PC 87-66Y ;, ~ } } ?.' ... . , , . :~1: ,~w, RLSOLU'PTUN N0. I'C67--GG r.. . ,j " A RrSOLU'PIUN OF 'PEIL ANAHGIM CI`!'Y k'I,ANNING C:0~1MISSI^N THAT PC,TI'PION POI2 COND7't'ION11L CSE PE12HI'~ P~O. 2885 ~?~ GRANTF,U WHEREAS, rhe An.~heim Cir.y Planning C~ummissi.on di.d receive a verified E~etition for t:onc]i.Cicnal J~` Peririit from WI~L~Y ~UI~ZP1ANN ~ HAItRIE`P C. SUL7MANN, Ia84 S~uth Santa Cruz Str.e~t, nnaheim, Calitornia 92805, owners t~nd GREGORY A. I'RGSTON, 18a4 S~~uth 5anta Cr.uz Stre:~,:, A:iahcim, Californi~ 92805, ayent for c:er.tain rea.l pr.onert:y a7.rlltl.t:@CG in L•he Ci~y o~ Anaheim, C.ounty of Orang~, State c~f Calif~~rn? a, d~scr.iber] as: PARCLL A: PARCI;L 10, Tt~ TEIE CT.`I'1' OC' A4AHLIM, COONTY UG' ORAIVG~,, S'.CA`TL•' OE' CALIFO12NT1`,, AS PLR MAP d00K 134, PAGCS 40-41 OF PARCEL !dAPS OF Sn I D COUN`.CY . Wy.r.,n~;p,S, the City Pl.~nning Commissior~ di.~ hold a public hearing at the Civ~c Center ~r~ L•h? CiLy ~f Anaheim on Marctt 16, 1987, a~ 1:30 p.m., r,oti.ce of said public hcaritig having been duly gi~'en as required by law and in ar.cordance taith the prov i,i~ns of• the Anaheim Mu~licipal Code, ChaC~tez 18.03, l•o hc~ac and ronsider evi~~3c~nce for and aqaintiL- sai.d E~ropo ~ed c~onditi~n~1 use ~,ernit and to invcsti~7<it•.e and make Eindings and r~commendatiun~ in cannection therewith; and WHf FtF.AS, said Cor~mission, afl-~r due ins~~ction, <nv~sti.gation and sr.udy made by itse:li and i.n it~ bFha1F, and af.tWr diae consicleratian oE al.l evid~rir.e and Cepores oEfere~3 at: sai~l heacing, does L.ind .znd dEtermint~ the Eo1:lowi ~g f ac~s: 1. Tnat the prop~~ed usF~ is properly one tor whicit a c:onditional LlSP. ~er.mit is authociz~~d by ?~nahF~im t~unicipal Code Sectiun 1~ to ~,~it: to p~~rrnil an autc»aob.i.lr re~~air ~~c:ility wi.th ~aaiver of: the ~o.ll~winy: SEC'C1'ONS .16.05.05U.0222 - Mi.nirnum nurnl:er oE parking spac~s. ~ 1a.OG.050.O3.1r (27 sr~•~cers~rec;uired; 16 s~aaces existing) 18 .O~i .000 AND ~ - ~ i&.61.flfG.050 't. 'I'hat the rec~ue~sted •~~~it~er is t~rc?by utanted o-~ the basi~ th~t tt'~e r~arkiny w~iiver will r~o;: cau.~e an increa:~e i~'~ trafFir, c,ongesLi.on in the i.mme~iate vicin.tty nor a~jver.sely af[ect ~~ny adjoin.iny J.~nd u~es anil granting o[ t:~e parking waive~ ~ndec the rondi.tions irnpased, if any, will not be detrimenta.l ~o the peace, h~.~ltti, safel:y and genera.l welEur.e oE ~he citi :ans oE th~ City o~ Anah~~irn. 3. 'rh~'~ r_he propnsed usc will nuY. adverse~.y afEect the adjoining l~nd us~:s and the growth and deve.lopment [( ~he area in which it ir~ E~roposed t!~ be located. 4. Thac L-h~~ 3iz~ an,~ ~hape oC the ;~it:e proposecl f.or lhe use ?~ adequatn to all~~w the Eull ~lev~lopm~nt of th2 nropo~c:d use in a manner nut c~etr iment>al co ttie part• icular, ar ~~a nur to tha pear~.~, h~a.itti, saEery and genecal welf.~r~~ uE ~he Cihize:n~ oE tFie City o[ Anaheim. PC97-66 10?9r '; , ` i .. ~., . , : . , ,.. .......... ... . ~. .,:.,: _ _._. ,. . __ _. ..,.. .. , } „~....... . . ,~,, .. :-: :. .~-i ~~ .',~.~m~m{~"r~1.t~~~i~~•F .. , ,. . -- .-~ ~ -~ .. .. . . ' ~~~. . ~,"' . . . , ,-y~':~'i~ ~ .,..a~t~, i','i ~~ 5. concl~L-ions 'I'hat the granting impoU~d if an o.