PC 87-61~ RESULUTTON N0. PC87•-61 A ftESO[~U'PIOI~1 QF '.PHE ANAHEIM CI'PY PLAt1NTNG COMNIuSTON 7'FIAT PL;'PITION ror. VARIANCE N~. 3641 EiE GRAN'rEU WHE}2i:AS, the Anaheim CiLy P.lanning Commission dicl receive a veriFied Petit.ion for Variance f.rom JOAQUIN SUE'[RO ~ND AGNBS SUEIRO, 19G9 Deer Creek Circle, Anaheim, Calit~rnia 92807, o~~uners and CALIE'ORNTA RE;~40DGLING, 2821 White St.ar~ $C, Anaheim~ ~alifornia 92806, agent for ccrtain ::eal propFr;y :;i.tuat:kd in L•he Cil•y of Anaheim, County of. Orange, S~ate of California de~cribed as: LUT 20 OF 'PRACT N0. 7676, IN T.EIE CITY OI' ANAHEIT+{, AS PGR MAP Rf;CORDGD IN BOOK 297, i~11GLS 15, 16 AND 17 OF MISCF:LLANEOUS vAPS~ IN 'PHE 0~'F'ICE QE' THE COUN'PY RCCORAEI2 OL' SAID COUNTY. WHERF.AS, tne C:ity Planning Commission did hold a publlc heari n~ at the Civic Center in i;he City of Anaheim on March 2, 1987, at 1:3U p.m., not•ice of sai.d ~tablic hearing hav.iny bE~n duly yiven as requir?d by .law and in accor.r~~nce ~ith the provisions of the Anahei~~~i t4unicipa:l Ccde, Chapter 18.03, to hEar and consid~: evi.dence f~r and against. sai.~i proposed var.iance and to investigate and ntZk~ iiridings and recommcndations in cc~nnectian th~~r.ewith; aai.d public haarittg hav~ng been continued to th~ I~lannir~g C~~imnission meeting oP f4arch 16, 1987; and WHEREA~, said Commission, atter due insp~ction, invea~igation and study made by i.tself and in its beha.lf, and aL-l:e.r due consideration of a11 evidence and re~~ort.s oEfered at sai~l hearing, does f~nd and determine L•h~ .Eollowing facks: l. That th~ petitioner. prap~.^.,es wuiveLS of the following to construct a serond•-5tory 3-r.ocm additi.on to a sin~~le-iamily residence: S~C'PION A8.?. - Maximum n~nnber ~f. bedroom. ~ ( 3 perrnittnd; 7 pro,~osec] ) 2. 7'ha~ thc ab~ve-menkionec~ waiver is hereby gra.nted on the basis that there are special. circumstanr.es af,plicable t~ the ~roperi:~ such as size, shape, topography~ loc~tio~i ar.r~ surroundi7gs which do r,oL- apply i:o other identi~~lly zoned proper~y in che sa~ne viciniL•~~; and that strict application oE the Zoning Code de~ri.ves t;he propes.ey of pr.iviicges ~rijoyed by other pro~erties in tkie identical zone anci <.;.lassi.Lzc~tion ~.n tht vicini ty. 3. Thal- there arP ex<:epL•ional or er,tr~aordinary circumsrances at: conditions app.licable l-.o the properi:y invol.vec9 or to the intended use of th~: properLy that ,~o not ap~ly gencral.ly to Lhe p~operFy ~~r class of u;,e in the same '' vicinlr.y and zone. ~. ~rha~ rhe requc:~ted variance is necessary for tt-~e orespcva~ian and enjoymen~. oE a sub:~tanti.a.l ~roperL•y rigk~~t pr~;;~ess~d by -:ther propect;~+ in tre sam~ viciniY.}• an~? zone, and denied ta tlie property in que:t~.on. 5. That the reque~l:ed variance wi11 not be ~aL•erially detr.imentaJ. to th~; puhlic welfare ~r injur. ious to the nroncr~y or improvemc~nts in :~uch vicinitv and 2one in which the property is lorated. ~~ 6. That no one i.ndicated their pre~en~e ~-~±~ said F~unlic nearir.g in opp~sitian; and ti~at no c~rresponc7ence was received :in opposition L•~~ subject '.