PC 87-65..;; . .. , ., . . .,.,. , .,.; , , . .. .,. , .. . . . ,, , ,. . ,., . ~ . . . ..~ ... ~ . .,,~ . . -.,-..,. . ... .~.. .._...-~.. :...r.:.~r ~ur,cnp~.. ~,i:.1 RESOLU'PIO[V tJO. PC87-65 A RESO'Lf1T:I0N OF THE ANAHEIM CTTY PL?~N~vING COMMISSIO~I T,-IAT .PETITIOI~ POR VI:RIAIdCE N0. 3647 g~; GRANTE.. s.; ~~THL'REAS, the Anaheim City Plann.ing Commi, i.on di.d receive a verif~ed "` i~e~ltion For. Variance fro;n DOYLG E. SMTTH arfn MAKJORIE L. SMITH, P. 0. HOX 580, Nuevo, Ca'litori~i.z 92367-05Q0 and N~VILLE LT}3E3X AND VIOLRT LiBBY, 1661 West Cerritos Avenue, Anah~im, California 92802, owt~ere and GEHALA R. BUSHUR~, P. 0. pc,x ].85R1, ilnaheim, California 92817-8581, agent ior certain real property sit~aated in the City of A-iaheim, County of r7rang~, State of , Californi~ descr:Led as: LOT 4 OI' !'RAC'C N0. 1322 AS 1~ER MAP RCCORllED TN DOOK 40, PAGE 7, M7SCELLANGOUS MAPS, IN 'I~iE OFFIC:E Or THL C'OUNTY RECORllE12 OF SAT.D COUNTY. LO'.[' 3 OI~' 'rRAC'P 1322, AS NCR MAP R~CORDEU TN BQQK 90, PAGE 7 UF MI:~;Cf~LI'~ANGOUS h1AP~ IN TH~ C"FICG UF' THE COUNTY t2~;COR~ER OF E.'AIll ORAPIGL COUN'.I'Y, CALIF~~RNIA. `.; ,;. ~ ;; ; ,~ ,. rJH'.~,R~:AS, the Ci.cy Plannir~q Co~amissi.on did hold ~~ pizblic hearing at the Ci^ic Cen~er. in the City of Anaheim Un IdarcP~ 16, 1987, at: 1:30 p,~., nol:i^e oE saic9 pub.L.ic hearilg haviny been duly given aa required ~.,y law and in acr_ordancc wit:h Che provisions of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and con~ider evi.dence for and against sa.id pr.oposad var.iance and to invPsti:,at~ and rnake findirigs ai~d recc~mmendatio ns iiz connection therewith; and WHEf2LAS~ ~aid Commission, after due inspt~ction, investigati.on and study made by .itself and in iL-s b~hall, and a.fter due consideration of all cvid~nce and re-.~~orts ofL-ered at said he~ring, dues find and determi:-e the f.~llawing facts: J.. Tha~ the petition~r proposes wa~t~ers of the fo.llowing to ~stabi:ish <z 6-7.ot, RS--72.00 Zone, sinyle-Eamily resi~ientiaJ. suQdivisior.: (a) SEC:'CIOtd 18.01.03U - Requireci l~k Er.ontage. ~,;~~ ~~ ~ ( I`ronta~e on pixblic strec~t c~ all~ requizcd; ~rivate street froncage for 4 lots [ t~os . 2 - 5 ] propos~r~ ) ~ ' ~i y ~~ (b) SECT:LON ]. - Required o-'ienta~ioit oF residential structuxes. ~ (Residences required to rear-on arteri.al highways; residences an L'ots 1 arid 6 prop~sed L•u front-on or side-on to Cerritos Avenue) 1U78r ;~ Pc;87;G5 ,s "`~ _.. _ , _ , ... . , ~,;:~~ 2. TY~at the above-mentioned wa.ivers are h~reby granted on the basis tYiat there are special circurnstances applicable to ~he proper*_y such as size, shape, topoyraphy, lccation and surroundings which do not aPp1y ~o othQr i;lentically zonEd propert;y in the same c~icinity; Gnd that strict aoplication of the Z~ming Cnde depr.ives L•he prop~rty aE privileg~s enjoyed by other properties in the ' identical zone and clas.iPicarion in the vicini~y, ,:;; y~tr~ rL4'a4.