PC 87-60~ r:r ; r"~. , - \ ~` }i~Sf)LUTION NO. PC87-6p A RESOLUTICN OF ~r~rs' :~tdAHFIM CT7.'Y PL~ANNING COMMISSION THAT P~'1'I'P:ION FOtt VARTANCL, NU, 36~0 IiE GRANT~D WIfER~AS, th~ Anaheim Cil•y Planning Co:nmission did receiv~ a verifi~d . Petiti~n for Vari.anr.e rrom CRAIG A. Mt)C~( AN(1 RI'1'A J. MUCK, 1229 Noc~th Willek ;t~;;: Ci!'Cle~ Anaheim, CA p:!307, owners of c~rtain real property situated in th~a ~~ C;.L•y oE Anaheim, CounL-y o[ Orange, State ot California described as: LOT 4 Uf~' `PRACT. 7417 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON ~r(:C IN BQUK 351, PAGLS 9, l0 AND 1'1 JC' h]ISCLLLANLOUS MAPS OI~ ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ~~. ~iE~LKli~Jp the Ci.ty Planning Commission did hoid a public hearing at ~,~ the Civ.ic Center in hn~ City of An~heim on March Z, 1981, at 1:30 %; p.m., notice of said public hearinc; hav.ing been duly yiven as r.~equired by law and in accordance with t~~e provisions c~F r_h~ Anaheim Municipal Code, C:haptEr 18.03, lo i-~ear ~nd conr,ider evic9Ence for, and agai.nst s~id proposed var'ance and to investigate and rnake f:indings and recamm~ndati.oz~s in connection therewit'.; and 4~1HERGAS, said Cornmission, aEter due inspection, xnvestigation and study mad~ by it ~c~l£- and in its beha.lf, and af.ter da~ ronsideration oF a1J. evidenee and r.e~or.L-s of.f~ce~ at saic? he~~r.ing, does fin~i and determir~e the Eo].lowing facts: 1. 'Phat thF: petiL-ioner propnses waiver oi' thE f.ol.lo~ving L-o constr.uet a.17Q syuare Eoot bedroa;n expansion: SECTiON 18.27.062,020 - Maximum lot covera e. ~~ (3S$ p~~r.rnitCed; 47.~ ~roposAd) ~~ 2. That I:he above-mentiuned waiver i: hereby gr.anted on th~ basis thal• th~re are sPec.ial circu,nst:ances app.lic~ble l•.o ~he pro~ erty :au~h as size shape, to~oqraphy, location and surr.oundzn~s which dc nor_ apP.lY t~ , o~her ic;c:ntically ' zoned pr.operL•y in the same vicinit•y; anc] t:hat strict app?.icatS on c~E tt~e L~n ing Cocie de~r•ives che pro~F,rty oE ~rivilFges rnjoyed by . oLhet ~roperti.es in the identical zc.~ri~ and claesi~ication in the vic;inity; ~ncl that the requc~st is minimaI.. ti; , ''' 3. Tha.C L-here ace Ax:se~tional or extraor:linary cir.cumstanr,es pr ;r; conr]itions, ap~Iica~le to the properky involved or. to hhe i.nt~nded use of the ~roperty that du not apply gener~~l.y to the p!•anertY vr r.lass of use in the ~;; same vicinity and zone. ~1. 'Phat the cequasted variance is necc~ssar~~ f:or the pr~servar_ion ac~d ~n;oyment oE a;;ubs~antial pr.opnrL•y right po~sessed by other ~roper.ty in the sar~e vicin.it-y and zone, and denied to the pro~~err.y in que~tion. ~. 'I'ha~ the c~aqi.~esred ~~ir. ia~ice will not be mat~riall~,~ detri~r~Gntal l:o L•he publi.c welEar~ or in~ucious Co the ~r.c~~ecty ~r improve;nF:n:s ir~ surh viciriity and zone .in which thA pcopecty is locatEd. G~ `Phat no ~ne indi;:ate,:i their r~::esence at Yaid nubli~ he.