PC 87-7341~ ;f •'~ .lr~ . . .~4 ~ . ... ii}~ ,,~~f `~ ~ . ' ,.,11 ~ f2ES0I,U7'.l'ON N0. PC87-73 A RF,SOLUTIUN 0~~ `J'HE ANAEiEIM CITY PGANN.ING COMt4ISSI0N `.rEiAT P~TITION PUR COIJ!)T'CIODIAL USE; I>ERMIx' N0. 2903 Bc GRANZ'~;D WHERGAS, the Ayaheim Cit}~ Planni.ng Cc~mmiscion did receive a verifi.ed Petition for Conditiona.l tls~ Permit L'rom CEiRTS DAGLAS~ E;T AI,, 15929 AuroCa Crest, Wh.iL•t.ier, ca.li£ornia 906~J5, owner, and REBECCA ZQM;i~OUTAN, 100 South ~~.~ -~~ t3r~~~khurst;, Anahe.irt~, California 9240~i, agenl: Por certain ~eal proper.ty ~ situated ln t!;~ City oP An~~heim, Co~nty of O;:ange, State oE California, .`I described <~s: TH!~' S~~U`rH 15Q.00 EEGT Or THE NURTH 7,J 6 I'~G'.P OI' THL' W~uT lyU EEE'P Or I.U'.P d_ IN E~C,OCK "A" OF '1'RACT N0. 13, IN 'PHE CI`PX UL' ANAHEIM~ CUUNTY Ql' ~;RANGE, S'111TC OF CALT.FORNIA, 11S PER MAP RECORDGD IN f3~c)K 9, PAGG 12 UF htlSCELLANEUUS MAPS, IN TEir; QFF?(`E UF ~I'HE COUNTY R~CQFZULF QP SA.IU COUid'PY, SAIU NORTH ~Nb WGST DIS'1'AN~F~ BEINC MEASUR~I) 'PU THG ~~GN'Pt:R LI[J13S OE THE STft~LT r1DJOTNZPIG ~z,I~ LO'P QN T[iG NORT[! ANp WES'r. F'XCGP'1' 'PHAT Pc)I~T70N TEIt'.RL•;OF DESCRII3E;D AS L'f1LLOld.S: 8L•'GINNIPIC l~T A PpLN'I' QN THL NOR'SEiF.RLY LING OF SAID LANU GASTERLY 6U E'EE'!' FROM '~HG IJUR'tHWLST CGRNL'R THERGOP'; 'PH(3NCE WESTF'RLY Al~ONG SAII) PARAI~[~Et, LINE i0 SAID NURTH'AL•'S'.P COR[JGR; THENC;E SOUTHERLY ALUP~G SAT[l WFST GTNE 'PO A LTNL PARALLEi, WITH AND SQUTHFRLY 20 CEE'P .^'ROI~) SAIU iJORTH LINE; THCNCE EASTERLY 4U FF.ET ALOtdG SA?D t10RTH LINF; 'i'EII•'.NCE NORTHf AS'PrRLY ON A DI5`.t'RICT LINE TO THE POINZ' UF 13EGTfdNING, WtIE;REAS, the the Civi C Cil}~ Planr.ing Commission did hoid a psaLli.c h~aring at c enter ~n no~i.r~~ ~~ ~~fd pub:!ic the City of Anaheim ~~n Marr_n hearinq hlvi.ng been duly given 30, 1987, at a 1:30 p.m., a~cordance wft.h the provision.s r,E the Anahc~im Munic s required by law and i.n i~al Code Ch to hear and con:~ider evidenc~ For and ac~ainst Jf~lU , aater 18.G3, ~~roposed cc;nditional per.mit. and E.o invest.i tt i gaLe and make ~indings and recommend~~ti~ns in ust~ coanectto ~~r.nw C.h; and n '~; study rnad WFiLREAS, saicl Commission, aftcr due insp~ction, investigation e by itself and j, evidc~nce and in its and reporLs of•E~red at h~ha1[, and ~k~er due cunsider.al•.ion of. id h all following L•acts; sa ~acing, dues Eind and determine the ~ permit is 1. That: the pr.opose~:l us authorized by Anah i e is ~rop~rly ane Eor which a conditional use f~~ E»r~nit e .m or.-~sa1F~ t,eer and ~ i Muni.cipal Code Scction 1a.44.050.U10 to wit: ; Pal lowi ~ig .,~ ne : in an ex~~anded restaura~~t with wuiver. of tk:e ' ! SEC'~TONa 18.06.U50.0'l"l - Minimum number oE F~arking spaces. 18.06.05Q.0231 ;3~7 ,_ sE~aces required• 30 s ' P~~c~.'a existing) 1a.OG.780 ANU ~ 18.44.Q66.050 10p6r. PC87-73 ' Hi:l~i,-.4:-J1" .... .. . .... .... . , . .li..'.~ ~J.. : . