PC 87-59~ -- - d ~ ~t ,,,,. t`', ;i ~. ~ RE iOLUTION N0. PC87•-_"~9 A RESOLU'i'TUN OE' THF ANAHEII+1 CI`.CY PLI~~INING COMMISS'[QN `i'HAT PGT:[TION I~OR CONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT N0. 2894 t3~ GRANTEI) WHERhAS, th~ Anahei.n? Cily P.lann:ing Commission c3id recelv~ a veri£ied P~ti.Lion for Canditional Use Permit Erom E3REA TTMES PARTNERS, .1.8514 Y~rba ~ Linda E3oulevard, Yorba L.inda, C~~liEorni.a 92E86, own~~r and YLM MAN,4GEMrNT~ f 18514 Yorba Linda f3oulevard, Yorb~~ Linda, Ca.liEornia 92b96 an~9 GUILLE12M0 , BARRTOS, 627 West Broadway, Anaheim, C~zliPornia 928U5, agent £ar certain real ~roperL-y situaked in the City af: A,iaheim, Cbunty oF Orange, State of 4 C~t1i.Eornia, clescribed as: PAFtr_L•',LS 1 TFiROUGH ~, :iNCGU~IVE, IN THE CI`.CX OI' ANAHE.IM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, S'PATG UF CALIFORNIA~ A~ SEiOWN ON A MAP E'IL' LU IN i30~K 148 PAGES 8 AIJf~ 9 OF PARCG;L ;•!APS, TN 'I'EIS OFEICE Oi THC COUC]TY RE;CORDLR GP SA.ill COUNTY, 6~H~,R~AS, the City i~lann.i.ng Coa~rrLssion c~id holc] a nublic heaciny at th~ Civic Center .i.n tne City of Anaheim on March 2, 1987, at 1:30 t~.*~., nutice of said public hearing having be~.n ~uly given a~ re~uired by l.~w and in accord~~nre with the provisi~r~s of the Anahe~m Municipal C~ ~A, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consid~r ecidence for anc~ against sa.id nrop~sed conditlor.al use permit a.nd to investiyale and ~r~ake findings t~nd recc~mmendations in c~nnection ther.Fwith; and Wf1E~2EAS, said Commi~siori, •~f:ler due inspection, investig~tion and stildy rnade hy i.lselL and in its ber,~lf., and afL-er due c~nsicleration of a11 nvi.den~e ancl reporL-s ofF~red at saic~ heariny, do~s Find and determin~ the [ollowiny facts: 1. 'I'hat the praposed use is ~co~erly one cor wl~icf, a conditiorial uap ~er~nit i.s ,~utt:oriztd by AnahEim Munici~;al Coc3e :3ection .18.~14.05U.Q10 to wi~: to ~ermit on-sale k-c.er and W1f1~ in ,~ F~rooosed res~:~~urant wi.`_h waiver of l-he Eol.lowing: SGGTIc~edS 1f3.05.050.0~i - M.inic,^.am number of: ~_~ arki.n s aces. ~~~ 18.U6.U5C.023;. ('lG8 s~aces requ~ rr:~d; 1"l0 existing) 18.06.~8U ANP ~ -" :4 18.44.0G6.05J~ : TEia.t the us~ is y~rehy yrant~~9 prc•~v~.d~d thut: tt~~ on-~ale aeer. and wi.r.e sha11 b~ served in connPctfon with meal serv.ice and therF~ shall not be a bar. 3. Thak the re.quest~d waiver .is herebk• gr~~nted on the bas1.3 ~hat the parking waiver will nut cau~e an increa;~e ir~ tr~a£F.ic congest.i.on in the immc~diaL•e vicinil•y nor adversel.y a1'Eect any aajoinins land ~.~~PS and granting oE t.hr~ ~+~rking craiver under the~ conditions ~mpos~d, it any, will nut be deer~:^~~nt:a1 to tL•z peace, health, saEety ~r~d geneca.l welia re of thr: c;iti~~ns of. the i:'it,}• oE Anah~~i.m. 4. '1'hat thr propos~ d i.~sc wil l ncit adverse~y aEfect the ad join ~ ng land uy~~s and the growth and dnv~lcpment oE the ~rea in which it is pr~posed tcti be loc~~~ed. } 1~70r ' ~C87-59 i ^' 5. That tl•~e :ize and shap~~ of L-he site ~roposed Eor the use is adeauatW to a.llow th~ full dev~Jo~m~nt of the prop~~sEd iise in a mann~r not dc.trimental ~o ~he particular ~ir~~~a nor I:o h.he pt~ac~, he~.ltih, satety and general w~lfa-e oL the Citizens of khe cir_y r~.f An~h~int. f>. That the e~r.anting o~ L-rie Concii~i.onal U~e Permit under ~he concii.kians imposed, i.t• ~~ny, wi11 noL be detr~imenl:al to the ~eacr, healtl:, safety anc] general we].f.are oE the c'i.tizens ot the City oF. Anaheim. 7. That L-h~ ~_r.af Eic yen~rat~r3 by thc propose~ usr~ will n ~t impose an unciue hurden upon th~ skrcet.s and h:.~7hw~~ys des:igned and im~roved to carry the tra.EEic in thc area. ~~ c~ a, 3. TI7~3t t10 one tndi.cated their ~rr.