[ the Cor~c~itional Us~ Perrn.it. urider the saL•e1:y and , . y, q~neral welfare of wi11 the nol: bc Citiz c~etriment~l L-o the peace, health, ens ~t t:fie C:~~y o £ Anahe:tm. F~ • undue burdP 7.'hat t:h~ traCEic Z~ upon the strc t gene rated by ~he nr~posed use w:i].1 noti impose an tr.aft~.c: in e s tha area. and highs~ays d~signed and improved ta carry khe !• 'r~~d~ one ~7~rson indicated his presence ~t said public hearinry in op~os:ition; and that nu correspondenc~ was receivE~d in opposition i:o the subject petitic~n. ENVIRqNMEDITAI~ ZMF'AC~P FIPlDING; That the Anahei;*i ;,_Lty p:~.anni.ng ~r.;mmission has reviewed the pr.o~~osa1 L-o permit an automohile r,epair faci.lity ~i~h wai.ver of m~nimum t~wnber ot parki.ng :paces on a rectangularlx•-shaped ~arcel of land consistiny oF. a~~roximately 0.38 acre, having ~ frontage ~~ appr, ximate].Y ~~~ feet on tl~e easfi side of Sanra Cruz ~~reet, beirig located approxima~ely 300 f:e~L ;~orth of-~ khe ceritcrlin~ of [~acifico Avenue and further ciescr.ibed as .1884 South Sar~ta Cruz Street; and does hereby appruve the N~gative Decla--ation upun Eind.inrJ r}»t it has considered the Ueclaration together with any comments rec~ived duri.ng l-he public~~rev~ew prc.c~ss anc; Lurther findittg on the basis o[ the inikial study and any cc,,•-~. •,rs rc~ceiv~~ hnat there '~: no substantia.i evidence that the proj~ct will hav~ a significant effecL• on the environment. tJOW, 'PHEFtGI:'ORE, nE .~'.P RF;SULVGD hh~3t r.h~ Andll~'~ Cornmissinn c:toes here~hy r~rant ~ubjPCt Petitio~~ for Conditiona.l'Use~PermPtanuoon ~f~ie following condit:ions whi.ci; are hereby fo4nd to he a r,~ceasary pr.erequisite L-o the prop~~sed use of l-.he subjc~ct property in order l-.o and c~eneral trelfare oL- the Ci.LizPns aL- thr~ City o,`. Anat~eim; ~Ceserve the safety 1. Tha~ in the ever.t a~ark.inq defir_ietlcy occirs (said deficiency having been d~monstrated in a parking demanc ,t..~ly to r~e funded by ti~e ~roperi;y owner at the request ot ~he C.i y TraFEic Engineec and to be rev~ewed and approved by the City T;~~Eic Engineer), additiona.l on-sitc~ par~;ing (nut i:a e:cceed an additional 11 ~paces fpr a t.otal aE 27 spaces) sha11 be pcovided in a manner apprave~l by ~hF City 'I~raffic Engincer; ~~nd thar_ a coveriant shall be recorde~ in a form approved t~y L-hr~ City Attnrney's pt•'('ice obligating the petitzoner a n d ~ r-y Eu tur.e assignees E~ grovide such nar.•king i.F a deficiency is Eo~ind to ~xist. ~. That t:,e a~pcopr iat~ fees due for r:imar ` P y~ secandar.y and tir.e protection sha11 be paid Lc~ the W~~l-er ~~tility Division by rhN Deveio~E;- i-~ accordance with Rules .15A ~nd 2r of t'~e Wat~~ Utility Rakes, Ru1Q~• ~in~] lt~~ii.lation~. 3• Ti~~,~ Stadium ?,rea a~ater taci.lities L•ee: and/or ~..i~~anc~s ~~ the Wat.er Utilit.y piv~ i.on must be pa~.d in accordance ri.th Rule ].5~ of khe Wa~er Utili It~te;;, ~ulcas anci Regulat.ions. ~2~ PC87-G6 --- - _ : ;. ,,.^~~. 4. 'That wiL-hi.n a per.iod o[ nine~y (90) days L•r~n~ the cl~te of this reaolul.a.on, tha_ owner(s) oE subject proper~y shall exECUEe and record <Z covenant in a Eor.rn app~.