`r~+;fp~-.~~,:b~„~~.. i . ...:.>, . _.... . . . , ...... . . . .. _. ~ n.,F .,. .. -. . .. ~.. .._. ,.~ , : xy .. . . ~..- .. . ~. , , - ~~~.. .,..:,~•. ~ f~;~::`,.. ~":_:•< c !._r~~`' rr("l'ik.M~"l~tYh y,~ , . ~y9 T~~_~ ~;:fP l''_. A . : ~ ':1 ,+ -- :' . .','': 3. Th:7t the propo:sed pet.tti.oner':, sti~u lation t h v~~riance i:; he;e~h~y yranl•ed suL~;j~sct Lo the . e~ : l: e proper. r_y guarantceing L-o sur ro E,ublic Iln~-~Clfl~3 und in l•.~~ r.ecord ~x cav~nar,t ~n ~he . g pro~er. ,:y subj<~ct F,r.o er.k ^hall l~e res : ' ~' Y t ir t d t c>;an„!•~ ttiat deve.l~~ s~~n~ ~'~ - oE re~;i~ent:ial stc~.~cturc~s an~: that . . e o a cr~ ~~E th single-ctury, sin~l~-~atn .ily furnished t.o the ciry of: Anaheirn. e PY rer.ordc:~3 rov enant shwll. be ~'"~ ~1• '1'har !;her.c ar~: r~x~:r~F;tionr,l or f~xtraorciinar.y C1CCUf~.~it~;~ces ur c~nditions ai,plicablE~ to Lhe E~roperl;.y ;.nUOlved or l•.o the inEended use oE _~~ prc~pe~.t:y th~:~~ do not aPply g~neraliy t:o the property ac class oE u~e in the samc, virir.ity and 'LOfl~3. ~. ThaL• the r~qi~~:;~~t,d ~~,~Ci.ance i^ nece,;sary @cr h.he I~re:~er.v._~tion ar~d ~ ;: en ioymr~nt ~~E a:~ub,L-antial F~r~~~erty ri.yht pcisscs:~ed by oL•her ~rogerY_y in the j ~' ; s~~me vl.cini.i:y a~lc~ ton~, and d~~ni~d ~o t•i~e E~roper.t•.y in ~{ur.stion. 6. That the requested varianc~ Hill nr.,t be m~teria.lly detrimcneal to the ~ublic wc~lfare ur~ injuriou:: r.o th.r. pruper.ty or improvement:~ in su~~h viciniky and znne in ~~hi;:n the propett:y is iocaL-ed. . 1. 'Ph•1~ 17 pr>r...on~ in;.3ic.itFrd their C~re.ence at sa.id ~ub2ic hearing l.fl O~U(?;1f101'1~ a7(] tflift fl0 :;orre~nondence 4l~1S Ci.CE:1VE?4~ LIl U~J(~Ou~~.l0[1 tU sul~ject pek.it-ion. EP7VIROt1M-;PJ'I'AL, IF1P,~CT F.ir~qIt•i.r,; ~1'hat L-he Ar,a7eim Ciky Planning l:Qf11fi11:iS1Ul1 ~lc7i C!?V1E`W('C3 !-}~r> YO U5d) P E~ tc~ esta~l.i:;h a 6-lot, R:i-i200 'l.une, :sing.le-f.~tr~ily residential ,ut~division •.~i~h wciiyecs oF required 1ot fron~age and requir~d ~ri~.~tation o1: resic~enti~~l strurtur.~~s or~ a re~tangularly-shane~ parr_~1 of '.an~i con,istinq ot appr.o:ciiz,<~,.,~ly 1.5 acr~s, havi.n~;~ a Pro~tagA oE a[~F>r~~ximat.ely 228 fcet on r{~e north side of: Cerr.i.L•os Avenue, and f.ur~he[ , descri.beci az; 1G43 and 155i 4re::t ~~crritos fv~nu~~; and does hereby approve thc; i~egative ;~~~ciarahion ~~~,on f.inctin~3 r_har it. has c,~nsider~d th~ Neqative Declarar.ion tog~~th<~r with any commtyn~s receiver~ during the ~ub.lic review ~~rnc~~ss and it~rthnx [inding on the basi, c;{ the initial ~tudy and arr~+ comtnent:~ receivtd I:h:~k thee~a i~ no s~_tl:~:,t-antiai evi~3~~nr.