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ' . , .~~ . . . ._ . , .~.. ~f/' ~:.,~..i. ~.. .~.'.... ,,.~.i'r.~ ~.~~ ...I'~:.i' .~.:ri.'.A;'~I..:.. . . n• ,:'~ti~i <t . . - .. _ - . . . . F Ni ~~, . , ~ . ~ ~ ,. r' ~ 2. That the ~bave-m~ntioned waiver is hereby gr~ntzd on t;he basi~ that the p~rkiny waiver wi11 nor cause an inerease in traL-Ei.c congestion in the immediate ~~iciniCy nor adversely aEL•ect any adjolning land uses anc3 grant:iny of the parkzng w~~iver. under the coniiitic,ns imposed~ if any, wi.11 not be d~trimental to the p~~ace, hea.lth, ~a[e~y ~nd gcnera:L welf•are o~ the citizens of the City of Anaheirn. 3. 'Phat the pruposed use wi11 nok adversely aEfect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development oE thc area in which it is pr.oposed to b~ 'loc~lted. ~}, ~rhat 4he sire and ~hane c~;: the s.ite ~ro~usec~ for the use is adequate to allo~~ the full d~vclopment. of the proposzd use in a manner nok detcimen;..al to the E~articular area no~ to t.h~ ~~ac~, health, saEety and qeiter.al wel~~+re oE the C1C.1?~'[18 of the City of ~nahei.m. 5, That ktie granL• inc~ of tt~~ Conditi~nal Use Permik under the conditions irnpo:~ed, if any, wi.ll not be delrimental to the peaca, health, safety and cJenc~ral w~lf.are oE ~he Citi.zens of the City ot Anaheim. G. That cP~e traEfic gener.ate~9 by ttie proposecl use wi11 not im~~ose an und~ie t,urden ugon the sr.reets and hi.ghways deCigned and improve~ t~ carry the t.raP~ic in ~he area~ 7. 'Phat one ~erson indicated his presence at sa?d public heari.n~; in o~hositian; and thst no corresponden~~e was re~eived in oppus~tion to the subject petition. ENVIRONMI:N~PAL TMFaC`i~ rtnur.c~c: Ttti~~ the Anaheim ~ity P1~~nning Commission has r.eviewed the pr<~~osal to prCfllit on-sal.e bee!' and +~ine in an expandcd rest.aurant with waivcr oE ~n~nimum number oP parking spaces on a re~t~angulari,y-sF~ape~a parcE~l. of: .land consisting of appr.oximatel,y 0.93 acte located at t4ie southeast carner of Li.ncoln Avenu~: and Brookhurst Street (~+li. Bat~a 'r'ood nnd Dr.li ); and does hereby appcove the Negative Declazation ~apon findiny Lhat it: has considered the C7egativ~ Decl~ratior~ together wiL•h any comments receive~: durin~ thc public rAview pC~7CE'•3~ znd Eurther £inding on the basi5 of the init~ial study and any comments received that there is no substantial ~viderice thar. the ~r~~]eC~ will hzve a s~iynif.icank eEfecc on the environment. r. NpW, 'pE{LRtiE'ORI,, BE I`P kGSOI.~VL;ll that the Anaheitn City Planntng Commission doe°. her.eby grant subject °~titlon for Condi.tional Us~ Permit, upan ''~ the following conditions which are hereby Lound ho be ri nec~ssar.y or~rc~quisite ~. ~ ~r~ the proposed use of th~ suhject proper.ty i.7 order *.o vrc~serve ~ h~ :~aiety ~ and genera? w~l~ace of the Citizens of the City c~f Ariah?