PC 87-70.~~~ Rt3S~LUTION NU. PC87-70 A I2GSOLU'PIGN UF TEIE ANAHF?M CI7'Y PLANNTNG CONIMIuSION '.I'HAT PETI`PLON EOK VARIANCG N0. 3626 i3R GRANTLD WHGRCAS, l•.he Anaheim City Plann.ing Commissian did re~eiv~ a verified Petit.ion Eor. Variance frorn F. J. HANSH?~W ENTERPRZSES, INC., E'1' AL., 10921 W~stminsL•et Avenue, Garden Grove, Cali.f~Y'nia 926A3, ownec and GREG SPONS~LLGR, P. 0. F3ox 5G11, Canyon Lake, California 9~380, ac~ent for certairi real property s7tuated in the City of nnaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal.i.tornia described as: TH~ W?:ST 317.00 rrE'P OF 'PHL•' SOUTH 'L83.00 PLE'T OC THE SOUTHWGS'~ QUART~R C1E' 'PFIE SUU'PHWEST QUAR'PFR OF SEC'r14N 5, 'POWf1SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 FJES"P, IN 'PHC•~ RANCHO L'OS CQYO'PES IN ~'HE CITY OP ANAHEIM, COUI~'PY OE nRANGE, S`PATF OL' CAL'IFCI2NIA, AS SHOWN 01`1 MAP RECORDFD IN 300K 51 PAGG lU OI' MzSCGLLANCOUS MAPS, i2~CORDS QF SAZD ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEPT THAT ~'URTION THFRP~~F DESCRII3ED AS FOLT~OPIS: ~3EGINNING AT THE INTERSEC`.CION OF THF NOFtTFi LII~~ OF Tki~ SOU7'H 53.00 FEET W.ITH THP GAST LINL OE' TEIF WESTT:RLX 190.00 FERT OF SAID 8EC`CIUN~ ~l'HPDiCE NORTH 0 DEGREGS :19 MiNUTES 44 uECONDS WES'P ALOtdG SAiD EAS'P LINL '107.0~7 FEF't 2'0 A POINT 1.0.00 FEET SOUTEIELILY OF THE NORT.HGRLY GINC UF ':[iG SOUT'rIGRLY 2OQ.00 FEr,T; THENCE NQR"'H Q5 DEGREES :l6 MiNU`PES 1a SECONDS FIEST 56.63 FGLT TO A FOIN'P IN 7.'HE N~1R'PI~LRLY LINE OF SAiD SOUTFIFRL'1 200.00 E'F ET, SATD PUINT AEINV 40.00 FEET N1ES'rERLY UF ;iAID GAST LINE UF SAID WGSTERLX 190~00 ['GET; TFIEP7CE SOUTfi 89 DGGRI:ES 46 MINU`PES 26 SECONDS WEST ALONG LAST MENTIONED P~QR'SHER[~Y LI[JE 90.00 rEET 2'C) A PQ7N7.' I[1 7.'HE LF~STF.ItLY GIN}~ CE THC WF'STEF'LY GO.OU E~.ET Of SAID SF^.'PION; ?'Fi~NCE SOU7.'El 0 i)~GREES 19 MINU'Pf~S 4:l SCCONDS GAST ALUN~~ G7~ST MENTIONEI? I:ASTERLY LINE 122.Q0 FEr,T TO A POIN`l' 25.00 EEE;T NORTHEkLY OI' SAID NORTH LiNG OF ".PEiE SOU'EH 53.00 E'Lr`~ G1 SAIL' SFCTION; '1'I-IE~CE SOUTB 46 DEGRFES 2.3 MIi~IUTES 58 srcoc~us 1'sAST 36.1U FE~'1' T.0 F~ POiNT :IN SAIi) NOR'1'E1 LINL OF SAID ~OU'PH 53.00 ['I.E'r OI' SAiD SECTION, AID POIhT BC]:NG 2G,00 FEE'I' EASTERLY OF SAID FASTERLY GIN~ OP 'PHE WESTLRI,Y 60.OU FEG`i' ON SAID SECTION; THENCG NQRTH ~'9 f~LGREE5 46 MINUTG ~?.6 SECONDS F'AST ~1LONG LAST MEN`PIO~ICU NORTH LIIVG 104,00 C'EE'P 'i'0 TEiL•' YOTNT OL' BBGT_NNING. p.r ,{ :~ ~ ; ~°,' t y~v': ~ ALSO EXCEPT THA'P POR7'ION TliEl~EOF llESCRIfl~O TN DErD 'I'0 THE STATE OF' CAI~SG'ORNIA RFCORDGD tJ~1kCH G, 1974 IN BOOK 11U88 PAGE 1~i71, OE~7CiAL RF.r.OR~S. WHE:3~nS, ttle City Planning Co:nmission did hold a puhlic heari.r~g at the Civic Center in th~ C~ty of An~heim on March 3U, 1387, at 1:30 ~.m., notice af sai.d public ticaring having b~en duly given as rec~uired by law and in accordance witfi th~~ provisions oL the Anaheim Munici~al Code, Chapter i8.03, to hear. and c~nsider. evidf~nce for and against said proposed vaciance and to invesl:igate and make findinos and recommenda~ions in conn~ction ~herewith; and 10~33r PC97-70 ^ ?~ .,~ d ':<'~.~ 'i;': .~~;:,.:,~utr r'"""1. WEII~RuAS, sai.d Comrni~sion, after due .inspectiUn, .investigation and study made by i.tself ar,d in its behal£, and after due consi.derat~~n o~ all evidence and repori~s oc~ered al• said henri.ny, does f.ind and det.ermine ~he fol.lowiny ~acts: 1. That che petitioner propo~;es waivers of the fo.ll.owin~ to construc~ a 3?50 :;quare £•oal addition to an zY.1St111~J commercial shopping r.enter: SECTIUNS 18.06.05U.G~'_' - Minimum number of parlcing snaces. 