~ t{~~~ ~!~e projE:~(: will hav~ a siqn.ific<in~ •~EEccf: on the ntiV1C4i11R~311~. y , t;~W, ~PHER[;r'Oit[;, riE [T Etf::S~.)LVEn r_har, t'~r. Ar.aheirn ~. ~'~nmi~ssic~n riur~s h,~r~~by r.,r.ant ,ubj~~ct Pcr_i.tiun f.o~ Variance, upon the Eo.llowine~ , conrlit ions W}'il~;}l ]C~' ~]e?CE?~1~/ f:OUIIJ ~;C) (~r? ~+ ~•c t DCOF703t'~~ UG~? Of CII~ :; c1 f1~C.f?..,.,a[y [1C@CQC1U~a^1tP_ CO tt1P. ubi~ct r~CO_~nCh_Y in ord~•~ o prarrerv~ the :3afety and ~eneral wcrlfar.e oE rhn_ Ciki~ens ,aE nc~~ City r~f An.~neim: ,: 1. Th~tt the owner. o~ sub r~~r "~; 7 I~r~r~C~•'r~y ^hali irrevocably ~LEFr r.o dedi~~a~~F~ to Che Cir_y <,[ ntl.~hnim a strip nt' 3and 45 f.ue~ in width t[om "-}~~ cr-n~r~rline c~f th~r .^,tr~~c~~ al:~n~ C~~rriL•r~::> wicieninc ~ 3 Avenue Eor. strect J (,ucpc:,.,~ . ?. 'ii~a~ alt enginencing r.~~<3~,~rE,;;c~n~ri of th~ Cit~~ oE hnah~i.m ~~long ~:er.rir~~:; ,1v~nue, inc:l~~~lin~~ pr~~par.at;~n ~~f inpr~vem~nt p:an3 and [Sl:il~ ; i).BF.(q[1 C;~ ~ll ~ i.mprov~~m.,nt:r:s .^,UC~I A`9 CUCf~:J i.l~l(~ guCCFrs, ^lrl~:'.l~~k:;~ Wd~nC Ldr_S11R:I.e~~ ::rtn~~r graciirlg an~i ~av~n<<•nt, :3n_WCC i~~Gi ' ucr.in.age ~'actli.ti~~a, ~r qther a~purt~~nant wurf; ~,hall be com~lien with ( aa eecruirecl bY r.hc~ City Fnc~{r~~nC and i:i accorr3anch with ~~nectf.i.c~t:ons cin £ile in the ri[ic~~ nE r_h~* C:~:y ~nginner; and rhat , .i ` -2~ E~C87-G5 !~ ;; ~ . . ~ . . .. ..r. , ::•r i t~.S ~ ~~;f ~4~ ~ . . . . ., . . _ . . t }I'r „/~M\ ~ securir.y in tt~F For.m oE ~~ bond, ccrti.f:ic~~te ~t cleE~~sit, letter ~y~ credit, or c~ish, in an amount ~~nd foc~m ~ati stact~ry to the CiL•y of AnahNim, ~hall 1~~ pcisted witr, the City t~ guarUnte~ ~he saL•isfactor.y co:n~l.etion ~~f. said im~:rovements. Sald secur.ihy sha:ll. be ~ay~ad with Che Cit7 prlor to «p~roval ot improvement p1an5, ~o g~aarantee ~he 1n:,t~~.l..la~ion ol Lhe abavr~-r~~yulrcd im~,,:nvements pr.ior to occupancy. 3. That str,ec~t 1.i<.~hLine~ Pacilitie:; along Cerrikc~:> Avenue shal'1 bF in~~tal.led .as requ.i.red ~y the Ut.ilitte~ Genera.l Mana~~er in accordanr.~ ~vit:h ~;~ecification;, on file in the pE'fice oE Uhilikles Ceneral !4anr;g~r., and that seeurity ir. the ~urm oL ~7 bon~3~ certificate uf ~j~P~~xr, ~etter oE credit, or c~ash, in an amuunt a:~:d Lorm s~~~isEac~ory ta the City uE ~naheim, shal.l t~~ noste~ with the Ci.l-y to ~uar~~ntec~ th~ ::;~i~is~ac_ory cotnp.leCion oE the above••mentianed improvemenrs. 5aid securi~y sna11 be pr~sL•Pd wich thc City af Anafieim prior to a~~proval oE imF~rovement plans. 7'he abovc-rcquired improvem,~i~t;, s1~a11 b~ irs:~t~~Lle~] ~~rior to occupancy. ~. ~['h~~t all. loks with.