PC 87-77w ; ,;~ .:~ ~ rtr::>o1,U~.c.~n~ crn. i~C(~7-77 A 12LSOI,U'i`TOtJ OI~ Tfl;1 PLANHIPlG ::Ol7MISSIOI~ Ur.' 7'fl~ CI'1'Y 0[' Ap~AHL•"IM P.PPROVLNG AN ;'X'r:.,~nts.ron' OF TIME FOCt CONllT'TIONAC~ USL•' F'I.,Z~i.I'x N0. 2?.13 ., s~ ~ t::2y;~; ~}~~~ :~INE~CAS, ~h~~ Pl~anni.nq Co~nmiasiun c~t Lhe City of Anah:,~im heretof.ore ad~pt~d Rcsolutinn No. P~.HO-1G3 c,n SCr~tLlTi~n~ 22, 1980, yranking ~ concrete and ~ispha.ll- cecycl ing ope.~rat :on in I.he R z•-A-43,UU0 i SC) Znne Eor a~eriod oE two ~2~ year: :iU~)~4?Cr tQ C'F?Vlf>W (:OC (70SS1J1(_' CSXft?Il:~lb-la C~F f.1tOt?~ d!lCj 4dHGItEAS, Cr,ndikion Nc~. ? as set E~~rL•h in Resolu~ion No. PC80-163 ~)COV7.fj(?i 1:f17C ~:il1C) USI.~ Sfld.ll F?X~1~(?~ nC OtCi9CW2. ~@ hC. SU~17(?C~ r(l C~?V1F~W fOC c3 No:~ ~ible ~xtension oE t imc~, ~,n Septemh~r :.~2, .194'l,; a~N t•]it~,,;P•.A5, r_he nerinitt~~~ ha.s herecctioc~~ Fi.led an a~pltcati~n for ~~n °R~Pr1:S LOII Oi. 531c1 r.t~re ( Y~?F L'"J7Ct 1VQ t0 ~in~t(?iil~leC Z2 ~ 19b2 ~~ ~7l_'C ,uant. t~ i:f{£+ provision:~ o~'. Section !8.03.093 of t:he Anah~~im Municipal Cod~; anc] Wi1ERE:A~i, the P.lanning Cornmi:~sion h~~l~; z~. du.1y noticeci public heakiny on said ~~~plicacion on M,:ircF; 3i), 19f37, at which hearing the Planning C.~rnmiscion did receive and r_r.~nsider cvidF•f1C~~ both oral ~and c9ocum~ni,ary, relating th~rcto; an~] WH~tt°AS, *_?e Pl~~nnin~3 Co;nmi~:-LOn hereb;~ find.:, Lha~ said use is being ~xcrcised in a manr~~r noc clet_~i;nenr.,ii l-.o tha~ ~ar~~iru.l.ar ~area and surrounding I.ancj uses, nor t;> tn~ puk~l.:c pn~lce, h,~r~lth, c,~f~ty an~3 gc~neral welEare. ~t~'W~ ~='f`~~-~L~'~~~~E ~~3!: ~:"I' RF:.;OLVE1) r~~,~ t:h~ Plr~nnin~ Cornmi:~5ion of the Cily oE Anatic~im thar ,ai,9 apPii.~ati.c~n for ext:~nsion of. said tim~ limitation ~~, An,3 tfi~> sa~~e t~ :~eYC?by~ approved .~nd r_hat said us~_~ i~ hereby ~xtended to ~xpir.e on Sentetnber 2~, 19i3t1, THh F~JRE:G~ i.ldG RGS~)~,i~7'f0'l i~: ~i9ned anci a~,pCOVed by mc ~hir; 3Qth day oE Mar~~1:, ~~;u1. ., /` ``.~G ~J c/~ ~' ~. ~ . / --- C:hAI~tMAN, APTAFi~IM (..~'Y e LA fNr, rOMMISSIO~J ~S ~ n~.~r~sr: ~~ ~ w ;iECRGPAR , AN1.HE?M ::.I'TY PLANPiINryL~_..,~!.__. , t1M.[SSIOP! ~ 1089c ~~ P~'87- l7 ;P, :~ :~:.~, ~f Nw, STA`Pi; OF ~'AL21"OItNI' COUN'I'Y Ol' URANG[; ~ ;,„ CT`I'Y OF ANAHEIM ) [, Cdith L, Elar~is, ~ecretar.y oE thN An~~heim Ci,~y Planni.ng c:omml~sion, do hr~reby certt[y th~~t the tc~~egoi.ng re~o.lut.ion wa~ pa~9ed and ~+~~~P~~d at a meetin~ c~f' chc A»aheim City Planr,ing Comir,i.ssion he.ld on March 30, lS~s37, by tl~ie Collowiny vot.e ol' the m~mber~ thereoC• : AYES; COt4MISSIQNf;F2;;; F3C~~AS, [~'RY, ff~RAST, LAWICKT, hiC H[;RNEY, ML•'SS~: t70E~; CQ~iMISSIOIJi~;RS: NONE nB,~F%~T: C014MISSIUI3LRS; LA CLAIRE IN wI'PNI.S~ W~IE;RLOt~ , i have hereur~r.o set~ my h~and this 30t~~ day of r4acch, 19t3; . Q~_l=k~ ~~,__1~~.%t~ ~ .~. SF.CRG'LA X, ANAHE;IM CI`PY Pf~ANNING COMt~iTSaION -2- E~C87-77 ::~