1f3.06.U50oU231 (73 spac~s required; 60 spacss proposed) 18.06.050,0233 ~ 18.06.080 AND 1a,44.066.050 7.. 'r17at. the abov~-mentioned waiver is herc~by granted on the basis t:hat the parking waiver. will not cause an increase in traffic co~gestion in the immediate vicini.ty nor adver.:;e1y aEEect an~ adjoining .land uses and gran~ing of the ~~3rking i~~aiver under. the conditions imposed, if any, wii.l nok be detrimen~al to ~hc peace, health, safer.y and general wFlEarz of E.he citizens of the City of 1lnaheim; anci on tt~e basis that ttie request is minimal. 3. 2't~at there are ex<;ep~.ional or extraord:inary circumstances or conditions applicable ta the propecty invol.ved cr to ~f~e intended use oE the pruperl-y L•hat da noG a~ply qenera.lly to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zon~r. 1. That the requester3 v~riance is necessary For ~he presecv~tion and enjoyment oL- a suhs~antial ~r.opPrLy right ~~ossess~d i~y other property in the same vicinity and zone, and dFnied t~ L-he nropert:y in question. 5~ That the requested variance will. not. b~ n~aterially detrimental to the ~ublic welfare or injurious to lhF ~~roperky or improvEments in such vicinity ~nd zone in which the nroper+_y i, locatnd. 6. That no one indiratc~ thei.r presence at ~aid public iieari.ny in oppositian; ari:~ that nu c~rr.nspunc9ence was received in opposition to subjecL- petition. EI~VIRONML•'I~tTAI~ IMPAC:T rINUING: 'L't~at. the ~:naheim City Planning Commission has revie;~~d ~hF prepoaal to con:;truc:t a 3,750-square Eoot addition to an exisCing coinmerci~.l shopping center witY~ w~.iver of minimum nu;nber of parking spaces ar an irrcgulacly-yi~aped parcel uf ].anQ ronsisting af a~praximat~ly 0.93 acr.e 1~cated nocth and ~ast of ths nr~rtheast r_orner oE L~a Pa1ma Avenue and Brookhurst StrePt, and Eurther described as 1112 N~cth erookt~ur~t Str.eet; and does hc~r.~by approve the Negati.ve Declaration upen fincling tha~. iC has con~idEred th~ Negative Declaration to~e~her wil:h any comments received dur.ing the public review pr.ocess and Purther tinding c~n the basis of th2 init.ial study anr~ any comments received that there is no subskantial evi.dence that tk~e projecl r~ill have a sigr.ificant eEf'ect on the envi.r.onment. NOW, ~'~iERFCORG, DF, t'[' RGSOLVB~ that kne Anaheirn City Planning ~.ommission d~~s her2t~y gc~nt subject Petition for Variance, up~n the following ~~~n~~itions which are hereby ~und to be a necessary prerec~uisit~~ tu the proposed use of the si:bject ~ro~er~y in or~er to pcesnrv~ the safety and genera], we~Eare o~ the Citizens of. the City of Anaheirn: -2- Pr87-70 ~~ , 2. ~ That the owner of subjeck peoperty shall pay ta the C,ity of Anaheitn a L-ee Foe tree planting ~urposes ~along T~a Pa.lma Avenue and ~r.ookhurst SLreet iri an amount ~s determined by the CiL•y Council. That; prior to issuance oF a building permil~ the appropriate traf£i.c signal assessment fEe sl~all be ~~aid to L•he City o.f An~heim in an amount as detecmi.ned by the City Council. 3. ThaL all drive~vays sha11 be constructec~ or r?constructed !•o accommodate ten (10) foot radius cur.b returns as raguired by the City Traffic Engi.n~er. 4. 