an~t Oil-:;31~? hner. ~Ilt: 4/Lfit? lll c"i S~?CC11~~ ~?I1CZd5@C~ CQStclUf~f1C~ ~I'lc~ WHEA.E;AS, tP~~ City Planning Commiss~on did hold a publi~ h~~aring at tht~ Civic Cen*er ir, the Ci.ty of Anahein~ on t44r.ch 2, 1987, ut 1:3U p.m., notir,e of srii~9 public h~~arzng havin~t t~~»n dul.y gi~c~ ~s required by law ~nd in ~~ccocd~~nr_e with the ~rov~ sions oE th~~ ?.nah~i.m ~4unic~~a1 Codn, Ch~pter 1~.03, L-n hear ar~d consi.dF~~r ~virience toc and a~ainsr_ sai.d propusal to amena the cr~n~itiuns ot anprova.l oE Co~ditional Us~ Permit No. 2679, and to investigate aiid m~~ke f inr] ings ,~nd recamm~ndat ion> in c~nner_i_ ion therewith; anr; WHE:RL:r~S, said c:ommi,sion, aEt~.r du~ inspection, inveshigation and study ma~~ by ir.:;elt and :n irs .~~~ha!f, and aCter due cunsideration o£ a11 evidence anr:f r~r.,orts oEferc~d at saicl t:earin~~, `)OLS FiL•';tBAY i'I~~D; 1. ';hat: no on<~ indicat~d their nres~ncr in ~ppositr.on at: the pubiic hcaring; and thn'. no <:orce~ponclence was r.ec~ived i.n oE,posi.tion lo ~ubject C f? C311(? .y t: . 2, ~I'hat rh~~ 1i<;i•~~inq in tllt~ exis~i.nq parkina 1ot does ref2ect irito ~_hF~ .~urrounding area and ,hc~uld I~~~ re<iirect~d to ccnform ~o Codc~ requiring hhat any parking are~ "~~~~;:.in~ ~ixt:urer :~hail be down-1i~~htt~d r~ith a m,:ximum h~ight of 12 Eeek :~C1ci ciir~~cte~3 away trom all adjacent proper.ty line5 to prot~c~: th~ resid~nti.a.l hil.l:;i~]c ancl ,c~anic ;nr.~~nrity o[ kh~~ .rea. 3. Th,:~c r.he revif;c~r, ~,I.an~ (ldl7c:.ler] Revi.~ior, Nu. 2) indica~e th~t rNtail cenrer wo~;ld r~~n:;i.~r o[ ?.1,533 ~quarca f.ce~ and ~he r.~st~uc~nl•s w~uld tot.al 3,555 <3quar~~ feet. 4• T`~rar Condit.ion Nr. 7.p ~;~ Plannin~ Cr,mmi.3ion Itesolu~ion No. i~C35-120 :yhn~rld bF~ ~mr•ndcci to rr~;.~d ;~:; follow:;: "Th~r subje::~: r~roperr.y ~sha11 i~r. ~tnveluE~ed :au~~tant.f~ l.ty ir, a~,cor.danc~~ wit , ~;j,ans yn~3 >3peci[icatic~ny un f.i.I~~ ~~'~iti th~ CtL•y o~ Anahnim r,~ark ~~l R~~vsi<iri tJ~~. ~ of ~:~ch;bit ido. I ar,d [;r.hibit Plots. 2 thr~~uyh 5; proviraed, h~-~.~ver -.hat on.ly o~e free-~C~xntfir ? "rhonum~n~." sign st~~~ll. h~~ prrrmi+.k:ed wic:h a maxi~num di~n:~~y area c,'_ 158 s~'1%aCf` ::n~r. ~~n~3 lacat;ect tic rhe youth~~a~r carr.~r oE >a nta Ana C;n;~on (t~~ad ~si~3 i~airr~rntc ~aul~v;ird." 10~i$c : . . {_ Mw}~r1lnr~/•...~.f .. ~ ....... .. ~ . . . . pC87-5'l e , :^`!~Y 5. That ail. other cohdit.ions ren~ain the s~m~ as approved by Planniny C:omrni~s.ion Resolut•ion Nr~, PCa5-120, ex~:~pl that « neti~ ~undition (C~ndition No. 23 ) Ghall be addc~d to reac3 as Eo:11c~k~s: "`Tl~~at any proposecl ~irkin~~ aeea 1i~7htinn Lixtur.es ~ha11 h~ down-l~ghteci with a rnaximum heigh~ of 12 feet. ~a.td lighting fixtur~~s ~hall b, dir~:ct;cd awa,~ from cidjacent nroperty lines to p~otc~ct thP r~ sidenti.al hill.side an~l ~cfanic inteyrity n[ the z~re<i." ~OW, 'PHL•'RGEOftL, BF iT RES~~LVED l-hat f.c~~ Anaheim City Planninc~ Com~ission does hereby 3mend Cond.itions ~?o. 'l0 of Re~olutiott No, PCL'S-120 and a~3d Condition iJo. 23, as inclica~ed ~~bo~~e. THC E'Ol:FGOiNC RESOLU'i'IO~I is s.i~ned and aE~proved by me thi:; 2r,d day of Maxch, 1987, ~ /7 i 7 ~(~~~.,~/ /' a =~.~.~~%: ..;~ --. ._.__ CFIAIRt4AN, AN F l?iM CI'i'Y PLA'NNING COMMISS70N .4TTE,ST: ~~ ~° ~~" J._..,~ s.~.~_____. SECFE:'PAF<Y, ANAEiETM CI'rY PLA NTNG COMMTS:iION 5TJ1TE OF CALlFORNIA ) COUN't'Y QF ORANGE j ,:~. CITY 0~ ANAH[;IM ) I, ~;ditn t~. Narris, secretary of: the ~nah~im City N;lanni.r~g Conimission, do hereUy cn~Cify that thr, Fcreyoinn re~~olution was nassEd anc3 aclU[~r~d ar. ;~ mF~etin~3 ~f tr,e Anah~im City Pianning Comm~.-,sion held o~ M~-~r.ch 2, 1~~87, t~y the f~l3owiny vut:~~ of the members thereof:: ~`7E:S: COMh1iSSIl~~~hRS: BCUAS~ FRY, EiFRP.`i't, MC F3U1~NH:Y, NOFS: COMMIS5It1NETtS: tlQtiC: Ai.iSE;NT: COMM?S~IONEftS; LA CI~AIRE, LADiICKI, ~dfSSL ID' WI'l'NESS WHI:RGOF, I have n~_•[~unl-o set my hat~d titi~ 2nd day Cf March, ].987. ~) ~_~l • , ~lL~,~.__"~. ~ _~6~ :~~.Cftf:'1'ARY, ANAFIF',Tt4 CI'PY PLA NI~iG CnMMISSIUN ~-2- PC97-57 '.~~s: ~