~':;~,: ` ~ petition. ~'~' ~ ~ 1074r PC87-G1 ~'~ } ., , j .Wr~ V` !7~}f~~1{~~1~~.1 i,.~ A,}, t . . ... . . . ~VM11~Si~'.~~{V:~ (A/'f ~..i.~'r_. . .. .. .. . ~ . . . ~ ... , .... j ~; . d . . . . . , . . , ' . ~ . . ~ 4 1~~p } . . . ' . . . ~ . ` ~4~' r'~, ~~ ,,~ .~ ~ ~ ,, ~;; GI~VIRONM~NTAL _IMPACT EINDING: The Planning Direc~or or his auth~rized c~p~esenta~ive has determinea that the pruposed ~~.roject falls within the definitiGn of. Categorica.l Exemptions, Class 5, as d~:f'.ned in ~he State EIR Guideiines and is, there~ore, cateyoricall}~ exempt f:rom th~ requirement to pr.epare an E:tR. `;,; .. ,. ~ D10W, THEkEFORE, CE IT FtI:SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning c;ommission doe~ herehy qrant suUiect Peti.t:ion for Variance, upon the ;~:.: foll.owi.ng con:~itions whiah a~:e her.eby Fo~ind to be a necessary ?,~'~ prerequisite to the ~ro~os~u~ use of t~he subject prapert,y in order to {~ ., . > preserve the safe~y and general wel~are of th~ Citiz~ns of the City of i~~ Anahei.m: 1. That subject ~roaer::y shall be developed substantially in accor.dance with ~~lans and speciEications on £ile ~aith the Ci.ty :;~ of R-~aheim marked Exh.i:~it Nos. ~ and 2. :, 'l. Th:~t prior to final building and roning ir~spenCions, C.osldition ' No. 1, above-mentione3, shall be comglied with. ''; ~ ;;; ~ AE I`P FURTHER R~ ~~t,VED that the Anaheim Cit•y Planniny Commission ~ hcreby find and dctermine that adopticn c~f thi_s Res~lution is ~;~~ C3UP. S ; ~xpressly predicated i;p011 applicant's compliance with each dI1C~ a11 oE the '. c:onditions hereinabov~ set :Eorth. 5houlcl any sur.h ,ondi.tion, or any pazl ~ thereof, be derlared invalid or unenEorcea~le hy h.ht fa.na]. judgment oP i', any r_ourt of comp~tenL• jurisdiction, then this Res,~lution, and any ~,: '+ approvals herein containnd, shall be deemed nu:l1 and void. ~; ' ~ THF' HOREG~ING RCSOi~~TION is signed and appr~vPd bY m.~ L-his 16th ~, J t day oP March, 1987. ; ` ~..-, ~ ~(~;~; U ,s ~~?' , . ; ~.~/. '~ ~ f ~~ .^ t~ i CHAIR~4AN~ ANA r, M CITY. PLAN ING COC'IMISSTON ~ i I ATTGST: - , _~~~~~-=-~-' ---~ .~;/~/c~-~ _ , ~,: _~L i S~C12~TA . , :~NAEIb;IM CiTY Z~LP.f~NING COt4t4IS5IGN ° '~ STATE Ob' CALI~ORNI1~ ) ' °; COUNTY Of' OFtANGE ~ '~s. CITY OF A.NAHH'!M ) ~i Gdith L. Harri.s, Secretary ryt the Anaheim CLty P1r.nning ;~ I, Commission, do hereby certity khat the L-ore~oing resolution was pas~ed `,~~ anc~ ac~or~ted at a Yneeting aE Lhe Ananeim City ~lanning Commission h~ld on March lo, 19t37, by the Eollowing voi:e c~f the mentbers thereoF: ;~ AygS; CQMMISSIUNT3<<S: BOUAS, FP,Y, HEIZCiST, LA CLA.iRF, LAWICKI, MC SURNRY. ~, NnES: COMMLSSIONERS: MGS5C ADSEIdT: C'Ot1MTSSTGI~~RS: NONF~ ~-, IN WITN~SS WH~REGF, ~ have hereunt.o seL my hand this lbth day ~f ;;}': ~i ~. Marah, 19F37. - .~~~ . ' ~: .. ~.. SECREx'ARY, IQAHB3'M CITY PLANNIN 'OMMlSSION '.',;~ _2_ YC87-6? , '.'.`F~I L ~ 4f i:: hl~; ~ , ~~~V ,.r,.. ..... ~ . _-_~~. ..