2'hat drainage oP subjeci, property shall be disposed of i.n a manner sati.sFactory ~o the Citl Engine?r. 5. That the o~aner of subject ~roperty shall. irrevocably offer to de~icate to ~he City of Anaheim, an addi~•~.onal strip oE land 12 L•eet in width along La P~1ma Avenue and IIroolchurst 5treet. In Lhe event that General Plan Amendment t~o. 210 perta~ning to Critzcai Tntersecti~ns i5 nUt ado~ted by the City Councilr tt~is c~ndition st~a11 be consi.dezed null and vcid. 6. ~Phat ~rir,r to commencem~nt of structural framing, fire h,yc~ranks shall be i.nstalled a~id charger3 as required and det~r.mined to be n~cessary by the Chiet• o[ the Fire De~,artment. 7. 'Phat trash storac~E ~reas sha11 be provided and m~inta~ned in accordai~ce wiL-h ~p~roved p.lans on file with Che Street Maintenance and Sanitation Division. 3. That tl~e ex.isting mosl- ~asterl,y dcivewav on La Pa1ma Avenue sha.ll be removed and re~~L~~ced wiL•h a standar.d curb, gutter, ~idewalk and landscaping. 9. Thar_ th~ proposa.l sha11 comply with all sign~ ng requi.rements nf the CL Zon~, unless a vari•~nce allowing si.gn waivers is ap~roved by the Flann=.ng Camrnis.sion or Cit,y Council. ].0. '.Phat subj~ct ~ro~ert~l shall b~~ developed sttbstantial.ly in accordance with pla~s and speciEicati.ons on file with thc~ f;it,y oE Anaheim marl;ed Exhibit No. I. 11. That r~rior to issuance of a build:ing pecmit, ~r within a pnriod of one y~ar Prom the date oF this resolutiar,, whichever occur~ Pirst, Condition ~los. 1, ~ and 5, abo~/e-mentioneci, sFia11 be complied with. E•r.tens~.on~ Eor Eurther tirne tn cam~lete said co~iditions may be grai~ted in accordance wit.h S~ction 18.03.030 of the Anahe~.m Mutiicipal Code. 12. That ~+rior to final bi~ilding and zoninq ins~ections, Conditian :~os. 3, 4, 7, 8 and 10, above-mentic~ned, shall b~ complied ~~ith. ~~3~ PC67-70 i ~ 'r~ ~ ,, , „i ',:i '~I ~+`r,' . . , , .. . ... . .. .,. ,i. , . .. .... . 1ae~•'v . `J"M]5~~r1`4~G4~~d. 4~; ~ . ~~r , . ~'~r i:~ . . ,~r',)~~ ';. ~ . ':~.:~fi BE IT rURThER RESOLV~D that the Anahpirn City P.l,anning Commissiun :~oes li~ hereby Find and determine that a~option of thi.s Ftesolution is exprPSSly predicated upon ap~licant's com},l.iance with each and a11 nf the r.onditions hereinabove set forth~ Shauld ~ny suc}.i condition, or any parL• thereof, be declared inval.i.d ~c unenforceable by the fir~al judg~ent of any court pt competant juris3icti.on, t.hen this Resolution, and any approvals h~rein - contained, s(,all be deemed null and v~:~d. TH~ POREG02~)G RESOLUTIO~T is sigr~ed and approved by me this 30th day q~ '', M~,rch, 1987. . ~%;.' , ' ;7 ~ . _~~'~~ ~ ~ ~' . ; CHATRMAN, ANAH~ M CT PL NN 1G COMMISSION ~r A`t".C' E S`P : • ~ ~ ' J SECRETARX, ANAEiL'!.M CT2'X P APJNING COMMTSSTGN STA'PE OF CALIFO 2 ~ RNIA , COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sy~ CITY OE AP7AHGIM ) T, Edith L, Harris, Secre;:ary oP the Anahei;~n C.,ty Planning Commiss~,on, do hereby certify that the i°oreg~~ing resalution was passed and adopted at a meetiny af the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion held on March 30, I987, by thP f.ollowing vote oE the mambers tE~er~oL: ~YEti: COMMISSIONLHS: BOUAS, ~'RX, EIERAST, LAWICKT., MC BURN'sY~ ~IESSE ~~~5: CUMh1ISSI0NERS: NO:VE ABSEPi"P: COMMI$StONERS: LA CLATRE TN WITNI~SS WHEREUP, T have }~ereunto set my hand this 3flkh day of MaCCh, .19ft7. ~~ ~ - ~ Sr CRE;TARY, ANAHGIM CI`PY PI, ~~J ANNING c.OM~1ISSIQN -4- PCE~7-70 : ,'•' r ~ ; }. , ~r