~r.:: 1. That the soukherl.v n^"~iun o.t the dr.iveway on Brookhurst Street sha17. be re~,~^~~~~~~~'~~ t~ ar,ccmmodate a ten (10) foot rad:ius curb return as required by the Cit:y TraEf:ic Engineer.. 2. That ~ca:3h storage ~reas sh~zl.l b~ provide~ and maint%iir:ed in accordancF: wi.ch ~7p~~roved plans on file with rh~~ Sl•reet t•1c1~!'itenance , and Sanitati.on Uivision. -2- ~` ," i~ ; _ • PC87-73 i.. ,. ,... ~:.~ . ,~..:~~•~.~n.~~..v ....... .......~~........~.:......~... .,, , , . . ., . .. . ... . ~, . " . ,t'Yi~ ~ . . .r^+.~' . . ~ ~~ ~.~7. :l - \ 3, That u.ll air c~ndit.i.oning Cacilities and a~her roat• a»d ground mounced equ.ipment shall b~ ~~roperly :;hie].ded from view. ~1. `.Chat the ~roposa:t shall aomply with al:l signing requirement~ o.f tne CL Zone, unless a variarice a11oF:ing sign waivers Is appraved by i:he ' Planning Commissi~n or City Council. '~~ 5. That no alcoholic beverage~, except beer and wine, sha11 be sold ur consumed on the premisc~s of ~he subject restauran,t. 6. That subject pro~erty sna.ll bc devE~oped substantial.ly in accor.dance ' with plans and speci~ication~ on file wih_h the Cit.y o£ Anahelm marked `~ Exhibit Nos. l thr.ough 3. ';~~ 7. That prior to t:he ccmmencem~nt of the :ictivihy au~hori.zed under this resolu~ion, c~r [inal buil~ing and zoning inspPCtions whichever oocurs iixst, Condition Nos. Z, 2, 3 and 6, above-mentic~ned, sha11 be complied with. F3E IT ~UItTHE12 [:ESCJL,VEll l:hat the rlnaheim : ity Planni.r.g Comn~ission does he::eby find and det~rnune tt~~at ado~tion o~ this Resolutian is expressly pre~3icated upon ap~lican~'s c~mpliarice with each and all of the conditions i~ece.in~bove s~t focth. Stiould any such conditions, or any part thereoz, be c9ec.lar~d invali~ or unenforceable by the L•inal judgment of any c:ourt oF compet~~nL jurisdiction, then this Retio.lution, arid any aparovals herei~i contai.ned, sna'l1 be deemFd null and voicl. 'CH~t ~ORF.GO.ING Ft1350LU`~ION i.~ sig~7ed and a~proved by me this 30th day of Marcn, 1987. ..~:~ _ ~ ~ ~~.~f '~"' ,'~ ~' ,.,- „ ~-~-- ~'.:2.:::::~:`:' ~.- HAIIC: ~MAN, ANAHE. M CITX FL11NN C, COt4t~ITSSION P.T'PGS`P : ~ SECI2LTA , :IAEIFTM CI'P PLA ..i G C.OMMISSIOD! S`I'ATF Ur CALTE`OP,NIA ) COUN`LY OC' ORIINGE ) ~S, CITY OF ANAHGIM j ^;~' C I, ~dith i,. Harris, S~~c:cetary oi the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission, do hereby cectify that th~ foregoing res~lutior~ was paysed and `' adopt-ed at a meeking of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hcl~] on Karch 30, ~~~ 1987, by the f.o1l~w.iny voLe of the members thereoE: ~`'' A`!E~: ~~GMMISSIONERS: HOUAS, FRY, EfCftBS't, LaWICKI, MC BURIaCY, MCSS~ r PJOE5 : COMMISSTUNL•'RS : NONI, ;;i A35ENT; COMMI,~ialnNFRS: LA CLAIRG IN WI'CNr~;, WH~REOE, i h~~~e hereunco ~et my hand this 30th day of Marr.h, ~yn~. , ~/ ~ .. a~ ~ ~_ ~ ` _. ;,,~.. ~- /~6aG.L_. ' SECRB`.CA[ Y, ANAHET.M CTTX PLANN:iNG CqMMISSION '~;: ''~; ~ -3- ~ ~ PC87-73 . . ..., . .. ..., rA