[n thi~ r.r~act shall bc served by undergroiind uL•ilitie~s. `~.. '1'h~~t i.he privat~ ;;treet: stlal; ~n ~~J~lp~,~~{ in accordance wi.kh the Cit}~ r~f Anahein':> ,tandarc~ Uet:ail. Nn. 122 for private streeks, includ.ing instal lation o[ str~r t nam~ si~ns. Plan:~ for the Eariva~e srreet lightiny, as r.~qu.i.re~d by t.ie strxr,dard detail, sh~ll be submitkei l:o ~he t3~i.l~]inn pivision for approval and included with the bui Ldiny p)an:~ ~rior Co th~a issaar.ce oE bui.ic3ing permits. , :;Lreet., are tho~n (PrivatE ;~hich proviri~ primary acr.e:~s and/or circulation wi, hir. t.}~~: K,rt~ jf~ct. 5. That nrioc• to iss~ar~ce of buildir~g permit, the appropriatE Ee~s f~z ~-,ri:nary, secondary and itrc, ~rotertion shall be paid to the Water Utilit:y Divisi~7 t.iy ~h~ pnveiop.;r. in acc~rd~~nc~~ with, I~ules 15A and 2p oE ti~e.~ tvai.r_~r Ur.i.liL-y k~tes. Ru.le, and Re~ulaCions. ~. 'fh~t the own~r ol-' :~ubject prorerty „iall ~~ay to tn~ Cil.y of An~h~im ~ [ee for trR~e ~lant:i.ny pur.r~u:~es aic~ng C~rrir_os rlvenue iiti an nmount as Cln~f?CIIILfI(?d b~ the City C:ow~cil. a. 'I'Y~ar pri~~r to i.ssuance oF a l,~ildLng ~ermit, appr~priate park and r~~c~r.cati.on in-lieu Eee;; :3ha11 b<, paid to thf~ City of: Anah~_im in an amo~.u~r as de~.er.miiied by r_},e ~,it~ C~~uncil. 9. 'Cha'c. ~,,• iur to :ssaartc.e of a b~.aildincl [~c~!'e~it, the ap~ropria+.e traffic ~l~fl~i~. c7u!'{~S;i11~?flt f~?f? ih~]Z.1 ~:r ()tl1C~ h,O t}~C_~ ~'1FV Qf Anaheim lll dl~ a~nc~unt ;u; ~3~r_~rmined b,~ t,he Ciry Counci.l. 10. That dratr.ag~ o(: ~,:b ject ~~roper!,•y s~a.tl bc ciispose~ oE in a rianr~er 3%i~i~farh_r~ry r~ r.t~~~ ~it;~ i3nryinenr. ll. `Chat ~~at:~~s sh.ill noc be i,nstal.l~d acr.u:;s the r,civaL•e str.eet .En ~i mann~~c which m~y ar,verr,nly acFecr. ~:~hicular tr,~fEic in k.he adjacen; ~~oltc str.cet. In~Cullati~:- nf ~ny ~~1~e;; ~,~all conEoem !:o Fn~ir.~erin~~ ;tandard 1~le,n t~o, 4(~"1, and sh;,ll :~e uubj~cr, rU rh~ tev.tew and apE,r~v,a~ vf. ~he r.~1ty T[<~E~f:i.~ Fn3ine~,: , -"3- ..,;. _ . [~C87-6~ ~ ~~ t . u ; , ~:-'. ,.... .~~:,; , ~: 1~• T1~ut prior to corrnn~ncem~~nt oE ~L•ructur~l framinc~, Eire hydrants ~ha11 ne insta).lc:d anc:j cha~ger3 as r~c~u.irc~d and Cie~Arm.ined lo be neeessary by hhW Chi~F. oE L•rie E'ire De~arL•ment. 13. That ~ri~~r to isUuance oE building ~~er!nxts, tht ap~,li.cant 3hd11 presenl ev:ic3er~cc~ satis~actory l•o the Cr~ieC aui:Lc]~ng Inspeekur th~t Che ~r~C~osed nrojecC ;s in can£ormancr~ with Cc,uncil Aolir..y Number 542 "Sound Att.enu~~tlon in Ftt?s.idential Pr.ojccLs" and with Npise Insulaliun St.and~~rr;; s~ecil`ied lll thr_ (;a11LOCfS.L~1 Adrnini~tratlv<~ Code, Tit.le 25. •14. T17aL• ,uhjc~c:t ~~ra~erty shall be devn7,o~td 3,ab~t~~nt.i~lly iri accordance with plans and s~ec:f.ir,ations on fi.le with the Ci~y of. Anatieim marked t;xhibit No. 1; provic9ed, howPVer, r_t~at only one-srory sii:gle-family r.aside~~ces :;hall be consr.r.uc~e~~ 15~ 'rr~~~E the vericu:lar. acce:_:: ~1c~n~;; ~~ ~F,rritu5 Avanue except at the private s~ree~t openinq, ;hal.l be de~,.ca~~d to l:he City af Anaheim. 