~ring in ;; ;~ oppositian; a~i~i thar no curr ~s~on~iene~ wa~ r~ceiv~d in oupr~sitipn o.,ubject ,,~ petition. l0~lr - PC87-60 .. ,>...r , : _ . . . , i ,..~~ . - , . .. . '"'~. . . . : ~, ENVIRONMrN''i'AI. IMPACT E'INDIN~: The Planninq Director nr nis auh.horizPd re~reser.tative has determined that the pro~osc~d projecL• Ea11s within the deFinition oE Categ~rica~. ~xempl:i.ons, Class 5, as d~fined in the Sta~e h]IR Cuidelines and is, L-herefore, cahegorical.ly exe;n~t Erom the requirement to preparE an EIR. NOW, THEREFORL, BG ~[T RESULVLU t-hat the Anah~im C.ity Planninc~ ,.; ~ommicsion does hereby grant subjcct Petition for Variance, upon the followin.g ~ "" conditions whi.ch ar~ hereby found to be a necessar ~! y prerequisite 'tu the proposed us~ oP the subject propPrty in order to preserve the safety and g~~neral welfare of tne c:itizens of. rhe Ci.ty of. Anahc~irn: `~' , 1. That subject property shall be developed a~ibstantiall;~ in acr.prdance ~ with plans anri specificat:iuns on [i.le with th~ City of Anat-,eim marked Gxhibit Nns. ]. Fhrough 3. ,,: ~;,; 2. That prior tn final buildi.ny and zoni.ng inspections, Condition No. .l, '•~` above-mentionnd, shall Ue c:omplied wLth. B~ IT ['UR`.t'HGR RES~LVED that the Anaheim C.ity Planning ~ommission does hereby find and deterntine that ~doption r,f this Resolut:ion is expressly predic~~ted upon a~plicant's complian~:e ~vith each and all of tt~e conditions heceinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or an;~ part thereof, be declar~d invalid or unenforceable ~y L-he [inal ~udgment af any court of competent jucisdiction, L•hen this Re•soliii~.ion, and any appr,~va].s herein conl:ained, sha~.l be fl~emed null and vuid. THE E'~~RL~~TNG R~SOLUT[ON is s~gned anr. a>>pcoved by me '.:his ir.d day of March, 1987. .~~ ~~'' ~%/ f ' ' % :~_ .~ C[-IAI MAN, ANA EIM C:C'PY Pl~,nt~NTI~JG COMfdISSION A'P"!'EST: ! ~ ~ SBCRrTARa , ANAFlC7M CI'P1' PLANNING COMt4TSSION STATE OE CALIrORNIA 1 1, COUNTX UF URANGE ) ss. CITY 0[~ ANAHCItR } + I, Edith L'. Harcis, Secre~a.ry of thr Anaheim City Pianning Commis~ion, do hcreby c~ctiL,y that the foregoin~ resolution was passEd and ~', ado~t~d at a m~eL•ing of th~ Anaheiin City P].~nninr, Commis,ion helc~ on March 2, ` 1987, by the Fo1l~wina vot~ of L•he me;nbers therenf: ! AYES : CQMMI,~,STO[JL•'RS: B~UAS, ERY, HEkBS'r, (aA CL/1IRE~ MC BURi~LY., MGSSE ~~ NOES: COMMISSlUNERS: NQNG ~ ABSCNT: CUMMISSIOPIiiRS: LA WICK;[ ~~ ~ TN W.IT~d!~;5c WFfERGUE', i have h@rt?LLIlrO set my hand th~s 2nd day ~t ~. td,~rch, 19p7. r ~ - , J ~J . SECRETARY, ANAHEIhI CI1'Y ~L [dNING COMf4ISSI0N ~ ~'~ - '~~ PC87-~i0 ~' ~~ s,'$; !: ;••, .. --- ~ - ~ . ~ .~.:',;-i~`~xi