~sence ai. said oub].ic hearing ir: opposiL-i~n; ancl that nc~ corresp~ndence ~aas r.~ceived in op~~osition to the st~b jeci: petiLion. GNV:IRUI~61BP1'P,~L iMYACT ?~:[NDING: That the Anahcim City Planning Cormis~ion has r.eview~c~ kh~ proaosal to perm.it an-sale b~er and wine in a ~r~~o~~~d resr.aurant a~it'r, r~aiver oL' minimu:n numb~r . par.ki~zg sp~ces on a r~~cr_anqulaz~ly-shapeci parcel ot' land consisting o~ a~proximarcly .3.1 acr.es locaL•ed at Che ~>outhwest cocner of' B~all F.oad and Gilbert Street and furtLer. deseribeci as 2~124 Wesk E3a11 F:uae~; and dUE?S her.eby approve thc- Negative Declaration u~on f.inc]ing th~~t it: has consider~•d tr.e I;egaGiv~ Declara~ion to~7ether with any commnncs received c.iucing the ~ublic revi~w process and Eur~her. Einding on thr~ b~.isis oC the initi.al. sL•udy and :~ny comments received that there is no sub.~t:ant.i,al pvidence ~hat tn~ ~roj~ct wi.l.t have a signiEicanr. effe~,t on ~l~~a E~nvironmenk. MOW, THGREhQFtE, Bf: IT RGSOI,VED th~~t. t•he P.:taheim City Planr.ing Commission does riereL~ gr.a-iL- subjecL- I=etiLi~!n for Conc3i.tional Us~~ Permit, upon. t_h~ foll~winy con~i.tions which ~ire hrareby f.ound t~~ be a necessary pr~requisite l-o t:.he ~roposed use oE ~t;e .zubject: pr~E~F>rGy in order to preserve tht :~aPety an~l general welf.ar.e o[ L•he Citi2ens of t.h~~ City oE Anahein: 1. ThaL• a.ll drivew;~ys Sh~ill be co~~scructr:d or rec:o~st;rucled to accommod~te ten (.lU) 1'oat r~diu:; c~rh r~turres c3s required by L-he City 'CraEfic Pnyinecr.. 2. Thal-, subject pr.or~erty ,'r~all. bc develo~ed subsr.antially in accor.dance with ~lans ~~nd spi~~~~i~icatio~is cn f.ilc~ w.it.h th? C:ity of Anah~im mar.icc~d Fxhibi~ Nos. 1 thr~ugh 3. 3. 'Pitat p~ior tu the commc~ncPmenl• c~~° ~h~ nc:tivicy authorzzetl under this resolution, ar within a perio~ c~E on~-~ year Fram th,~ datc of this resolution, ~~rhichev~r rccut~ £i.rst, :onr,i.tion Nos. 1 and 2, above-ment:io ncd, sha.ll be c~m~lied with. Extensians Pnr further. timc~ to Coi~p1~L'~ said cond.it`~ona may be granted in ~ccordance wiL•h Section 1&.03.09U oE '~he Ahaheim M;~nicipal. C~~de. f,, Q:',~ ";;, ~~:t -2- ; ^~ . .' ' . ~ . . ' ~flx f~ ifi; ( i! ~ ,~ : ~~ BL IT ~UF<'rtlE~R RLSOLVED khaL- L-he Anahcim City P].anning Commission does hereby find and deL•ermine th~t adontian o~ this ResoluL•i~n is expressly pr.edical:ed upon applicant's i;,~mgliance tJl~h each ancj al.l ~L• Lhe conditiong hereinab~ve ceh. Eorth. Should any such condi.tions, or any part L•heceof he , . dec1ar. ed inval' _ id r , ~ un~r,fo ~ , r. c e:~l~.lc by th~ Einal ju~igment of any cuurk of, campetent jurisdiction, then Lhi:; Re~olution, and any ap~rovals h~rein cantain~d,• s.hall he deemed nia~ 1 and ~~o;id. TEiE I'OitGGUTNG RLS~L~JTTOtJ is siyn^c9 and approvec] by me tt~is 2nd day oF March, 19G7. ~, , .-~_.~/G , ' ~ ,~i ~-~ CyAIRMAN, A-~T7.'X PL NiNG C;OMMIS' bI0[d AT`L'CST: ~ SF.CI2ETAR , ANAHI::CM CTTY PLANNTIdG COt7t4ISS~GN S•PATE OP CAGIf~pRNTA ) COU[3TY OF O1tANGE j ~s. CI'Pt 01~ ANAEIE.[M ) 1, Edith I~. Hzr.ris, Secr.eL-ar.}~ af the Anahei.m City Planni.nq Corr~missiari, do tiereby r,ertify that tl•iE forego.in~3 resolut:ion was passe:9 and adopte.~ at a meeting or the Anaheim Cit:y Planning ~~mmission held on March 2, 1967, by the Eol.lowi ng vaL-e of the memt~r x;; th~rF~or : AY~S: COMMiSSTONGRS: C3GUA5, PRY, HE.RL;.^, MC BURNEY, MF.SSE C]OES: CQMMISSInNi:RS: ~ic"t~IC AASF'P~T: COMMISSIONL•'RS: GA ~GAIRI', I.AWICKI IN W.ITNLSS 41FIL,RCOe, I hav~ herei.tnL-~ set ,~ny r~ai::1 lh? s 2nd da,y oF Marctt, I987. ~~~~ ~ ~' . `=CCRL•'TA~ ANAHrIM ~J~?~L_- i CITY cLANNING COMM7.SSlON ~'3 PC8 i -59 ,'