1G. 'Th~3t, thn awners ot :;~abjeGt ~~roperty sh:~l.l. record a co~,anani: ay~inst the pro~~erty J.imiting c]eve.iopnent oL al.l t:tie lots to on~~-s+~~ry, ~ingle-[amily resi~9ent.ial ~tr.uct~res. Sai.c] covenant shal.l he re~~ocded with the otfic~ ot t.he Orange County ne~order and a copy o~ ti~e recorded covr~n~nt shal). t,~ furnisher.3 t~ thc~ Planning D~~~artment:. i7. 1~h~it pr. ior i.o i~s~~anc~:~ oE ~a bu.i.lding E~ermit, or within a period of one year from lhe clzt:e c~E tt,is ;.esa).ution, whict~e•rpr occurs first, Condition P~os. 1, ?_, ~, 5, ~~ 7~ p~ 9, 13, 15 3nd 16, abov~-mentio~~ed, uha.ll be compl.ied wit•h, ~;xhens.ions for Furt;her ttme to ccmp.leL-e ~a.id condi.t-ion:a inay be qr.anted in accor.dance with Se~tion 18.U3.09p o£ th~~ An,~heim M~anicipal Coqe. la. That E~r.ir~r t:~ fi.na.l t~u~ldinq and zoniny inspecrions, Cc~ndi.t.ion P~os. 4, 1Q an~l 14, abov~~-menti~.~ned, sha.l.l b~ coin~licd with. [3t; I.'r r•~~'.CHrR t2B:;UI,VE7 t:har. the ~nnh~im Ci.ty Planraing ~o~nmi;;ston does herrby find <and dete~cmtne rhat ad~ t.ion of thi.c ~ ~redicat_~d ur,on a, lic,~~nt,:; ~ ` ite~~.iutiun i.s E~xpressly tI? -~~:mF~liance with c~ach and all ot tne con~iition~ hereinat~ov~ sF,t f.orL-h, ,houid .~ny such r,ond:tion, or .:sny part thereoE, be rleclarec3 invalicl c~r ~~ne~ntorc.~~~~r~le b_r i:h~ Ein~il com~~~~eni: jurisdictiun, ~:i~~n i:hi.s fte.,olnt:i~n, and c~m nY an~~ra ~1:; uuhece~n containe~3, ;,"all b~ deerr.rr<i null anci aoid. ~r~ie: FOR,GOING RFSbLtJ~i'ZOP~ i.s S1~JI1~?f1 an~3 ~~~~r.nvc~d 5y me thi:i 16th day oE ~4ar~t~, 19H7, • ~''~ /, ~ ~ :.~->: - ~ ~ ,_, -_,~.___~ _____~~/~ ,, `:.d: r.Ftr,xa:~r,x x::.~., ~f _ r ANAFIf~ [M C7'PY PLA~fN. C; CO'4MISSIQN ATT ~ST: ~ ~ -. ,J ' / r sF:CRI. CAFt. , nr»HF: c;~! ~r I~ ~~~ ~r~rat~irar, c~r~r~is:;r~~ta _q_ ,'r."a .~ ~ . . ~~~ PC67-65 ,•;~ ht :~,'p r ~ ., ;ri~ ~+~~ ;~>> ~,: > !'r"~ t p~ ~'9 ':::~ ; STF-'PE UF CAT.II'URNIA ) CUUN'rY OF GRANGk; ) ss. CITY Jx' '.',NAFiF.IM ? I, Ldi.th L. Harris, S~~:reL•ary oE the Anahe~m Cxty Planniny Commissir~n, do h~reby ce~tS.£-y that ttie Loxeguing re: o.lution w~» pasyed and adopted .~t a meet:ing aP tt~e Anaheim Ci.ty nlanning C~rnninsi~n held on March .16, 19~7 , by t_he fo.l.lowing votc ~E the member , Ghereof : ; AY~S: COMMSSSxUNI~RS: BUUAS, ERY, Ei~R85T, 1'~A CT,A:[RE, LAWICKIr MC E3URNEY, h1ESS:; NOES: COMNISS70~1TR5: t~ONF, ABSE;NT: COMhZSSIUNF.RS: NOL~E ~ TN WI'Pt~ESS WHEFiEO~, I huve here~~nto set :ny h~nd this .lGth day r.f ~ ~~zr~n, ~.ya~ . Y ~~ ~.~.~, ...~? ~~"'.~: ~ ,~ SEC~2E'P1~R , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION L.