•oved by khe CiL•y 1~1l;totney's pEPice wh~rein such owner(s) agre~ not tu contest the f:c~rmatian of any assessment distr.icl:(s) whict~ may heceafL•er be Eormed pur~uanL• tu the provisions uf Dev~lonrnent Agreement No. 83-01 between I;h~ City o.f Anaheim and Analiei,m Staditim Assor.iates~ which districl:(s) c~ul.d in~lude such owner's pr.operty. Failure to com~ly with this c~ndi~ion witP,in the specified time sha11 render this co-:di.tional use permiL nu11 ana void. 5. That pursuant ~o Chapter 17.30 0~ Tit'le 1.7 of the Anaheim Municipal Codes, a developmen~ fee sha11 be ~aid r,~ the CiL•y of P.naheim in an amoun~ as determincd by the City Council. Said fee is a~plicabls ~dherein a chanye tc ~ more :ini:ensive use has ueen deter.minEC]. 6, That a tr.affi.: siyna.l asse,sment Eee equaling i:h~ ciifference bel•ween thF industrial and comrnercia'1 assessmAnt fees shal.t he paid L-o the City oF Anaheim .in an amount ~as d~t-~rmined ~y the City rouncil. 7. Tha~ nlan~ slnall be submi`~ted to and approved by the Anaheim Fir.e Department fo~ cc~mplianc~ wi.th a.1.L anplicable b ire Codes. 8. ThaL- trash stor%tge area:~ shall be providecl and maintained in accordanc~ with aP~ruvcd ~.lans on file witti the S~r~et htaint~nance znd Sanitatiot? Divisiori. 9. 'rhat the prop~~sa.l shall. cornply ~aith a11 siqning requirements ot the M1, 7one, unless a varianre ~llowing si~n waivers is aporovec] by the P.lann.iny Commission ot Cit,y Coun^.i.l. lU. That na outdoor storaye of or woric on vehicl~s or vehi.r.ular parts shall be permi.tt~d, 11. `Pnat subjer~. proper~y shal.l be deve.lop~d substantially in accordanc;P w.'tth ~.lans and s~eciEications on file with the C;ity a~ Anahexm mZrlced E;tFiibi.t Np. 1. J.2. Tl~iat wiL•hin ~~ per.iod of: nin~ty (9U) days oF lhis reaoltit-ic;-, Conditi.on Idos, 2, j, 4, 5, G, 7, 8 and 11, above-mVntioncd, shall b~~ compli~d with, F3E IT t'URTHCI2 RLSOGVED that the nnahei.m Ciky Planning Commission ~oe~ h~ceby Einc? anr3 d~termir~~ that adopti.on nf, this ResoluLion is expressly pred:i.cated ~ipon a~pli~ant's compliance with eacti 1nd all. ot the conditions herein~bove set CorL•h. shc~uld any al1Ch conditior~s, or any ~a~k thereof, be dec].ared inval.:d or u~~enforceable by the Lina1 judgment; of aiiy r.ouri: of c~ampetent jurisd~ctic~n, then tt~is Resolution, and any apprnvals herein ~onr_ained, sha11 br deemed nu17. and vuirl. ~+~o,; .°~ `'~ -3- PC$7-•66 ;~ ' r. rl ~ !!"°y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ i'~~ ~~~~ea~ ~ i ~ ~,~. 9, ~i ~ . ~ J;~~^ ~'t >-;r •, f'' ~r~ic E~OREGOING 12E;SOLUTION is signed and appr~~ved by me ~his 16th day ~~ of March, 1937. : ~~~ ~' ~~~ '} ~ / CEIATRMAN, AN. F[4 CI`.C:[ PLAPIN G CCIMMTSSION ~'`r;~ ATTL~S'P: , ~i', ~ --- ~ . SECRGTP.t~Y, ANA~IE:CM CITS: PLA NI~~_._... COMMISSTON "~ ' .~;~ STATL OF CALiFORNT~I j ~:;~ CCUPI'!'Y OI' ORANGI~ ) ss, `':~r CITY 01~' ANAHFIM ) ~:i. ,:;t ~ `+;~t 'C, Edith L. Harris, Secretaty oL• the An~~heim City Planning C~mmission, do herPby certiL-y that the foregoinr, resol.ution was ~- ~,'; ;.,~i; adop~ed at a meeting of. the Anaheim City Planning Commiss:ion held on Mar.rh 16,~ 1987 , by the Eo.llo~ai ng votc of_ the members thEreofi'; AYF.:S: CpMM.T.SSIONERS: AO(JAS, rRY, HEI2BST, LA C1:,AIRE, LAU;ICKI~ MC BURN~Y, ~,`~ ME;SSE ~'+ NOES: CGMMTSS~OP~ERS: NCNE ' 1~HSEN'1': COMMTSSIONE.Rfi: PIONE TN WITNF.SS W[~ETzEUf', Z have her~unto sn~ my hand this lf;th day of. :'~, March, ].9fl7, ~~ _ ~f : ~ I'n~~ SECKE'.PARY Nrl~l~~r~d:`"~'_--~ r ~ZM CITY YL~hNNIN, CUMDSISSIO(3 ~'t> '~: .Y . . . .._..'_.! P~ ~~~ PC87-66 . . ~ . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . , , f r•'., a i7.'~~